Keeper of the People (Book One)

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Keeper of the People (Book One) Page 52

by Karah Quinney

  The first warrior to make the challenge lunged forward and Anaay barely missed being stuck by the man’s club. The others pushed at him roughly causing him to lose his footing, but he went with the fall and allowed it to carry him past the other man while taking only a glancing blow to his back.

  Anaay rolled and gained his feet quickly. He raised his spear and held it poised to strike. The other man bellowed in laughter, knowing that a spear was a distance weapon; it would do little harm fighting in such close quarters. As the man struck at Anaay again swinging his club in a tight arch the young man did the unexpected, he fell backwards and the warrior missed his footing and began to fall towards Anaay.

  Jon’lan felt the pierce of a knife against his flesh and he reeled backwards while taking a defensive stance. He used his own knife to stab into the lean flesh of Marad and he heard the man grunt as he took the knife wound to his side.

  Marad strained against Jon’lan’s muscular build as he raised his knife to the other man’s throat, seeking to make the fight brief but successful. Jon’lan evaded him with a quick turn and then kicked out landing a blow to Marad’s stomach that caused the other man to back away in order to catch his breath.

  Jon’lan did not allow Marad any space to breathe, he lunged forward slicing with his knife again and again as he sought to disable the other man. Marad came down on Jon’lan hard throwing his weight against him as he locked arms with him and they crashed to the frozen ground. Jon’lan tried to roll as he landed but Marad held onto him with all of his strength even as they fell.

  Jon’lan felt his own knife slip out of his hand which was now covered in blood. Whether the blood was his or Marad’s he did not know, he only knew that without a weapon he was defenseless and at the mercy of a wounded enemy.

  Anaay let out a piercing cry as the warrior landed on top of him, but he felt the impact also in the spear that he held vertical to the ground even as he fell, piercing the warrior from back to front.

  The other warriors were stunned into silence as they watched the foreign warrior fall over dead. Anaay jumped to his feet, ready to face his next attacker and again it was one of the men from his former band who entered the circle eager to lay claim to the fame brought to any who killed those of the trader’s band.

  Anaay faced the man squarely even as he slid his only other weapon free of its scabbard. The knife glinted in the morning sunlight and Anaay saw the look of uncertainty that crossed the other mans face. It was quickly replaced by a look of eager determination and there was no time for thought or consideration as the warrior lunged. Anaay took the blow to his shoulder and he was glad that it was a club that hit him instead of a hand wielding a knife.

  He spun with the force of the blow but even as he came around he sought the man’s throat with his knife. At the last second the warrior raised his forearm to deflect the blow and Anaay stabbed him across the chest instead. It was only a flesh wound but he had drawn first blood and already he could see that his opponent weakened mentally more so than physically. Anaay stabbed at the man three times and then again as he fell past him.

  The warrior whirled with his club, but his movements were similar to Roark’s fighting style. During their journey Roark had done everything he could to teach Anaay how to fight and win. Anaay knew the other man’s weak points and he used this knowledge to exploit them.

  The man lunged with his club to strike a blow that would leave the younger man debilitated and Anaay spun quickly and stabbed the man through his furs and into the flesh of his back, he was aiming for the man’s internal organs and due to his training with Roark he knew exactly where to aim.

  His blow landed and he pulled his knife back with him, not releasing his hold for a moment, there could be no hesitation, there was no time to plan. He had to rely completely on his instincts and training. Everything within him strained to put his opponent down permanently. The other men present would not wait for the outcome of this fight to determine when Anaay would die.

  The Old One stumbled upon the battle scene and he reeled at what he saw. The trader and leader of their band fought against a man that was obviously a skilled warrior.

  The young man, named Anaay landed a killing blow to the warrior that challenged him and then he turned face his next opponent although it appeared that the men circling them would not wait for the fight to end before intervening.

  The Old One moved as quickly as he could towards Jon’lan. He felt a sense of pride and self worth at being able to help the man that had welcomed him into their band and made him feel like a valued member.

  Marad saw the old man stumble towards them and he spun just as the man reached close enough to strike. He swung his club at the elderly man in an effort to land a killing blow. Jon’lan reacted instantly seeking to protect the Old One even as he roared in denial as the war club struck its target.

  Marad tasted the blood that dripped from a cut on his forehead down over one eye and into his mouth and then with a malicious twist of his lips he spit upon the still figure of the old man. Jon’lan yelled in fury as he stepped forward he was pierced in the arm by an arrow shot by one of Marad’s warriors. The force of the arrow spun Jon’lan around and he fell to his knees.

  Blood pumped from the wound and Jon’lan fought the blackness that clouded his vision, even as it claimed him without mercy. As his eyes closed he saw Marad look toward the women and children.

  Jon’lan struggled to move and Marad looke at him again as his eyes gleamed in eager anticipation. Marad lifted his hunting knife with calculating intensity and thrust it towards Jon’lan’s heart. Jon’lan’s last thought was of Taikiuu and their children, he had failed them and he knew with the steady pumping of his blood from his body that all was lost.

  Anaay saw Jon’lan fall and he was distracted momentarily by a pain beyond reason. It was as if everything he believed in had crumbled before his very eyes and for a moment he felt nothing except utter defeat. He realized that Kii and the others still had a chance of escaping and evading their captors if he could delay them by fighting.

  Anaay rounded on his opponent and landed a resounding kick to the side of the man’s head and he nearly smiled when the man dropped to the ground at his feet. The other warriors surged forward eager to grab hold of the young man and restrain him.

  They would wait for the order to kill but until then they would show no mercy. Anaay felt the first blow land on his back as the warriors kicked and pummeled him into the frozen ground.

  Kii screamed as she saw Anaay fall under the resounding blows of countless warriors. Her mother urged her forward along with Mar-ee, reminding her that Anaay would want her to escape.

  Kii shuddered inside when she lost sight of Anaay as they descended into the depths of the valley below. The mammoth trumpeted in panic as they moved as one down the pathway and into the safety of the lush trees and foliage.

  Everything within Taikiuu wanted to stay on the ridge where Jon’lan fought for his life. Yet she needed to see to the safety of all that they held dear.

  If Jon’lan should lose his life fighting for their escape it was the least that she could do to see to their safety. She pushed Kii and Mar-ee ahead of her and pulled away from Roark’s firm grasp when he tried to urge her along in front of his wife who held their son.

  “Go!” Taikiuu shouted as she used her walking staff to keep her balance on the steep incline.

  Roark froze for a moment, knowing that Jon’lan trusted him to see to his wife’s safety. Taikiuu seemed to sense his indecision and she looked him fully in the face, letting him see the truth that lay there. She would not be moved. Roark simply nodded as he urged the others onward.

  Taikiuu gasped as Yaa rushed past her, the child was heading back up the way they had come. She tried to grab hold of Yaa’s tunic, but the child was determined and dodged away.

  Roark shouted when Yaa disobeyed his command to stay with her mother and he watched helplessly as she ran past Taikiuu only to scramble agilely up to the
top of the ridge.

  Yaa stood for a moment staring at the still bodies of Jon’lan and Anaay. Even as she watched the battle hardened warrior approach her position she remained frozen and unable to move.

  Roark felt his attention shift as he caught Star Feather before she slipped on the rocky soil. Star Feather would have used her arms to cradle their son instead of trying to break her own fall. He helped her regain her footing even as he shouted for Yaa to run.

  Their daughter of only nine seasons stood fully exposed to danger at the top of the ridge. Roark’s heart thudded as he tried to climb back up the way that they had come. The path was unerringly steep and climbing without any tools was painstakingly slow. He couldn’t imagine how Yaa had been able to make it to the top of the ridge so easily.

  Yaa stared into the eyes of the man that sought to capture, maim and kill her band. He saw her as nothing more than a nuisance, a child to be swatted away with an open hand or closed fist.

  She took a deep breath and felt the world slow down as she raised her bow and arrow, sighting his chest as her target. He laughed in derision at the sight of the girl raising her weapon against him. When the girl took aim he roared in fury intending to scare her away, but she stood firm. Marad ran towards the girl and although he expected her to turn and flee she stood fast letting loose the arrow that flew through the air to embed itself deep into his bare chest.

  Pain lanced through Marad and he stumbled only to fall forward. He tried to brace himself for the fall by putting both hands out before him but he found that his arms were weak and unable to function. As he struck the ground he gasped as the arrow that was embedded in his chest pushed its way through his body. He lay still upon the ground, but his eyes were open and he stared at the figure that approached him.

  Yaa walked up to Marad, the man that had forced them to run for their lives. He was the image of every nightmare that she had ever suffered. She looked at him as he lay helpless and bleeding upon the ground and her heart did not shout in success.

  She felt only pity and deep sadness. The other men from Marad’s band surrounded their dying leader and the young girl that had struck the killing blow. They were stunned.

  For a moment no one moved and the day seemed to stand still. Finally one warrior moved forward to lay hands upon the small girl that was no more than a child. Yaa braced herself to face him. A rock flew through the air hitting the man squarely in the forehead and Yaa gasped as the man fell back away from her.

  Perhaps he was stunned and perhaps he was dead. She did not know. She only knew that her brother was alive, for only he could use his sling with such deadly accuracy.

  Suddenly she spun into action sliding through one man’s legs as he tried to grab her; she scrambled to her knees heedless of the rocks that bit into her legs and shins as she rose.

  She heard a grunting breath behind her and she realized that Giad had fired another rock from his sling, aiding in her escape. Soon the warriors would be able to see Giad’s position. He would be forced to show himself in order to take accurate aim.

  “Run!” Yaa heard her brother shout that she return to their father, only she refused to head his command, even now she saw the Ada’na standing at the edge of the cliff with her father climbing up behind her.

  Taikiuu could not know how powerful she appeared as she stood tall against the backdrop of the valley. Her walking staff was firmly planted on the ground and her long ebony hair blew wildly behind her.

  Yaa ran towards Giad and she heard Roark shout in frustration as she raced away from his protection and into the unknown. Yaa could not leave her brother to suffer the wrath of the warriors that were left standing.

  Even as she ran she feinted left and then right to avoid the arrows that were surely being aimed at her. No longer did the warriors see her as only a child, they wanted her death.

  Yaa knew that nothing less than her death would assuage their injured pride. She single handedly killed their leader and they would not allow her to escape. Yaa knew that she ran toward death with her actions. It did not slow her progress. Her every thought was for the well being of her band.

  Giad’s head appeared as he took shelter behind a rock and Yaa slid towards him as arrows flew to her left and her right. She was stunned that she was still alive and she lay panting. She quickly took shelter behind the boulder where Giad waited.

  He raised his own bow and arrow without sparing her a glance, but she did not need him to instruct her. Already she was on her knees and she let her own arrows fly.

  Giad and Yaa did not allow the remaining warriors any time to recover. Their hands were a blur as they fought for their lives and the lives of their band. Taikiuu stood without cover and raised her palms to the sky as Yaa ran for cover. Two of the warriors stood transfixed by the beautiful woman that they had each been instructed to take alive at all costs.

  Taikiuu said a silent prayer as her hands met with Kii’s bow and arrows that were settled on her back. Never before had she displayed her ability with the weapon openly, yet Jon’lan knew of her skill for she had revealed it to him during their journey. Even as the warriors shook themselves out of their stupor, Taikiuu took aim using two arrows at once to sight her target.

  The warriors also took aim at the woman called the Ada’na and she knew without a doubt that they would kill her if they had to, no matter what order they had been given by their leaders. Roark surged forward just as Taikiuu’s arrows left her bowstring and he was struck twice by the arrows that flew from the warrior’s bows.

  Taikiuu stood fast even as she withered inside at the sight of Roark struck down upon the ground. Her aim had been successful and the two warriors were in agony on the ground.

  There were still two more warriors who threatened their safety and Taikiuu knew that she would have to prevent the death of anyone else from her band.

  “Stop!” She cried out in the Aztlan tongue as two warriors turned with deadly intent towards Yaa and Giad. The children were no match for the men, not while fighting out in the open with no shelter and no hope of a surprise attack.

  The men halted, at once startled to hear the Ada’na speak and also at the command in her voice. They turned as one to face her and Yaa and Giad read the sign that she sent them. Taikiuu signed that they must retreat and she ordered them to flee.

  “I will go with you!” Taikiuu called out as she looked upon the still forms of Jon’lan, Anaay and Roark. Her heart felt hollow beyond endurance and even though she knew with a certainty what she would suffer at their hands, she was willing to be taken captive. S

  he realized now that she should have never sought freedom, it was not the path that had been set in place for her to walk. Jon’lan had always told her that they walked their own path, that tomorrow had yet to be born and so it could not be decided upon today.

  Yet Taikiuu was faced with a horrible choice, to allow the slaughter of her loved ones to continue or to give herself up as a sacrifice, so that the rest might survive. Already they had a slim chance of survival without the men of their band to aid them.

  The warriors demanded that Taikiuu throw down her weapons. She stared at the men for a few moments as if she did not comprehend their words and then she laid the bow and arrows upon the ground.

  Next she carefully placed her walking staff down before turning her attention back to the men who carefully approached her. She refused to cower before these men of her first band, the great warriors of their destroyed village, Aztlan.

  Instead she looked them in the eye and as they made to grab hold of her she raised her palms showing them the tattoos of the Ada’na. They stopped their approach as she spoke with great force, “Do not touch me.”

  The men hesitated even as they looked to each other for direction. They were lost without Marad to lead them.

  Taikiuu took that moment to throw leaves from her pouch upon the body of Roark. When neither man moved forward to take hold of her, Taikiuu made the decision for them by stepping forward so that t
hey had no choice except to follow in her wake.

  Giad pulled a struggling Yaa over the cliff edge and down the pathway that the others had gone. He could not look at the bodies of Jon’lan or Roark as they walked by. He refused to think of Anaay lying crushed amongst the rocks.

  The Old One had fallen near by Jon’lan and he had not moved again. Nor would he. Yaa screamed in protest and for the first time in Giad’s life he knew that he could not protect his sister. He could not protect her from death.

  She looked at him with wounded eyes as she screamed. “We cannot leave them! We cannot leave them!” Yaa shouted at Giad as tears ran unchecked down her face.

  Giad remained silent as he dragged Yaa along and his sister’s sobs struck at his heart. He had always been her protector and friend and she would never forgive him for forcing her to leave their father behind.

  But if they stayed behind for any reason they would be giving away their life to Marad’s men. Giad struggled down the side of the mountain with Yaa in his grasp. His sister was inconsolable and Giad couldn’t blame her.

  He had to take deep breaths and hold them to control his own need to cry out at the injustice done to their band. Yaa ceased struggling with Giad and fell into a deep silence that troubled him just as much as her crying and pleading had. He glanced at his sister and wondered if she would ever be the same again.

  Taikiuu fell upon Jon’lan’s inert body and allowed her hair to cover her face as a shield. Quickly she breathed into his mouth and then she pounded upon his chest in a show of grief. She labored over him for a few precious moments, using the veil of her ebony hair to hide her actions.

  The warriors looked at each other and shrugged, there was no understanding the ways of such a woman. They did not care if her man had died in his attempts to fight against them. They men threatened to drag her off of Jon’lan even as she rose and pierced them both with the full fury of her gaze.


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