The Heart of a Beast: A Phoenix Pack Urban Paranormal (Saved By a Beast Book 4)

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The Heart of a Beast: A Phoenix Pack Urban Paranormal (Saved By a Beast Book 4) Page 19

by Jade Royal

  “But what if-”

  “No Kyra. Let’s talk about the ‘what if’s’ when they become our reality. Let’s not talk about the future. Let’s talk about the here and the now. Not what can potentially happen.” He took her hands and held them.

  “I’m tired of protecting myself from the future when I don’t even know how far away my problems are. I know that you’re in my life today, and you’re gonna be here tomorrow,” he said.

  “What do you want?” Kyra asked him.

  “Commitment,” he replied.

  “But we’re not mates,” she whispered.

  “This is a risk I’m willing to take,” he whispered back. Kyra leaned her forehead against his and smiled. She kissed him deeply, wrapping her arms around his neck. Jaxson ran his hands over her body.

  “I’m all yours.” The words slipped from her mouth and tingled in his heart. Jaxson just knew that he was falling and he was falling hard.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Whap! Kyra stumbled as she was slapped hard. The hits kept coming, whipping against her body harshly. She felt as her stomach was ripped to shreds, the muscle and tissue desecrated. Kyra screamed and screamed, but the pain never seemed to end.

  “Kyra!” Jaxson shook Kyra trying to awaken her from her nightmare. She was thrashing and screaming while clutching at her stomach.

  “Kyra baby, please wake up,” Jaxson lightly smacked her on the face. Her eyes popped open; the color of her animal. She bared her teeth at him.

  “It’s me cocoa bean,” he kissed her lips despite her teeth so her wolf would retreat. The animal quickly backed away, but Kyra was left with a racing heartbeat and tears streaming from her eyes. Jaxson held her tightly, hugging her head into his neck.

  “Ssh, it’s okay,” he whispered.

  “I’ve got you.”

  “He-he ripped my stomach open,” she cried.

  “Now I can’t have pups. That bastard took a piece of life away from me that I can’t ever get back.” Jaxson could only hold her as she cried allowing her to get it all out. It took her ten minutes for her cries to turn into sniffles. Once it did, Jaxson pulled her head away from his neck and looked at her. He massaged her neck and face, wiping away her tears.

  “You’re not there anymore,” he told her.

  “You’re here. With me. Perfectly healthy. Though you have demons, I will always be here to protect you from it, Kyra. Whatever piece of life he took away from you I will fill that void however I can. Because at the end of the day you fill every void in my life. I won’t see you hurting. I won’t see you deprived of happiness. Not as long as my heart still beats.” Kyra sniffled and looked at him deeply.

  “Mira told me she could sense that I couldn’t have pups,” she sniffled.

  “So I guess I’ll be childless for the eternity that is this shifter life.”

  “Fuck what she told you!” Jaxson exclaimed.

  “This is your life, Kyra. Don’t you dare let anyone tell you what you can and can’t fucking do? You hear me?”

  “I hear you,” she whispered.

  “Good. I don’t want to hear no more of this negative shit about your life Kyra. If something makes you unhappy; tell me. If there’s something you want to change; tell me. That’s what I’m here for. To help you live your life as best as you can live it. I won’t ever let anyone deprive you of anything ever again.” Overcome with emotion, Kyra couldn’t stop herself from kissing Jaxson frantically. He returned her kisses in the same frantic manner. The both of them were hungry for each other; desperate to cling onto the bond they were slowly building together.

  Through their heated kissing, they fell backwards into bed. Jaxson rolled on top of her, ripping at the lace panties she had worn to bed. She wore no bra or a top, so she was easily naked underneath him in a matter of seconds. She wrapped her legs around him as he pulled down his boxer briefs; freeing his caged erection.

  They moaned in unison as their bodies were joined. Something blissful came over their unity. Sharing each other’s bodies put them in a place of euphoria. The suction of her walls against his thick flesh, their raspy breaths and passionate moans were in perfect tune with each other.

  They both rose to their orgasms in sync with each other. Their eyes glowed at each other; their relationship reaching a depth far deeper than just physical. Both of their essences would never be bound together because they were not true mates, but there was something else knitting in between them. Something that was making a connection like this even possible between them. Whatever it was, it forged power between. It surged through their bodies and erupted as their orgasms. Kyra screamed in pleasure feeling as if her spirit was being lifted from her body. Jaxson soared with her. His wolf teeth elongated in his mouth as he let out a guttural groan in response to the pulsing of his dick.

  “Jaxson,” she whispered gazing at him with her glowing eyes.

  “Kyra,” he whispered back, shaking. The first orgasm had rolled over them, but Jaxson was still hard, and still moving within her body; pumping both of them to another orgasmic wave. Her breathing went ragged as another orgasm rose again inside her. She clutched onto his arms as he fucked her to euphoria.

  “I have to tell you something,” she rasped out.

  “What?” Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her orgasm crashed landed.

  “I’m falling in love with you,” she declared passionately.

  “So am I,” Jaxson roared, as their orgasms slammed over them in unison. Jaxson reared down and bit through the flesh of her shoulder. He bit hard and deep, excelling their orgasms to new heights. Their bodies shook and trembled at the sheer force of pleasure. It wasn’t until their hearts slowed, and the pleasure of the orgasm subsided that Jaxson realized just what he had just done. He retracted his teeth from her shoulder and slowly pulled out of her dimly pulsing walls. He backed away from her and sat back on his knees. She sat up slowly and touching the bite of her shoulder.

  “I am so sorry,” he breathed.

  “I don’t know what came over me.” Kyra was quiet, continuing to rub his bite mark with her fingertips.

  “It was just-instinct came over me and I-” Jaxson was rarely ever speechless. Until now.

  “Why aren’t you saying anything? Say something. Please.” She sighed and inhaled, already smelling his scent buried in her skin.

  “Why are you sorry?” she asked.

  “For biting me?”

  “Because….because most she-wolves don’t like to be marked by any wolf that’s not her mate. No matter how much she fucks another wolf or has feelings for them. I just-I don’t want to cross the line.”

  “Last night we both said that we wanted to be committed. That we wanted to be together and not just wolves that fucked.”

  “It’s true. I very much want that,” he said eagerly.

  “I meant what I just said. It wasn’t just the bomb ass sex that turned my brain to mush or something,” she admitted.

  “I’m really falling in love with you. So wearing your mark and carrying your scent doesn’t make me angry or cross the line.” Jaxson smiled and took her into his arms.

  “I’m falling for you too. Hard as shit, I might add.” Kyra laughed and massaged his beard.

  “Amazing pussy does that doesn’t it?” she teased.

  “I don’t know, we should find someone with amazing pussy,” he countered. Kyra gasped and tried to leap from his arms, but Jaxson held her closely while laughing. She punched him in the arm.

  “Asshole,” she smiled. She looked at his shoulder and licked her lips. Her teeth slowly burst from her gums without her realizing it at first. Jaxson touched her teeth that was sizably smaller than his. He knew what her wolf wanted her to do.

  “You can do it if you want to,” he told her. Kyra’s eyes glowed the moment he said it. Without hesitation, she wrapped her arms around his neck and bit down into his shoulder. Jaxson winced at the initial pain of the bite, but it soon turned into pleasure. He couldn’t help b
ut moan as she licked around the bite, sealing it.

  “Now that we’re doing this Jaxson,” she said drawing a nail over his chest.

  “Yeah?” He asked.

  “Now that we’re doing this; don’t fuck with me and break my heart.” She scratched him deep enough to draw blood to punctuate her point.

  “Copy that,” he smiled taking her hand away from his chest. He kissed her.

  “Let’s go eat. I’m starving.”


  Jaxson and Kyra were holding hands as they walked towards the dining room where their pack was having breakfast. From the bite marks on their skin, and their scents it would be clear that they had marked each other. It was a big step to take, especially when you were with someone that wasn’t your true mate; but Jaxson wouldn’t have it any other way. The difference between marking someone and when you mated someone was that completing the bond with your mate made your scents mix together. The way Jaxson and Kyra marked each other made it so that they would carry each other’s scents, but it wouldn’t be mixed together with their own scents. So while Kyra smelled like Jaxson, her scent and his scent didn’t create a harmonious new scent.

  “Shit, I’m nervous,” Kyra said as they walked to the dining room.

  “What for?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, marking each other is a big deal. They were okay with us having sex but marking each other they could react differently.”

  “At this point, I don’t even care. All that matters is that we want this.” He squeezed her hand as they walked out of the tunnels.

  “Lovebirds finally joined us,” Gemma teased.

  “Whatever Gem,” Kyra smiled as she sat around the table. Their plates were already laid out as they sat across from each other. Acting as if everything was normal, they began piling their plates with food. Rita’s nose quirked as she looked at Jaxson who sat next to her. Without warning, she pressed her nose up against his neck and inhaled deeply; before yanking his shirt to the side to reveal a bite mark on his shoulder.

  “Oh shit,” Bliss gasped.

  “You guys are mated?!” She sniffed the air.

  “Your scents aren’t mixed together though,” she said.

  “It’s different for us,” Jaxson told her.

  “How come?” Bliss asked.

  “We’re not true mates,” Kyra spoke up.

  “So we can mark each other and smell like each other, but our scents won’t ever mix, and we won’t ever feel each other’s essence, but we can claim each other. When our scents die out from each other’s skin we have to mark each other again.”

  “You know, I really thought the mating bond would eventually click between the two of you,” Jayce said.

  “I told you we’re not mates. I wasn’t lying,” Jaxson said.

  “But I want her more than I wanted anything in my life. Ever.”

  “Then we’re happy for you,” Tristan said. Kellan raised his glass of orange juice.

  “To the new couple,” he boasted. Everyone raised their glasses and clinked them together in honor of Jaxson and Kyra.

  “What are we toasting to?” Mira asked, entering the dining room. She sat on the other side of Jaxson and cozying up to him far more than Kyra found acceptable.

  “Jaxson and Kyra are together now,” Selena said to her.

  “Really?” Mira laughed thinking they were joking around. But then she looked at Kyra and saw the seriousness on her face.

  “What? Are you two serious?” Mira gasped.

  “Like a heart attack,” Jaxson told her.

  “I would appreciate it, Mira, if you weren’t cozying up to him like that either,” Kyra said calmly.

  “Fuck what you would appreciate Kyra. Everyone is here kissing your ass and celebrating you like you’re some princess, but you’re a low-down dirty trick.” Kyra gasped at Mira’s words. She stood abruptly, and so did Mira.

  “Just who the fuck are you talking to like that?” Kyra asked.

  “Who the fuck do you think? You saw that I wanted him, Kyra. You saw how he wanted me, how he treated me and how he was attracted to me and because all the other she-wolves are mated off you didn’t want to be the odd woman out. So you turned him against me! I don’t know what you did to convince him to be with you instead of me, but you’re wrong for it. Then you want to act like I’m the crazy one. That I have no reason to be upset that you stole him from me!” Mira pounded her fist on the table. Kingston jumped in Bliss’s arms and began wailing loudly.

  “Alright that’s enough,” Kellan ordered standing up.

  “You would let her do this to me?” Mira asked him. Kellan gave her a look.

  “I’m the alpha. Not Jerry Springer. I don’t know what the three of you got going on, but you need to handle it in a proper manner. I will not tolerate any fighting unless it’s in the form of a challenge. If I have to break up another fight or argument, I’m not going to be a happy alpha. So think long and hard about it. Both of you sit the hell down.” Kyra glared at Mira, but she sat down like Kellan told her to. Mira, however, stayed standing up.

  “No offense but you’re not my alpha,” she said to Kellan. Everyone gasped at her statement.

  “Honey you should watch your mouth,” Jayce said.

  “He is the one letting you stay here. Whether he’s your alpha or not.” Mira was pissed the hell off, but she realized that she needed to not make the wrong enemies.

  “I’m sorry Kellan,” she blurted out. “I’m just very furious at the moment.”

  “Well, you need to fix your problems, Mira. Next time you speak to me like that you’re not going to like my response.” Jaxson stood immediately and took Mira by the wrist. He yanked her away from the table and lead her as far away as he could from listening ears.

  “Why you doing this?” he asked her.

  “Doing what?”

  “I made it very clear last night that I wanted her. It’s so simple Mira. Please move on.”

  “I’ll tell you this right now Jaxson. And listen to what the fuck I’m about to say.” Jaxson crossed his arms and glared at her.

  “You want to be with her. Fine. But know that if I’m not fucking happy, then neither of you get to be fucking happy. So enjoy it while you can.”

  “Wait, wait, is that a threat?” Mira glared at him hard before stomping away. Jaxson stood there, thinking. Did she really just threaten him? And what the hell was she planning to do? Jaxson was worried of course, but he wasn’t going to focus all his attention on her. He had his new relationship to worry about.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “So we scope out the surrounding area of the house first and then get a sense of how many people are inside. Tristan, we will enter first and take on the flood of attacks. Kyra, you take Zander and Niles to find all the shifters and get them out. If me or Tristan needs help, once you get the shifters to safety then you can come back and help us. Sounds doable?” Kyra was gazing dreamily at her man, watching him conduct their enforcer meeting. It had been nearly a month since their claiming of each other and Kyra was still in dreamland when it came to him. She couldn’t help but show the obvious signs of love when around him.

  “Hello. Earth to Kyra,” Zander said snapping his fingers in her face. Kyra snarled and slapped his hand away.

  “Get ya hand out my face,” she snapped at him.

  “You heard everything I just said?” Jaxson asked her. They were preparing to launch their search and rescues of those human hunter homes to check for any captive shifters. Kyra heard the plan, but while she was looking at Jaxson, it all sounded like she was underwater and someone was trying to talk to her.

  “Yeah I heard you,” she lied.

  “Okay great. I’ll run the plan by Kellan. On his orders, we’ll take to the mission. Zander, Niles will any of you be challenging an enforcer today?” At the end of every meeting, it was standard that the enforcer trainees be asked if they wanted to challenge to finally earn their positions. Zander and Niles traded glares before Ni
les stood up reluctantly.

  “Alright fine,” he sighed. “I’d like to challenge.”

  “Who?” Jaxson asked.

  “Kyra,” he mumbled. Kyra heard that loud and clear. She stood.

  “Challenge accepted,” she said.

  “Niles you can report to the cellar for the challenge. I’ll alert the rest of the pack.”

  “Good luck Ky,” Tristan smiled at her as he left with Zander in tow. Kyra turned and looked at Jaxson.

  “I know I’m sexy baby, but you’re going to have to pay attention during the meetings,” he told her.

  “Oh please,” she scoffed. Jaxson smiled brightly at her. Even though she didn’t want to admit it; her man just looked so sexy in charge. How could she not stare?

  “And I’m going to need you to pay attention during your challenge as well. How should you go about winning this one?” he asked.

  “Are you supposed to be helping me?” she questioned.

  “The commanding officer is allowed to give one tip to each opponent about the other. I will talk to Niles once I go down to the cellar about you. So answer my question, how should you go about winning this one?”

  “Um, I don’t know. I guess strike hard and strike fast.”

  “Here’s my tip,” he said.

  “As a woman, by default, you will not be able to overpower him. Think about his movement and how he chooses to approach a fight. Only then will you figure out how to beat him. If you try to match his strength by striking hard and striking fast, you will lose.” Kyra nodded her head taking in his information.

  “Question. Do I get a good luck kiss?” she asked smiling. He winked at her.

  “No. I don’t want to give you that much of an advantage. Since I can’t kiss Niles then you ain’t getting one either. But if you win, I’ll be kissing on you all night.” Kyra stretched her neck and arms.

  “Let’s do it.”

  Down in the cellar, the whole pack was waiting for Kyra and Jaxson to arrive. Jaxson went immediately over to Niles to give him the same talk that he had with Kyra.

  “So, you’re her boyfriend. How do I beat her?” Niles asked.


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