The Heart of a Beast: A Phoenix Pack Urban Paranormal (Saved By a Beast Book 4)

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The Heart of a Beast: A Phoenix Pack Urban Paranormal (Saved By a Beast Book 4) Page 8

by Jade Royal

  “Of course, not Kyra.” He stood and came around the desk. He held out his hand, and Kyra took it. He squeezed her hand in comfort as they walked out of the office together. Because her luck was just so splendid, she bumped into Jaxson as soon as the office door opened.

  “Hey Jax,” Kellan said. He kissed Kyra on the forehead before he walked away leaving Jaxson and Kyra alone in the tunnel.

  “You two had a meeting?” Jaxson asked.

  “Yup,” she replied shortly.

  “What about?”

  “Nonya,” she scoffed.

  “Seriously? How old are you?”

  “Old enough,” Kyra stated. She looked him up and down before turning to walk off. Jaxson grabbed her wrist and yanked her back.

  “Alright, what the hell has been going on?” he questioned.

  “Why you acting like this towards me?”

  “Can’t you take a hint?”

  “Obviously not. So tell me what’s up.”

  “I just want you to stay away from me Jaxson. Damn, are you that fucking inconsiderate? Are you out to fucking hurt me?” She snapped.

  “Kyra, what the fuck? I’d never hurt you,” he gasped.

  “Yeah well, you need to reevaluate that.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You’re not an idiot Jaxson. Use your fucking brain. I know we always play around and act like nothing’s going on, but you should be able to feel the way my body changes around you. The way my heart beats differently. My arousal, my schoolgirl blushes. You know what’s going on, I know you do,” Kyra accused.


  “Then you call me cocoa bean and you make me swoon, and you tell me how you couldn’t live without me. That’s not something to be taken lightly.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “So why are you playing around with me?!” Kyra’s voice trembled.

  “I swear to you I’m not.” Jaxson tried to convince her.

  “Well you must be!” she shrieked.

  “Because you’re saying all this shit to me Jaxson. You’re making me fall for you.” Jaxson was stunned. She was falling for him? He wanted to smile and jump for joy, but there was more to this that he was missing.

  “You’re falling for me?” he asked. She pushed him hard.

  “Yes, you idiot!” A lone tear streaked down her face. He went to touch her, but she pushed him away.

  “I’m falling for you, and you’re gonna break my heart. Because Mira is your mate.” She shook her head before she wiped her tears and hurried off.

  “Stay away from me!” she called out to him. Jaxson stood there; dumbfounded. He felt like he’d just been dumped. And it was not a good feeling. Growling, he walked through the tunnels until he got to Mira’s bedroom. He slammed opened the door without even knocking.

  “Damn what’s the matter with you,” she said.

  “Did you tell Kyra we’re mates?” he asked her.

  “What are you talking-”

  “Don’t fuck with me Mira. Did you tell Kyra we were mates?”

  “Well yes, I had to. My wolf couldn’t stand her around you, and if I was going to attack her, then she had a right to know why.”

  “That’s pure bullshit,” Jaxson shouted punching the stone wall. Mira jumped in fright.

  “What are you tryna do huh?” he asked.

  “Nothing…I just thought we were mates,” she whispered.

  “We’re not mates Mira. I may be confused by a lot of shit, but I know for fact we’re not mates. I don’t have a fucking mate. So you can go sell that mates bullshit to another wolf.” He glared at her before stomping out of her room. Jaxson was beyond pissed because he knew that even though he could tell Kyra this was all just a mix up, he would probably still lose her.

  Chapter Seven

  Bliss took steadying breaths as sweat dribbled from her temple. Kyra wiped Bliss’s brow with a cool towel as Selena prepped the healing room she’d created when she became part of the pack. Kellan was pacing the room; nerves consuming him as Bliss was in labor. Gemma was sitting on the other side of Bliss keeping her calm. But in this state of labor, her wolf would not attempt to emerge. Kyra assisted with births before, but she was happy to have Selena there because there was a lot Kyra would probably need help with. Selena could sense the closeness of the birth, and if something went wrong, she would be able to sense it and fix it quickly.

  After her outburst with Jaxson or whatever the hell that was, the weeks leading up to Bliss’s labor had been uneventful. Kyra had stayed far from Jaxson, and he didn’t look like he wanted to engage with her either, and Kyra was fine with that. It made it easier to get through each day.

  That plus they’d torn apart the lounge and found ownership papers. The building was paid for in full, and besides land tax and a simply mortgage, it would be easily manageable. Under Kellan’s leadership, the pack had been stripping out the lounge and transforming it into something uplifting and new. The basement was being turned into a recovery and replenish area for wolves and packs in need as a pit stop while the top floor was going to be a simple club. It was going to be a safe and entertaining place for all shifters to come, and have a good time without being fucked with or attacked.

  It would be off limits to humans, and the pack was working on making the building soundproof and blacking out the windows, so it appeared the place was vacant. Kyra had consumed herself in working hard at the lounge, and that too made it easier to not think about Jaxson.

  “Kellan,” Bliss groaned. She sat up with her face scrunched up. Her contractions were a few minutes apart. It was very painful, but her shifter powers were helping her cope with the painful labor. That plus Kellan was feeding her his healing energy through their bond. When she called out to him; he came over to her side. Gemma moved out of the way to give Kellan room. He could sense her pain and did his best to keep her comfortable with his healing energy.

  “You’re doing great,” he whispered kissing her temple. Bliss groaned and let her head fall back; the urge to push overpowering her. Selena rushed over with warm water and dry towels. Bliss had been on the ground, surrounded by blankets and pillows.

  “Whenever you’re ready,” Selena smiled brightly at Bliss.

  “Listen to your pup and your body.” Bliss nodded and took deep breaths. When she went to sit up, Kyra helped to keep her steady. Kellan held her leg open, and she bore down and pushed. Selena kneeled in front of her open legs and coached her.

  “You got this mama,” Selena coached. Bliss took another breath and pushed again; screaming as she felt the pressure of her baby emerging from her vagina. This time her healing energy wasn’t coming fast enough to help her overcome the pain. Kellan kept kissing her temple and whispering in her ear.

  “I love you so much,” he whispered to her. Kyra looked at them, a saddened feeling overcoming her. She quickly shook it off, however. This wasn’t about her and her lackluster love life. This was about her alpha pair and their pup. Kyra was happy for this moment.

  “I love you too,” Bliss gritted. She bore down again and held her breath as she pushed hard.

  “That’s it!” Selena shouted. Bliss screamed as the head of her pup emerged. She took another quick deep breath and pushed again. The moment the shoulders were out, Selena pulled him the rest of the way. Bliss fell against the floor limply, breathing heavily. Selena quickly placed the baby on Bliss’s chest for skin to skin. He started crying right up until he felt the skin of his mother. Kellan’s eyes were glassed over as he watched his son and mate embraced for the first time. He was overcome with so much emotion he didn’t know what to do with himself. He couldn’t stop kissing Bliss. She was amazing.

  While Bliss held their pup, Kellan cut the umbilical cord with Selena’s instruction. Then Bliss slowly gave birth to her placenta. Selena’s hands were glowing as she ran them over Bliss helping her to heal. Bliss’s own healing powers were slowed by the birth, and Selena’s powers helped progress Bliss’s healing.

sp; “Let me clean him up,” Selena said ready to take the pup. As she took him, she ran a glowing hand over his tiny body.

  “He’s perfect,” she said to Bliss and Kellan.

  “Kyra, Gemma, help get Bliss cleaned up and Kellan I want you to take her over to the bed once she’s cleaned up,” Selena ordered them like a woman in charge and one who knew exactly what she was doing. She was definitely an asset to the pack.

  Gemma and Kyra used the warm water and clean towels to clean the blood from Bliss’s private area. Her bleeding had stopped, thanks to the healing by both Selena and what Kellan was giving Bliss through their bond. Kyra helped get Bliss into some clothes before Kellan carried her to the bed. Selena wanted Bliss and the pup to stay in the room overnight to fully recover before they went back to their room.

  “Here you go,” Selena said sweetly as she gave Bliss their pup wrapped in a blanket. Bliss looked down into the face of her baby. He truly did look like Kellan.

  “I wonder how his eyes look,” Bliss commented.

  “Well he won’t open them for a week,” Kellan said.

  “It’s just like when you were changing into a shifter. You couldn’t see for some time, so that’s the same thing with our pup.” Bliss touched his head of curly hair. He began to fuss, turning his head from side to side. Bliss sensed his hunger through their bond. She quickly popped her breast from her bra and rubbed her nipple against his lips. He latched on with no problem and began sucking dutifully in his hunger.

  “Thanks for the help,” Kellan said to Selena shaking her hand. Selena bowed at him and smiled.

  “Anything for the pack.” Kellan looked at Kyra knowing that hearing Selena say that would probably affect her. He wasn’t surprised to see it had. He hated seeing Kyra feeling depressed like this.

  “I’m fine Kellan,” she spoke up. Kellan gave her a look not believing her, but he would have another talk with her soon.

  “Let us in!” Rita called from the outside of the door, banging.

  “I wanna see that baby!” Selena laughed as she went to open the door. The rest of the pack stampeded inside the room nearly crushing her. Mira came in as well but stayed in the doorway while everyone else gathered around the bed.

  “Oh my god, he’s so adorable,” Rita swooned. She touched her round belly; excited for the birth of her pup. The baby popped Bliss’s nipple from his mouth and looked in the direction of where Rita’s voice came from. Kellan quickly pushed Bliss’s breast away from the eyes of the males in the pack.

  “Yes, it’s your auntie speaking,” Rita cooed. She took the small baby from Bliss’s arms. Kyra nearly fell over at the cuteness when the baby smiled an innocent smile and cooed, rubbing his cheek against Rita’s cheek.

  “Hey, I’m your auntie too!” Gemma exclaimed wanting to get the same reaction from the baby.

  “Relax, relax,” Bliss smiled.

  “Kellan hasn’t even held him yet.” Rita immediately held the baby out to his father. Kellan wasn’t shy about taking his small pup in his hands. His pup wiggled and sought out Kellan’s comfort as if he knew he was being held by his father. Kellan held him close and ran his cheek against the baby’s cheek so the baby could learn his scent and touch.

  “What’s his name?” Jaxson asked.

  “Kingston,” Kellan replied looking down at his pup and the future of the Phoenix pack.

  “Now that sounds like the name for the son of the alpha,” Jaxson smiled.

  “Bliss came up with it,” Kellan said.

  “My uterus is crying,” Kyra shook her head.

  “You two are giving me intense baby fever.” She made a face as if she was going to vomit; pulling laughs from the pack. Jaxson looked at her at the same time she looked at him. No words transpired between them. All this time Jaxson wanted to talk to her so bad, but he knew giving her space was important.

  “Here,” Kellan said; handing her the baby. Kyra wanted to say no and back away, but Kellan dropped the baby in her hands. Losing the touch of his father, Kingston began fussing and crying.

  “Oh don’t do your auntie Ky like that,” she cooed, holding him protectively. She put her index finger into his palm, and he squeezed it. Yawning big, he made his baby sounds before burrowing in Kyra’s arms and falling asleep. Kellan smiled at the interaction between Kyra and his pup.

  Bliss rested back against the pillows on the bed, exhaustion ready to take over her. Selena ran her glowing hands over Bliss again to make sure the new mother would be back to her normal self by tomorrow night.

  “Alright guys everyone out,” Selena ordered.

  “Bliss needs some sleep. I’m sure Kingston will awake soon for more milk. So she needs her rest.” Selena shooed everyone out of the room. Kyra stood and handed the baby over to Kellan. She smiled and hurried out of the room as well while Selena was pulling the bassinet next to the bed so Kellan could put the baby down. Kyra was so busy looking into the room as she walked out of it that she didn’t see Jaxson standing there. She felt his hard chest when she bumped into him. Startling her self, she threw her fist out to punch him in the throat; but his large hand palmed her fist.

  “You’re the one that bumped into me,” he said pushing her fist back.

  “Sorry I didn’t mean that. It was a reflex.”

  “It’s alright,” he replied.

  “I’m going to train some of the younger wolves in about an hour; I could use some help.” One of the alphas expressed their concern that their young male wolves had no proper training to become enforcers when they came of puberty. Kellan had been using Tristan and Jaxson in rotation to give proper training to the young wolves. They used Kellan’s old cabin as the training grounds with the cabin being stocked with supplies and necessities. With Bliss finally having the baby and Rita and Jayce’s pup on the way, Kellan had forbade any wolf not part of their pack to enter their sanctuary.

  “Are you asking me to go with you?” Kyra asked.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “No thanks,” she replied immediately. She couldn’t see herself going anywhere with him. Jaxson was an infectious wolf an even if she was trying to keep her distance; he had his ways of breaking down her walls. Next thing she knew, she would probably be laughing at his jokes and swooning over him again. Only to then fall to heartbreak once again.

  “You’ve got to talk to me sometime you know,” he sighed.

  “I don’t gotta do anything Jaxson,” she said.

  “Actually; you’re right. You don’t have to do anything. I just want you to. Really bad. I’ve respected your space Kyra; you can’t say that I haven’t. I did that so that maybe one day you’d allow me to explain something to you.” Kyra couldn’t keep up her hard façade.

  “Oh cut the puppy dog eyes out,” she rolled her eyes. Jaxson smiled at her.

  “And Stop smiling at me,” she hit him across his hard bicep. She couldn’t help but smile. It was happening. She was melting in her boots.

  “Alright. You win. Talk,” she ordered.

  “Well, I was thinking we should go somewhere a little bit more private.”

  “Why? So you can have your way with me and no one to interrupt you?” Jaxson looked her up and down.

  “Cocoa bean if I was having my way with you, you wouldn’t want anyone to interrupt me,” he said. Jaxson didn’t miss the wave of the fresh cocoa scent and poured from her in waves. It was her arousal, and he’d caused it.

  “Hot springs,” Kyra choked out. She quickly walked away trying to calm her racing heart. She was horny as fuck, and a dip into the natural jacuzzi might calm her pulsing clit.

  Without seeing what he was doing; Kyra immediately traveled the tunnels and went to her bedroom. She changed into her two-piece bathing suit and tried hard to put her natural curly afro into a high puff to keep out of the way of the water. She left her bedroom and was startled again to see Jaxson standing right at her door. He flashed a smile at her.

  “You gotta calm down,” he said.

  “What you s
o jumpy for?”

  “I’m not jumpy,” she stated even though she was lying through her teeth. Jaxson looked her up and down.

  “Don’t you want to put something on over that?” he asked.

  “No,” she scoffed. The two-piece left little to the imagination, but she’d been naked around the entire pack. She doubted a bathing suit would capture anyone’s attention.

  “I think you should,” he said, leaning against the cave wall letting her know that he was in no rush to leave until she put something over her bathing suit. Kyra crossed her arms and stood there defiantly.

  “I’m not telling you to put a shirt on,” she claimed motioning to his buff chest and washboard abs. His swim shorts didn’t hide what made him a man, but she didn’t think any pants he wore would hide it.

  “That’s not a fair trade,” he said.

  “And you know it.”

  “Hey guys,” Tristan greeted as he walked by them in the tunnels heading to his and Gemma’s bedroom.

  “Hey,” Jaxson and Kyra said at the same time. Tristan looked at Kyra, and his eyes bulged.

  “Goddamn Kyra!” He exclaimed; unable to control his reaction. He looked directly at her breasts before looking away quickly. Gemma smacked the back of his head.

  “Men,” she sighed as she tugged on his ear.

  “Sorry baby I just didn’t know Kyra had it going on like that.” He scooped her up in his arms.

  “I’ll make it up to you my Gem.” Kyra watched them disappear down the tunnels. When she looked back at Jaxson, he had a ‘told you so’ expression on his face.

  “Fine,” she grunted.

  “You win.”

  “Come,” Jaxson said taking her hand. He walked with her protectively behind him, leading the way to his bedroom. She was curious as to what he was doing but didn’t ask him any questions. She trusted him one hundred percent and doubted he would do anything she should be afraid of.

  Inside his clean but bare bedroom, he searched the oak drawers and pulled out one of his t-shirts. Without saying anything, he went over to her and pulled the t-shirt over her head and maneuvered her arms into the sleeves; effectively dressing her. Kyra was stunned at his actions and found herself speechless. His shirt covered her whole body and damn near dropped mid-thigh. He nodded in satisfaction. Kya’s eyes widened, and she saw in her head, her wolf noticing his scent all over her. She perked up immediately, swooned and fell over with her tongue out of her mouth. The sensation carried through to Kyra. Her eyes rolled, and she felt herself falling over about to faint as if Idris Elba had given her a hug or something. Jaxson caught her as her knees fell weak.


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