Keeper of the People (Book One)

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Keeper of the People (Book One) Page 12

by Karah Quinney

  Jon’lan felt his chest swell slightly with affection as he gazed upon his new daughter; she was beautiful even in comparison to her new mother who was the most striking woman Jon’lan had ever laid eyes on. Surely this did not go without notice by the young man who stood so proudly by his side. If the boy were a son of Jon’lan’s hearth he would not be able to join with his hearth sister, even if she was not of his own blood, it was taboo.

  Squeezing Taikiuu’s hand he spoke carefully, “I would name you a son of this band, if not a son of my own hearth.” Following the direction of his unspoken words Taikiuu glanced surreptitiously at Kii watching as the girls face flushed becomingly. It seemed that not only was her new husband kind, but also wise.

  Taikiuu divided the small amount of dried meat that Kii had brought along with her. She took the smallest portion for herself and gave Jon’lan the largest portion as was his right as head of their band. She watched in surprise as Jon’lan divided his food up between Kii and their small girl child who watched everyone with wary eyes. Jon’lan brushed his lips lightly over the child’s head and handed her back to Kii as if she weighed nothing less than the lightest feather.

  The little girl looked at him out of watchful eyes as he handed her the last piece of dried meat and then finally her face burst into a smile that shot rays of sunshine directly to his heart. The little one gulped her food down eagerly, smacking her lips with pleasure and even licking the salty juice from her fingertips. Taikiuu wondered how long it had been since the child had eaten a full meal. She was used to fasting and barely noticed the persistent hunger that made her belly throb. Kii giggled in appreciation of her new sister’s appetite and the sound of her laughter seemed to make everyone smile.

  “If we are to spend the night in this cave, we should make camp soon. I cannot tell how much time has passed since we eluded our enemies.” Jon’lan spoke quietly but still his voice echoed throughout the dark passageway.

  “We must continue.” Boy Alone spoke so quietly that Jon’lan would have missed his words if not for the repetitive echo. “There is reason to continue.”

  Jon’lan could hear a tinge of fear in the boy’s words and he wondered at it, but he had no intention of overtiring his band without cause. He waited patiently allowing his question to be communicated by his eyes instead of with words. This surprisingly was something that Jon’lan’s own father would do when dealing with him as a boy. Young men tended to answer with too much pride when questioned by their elders. It was often better to deal with them cautiously.

  The boy turned to face Jon’lan and bowed his head in respect “My brother does not like it here, and my memory of this place was not a fond one. There is reason to continue.” He motioned to the cat which paced restlessly back in forth at the boys side. Jon’lan looked at Taikiuu and saw her eyes light with surprise before she could hide her thoughts from him. She seemed shocked that he would consult with her, especially in front of the others.

  Taikiuu tried to speak but found that the words would not form without great effort, instead she motioned that she would continue. Kii started to translate but Jon’lan held up his hand to prevent her from speaking. With an ease born of careful attention to detail Jon’lan used his hands to ask Taikiuu if she would stay or go. Taikiuu gasped at this unexpected gesture. She had never imagined that he would take the time to learn a language that she had perfected with the help of Kii.

  She responded that she would go if it was his wish and bowed her head respectfully, unable to hide the smile that touched her lips. Jon’lan felt his heart swell with pride; truly he had never seen a woman who could match her in beauty or grace. He noticed that she tried to hide her smile, and his heart thrilled at the thought of her pleasure. Hawk squawked where he had perched upon Jon’lan’s shoulder, bringing Jon’lan back to the present.

  He turned to the son of his band and asked him to continue on his way, gathering the youngest child to him, he again lifted her and this time to her surprise she was lifted onto his back where Taikiuu helped to form a sling for her which allowed Jon’lan’s hands to be free. The little girl looked from one to the other as they worked together to settle her comfortably. As their hands accidentally touched Taikiuu felt the feather light touch of the little one cover her own. Jon’lan smiled at his youngest daughter, giving her a hefty bounce that caused her to squeal with delight before setting off once again after the boy. Kii reached out and grasped Taikiuu’s hand and whispered quietly, “He is a good man mother.” She made a quick sign with her free hand that said, “This I know well.”

  Taikiuu smiled at the ease with which the young girl said the word mother, it was as if Kii had always thought of her in this fashion. She lightly ran her hand down the length of her daughter’s hair, and once again her thoughts drifted back to the man that had brought them together as mother and daughter. Her heart swelled with happiness at the thought of their future together. It seemed there was no hope where only days ago there was nothing but despair.

  The Hetmos Warriors

  Marad looked out at the raging water, taking in the stormy sky above. Everything that had happened to his people and his warriors was the fault of one woman, the Ada’na. A woman whose name he did not even know. Hatred curled in his soul, causing him to seethe with a rage that he had never known before. Power seemed to run through his body, invigorating his tired muscles and strained limbs. Marad knew that this was a sign from the gods that he should not cease in his efforts to track the woman and decide her fate.

  His men watched him through travel weary eyes, looking for the smallest hint of weakness or lack of conviction. Marad motioned to the newest member of his war band and remembered that the boy was the young son of the elder Reus. Marad could not be troubled to remember the boy’s name, but it was possible that he could use the boy for his own purposes.

  “Master, how may I serve?” The boy cast his eyes downward as he spoke, though he was an elder’s son he was still a new member of Marad’s war band.

  “You will return to Hetmos, relay a message to my mother, Sirion, and return to me with her reply.” The boy seemed to wither where he stood as he listened to Marad’s words. Giad swallowed noticeably as he tried to hide the trembling of his limbs, no one was more feared than Sirion, the mother of Marad. He leaned close to hear the man’s whispered words and committed them to memory. After repeating the words back to Marad twice the man was satisfied that the boy would not forget.

  “You will do as I have said, leave nothing out.” Marad spoke in an even voice belaying the glimmering intent in his eyes.

  “Yes master, I will do as you have said.” Giad trembled as he looked up to meet Marad’s eyes as and what he saw in the man’s gaze was a hatred so pure that it caused the young man to look away swiftly for fear of his own soul.

  Marad relayed his message to the young man and after doing so turned his back to the task at hand. The other men wearily began to lay out their packs as they realized that they were going to be allowed to rest until the boy returned. They had run without cease all through the night, traveling with heavy weapons, seeking to capture the small party that eluded them. Although Marad had eaten and taken his rest, most of the men were weak, sick with worry over their families and loved ones. Giad wanted to return to his people and never lay eyes upon the warrior again. Yet, honor demanded that he obey. Giad started off towards the Hetmos village ignoring his legs which trembled with a mixture of exhaustion, fear and hunger.

  Marad did not doubt that his mother had survived the disaster that had surely destroyed much of the island of Hetmos. Sirion had a way of overcoming any obstacle that challenged her authority. Marad felt his heart warm at the thought of his mother’s welcoming arms when next he saw her. Surely she would be proud of her son, when he returned dragging the Ada’na back to the village in disgrace.

  He thought of the many ways that he planned to make the woman pay for her treachery and deceit and his heart thrilled with excitement. He would have her at long last
and she would beg upon her knees for mercy. Marad smiled to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Kii had felt a pinprick of pain only a little while ago and now she had to bite her lip with each footstep to keep from crying out. She held on to Jon’lan’s tunic like a lifeline. She had even taken to closing her eyes as she stumbled along in the semi-dark tunnel. Jon’lan was ever vigilant and would often stop in order to help them over rocks or debris. He somehow managed to guide her as well as Taikiuu who walked in front of them both holding up the torch which shown dimly from ahead.

  Kii stumbled again as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other she caught herself by grabbing onto the sling that held her little sister. The little one opened her eyes and smiled at Kii. When the child placed two chubby hands on each side of Kii’s face and squeezed this made them both laugh. Kii hugged the child close glad that her antics took her mind off the pain in her foot.

  “What will we name you little one?” Kii whispered for the child’s ears alone. The little girl only smiled at her with a twinkle in her almond shaped eyes. The child held out her hand for a treat, it seemed as if she was always hungry but Kii did not hesitate in placing a strip of dried meet that she had saved over in the chubby fist.

  Jon’lan turned to glance back at his daughter and his stomach grumbled at the sight of food. Kii laughed at the sound covering her mouth to hide her smile. Jon’lan stopped and grasping Taikiuu’s hand to get her attention they both turned to Kii. The girl smiled at both of her new parents in the dim light. Jon’lan braced the small girl on his back and taking Kii’s hand he uncovered her smile.

  “A daughter of my hearth does not cover her smile.” He spoke quietly, not wishing to embarrass the young girl; he could well remember his own sister at this age.

  Kii nodded solemnly “Yes, father.” And with these words her smile blossomed for all to see and her laughter echoed throughout the cave tickling the ears of all who heard it. Boy Alone heard the musical sound of Kii’s laughter from farther ahead in the cave and his heart seemed to tremble in his chest. He was not sure if the girl noticed him at all, but he could not stop himself from becoming tongue tied and slow of thought whenever he was in her presence.

  He realized that his affliction must have been made obvious at some point, because Jon’lan had given him the honor of being named son of his band. Leaving the way open for Boy Alone to claim a mate one day soon when he came of age. Even the ache in his broken arm ceased to pain him when he thought of First Girl. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes upon.

  Boy Alone shook himself and followed after Brother Cat who made his way further into the darkness of the tunnel. It would not be long now before they were back in the world where his family had abandoned him to death. But as the boy listened to the echoed voices of those who followed behind him he realized that he had a chance at a new life, with a new band.

  Perhaps he was not cursed after all although that thought struck him as odd. He had never once considered that his father’s words were untrue when he had cursed him and banished him from their band. Now he wondered if perhaps the men of his band had chosen to believe that he was no longer alive, just as he had been led to believe that they could not see or hear him.

  Taikiuu felt the steady warmth of Jon’lan’s hand in her own. It seemed impossible to her that she should feel such comfort from this man’s touch. He held her hand firmly, but with a gentleness that belied his size. His caress was warm and inviting. Taikiuu realized that he was different from any other man that she had ever known. She trusted him far more than she had ever trusted another person. But it seemed as if the way that they were thrust together had solidified their relationship, from the moment she had taken his hand during the disaster that befell the Island of Hetmos, their relationship had been forged.

  There was light shining brightly up ahead, Boy Alone circled back to rejoin the group and motioned to Jon’lan that the way out was not far. Jon’lan ushered everyone close together, herding them towards the opening. The sun was just rising over the peaks of mountains newly born into the world. Hills rose and fell away for as far as the eye could see. Green trees dotted the landscape opening up to a valley as beautiful and pure as anything Jon’lan had ever seen in all of his travels. In the midst of it all was a river that rivaled the glory and splendor of anything Jon’lan had ever seen.

  “It’s breathtaking.” Taikiuu signed the words and Kii translated for all to hear.

  “It’s a new beginning and as such, we will start new ways.” Jon’lan could not tear his gaze away from the valley that unfolded below them. It was such a startling sight after days spent wandering in the dark. Jon’lan was a seasoned traveler, but somehow, he had stumbled upon a land that was not known to his own people. Springs of water poured from between rocky crags, a river flowed down from the highest mountain ending at a shallow lake.

  The land where Jon’lan was born was beautiful in its own way, but he was used to arid heat and dry landscapes, bush fires, and desert sand. What he saw before him was breathtaking; truly a place such as this only existed in his dreams. He was taken aback by this discovery and what it could mean for his people. But he needed to settle his mind. His thoughts were racing one into the other.

  Jon’lan tore his gaze away to look upon the son of his band and the grief that he saw etched there was enough to dampen the excitement that had begun to pound through his heart. Jon’lan could only imagine how the boy felt. The young man had been abandoned by his loved ones, left to die, sick and alone.

  All he could do was offer the boy the comfort of his hand on his shoulder and stand at his side as he gazed upon a land that surely he had never thought to see in all of his life. Boy Alone felt the warmth and concern of Jon’lan’s touch and he had to swallow past an ache that formed in his throat.

  A part of him wanted to race down the steep pathway and run full force back to the village that he had called home, shouting with joy at his return. Yet another part of him wanted to turn tail and flee back the way he had come. Kii saw the turmoil on the young man’s face and she saw the way Jon’lan braced him with his arm. She walked up to them, careful not to startle him and she leaned close until only he could hear the whisper of her words.

  “It was a brave man that led us to this new land.” The young man startled abruptly by her words looked to Jon’lan in agreement. Hearing his daughter’s words, Jon'lan looked unfailingly at him and said, “So it was.” Jon’lan indicated Boy Alone and not himself. The young man felt his chest swell with pride and resolve.

  Taikiuu was pleased to see that Kii had developed such a kind and generous heart. Her words of praise had done much to boost the spirits of the young man who even now led them. Jon’lan glanced in her direction and said, “We must give him a name. Perhaps you can think of one that will honor him as he walks through life.” Taikiuu smiled to herself dipping her head in embarrassment, still unused to being honored in such a way. Jon’lan seemed to readily ask for her opinion unlike most men of the People. Taikiuu nodded her agreement with Jon’lan and smiled again when his eyes sparkled in merriment.

  Slowly following in the footsteps of the young man they made their way down the steep incline and into the valley below. Birds soared overhead causing Hawk to call out a greeting as he leapt into the air. Jon’lan watched as the hawk took off, stretching his wings after riding on his shoulder for so long

  Jon’lan lifted his smallest daughter from his back and set her on her feet. She cautiously made her way to her new mother and tapped her gently on her thigh. Taikiuu crouched low and the little girl smiled beautifully and said “Pretty.” It was the first word that anyone had heard her speak. Taikiuu nodded encouragingly and tried to repeat the word which caused her to laugh in astonishment.

  “This is a good land,” Jon’lan said as he gazed upon them both.

  As they entered the valley Boy Alone returned to them so that they might all walk together.

��This is a good place to camp.” Jon’lan motioned to the rocks that shielded their backs and the river that flowed freely in front of them. It would allow them to rest protected on two sides. The young man nodded in agreement and carefully set down his pack. Jon’lan helped Taikiuu draw off her pack and did the same with Kii. Finally when everyone was settled on the grass he began preparations to make a fire. Taikiuu watched Kii carefully as she noticed that the girl had been limping for some hands of time.

  Carefully she motioned for Kii to remove her moccasin and upon inspection she was relieved to find that the girl suffered only from a blister. She made encouraging noises as she mixed willow bark with bear fat over the fire and this she placed on the blister, wrapping the foot in clean bandaging and signing to Kii that she should be careful until it healed.

  Kii relaxed under the ministrations of her mother as the ointment soothed away the pain in her foot. It wasn’t until she raised her eyes to see the young man watching her with piercing intensity that she realized the attention she had drawn. Shyly she ducked her head, hiding her eyes in a cloud of raven colored hair. Taikiuu noticed her daughter’s embarrassment and she recognized the source of it as none other than the attention paid to her by the young man. She smiled wistfully at such youthful antics and looked up to find Jon’lan watching her intently. Her cheeks brightened visibly as she caught and held his gaze.


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