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Consumed Page 7

by Shaw, Matt

  “You taste amazing,” she said, “nom nom nom.” She moved down his writhing body, back to where his appendage used to be, and stuck her tongue into the still bleeding hole. Dan’s shrieks of pain and terror abruptly stopped as shock, and blood loss, forced him into a state of unconsciousness - not that Tammy cared as she continued to lick at the blood as though she were a cat lapping up a bowl of delicious fresh milk.

  A few more minutes of frenzied drinking and she moved back up to be face to face with him, “Why’d you have to fall unconscious? You missed the best bit.” She sighed, “They always do.” She prised his mouth open and tentatively reached in, with two fingers, and took hold of his tongue. With it firmly between her fingers, she pulled it out of his mouth and touched it with her own tongue, “Kiss me,” she purred. She made the tongue flap up and down, using her fingers, and matched its actions with her own tongue. “I knew you’d be a good kisser,” she said when she eventually stopped. She couldn’t help but laugh as she took his tongue between her teeth. She released her fingers and started to slowly move her head backwards until Dan’s tongue was stretched as far as it could possibly stretch.

  The same mischievous grin spread across her face as it had done earlier. She took a hold of his tongue, once more, and informed him, “These are two of my favourite things,” she said. “The first...” she used her head to point downwards to his crotch, “...You can’t beat it. But, the second best bit?” she smiled again and gave Dan’s tongue a short, sharp tug - ripping it from his mouth. “Perfect!”

  She tilted her head back, opened her mouth, and dropped the piece of tongue onto her own. She held it there for a moment to savor the flavour, “Oh my, how did you have this in your mouth for all these years and not get tempted to swallow it yourself? I don’t think I could have done it. Although, I’m not entirely sure how feasible it would have been to actually eat it yourself...” She looked at Dan. There was absolutely no colour in his complexion at all, other than the traces of slowly drying blood she had inadvertently wiped on his skin whilst getting close to him, and his chest was barely moving up and down. “You’re not listening to me at all, are you?” she said, a slight hint of disappointment in her voice that her playmate was already near death. She carried on chewing, occasionally sucking, on the tongue before swallowing it down her throat. “Yummy!”

  A knock on the door shattered her euphoric bliss and made her jump.

  “Who is it?” she asked.

  “It’s me,” said Johnny. “Can I come in?”

  “Hang on!”

  Tammy jumped off the bed and pulled the duvet from underneath Dan, with some effort. As soon as he was clear of it she threw it over his dying body to hide what she had been doing. A quick look around the room to make sure everything was okay. She nodded with satisfaction. If she just stood in the doorway, to greet her brother, he wouldn’t be able to see the blood which had sprayed the wall next to her bed.

  Another knock on the door.

  Tammy casually walked over to the door and opened it ever so slightly - enough for her brother to see her but not enough for him to see into the room without having to strain past her and, even if he did, the blood wouldn’t be as noticeable as a body on her bed.

  “You’ve been snacking, haven’t you?” he said.

  “What? No. What are you talking about?”

  He pointed to her face which, she had forgotten, was coated in bits of Dan. Johnny pushed past her and stepped into the bedroom, “What have you been doing?” he asked when he stopped by the blood splatter on the wall. His eyes fixed on the lump underneath the duvet - the duvet which was also starting to show blood slowly seeping through it. “What the hell, Tammy?”

  “Don’t tell dad!”

  “Not sure how we’re going to hide this,” he said. He pulled back the duvet and saw the full horror of what she had been doing whilst left to her own devices. “Fuck...Was he at least still drugged whilst you...Well...That....” he pointed to where Dan’s penis used to be. Tammy looked to the floor in shame. “Brutal.”

  “I got carried away.”

  “Yeah, you did. Damn Tammy, you know mum hates it when we snack between meals. And this...This is just wasteful. You know she’s preparing dinner as we speak right now, right? We won’t get through that and this before it goes bad. I don’t even want to know what dad is going to say.”

  “We could hide the body,” Tammy said, suddenly, as she desperately clutched at straws.

  “You know that won’t work.”

  “Could make it look as though he ran away?”

  “They wouldn’t stop looking for him. They’d be too afraid he’d bring someone back to help his friends. Jesus Christ, what were you thinking?”

  “I was hungry!”

  “And you couldn’t wait a couple more hours? Or even have a biscuit? We can’t hide this from mum and dad.”

  Tammy sat on the bed, deflated. The bliss she had from the taste of flesh was all but a distant memory now as she realised the disappointment and anger she’d cause her parents when they discovered what she had done.

  “You’re better off telling them sooner rather than later,” said Johnny, “you never know, she may not have started preparing the meat...Could save her selection for another day.” He paused, “Do you want me to tell them?”

  Tammy nodded. A scared little girl.

  * * * * *

  Even though the picture of Robert made him out to be tall - it’d still have come as a shock had you seen him face to face for the picture didn’t do his true height, six foot five inches, any kind of justice. He was an imposing figure with muscles clearly bulging under his tight v-neck t’shirts, despite the fact he was in his sixties. His face, mostly hidden behind a shaggy grey beard which didn’t match the colour of the hair on his head, permanently seemed to have a scowl upon it - something which made his height even more scary in reality.

  He was standing in an old wooden barn, set back behind the house, muttering to himself whilst skinning a deer which hung from the barn’s rickety rafters. Hayley was hanging, next to the deer, by her feet. A look of sheer panic on her gagged face. Robert pulled the knife he was using, from the deer’s carcass, and gave the blade a careful lick.


  Johnny’s voice from the barn’s doorway startled Robert, not that it showed.

  “Didn’t I tell you not to disturb me whilst I’m working, boy?”

  Johnny didn’t answer him. Instead he waited, with Tammy by his side, for his father to turn to face him - something which didn’t take long. Robert noticed the state of Tammy’s face immediately.

  “Speak!” he demanded.

  “I’m sorry, dad,” she whispered.

  “What’s happened?” he asked. “Who’s blood is that?”

  Tammy didn’t say anything for he knew what his temper was like and could tell he was already in one of those moods she had known from when she was a youngster - and had always feared so much. Johnny stepped in to help his sister.

  “It’s the guy we put in her bedroom,” Johnny said.

  “What about him?” Robert demanded.

  “He tried to run,” Johnny lied. Tammy didn’t deny it. Instead she let her brother continue lying for her. “She didn’t have a choice...” he insisted.

  “Where is he now?” Robert asked.

  “He’s in the bedroom...” said Johnny. “She didn’t have a choice...”

  Robert snarled as he pushed his way past his children to see what had happened. He knew the only way of knowing for sure was to see with his own eyes.


  Tammy was sitting at a large kitchen table with tears in her eyes. Her face was still bloodied from her earlier feeding frenzy. Her hands rested, shaking, on the table surrounded by various bowls of vegetables.

  Johnny was sitting with her, “It’ll be fine,” he told her.

  The door opened revealing Robert and Andrea. Both of them looked angry.

  “I’m sorry,” Tammy said to

  Robert didn’t say anything. He crossed the room towards her in two single steps. He raised his hand, high in the air, and brought it down hard on Tammy’s face causing her to scream in pain.

  “Don’t fucking touch her!” hissed Johnny. He leapt off his seat with his fists clenched, as though ready to strike back.

  “Stop it!” screamed Andrea from the doorway where she had remained. “It’s not the end of the world. I haven’t started on the meat yet...Nothing’s been wasted. I’m sure I can salvage something.”

  “What’s wrong with you?” asked Robert.

  “He tried to run,” said Tammy - fighting back her tears.

  “Rubbish!” shouted her father. “We saw what you did. He hadn’t tried to run and he wouldn’t have either...Not all the time you had a mouthful.” He looked as though he wanted to hit her again. “Or did you do that?” he asked Johnny who was still standing next to him - ready to take his swing.

  “Fuck you!” hissed Johnny.

  “And where were you last night? Cruising for more cock? You’re an embarrassment.”

  “I’m not gay! How many times do I have to keep telling you?”

  “Prove it!” Robert spat back. “Prove to me that you’re a man.”


  Robert grabbed Tammy by the hair and lifted her to her feet. Both Johnny and Andrea screamed for him to stop but he didn’t. He pushed her down on the table and pulled her jeans down using a swift, forceful, movement with his spare hand. “I said prove to me how much of a man you really are,” he hissed - a look of pure hatred and evil burning from his eyes.

  Tammy screamed, “Get off! Please! I’m sorry!”

  “Ssh,” Robert lifted her head off the table and slammed it back down - stunning her into silence. He turned his attention back to Johnny, “Well, boy, what are you waiting for. Stick her. Come on! Look at that tight, pretty little cunt...Doesn’t that make you hard? Don’t just stare at it...Fuck it!” he demanded. Keeping her head pinned to the table with one hand, he pulled her knickers to one side using the other - revealing her vagina to Johnny.

  Johnny screamed at his father. Not from fear but more so out of hatred for his dad. He turned and fled the room hoping that Andrea would talk Robert down from his rage.

  “Robert, please...” said Andrea, “you’re scaring us...Please...”

  “No balls,” hissed Robert. “And he says he ain’t a faggot?”

  “Robert, please...” Andrea continued.

  “Shut up, whore. Something inside of you...Something...You did something to make him like that. Something broke him whilst he was cooking in you. Should have fucking stamped on the little shit as soon as you spat him out. Should have. Still should. Do us all a favour. One less mouth to feed.” Using his spare hand, he pulled at his belt until it undid. A quick fumble with the buttons on his dark blue jeans and, seconds later, he released his erection. “Look at this little cunt...” he continued, “have to be a queer not to want to fuck it.”

  Tammy squealed in pain as her father pushed himself deep inside her. Andrea turned away, unable to watch what Robert was doing. Robert starting to thrust in and out of his daughter but kept watching Andrea instead, “Remember when we used to do this?” he asked. “Remember what that was like? You feel wet or you still dry as a bone? Need me to spit on it again? The girls...What point is a daughter if not for this? You and your broken cunt...Good for nothing...Dry as a desert. You gonna keep watching or you gonna get dinner sorted? Clean up after what your daughter did? Run along and let me finish teaching her a lesson,” he hissed like a man possessed - thrusting hard with each sentence spat.

  Andrea turned and ran from the room in floods of tears. She knew there was no point in trying to talk him down now. She knew that, once in one of his moods, there was no talking him down. You just had to let him get on with what he wanted to do or else feel his wrath too.

  * * * * *

  Johnny stormed into the dining room and slammed the door behind him. Without taking the time to look around the room he punched the wall as hard as he could - in his mind the plaster was his father. In his mind the crack in the plaster was a crack in his father’s face. The blood, from his knuckles, also belonged to his dad - in his fragile mind. He hit the wall again. And again. Each punch working out more of his frustration and anger at not being able to stand up to his own father. He knew someone had to. He knew someone had to put him in his place. For the sake of the family. He just wished he were strong enough. He went to swing at the wall again and suddenly froze when something, in the room, caught his eye. Slowly he turned to face the dining room table; a large oak table in the middle of the room with enough chairs, around it, to seat the entire family.

  On the table, with two tall candles on either side of her, was Charlotte – naked, bound by restraints holding her wrists and ankles - a ball gag in her mouth and make-up smudged down her pretty face from the tears of fear which leaked from her eyes uncontrollably.

  He stormed over to her and spat in her face. “This is your fault,” he whispered so as not to alert the rest of his family that he was talking to the dinner, “if we hadn’t picked you and your friends up...If we hadn’t...” he stopped talking and just stared at her naked body, suddenly overcome by lust. “I’m not gay!” he hissed at her as though she had been the one to name call him in the first place. “I’m not.”

  Charlotte squirmed against the restraints as she felt her captor clamber up onto the table next to her. She couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing. She kept her eyes closed tightly. If she couldn’t see him, perhaps he wasn’t really there? She knew it wasn’t the case. She knew but hoped nevertheless.

  He whispered in her ear, “I’m not gay. He wants me to prove it?” His gravely voice sent a shiver down to the base of her bare spine. “You smell good,” he continued, “Fresh...A hint of fear. Fear is good.” He nuzzled her neck and breathed in deeply - taking his time to take in her natural scent. “Mmmm...” he laughed, “....Good enough to eat. Good enough to fuck.”

  He kissed his way down her chest. He stopped long enough to give her nipples a little flick with his tongue. She let out a sigh; one of surprise and not pleasure.

  The restraints were straining as she pulled and twisted against them harder – straining, but not giving.

  Her captor kissed down her stomach, another flick of his tongue - this time across her belly button. Hardly a pause before he continued moving southwards. A kiss against her pubic area. A small moan escaped his lips. A small whimper of panic, as she realised what was to come, from hers. He moved lower until his head was between her legs. A pause. She could feel his rancid breath against her vagina.

  The restraints still refused to budge from her desperate squirming.

  He breathed in deeply and sighed once more.

  She clenched, bracing herself for what was to come; another flick of his tongue. Perhaps an experimental probing of his index finger? Nothing came. She opened her eyes and looked down. He was still there, between her legs. He was looking up at her. His eyes almost black in this light. Soulless. The lust and hunger overshadowing previous thoughts of despair and hatred for his father. He smiled.

  “You smell great,” he repeated. He continued looking at her as he moved himself lower. He stopped just before he reached her knee and promptly ran his tongue up the inside of her quivering thigh.

  The damned restraints not allowing any freedom. She couldn’t help but whimper. Tears of fear turned to those of disgust as they ran down her pale cheeks.

  He stopped when he reached her vagina again.

  A lick of his lips.

  “Salty. Your fear tastes salty. One can only imagine what that’ll do to the flavour of...”

  He ran his hand up the inside of leg, where he had just licked. Whereas his face had stopped just before her vagina, his hand didn’t. His determined fingers ran across her labia.

  “Please don’t...” she mumbled around the ball-gag but he ignored her. His
fingers forcing themselves to slowly part her lips. His breath so close that she knew it was only a matter of seconds before she’d feel his lips against her skin again.


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