Wanted by a Dangerous Man

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Wanted by a Dangerous Man Page 6

by Cleo Peitsche

“I won’t suck your repulsive cock. I’m not that kind of girl.”

  “Then I’ll make you that kind of girl.” He grabbed me by my hair and held me immobile. My eyes widened.

  “I’ll bite you.”

  “You won’t.”

  I smiled. “What are you willing to bet?” I opened my mouth and flicked my tongue over my teeth. The lust in Corbin’s face would have scared me if he hadn’t been so thorough about giving me ways to end this… whatever it was. “Maybe you’re the one who needs a safe word.”

  He slapped my face again, a touch harder this time. My pussy spasmed, and my nipples ached.

  “If I so much as feel your teeth, I’m going to take your ass. No lube, no mercy.” He jerked the hand in my hair, and I gasped. Then he grabbed that thick erection and directed the plump head toward my mouth, moving slowly so that I could appreciate that this was really going to happen.

  My bad boy lover, tying me up and taking my mouth after I turned him down. I had no idea why I got so turned on when he did these things, but I did.

  I closed my lips firmly, and Corbin laughed as he rubbed the head of his cock over them, back and forth. The tip prodded between my lips, but I kept my jaw locked tight.

  He tightened the hand in my hair yet again. “Open, bitch.”

  I shook my head and tried to ignore the throbbing between my legs. When had I become attracted to bad boys? When did the caveman thing become so hot?

  “Then you leave me no alternative.” He moved a hand onto one of my nipples and flicked it to get my attention. “Open.”

  “No,” I said. The moment I spoke, his cock was pushing into my mouth, his girth forcing my jaws apart as his length pressed forward, taking advantage of my error.

  I had said I would bite him, and I meant it, but the moment I started to apply pressure, he pinched my nipple so hard that I gasped, my eyes opening wide and filling with tears.

  “I’m going to fuck your mouth, and you’re going to lie there like a good little slut and take it. Aren’t you?”

  My moan turned into a whimper, and I knew I’d be replaying this moment late at night for months to come. Take it like a good little slut. I was practically coming, and he hadn’t even touched me.

  In one motion, he shoved himself all the way down into my throat. At first it felt amazing, but then I gagged. I was more of a “suck the tip and fist the rod” kind of woman, and he was longer than what I was used to. Substantially so.

  I tried to scream, but the sound was muffled by the presence of Corbin in my mouth. My shoulders heaved, and my arms jerked against the restraints. Until that moment, I hadn’t fully appreciated that I didn’t have the use of my hands.

  I was completely at the mercy of whatever Corbin wanted to do.

  Oh, God, I needed him to ease off. But I wouldn’t snap my fingers. I refused to, on principle, unless I was dying.

  Some insecure part of me whispered that he wouldn’t listen anyway, wouldn’t stop. That he wasn’t the nice guy who did bad things sometimes, but was a bad guy who did nice things sometimes.

  The situation became clearer. I was handcuffed to a bed with a large, horny man fucking my mouth.

  Panic gripped me. My lower body, the only part of me not pinned down or chained, thrashed. I kicked my feet frantically, feeling the sheets bunching up underneath my heels.

  Hot tears splashed down my cheeks. My nose was running, too, but all this seemed to make Corbin even more excited, which in turn made me more frightened, and yet inexplicably more excited as well. I was safe, I wasn’t safe. I didn’t know for sure, couldn’t know unless I told him to stop. And I wouldn’t do that.

  So I braced myself, held my breath, and allowed him to use my mouth however he wanted. I loved the smell of him, the ache as the head of his cock scraped along my throat. I hated that I loved it, and I hated that I was afraid to tell him to stop.

  Corbin pulled all the way out, and I lost control. “Please, not like that,” I sobbed. The tears gushed like a river, and I couldn’t catch my breath.

  The mask of cruelty disappeared from Corbin’s face. “Are you ok?”

  I shook my head even as I said, “I’m fine.” More tears splashed down my cheeks. Corbin blurred over me.

  “Audrey. Baby.” His words were soothing, and when I looked into his eyes, the worry there floored me. This was real. He was real. This man had risked himself to save my life. He would never hurt me.

  And fuck. I was freaking him out. I managed to get my tears under control, though barely.

  “How did I miss it? I watched your hands the whole time.” His voice was filled with anger, directed inward.

  I shook my head again, horrified that he blamed himself. “You didn’t miss it. I didn’t…”

  Corbin looked at me as if I were crazy. He got off the bed, backed away two steps, stood there. “Help me understand, Audrey. Did I cross a line?”

  I started to cry again. “No.”

  “But you are freaked out. You’re not playing. This isn’t sexy.” He unlocked the handcuffs, his gestures jerky with anger. “I’m really pissed. You trust me to stop, and I trust you to communicate. Both parts have to work!” His voice thundered.

  Jesus, he was scary. I turned on my side, away from him, and pressed a pillow into my face. I felt my body curling up into the fetal position.

  Corbin’s footsteps retreated, then I heard him coming toward the other side of the bed. “Audrey. It’s ok. You’re ok.” He pulled me into his arms. I wouldn’t let go of the pillow, even when he tried to take it. He let me hold it. “I’m sorry.” He rocked me slowly.

  The whole thing made me feel even more pathetic. I didn’t know how I was going to ever face him again.

  “I feel like an asshole,” he said.

  That was so not the right thing for him to say. “You shouldn’t.”

  “Do you think you can tell me why you didn’t stop me?”

  “I liked it. I just… couldn’t breathe. I’m… I’m really claustrophobic.” I took a deep breath. “The night of the storm, I got out of my car and started walking because with the snow piling up on the windshield, it felt like sitting in a tomb.” My shudder turned into trembling as I remembered that harrowing night.

  Corbin pulled me closer. “Thank you for sharing that. It’s the sort of thing I should have asked about. You’re so comfortable in your sexuality and so naturally good at power exchange that I forget it’s new to you. You still didn’t answer my question, though. Why didn’t you stop me?”

  When I didn’t respond, he shook me gently. “Hey. I need to know. Were you worried that I wouldn’t respect your wishes? Did you panic so much that you couldn’t think?”

  “Mostly I guess I thought you’d… stop.” Hell would freeze over before I would hurt him by admitting that some part of me had thought he wouldn’t listen.

  I felt his body stiffen, but his words were gentle. “You thought I could read your mind, that I would know you were in trouble.”

  Understanding dawned on me. I hadn’t believed he would stop because I thought he miraculously already knew. It was so stupid. I nodded.

  “You’d be surprised how often it happens, even among people who are deep into BDSM and should know better. I’m sorry I lost my temper afterward.” He squeezed me even closer. “You scared me, that’s all.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “So am I. We learned something new, and next time will be better.”

  When I pulled away he released me. We both stood at the same time. This was beyond awkward. I forced myself to meet his gaze. “Um, so do you wanna…”

  “Later. We have a man to catch.” He collected the trail of clothes he’d left between the door and the hot tub, and dressed.

  I wondered how long before things would feel normal again.

  Whatever normal was between me and this beautiful, mysterious man.

  “It did turn me on,” I said shyly as we descended to the first floor. “A lot. At least, before I freaked
out. Just so you know.”

  Corbin smiled. “Oh, I know.”


  He grabbed a handful of chocolate kisses from a bowl on the dining room table and gave me half. I unwrapped one and popped it into my mouth. At times like this, it was hard to believe who… what… Corbin was. I’d fully intended to question him about his job, the people he’d killed. He’d told me that he’d killed five people in the year before—and that assumed he’d taken December off.

  On the way to the storage facility, I told Corbin about Henry’s lead.

  “Thanks for letting me know,” he said. He squeezed my hand.

  “Aren’t you worried? Obviously he knows something.”

  “Not really. I’ve seen Henry.”

  I thought he meant at the dinner, but then he added, “Henry has good instincts, but he gets discouraged easily.”

  “You know him?”

  “I know of him. He’s been in the business for a long time. What was up with the dinner, anyway?”

  “I thought it’d be nice to have a friend who understood my job.”

  “You come work for me, you’ll have plenty of friends like that.”

  “Friends like Henry? No thanks.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “And you know I’m not going to do it.”

  “I don’t know that. People change their minds. You’ve changed your mind. Even after I saved your life, you were ready to hogtie me and drop me off at the nearest police station. But then after some thorough lovin’ you didn’t.” He couldn’t even keep a straight face.

  “Should have,” I muttered. “Well, my New Year’s resolution was to stop changing my mind.”

  Corbin grinned. “My resolution was to make you change yours more often.”

  Traffic was light, and we reached the storage facility only a few minutes later than I’d initially planned. Not bad, considering.

  I parked down the street from the facility in the darkness provided by a dense group of trees. I got out, and Corbin did as well.

  “Just going to check that he’s not here already,” I said.

  He smiled easily, radiating laid-back charm. “Then I’m just coming with you.”

  Okay then.

  First we did a turn around the perimeter. There was a family with a minivan inside the gate, but other than that, it was quiet.

  Under different circumstances, I would have shimmied over the fence and pressed an ear to Syre’s unit, to make sure he wasn’t in there and quiet for the night.

  But I didn’t want Corbin to see me; then he’d start in about me working for him, pointing out that I was already breaking the law. Personally, I considered a little minor trespassing to be bending the law, but I didn’t want to argue the point.

  We walked back to the car and sat under the trees. From there, I had an excellent view of the comings and goings.

  A stray cat darted under my car, its body a long, straight arrow. I didn’t see it until it was almost on us, and I jumped, but Corbin didn’t react.

  “Did you see that?”

  He frowned. “See what?”

  “The cat.”

  “Yeah. What about it?”

  “Nothing.” I checked that my coat was firmly zipped up to the top (it was) and jiggled my legs, trying to work up some extra warmth.

  “Why not wait in the car?”

  “Don’t want Syre driving by, seeing me, and then continuing.”

  “We could make out. He wouldn’t worry about two people sucking face.”

  I snorted. “Nice try.”

  “Thought you’d want to be warm while I kiss you.” He leaned in, his hands on the ground behind him. It was a sweet kiss, probing.

  I circled my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He tasted like chocolate, and he smelled like heaven, like the forest plus a hint of smoky fireplace, with an undercurrent of naughty.

  I loved how the stubble on his jaw scratched me when he kissed my neck. He unzipped my coat and went down lower.

  “All those sweaters. It’s worse than a chastity belt,” he complained, zipping me back up. He pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him.

  It was strange to be on top, looking down at him instead of looking up. I let my weight rest on him. I wasn’t sure, but he felt a little excited underneath me.

  “You’re like a whole new guy from this angle. You’ve got really thick hair.” I pulled off my gloves and buried my hands in the dense waves. I squeezed my fingers, enjoying the way his glossy hair slipped over my skin. I leaned down and carefully nibbled at the edge of one of his sideburns. They were perfect, really, not too long. Manly, but not furry. “You are the sexiest guy I’ve ever met,” I murmured.

  He tightened his arms around my waist. There was no doubt about it; I wasn’t imagining the hardening mound underneath me. I ground my hips down.

  “Not fair.”

  “You know the safe word,” I said, continuing to grind.

  He ran his hands under the backs of my thighs, stopping at my ass, then pulled me down firmly as he pressed up. The thick seam of my jeans pushed against my panties. A little higher, and I would have been panting an aria.

  “Your phone,” Corbin said, his voice sexy.


  “It’s vibrating.”

  He was right. I dug it out of my pocket. “Hey, Rob.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Where I’m supposed to be. Where are you?” And why are you somehow the one running this job?

  “It cost me a thousand bucks, but I know where Syre is staying. You got a pen?”

  “Um…” I frantically searched through my pockets. Corbin snapped his fingers, catching my attention. He tapped his temple and nodded. “Ok, Rob, I’m ready,” I said.

  He read out the address, and Corbin nodded. I repeated it aloud in case Corbin hadn’t heard.

  “You’re a lot closer,” Rob said, “but Katrina and I are on the way. Hang tight when you get there. If you see him go in or out, call me.” He hung up.

  I stared at the phone a moment, wondering how my lazy twin had gotten possessed by someone with an actual work ethic. “We have to go,” I said reluctantly.

  “I heard. You’re so sexy when you’ve got your work face on. Not as sexy as your defiant submissive face, but close.” Corbin didn’t make to move, and neither did I.

  “You’re sexy. That’s it. Just sexy. Always.”

  “Keep talking like that and I’ll kidnap you and drag you around the world with me.”

  “If I turn you in, we could get hitched. Conjugal visits.”

  “That is an excellent backup plan. I’ll think on it later.” He grabbed my face and kissed me, somehow managing to remain in control even though I was on top. “You make the sexiest little noises when I kiss you.” He wrinkled his brow and batted his eyelashes. “Mm. Oh. Ah. Mm. Subtext? Oh, Corbin, your raw animal power makes my lady bits tingle.”

  “Ew. I do not sound like that!”

  He raised an eyebrow. “That is exactly how you sound.”

  It hit me out of nowhere, a hurricane of emotion. I didn’t know him well enough to love him, but I was falling in love. I was in love. Infatuated for certain. If he’d asked me at that moment to work with him, I would have agreed to do it.

  The world seemed to freeze. This couldn’t be happening. Not to me. I didn’t fall in love, and I didn’t fall for bad boy criminals. But it was.

  I fell forward, squeezing him in an impromptu hug and burying my face in his neck so that he wouldn’t see my expression. I probably caught him off-guard, but after a moment, he squeezed me back. In another world, we could have had a chance.

  He stood, taking me with him. I hooked my legs around his waist, wanting him so much that my panties were slippery wet.

  “We have to go,” he murmured into my ear.

  I reluctantly lowered my feet. Time to go to work. The good part was that if I was working, I wouldn’t be having utterly unrealistic fantasies about spe
nding the rest of my life with this man who I barely knew.

  I called Rob when I arrived at the address. It was a five-story apartment building. Not modern, but not exactly old, either. A little run down. The surrounding buildings were warehouses, all of them either abandoned or in the process of being converted to condos.

  “Ok,” Rob said. “I’m half an hour away.”

  “Still? Did the grand you dropped on the stripper come with a little extra?”

  “I’ll have you know that she likes me very much,” he said. “She said I’m the only guy she’s ever wanted to fuck… if I’d had another grand.”

  I laughed and hung up. For all the joking, it wouldn’t surprise me if Rob ended up dating someone he met there. I had no idea what women saw in him. Not because he was my brother. He wasn’t unattractive, and his easygoing nature could be charming. But he was so unreliable when it came to relationships. Or work stuff, actually.

  A light turned on at the back of the building, and I unbuckled my seat belt.

  “Your brother said for you to stay in the car,” Corbin chided. He appeared to be sending an email on his phone and didn’t look at me.

  I got out and walked along the length of the building. I didn’t hear Corbin come up behind me. I hadn’t heard the car door close, either, but when I looked back, it was closed, and the light wasn’t on.

  “You’re looking in the wrong place, Audrey,” he said.

  “What?” I turned to look at the front of the building, and Corbin grabbed my shoulders and rotated me so that I was facing an empty warehouse. “You think he’s in there?”

  He took off at a slow, graceful run, his shoulders hunched forward. After a moment, I followed, skidded on a patch of ice, then caught up.

  He stopped abruptly, and I slammed into him. “Careful,” he said. “If you break me, you’ll have to do my job until I’m recovered.”

  “Not funny.”

  “No.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cloth bundle. I watched in fascination as he unwrapped a set of lock-picking tools. He chose two slender picks. I looked around in confusion. I didn’t see a door.

  He backed up, head raised, and I saw what he had in mind. On the second floor, a row of windows covered in grates.


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