Keeper of the People (Book One)

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Keeper of the People (Book One) Page 23

by Karah Quinney

  Anaay stopped scraping the hides long enough to laugh in delight as Jon’lan handed him a well made loin covering, parka and leggings. Jon’lan gave Kii a doeskin dress and the same to his wife. To Mar-ee he gave a parka that he knew Kii would help adjust to fit her small size. Kii gave her father a fierce hug thankful that she would have covering and promised to help refit Mar-ee into a parka and leggings.

  Taikiuu marveled over the easy expression of affection that Kii displayed. It was everything she could have hoped for when she envisioned a future for her adopted daughters. Jon’lan felt his heart fill with love as his wife and daughters showered him with affection and thanks. Kii clung to one arm, Mar-ee hugged his legs where he stood and Taikiuu claimed his neck and face. He knew as he was surrounded now by his family and the new members of his band that he had never felt such joy.

  Roark was overcome with appreciation and he also recognized this as an opportunity to announce Giad and Yaa as his son and daughter. He waited until he caught Giad’s eye and when the boy nodded to him he whispered to his wife and she eagerly nodded her approval. Roark stood and when the others had taken their places he spoke, “I have asked Giad and Yaa to be the son and daughter of my hearth. Giad, I would be honored to have you as my son. Yaa, I would be honored to have you as my daughter. Will you come willingly to my hearth?”

  “We will.” Giad and Yaa answered simultaneously and rushed to Roark’s side where he picked them both up and sat them on his shoulders. Yaa handed the baby over to Taikiuu who eagerly welcomed him into her arms. Both children hugged Roark’s neck as he twirled around in a victory dance while the firelight cast shadows on the cavern walls.

  Star Feather was eager to share in the joy of the moment, but she refrained from getting to close to the others. She was still recovering from her illness. She reminded herself that there would be much time in the future for affection and laughter. A smile graced her lips even as she drifted off to sleep, thankful that they had found a place to call their own.

  Several days passed after the giving ceremony in which Jon’lan had welcomed Roark and his family into their band. Taikiuu watched over Star Feather carefully and was pleased with her progress. The baby had taken to eating anything soft enough for him to munch on with his two teeth which had already started to peek through his gums. Taikiuu provided a bland mush for him whenever he displayed a desire to eat.

  Everyone in the cave adored the little boy who was always eager to be picked up and held. Uncovering the child as he stirred from his nap Taikiuu approached Star Feather. The woman knew even before she was told that she could now hold her son close once more. Deep in her spirit where she would always remember, Star Feather was grateful to Taikiuu.

  Star Feather held out her arms which now felt strong as she reached for her son. Her cheeks were tinted with the faintest blush but this time it was from the cooking fire and not from fever.

  She held her son close to her face and breathed in his warm baby smell and then she helped him to find her breast and coaxed him to suckle. At first he was only frustrated by the hint of milk but after a few tries he latched on and was soon filling his belly.

  Star Feather waited until his mouth grew slack with sleep and gently laid the child against her chest as she leaned back to rest. She had feared that her milk would dry up but the Ada’na had shown her how to release her milk each day so that her body would respond to the baby once she could nurse him again.

  Taikiuu sat weaving a grass basket with the help of Yaa and Mar-ee. She looked over at Mar-ee who sat with her legs folded and watched as the little girl did her best to split a long blade of grass exactly down the middle. Taikiuu smiled in approval when the little girl showed her that she had been successful. Kii hovered about with quiet words of instruction when necessary. Everyone was very thankful that Star Feather and her son were now reunited. Several days had passed and the baby was thriving on his mother’s milk and solid food. Even Anaay could see how much the little boy had grown and Roark decided that even though the child had not reached his first year it would be a good time to name him. . No one else had become ill and Taikiuu hoped that the sickness had passed over them, as she had prayed.

  Roark left early in the morning with Jon’lan to hunt saying that the silence required of a hunter would help him think deeply about a good name for his son. Jon’lan and Roark found that hunting together was an easy alliance and Jon’lan was especially glad to have Roark at his side because he could bring back twice as much meat with the additional help.

  Anaay busied himself by fishing at the river each day and Jon’lan assured the young man that they needed to store up food for the winter. Fish could be dried and stored. The days were growing cold quickly and it did not seem that they could leave this small valley before the winter set in.

  Anaay found it distracting to have Rhea nearby while he fished because the cat decided to pounce upon his catch as it lay upon the rocks. It was Giad’s job to keep her away but the boy was still leery of the big cat and Rhea did not make him any more comfortable by growling if he tried to keep her away from the fish.

  Anaay assured Giad that Rhea wouldn’t hurt him, it was obvious that Rhea liked Giad as long as he left her alone with the fish. Anaay found himself growling in frustration as he sent the cat away by simply pointing in the direction of the cave and saying, “Mar-ee.” Rhea’s ears perked up at the sound of the child’s name and she bounded off towards home without looking back at Anaay.

  She did not think he would mind that she took two of the largest fish that he had foolishly thrown upon the rocks as she left, still she spared Giad a glance as he chased her. Anaay shouted in anger as the cat fled towards home leaving the boy panting behind her, but finally his shouts became laughter as he spied Kii standing on the path from the cave giggling. It was obvious that she had come down to fetch fresh water and found the scene humorous. As she approached they shared a laugh together and then a comfortable silence settled between them.

  “Rhea loves Mar-ee as if she were her own.” Giad grumbled though he was secretly pleased that the cat chose to protect Yaa just the same as Mar-ee. He came to stand once more beside Anaay ready to string the fish up as he pulled them from the river. Anaay caught another fish, glad to see that his bait was working well and as he glanced up he was forced to move his eyes from the sway of Kii’s hips as she bent to gather water.

  “Mar-ee thinks that Rhea is her animal and she’s confused when I explained that Rhea belongs to Anaay.” Kii spoke softly, acknowledging Giad’s words but suddenly very shy.

  “Rhea is not mine to own, she belongs to herself. I am only thankful that she came with us to this land.” Anaay worked with ease as he brought yet another fish to land on the rock beside him.

  “That is good to know.” Kii said gently, careful not to speak over the sound of the river and scare away the fish. “I think after the winter is over Rhea will find a mate and then she will have her own babies to worry over and will not fret over Mar-ee and now Yaa.” Kii stood bringing the water basket to rest upon one hip.

  As Kii turned to go she said in farewell, “I must return to mother, she waits for me.”

  Anaay whistled sharply and she looked back at him startled by the sound, “Your mother is not the only one who waits for you.”

  Kii did not know what to say in response to his bold words so she ducked her head but then remembering the instruction of her father she held her chin at a proud angle and flashed Anaay the most beautiful smile that he had ever beheld. Kii held his eyes for a moment and then turned and walked away. Giad shook his head in confusion as Anaay dropped his fishing pole at his feet. He picked it up and handed it to him ever eager to help but Anaay stood as if frozen staring after Kii’s retreating form in fascination.

  As Kii walked she thought that it was very difficult to keep her distance from Anaay, but she scolded herself, remembering that her mother never asked her to do anything that would harm her. Since her parents admonished her to wait until h
er time of becoming a woman before exploring her feelings for Anaay she would honor their request. Kii felt that it was best to listen to her parents who by their actions had shown their wisdom.

  Yaa continued to watch the Ada’na, wishing to learn anything that the woman might teach. Taikiuu combed Mar-ee’s hair with a sea shell that Kii had crafted into a hair puller. The little girl had curly black hair with auburn highlights that sparkled in the sunlight. Jon’lan and Roark worked very hard to lift a flat stone that stood almost waist high into place so that the women would be able to sit in the sun outside of the cave if they chose.

  Mar-ee sat patiently upon the stone enjoying the feel of her mother’s hands in her hair. Yaa stood by waiting her turn but when the woman finally turned to her she held out the comb to Yaa and pointed at her own hair. Taikiuu gestured for Yaa to sit upon the rock next to Mar-ee and she undid her long waist length braid and turned her back to the girl.

  Yaa hesitated remembering all of the taboos about touching the Ada’na or speaking directly to her. She wondered if this was some trick, perhaps the woman wished to punish her in some way. Then Yaa remembered all the many kind things that the woman had done for her while her new mother Star Feather recovered.

  Taikiuu and the man Jon’lan had given her many new things but not only had they welcomed her into their band they made her feel wanted. Yaa raised the comb and began to sift through the woman’s thick hair. Taikiuu smiled in her heart when she felt the girl’s hands skim her hair in wonder and her first few tentative strokes. She sighed in delight and laughed in pleasure when Mar-ee used her little girl fingers to help Yaa.

  Star Feather awoke to the sound of laughter and an easy smile came to her lips. She looked down at her son who was wide awake and looking at her with a silly grin on his round face. When he saw her laugh he reached up with his chubby hands and patted her cheek.

  “Are you glad to be back with your mother, dear one?” Star Feather asked him playfully and he gurgled happily and made sounds that only he understood. She placed him on the matt beside her and watched as he scooted around by pulling himself forward with his arms when he pushed himself backward so that he was on hands and knees. He looked at her making a sound of surprise while she laughed at his antics and watched as her little boy began to crawl towards her.

  Star Feather stood and lifted him into her arms smothering his face with kisses. She carried him to where Taikiuu sat with Yaa and Mar-ee and took a place beside them. From here she could see down into the valley. Anaay was visible at a distance and beside him stood Giad. Star Feather saw the beauty of the land and she knew without a doubt that she had never seen anything more comely. She was glad that they had found a safe place to live for the winter and even happier that the people in her new band were loving and kind.

  Star Feather heard the crunch of rocks to her left and realized that from this vantage point she could not see who approached. This explained why the cave entrance wasn’t visible from the valley below it was neatly tucked into the side of the cavern wall and easily hidden from view. Star Feather saw a shadowed blur approach and stiffened as the panther by the name of Rhea scrambled over the ledge. She stopped when she saw the two women and the girls and then stealthily approached.

  Taikiuu placed a reassuring hand on Star Feather’s arm as the woman held her baby protectively against her chest. Taikiuu was sure that the cat truly cared for them all and wanted only to protect their band. Star Feather on the other hand had only the slightest memory of seeing the cat running ahead of the Ada’na when they brought her here by travois.

  Even over the past few days Taikiuu had shielded her from the cat, keeping her away so that Star Feather could rest comfortably. Sensing the woman’s fear Rhea walked directly to her in curiosity. The women held Rhea’s gaze and Rhea was unsure what was expected of her and so she watched the woman with unblinking amber eyes.

  Rhea waited patiently for some command or perhaps a treat, though she did not smell food on the woman and the scent of fear was slowly fading. Taikiuu placed Star Feather’s hand upon Rhea’s head and the cat purred as she walked past the two women to investigate her charges. Mar-ee and Yaa laughed when Rhea became fascinated by their basket weaving and soon Star Feather found that she could only enjoy the large cat’s antics.

  “How did you get the animal to obey you?” Star Feather asked pointedly as she held her baby aloft for a moment lifting him up to the afternoon sunlight. Taikiuu smiled at this and tried to explain, “Rhea is not made.”

  She waited until Star Feather understood her meaning and then she pointed at the baby and said, “Anaay found baby Rhea and raised her.”

  Star Feather smiled in understanding but she couldn’t imagine raising a wild animal herself. She admired the young man even more for his ability with the animal. Star Feather handed her son to Taikiuu and turned the woman so that she was looking out at the valley, without asking she began braiding Taikiuu’s long hair.

  Taikiuu held Star Feather’s son to her chest, marveling at how much her life had changed. Never before had anyone touched her without permission or sat at her side like a sister. Star Feather and Taikiuu had developed a strong bond while the woman was sick and now this son that Taikiuu held to her chest had become much cherished in her heart.

  Taikiuu reached over her shoulder and clasped Star Feather’s hand and felt the woman squeeze hers in return. Sometimes words were not needed to express what was in the heart.

  Chapter Twenty

  Kii made her way carefully back up to their shelter and was pleasantly surprised to see Star Feather doing her mother’s hair. It crossed her mind that in the past few days her mother had experienced things that other’s took for granted. Taikiuu met Kii’s eyes and they shared a smile. The little girls followed Kii around almost constantly and she was thankful that both women had prevented them from trailing her down to the river.

  She wasn’t surprised when both girls came quickly to her side upon her return asking after Anaay and Giad. She smiled and told them how Rhea needed to be kept near the cave while the boys fished, otherwise they would not have much left over for the evening meal. Yaa and Mar-ee both promised to help keep the cat occupied and scampered off to find her.

  Rhea was perched above the cave where she could oversee the goings on of her pride. From this distance she could just make out her boy Anaay and the young one that was called Giad. Below her sat the woman of power, Taikiuu and the other woman whose name she did not know. Rhea heard Yaa and Mar-ee calling for her and flicked her ears in curiosity. She stood and stretched her long body out to its full length before bounding off towards the sound of the girls voices.

  Yaa was always surprised that Rhea seemed to be able to hear them from such a distance. She smiled when Rhea licked her face and then nuzzled close to Mar-ee. The little girl put her arm around the cat’s neck and before she knew it Rhea stood so that Mar-ee rode on her back. Yaa laughed at the cat’s antics and Mar-ee’s laughter trilled through the air in delight. Rhea seemed to sense that Mar-ee did not have much balance and gently lowered herself to the ground until Mar-ee could dismount.

  Seeing Mar-ee on the cat’s back made Yaa wonder if perhaps she could ride upon the animal. Taikiuu took notice of the girl’s play and decided that they were all in need of a walk. She motioned to Kii and spoke a few words to Star Feather and before long they were walking single file down towards the river.

  Anaay sensed the women’s approach before he actually saw them. He could feel their presence and smiled when the little girls, Yaa and Mar-ee, raced towards him. Giad was eager for a rest and after tying his last fish he let lose a great roar and raced toward his sister. Anaay lifted a smiling Mar-ee into his arms as they both watched as the pair scamper around as they played cheerfully with one another.

  He was surprised at the speed with which Giad and Yaa could run, even now the group turned to watch Rhea race after Giad. The boy seemed to sense that the animal pursued him and he began to zigzag across the grass,
until Rhea finally gave up the chase and lay panting for breath.

  Anaay knew that Rhea could run fast when the target was straight ahead or when she was being chased as she had been earlier in the day. But Giad found her weakness, she tired quickly when running back and forth or in circles, especially on a warm day like this one.

  Taikiuu and Star Feather smiled as they watched Yaa catch up to the cat and give the animal a friendly hug. It seemed Yaa wasn’t the only female that found Giad difficult to keep up with.

  Kii settled herself close to the river, but at a distance from the others so that she could focus on weaving her basket. She could not help if Anaay stood in her line of vision. Ever observant Taikiuu decided that her daughter could bend the rules this time but she would trust her to be obedient. Star Feather also seemed to notice the tension between Anaay and Kii. She looked at Taikiuu and noting her smile realized that the woman was very much aware of the situation. Touching Taikiuu lightly on the arm she asked, “When will Kii come into her time as a woman?”

  Taikiuu thought of the words that she wanted to say but felt only frustration when they refused to form on her tongue. She bit her lip in consternation and said only, “Soon.” motioning with her hand as she spoke. Star Feather found that she was quickly becoming accustomed to the woman’s hand signs and words. She found it heartwarming that she could grow close to the Ada’na so quickly.

  In the village of Hetmos it had never even occurred to her that the Ada’na would even want companionship or the closeness of other women. Star Feather had been raised with close female relatives and missed them dearly. It was a natural thing for her to enjoy the company of other women. Even now as she handed her son to Taikiuu she found pleasure in the woman’s cooing and laughter as she kissed the baby’s hands and cheeks. Her son chortled in acknowledgement and went willingly into her arms.


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