Keeper of the People (Book One)

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Keeper of the People (Book One) Page 29

by Karah Quinney

  Jon’lan was humbled by the man’s confidence in him. Roark did not seem to doubt that Jon’lan would think of a way to get down the cliff.

  “I need time to think clearly. I haven’t been able to catch my breath since we began. I know there is a safe way down this cliff and I just need to figure it out.” Jon’lan spoke truthfully and Roark’s gaze was compassionate, even though he realized that it was possible that their lives and those of their loved ones hung in the balance.

  “We will find a way.” Roark stated with simple faith.

  Taikiuu tried not to think about the sheer cliff that held their only hope of escape. She closed her mind to her greatest worry and focused on finding enough water to see them through their journey. Star Feather exclaimed when she found a cool place that had a free flowing trickle of water coming down from above them. Taikiuu knelt and stopped Star Feather before she filled the water skin from the pool showing the woman that when possible one should always use the source of the water instead of its resting place.

  Star Feather felt her face burn in embarrassment, she had not thought of this in her hurry to quench her thirst, but Taikiuu only smiled. She had learned long ago that stagnant water could cause a stomach sickness that ravaged the body and there were few herbs that she knew to help cure such an illness.

  They had to be careful on their journey and knowledge was something to share with each other for the benefit of all. It was more tedious gathering water at the source because the stream of water came in small portions and it would take longer to fill up their water bags this way. Taikiuu signed to Giad that he and Yaa should stay close but to search farther along for other sources of water.

  Although her hand signals were quick Giad and Yaa easily grasped her meaning and ran off to search. As they rounded a steep curve Yaa let out an involuntary screech and so did the animal that she had surprised. It was some form of goat that Yaa had never seen before with a white coat and sharp horns. The animal was sure footed on the rocky soil and easily jumped from stone to stone as it made its way down the side of the steep cliff.

  Taikiuu and Star Feather appeared behind the children within moments and they were relieved to see that all was well. Taikiuu waited patiently as the children explained that a huge goat had startled them and then leapt down the mountain.

  She peered over the edge and could not imagine how such a thing was so, but she could see in the children’s eyes that they believed what they told her. Again she urged them to search for water and to do so quickly. When she returned to Star Feather the woman had already filled two skins and was working on the third and last.

  Taikiuu thanked her and looked up to see the children scampering towards her victoriously. They had found their own stream and it was much faster in flow. Star Feather kissed the top of Yaa’s head as the girl began to tell her about the goat and they all started back the way they had come.

  Jon’lan could hear the chatter of Yaa, Roark’s daughter as she told her mother of a huge goat with sharp horns that had sped down the side of the chasm in fear. She explained with eager movements how the goat had jumped from rock to rock making its way down. Jon’lan wished that he could become the goat and do the same, carrying his small band along with him. With a shout he stood and everyone looked at him in surprise.

  “Do you speak truthfully?” Jon’lan asked Yaa and the little girl blushed to the roots of her hair.

  “Yes, Uncle.” It was an honorary title and Jon’lan had been pleased when Roark had asked if his children could address him as such.

  “How exactly did the goat jump down the mountain?” Jon’lan needed more information before he could tell them what he was thinking, but Roark came to his daughter’s defense thinking that Jon’lan implied the girl was lying. Jon’lan held up a pacifying hand and spoke more softly. “Of course my niece speaks truthfully, brave girl that she is. I was only wondering how the goat accomplished such a thing.”

  Yaa peeked from behind Star Feather’s parka and when she saw the kind eyes of Jon’lan and the eager expression on his face she grew bold.

  “Uncle, it was amazing, I walked ahead of Giad and saw the goat. Giad did not see because he was looking up for streams of water. As we turned I saw a large goat about this high.” Yaa motioned to the top of her head and said, “He saw me at the same time and we both let out a yell. I did not turn and run away but the goat did! At first I thought that he jumped off the cliff and I was sad because I meant him no harm. I peered over the cliff and saw him on a large rock below and before my eyes he jumped from one rock to the next making his way down.” Jon’lan could almost picture it as the child spoke and he realized that everyone held their breath until she finished.

  “This is the way we will get down. We will do as the goat and go from rock to rock. Yaa has earned a place of honor today for her bravery. Giad do you think you can lead us back to the place where you found water?”

  Taikiuu marveled at the way her husband handled the children. With a few well placed words he had given Yaa praise and given Giad the responsibility of leading them all. Both children beamed and Taikiuu’s heart was glad that she was wife to such a good man.

  As they approached the place where the goat had gone down the side of the cliff Jon’lan wondered if he had been too quick in his assessment of how they would make their descent. He peered over the cliff as Yaa lay flat on her belly and pointed to a large rock about ten feet below that she said the goat had jumped onto. She next pointed out another protruding rock that was lower and the next. She stopped at the third rock and admitted that she had not paid close enough attention to know where the goat jumped next. If they could make it to the third rock, he could lower them each one by one the rest of the way. He would have to try it out first to make sure it would be safe for all, but his spirits were lifted tremendously.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Roark braced himself with Taikiuu and Giad behind him and they all held the rope firmly as Jon’lan lowered himself over the ledge. He was carrying his largest pack, knowing that if he made it to the third rock he could lower the pack down and then come back up to help the others. It was not easy going and he found the rocks to be slippery in some places. But the others supported his weight and he made it down by lowering himself from one rock to.

  Jon’lan then used the rope to carefully lower his pack to the ground below before tossing the rope back up to Roark’s waiting hands. Giad was next and though the boy trembled as Roark held him when his father looked into his eyes only excitement lit his gaze. Roark wondered if the boy knew the meaning of fear and then right before Giad went over the cliff the boy’s eyes lit on Roark with a look of complete trust and he was humbled. Giad held on tightly using his feet the way Roark had told him to navigate his way to Jon’lan.

  Once Jon’lan had firm hold of the boy he asked for Yaa next knowing that it was important to get everyone down as quickly as possible. Roark decided to take Mar-ee down strapped to his back after the women and then Anaay made their way down.

  Jon’lan greeted each one with a firm hand and comforting touch as they landed in his arms. He held his wife a little longer than the others and she clung to him before stepping back to join the children. Roark had the most difficult journey ahead of him. They could not allow the rope to stay tied above since it was needed to get everyone to the bottom of the crevice. Roark had considered sending Mar-ee down tied to Taikiuu’s back but the little girl was terrified and would not be comforted.

  He held her in his arms now as he made his first jump to the rock below. He landed more forcefully than he had planned and the ledge seemed to shake beneath his feet. The next ledge where his band waited for them was only a short jump below, but as he looked out over the vast land he felt a wave of dizziness hit him, Roark knew that he may have taken on more than he at first realized. Roark had assured Jon’lan that he could make the jumps easily at the outset, but now without a rope to guide his steps he was apprehensive.

  “Uncle.” Mar-ee’s vo
ice lifted to his ear in barely more than a whisper.

  “Yes niece?” Roark spoke quietly as well waiting for the child to speak of her fear or to perhaps cry out for her mother. He was surprised to hear her next words were preceded by a bubbling giggle. “This is fun. Let’s do it again.”

  Roark laughed and his boisterous voice echoed across the cavern. With a mighty effort he made the final jump after urging Mar-ee to hang on tightly to his neck. The little girl was also tied about her waist to Roark’s back and her arms were wrapped in a choke hold around his thick neck. Roark heard only the trill of her laughter as he landed in a crouch at Jon’lan’s feet. He stood until he once again met the other man eye to eye and Jon’lan clasped his arm before saying, “Well done brother.”

  Mar-ee went willingly into her mother’s arms her voice carrying over everyone as she excitedly told of her Uncle who was just like Yaa’s mountain goat. Taikiuu clasped the little girl to her body and hugged her brushing kisses across her hair. Kii stood close to her mother and sister and smiled through eyes bright with unshed tears. She did not think that anyone realized that such mountain climbing had probably never been attempted before. They were all fortunate to have made it halfway without injury.

  Even now her father, uncle and Anaay were making ready to descend the rest of the way. This time the rope would have to be left behind. Jon’lan knew that this would be the greater test of strength for each person. He would be the last and this time Roark would be the first. There was no hope of catching anyone that fell, but Roark wanted to be the first to risk such a feat before sending anyone else. Once again Mar-ee was placed on his back and this time the girl did not object. She smacked a loud kiss on her Uncle’s cheek and cast an excited smile at her mother as they were lowered over the edge by Roark’s strong arms and legs.

  Roark found that the first few feet were the easiest but as he got closer to the ground below his arms began to tire. He thought of his wife, so small and frail in his eyes, carrying their child close to his heart and he knew that she would not be able to make the climb down without help. As his feet reached the ground below he shouted up to Jon’lan and Anaay that they would have to tie the rope in several places to make a knot every few feet allowing the climber to rest.

  The men were too high up for Roark to see their expressions but he knew that Jon’lan’s eyes would be calm even though what Roark suggested would take away several feet of length from the rope. Still Jon’lan had come to trust the man and if he suggested that a rest was needed for the climber then Jon’lan would tie the rope just so. Anaay started to object knowing that this would shorten the rope but the quelling look in Jon’lan’s eyes stopped him.

  Down below Roark untied Mar-ee and tousled her soft hair. He set her down on a large boulder and bid her sit quietly while he helped her father. Her eyes gleamed with excitement but she gave him a big smile and nodded. He watched for a mere second as she folded her legs beneath her and sat quietly on the rock. Roark scouted the surrounding area as he waited for the rope to be lowered down again. It seemed like a place where nothing could ever grow, the ground beneath his feet was sand. The texture was not at all like the soft grains of sand found on the beaches of his home island. Even through his sandals he could feel the heat of the ground. Jon’lan let out a call as he dropped the rope down and it came to a few feet above Roark’s reaching arms. It would have to do.

  Kii was asked to go first as Jon’lan and Anaay braced the rope. Kii secured her pack to her back and then turned to face each person before grabbing hold of the rope and lowering herself backwards over the ledge. She slid down a few feet before catching on to the first foot hold and after that she caught her breath and continued on. She didn’t realize it but she must have held her breath all the way down as Roark’s words caught her by such surprise that her breath escaped her in a whoosh.

  “Drop down niece, I will catch you.” Kii thought about the man that had become like a brother to her father and an uncle to her and Mar-ee. She did not fear heights but anyone would fear dropping down into the unknown. Quietly she felt her courage rise until she knew that she could let go and trust her Uncle. Kii fell only a few feet through the air, but Roark caught her as if she was as light as a baby and set her gently upon the ground. Kii hugged him gratefully as he pointed to Mar-ee who sat upon a large boulder clapping her chubby hands in glee. Next came Giad and Yaa and both children whooped as they were caught by their father. The children sat watching as Taikiuu and then Anaay made their way down. Roark was surprised to see Anaay carrying his son.

  Anaay saw Roark’s concern as he lifted the child from his carrying strap and handed him to Taikiuu.

  “Jon’lan thought to give Star Feather more time to rest. All is well.” Anaay spoke softly and Roark was once again grateful to his brother for his foresight.

  Up above Jon’lan looked at Star Feather and saw that she was trembling. “Sister, I will hold the rope firm and you will be in your husband’s arms soon.”

  Star Feather looked at Jon’lan realizing that this man had called her sister, which to her was an honor in itself. She bravely stepped forward though her knees wobbled and clasped the rope that he held out to her. Gently Jon’lan lowered her over the edge never taking his gaze away from her and she smiled bravely until finally she was out of sight.

  Star Feather willed her legs to cease their trembling and her body responded. She forced herself to look up instead of down and slid a few feet before her feet touched the first knot that Jon’lan and Anaay created. She rested for only a moment, knowing that this would be the most difficult part and as she lowered herself a few more feet she felt sweat break out on her forehead dripping in rivulets down her neck. Star Feather bit her lip to keep from crying out.

  She was not a child to cry when things were difficult, she watched her own children go over this cliff with smiles and eyes shining with adventure. Star Feather reminded herself that she had given birth to a beautiful male child and that had taken more strength than she had known was in her. Her arms trembled with the effort to hold her body to the rope and finally she felt the second knot beneath her sandaled feet.

  Exhaustion swept over her but down below she could just make out the sound of her baby crying. It was as if he knew that his mother was close and his cries gave Star Feather renewed strength. Finally she felt the last knot below her feet and she heard her husband urge her to let go. Star Feather did not hesitate she opened her hands and released the rope falling into her husband’s arms as he caught her to him.

  Roark kissed his wife as he carried her all the way to the boulder where the others waited. He was quick to return and could see that Jon’lan was already lowering himself down. Jon’lan had quickly tied the rope as securely as possible around a boulder that far outweighed him. He lowered himself hand over hand until he reached the first knot and he allowed himself to breath before continuing on.

  As he felt the second knot with his feet Jon’lan chanced a glance down and saw Roark just beneath him. Jon’lan looked up and saw that the rope that had strained to help them was beginning to fray. He edged down a little more and this seemed to cause the rope to unravel even more and finally he stopped moving altogether. His legs trembled with the effort to stay absolutely still and those below him could just make out the fraying rope as everyone gasped and moved forward all at once as if they could stop his fall. But it was Yaa’s voice that called out to him above the others and at first Jon’lan could not understand her words but then his mind cleared and she repeated “The third rock!” and Jon’lan knew that the goat had not disappeared after all, he had made it to a rock just to his left and with a mighty swing Jon’lan jumped through the air and missed.

  Jon’lan knew that he had missed the landing as the rock swept by him. In desperation he reached out and clung to a small tree that was rooted into the side of the rock. Down below Roark stopped Taikiuu from racing forward, he knew that Jon’lan needed to focus his full attention on pulling himself up.

>   Taikiuu trembled under Roark’s steadying hand but she did not call out. Instead she envisioned Jon’lan climbing easily up with the help of the small tree and making his way to the ledge.

  She continued to think positively even as Jon’lan’s right hand slipped and he held on with only one hand. Anaay paced worriedly back and forth knowing that such a drop would most likely prove fatal.

  Though his first instinct was to panic and cry out Jon’lan felt a sense of calm come over him. It was as though his mind was somewhere else occupied on other things while he hung there waiting to fall to his death.

  As if he could see and hear his wife urging him on Jon’lan steadied his breathing and willed himself to reach up with his right hand and grab hold of the tree. He could see that the tree was starting to pull out from the roots and he forced himself to reach higher and grasp the rock’s edge.

  After resting for a moment he made a last effort to lift himself just as the tree gave way and fell to the rocky bottom. Jon’lan forced his elbow up and over the edge of the rock and then he swung his body to the left and put one leg over. Finally with the last of his strength he pulled himself up and fell onto his back as he panted with exertion. Those below let out a cheer and Jon’lan gave a shout to let them know that he was well.

  “How will he get down from there without a rope?” Kii whispered and it seemed that only Anaay heard her although her words were for all to hear.


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