The Heart of a Beast: A Phoenix Pack Urban Paranormal (Saved By a Beast Book 4)

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The Heart of a Beast: A Phoenix Pack Urban Paranormal (Saved By a Beast Book 4) Page 24

by Jade Royal

  Jayce, Kellan, and Tristan were waiting just behind the waterfall when Jaxson arrived to the caves. Even though he had taken his time, a three-hour trek would tire out anyone. His legs were sore from the constant running then walking, then jogging and he hadn’t shifted into his wolf because he wanted to keep his clothes on.

  “I was starting to get worried,” Jayce said, slapping his friend on the back.

  “I told you I would get here by nightfall.” Jaxson hugged all three of them. He bowed to Kellan.

  “Oh, cut that shit out,” Kellan waved him off.

  “Forget the alpha shit.”

  “How can I forget the alpha shit huh? You are still very much my alpha. Unless you’d like me to give you back the vows.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Kellan smirked.

  “How’s everyone been?” Jaxson asked.

  “Tris, you knocked Gemma up yet?”

  “No!” Tristan exclaimed.

  “Soon though,” he winked.

  “Speaking of knocked up, Jayce’s pup is the cutest thing.” Bliss’s voice came from behind them where she stood at the metal doors. She was holding Kingston who at this age was able to sit up in her arms. When he saw Jaxson, he blew spit bubbles and reached for Jaxson.

  “Wow, look how big you got and it hasn’t even been that long,” Jaxson said, taking him. He played with Jaxson’s beard, slapping him repeatedly in the face.

  “He is strong. Those slaps sting!” Kingston burst out laughing before Bliss took him back. Jaxson hugged the alpha female.

  “Come let’s go inside,” she said taking his hand. At that moment Jaxson took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Inside the cave, they walked through the tunnels towards Jayce and Rita’s bedroom. Jayce led the way, and before they got to the room, Jaxson smelled the scent of the newborn pup. That wasn’t the only thing he smelled, however.

  “Look who I found,” Jayce said entering the room. The she-wolves all looked up from the pup as Jaxson entered the room.

  “Jax!” Gemma hopped up from the ground and rushed to hug him. Selena was right behind her to hug him as well. Rita was holding the baby girl and trying to get out of bed.

  “No, no you stay right there,” Jaxson told her. He went over to the bed and bent down to kiss her cheek and hug her. Standing upright, Jaxson made eye contact with Kyra who was standing on the other side of the bed. They gazed at each other for a moment. Jaxson forgot how beautiful she was.

  Forget that stupid order I gave you. You can always talk to her, Kellan said in his mind. Jaxson let out the breath he didn’t even know he was holding.

  “Hi Kyra,” he said softly. Kyra gazed at him wondering if she was fucking dreaming. For all the nights he was gone, Kyra damn sure dreamed that he always came back, but it was always just a damn dream. Now, here he was in front of her and everyone was seeing him. So it wasn’t just her imagination. He’d said hi to her, but Kyra didn’t know what to say. She’d died and had a chance to be with her true mater in the afterlife. Yet, she’d chosen to come back to the man who was weeping and pleading for her life. Kyra thought that they could overcome their obstacles, but she’d awakened to him gone. How was she supposed to handle him being here right now? She didn’t know, and well, she couldn’t really handle it. So instead of saying anything to him, she just shook her head and walked from the other side of the bed. She said nothing still as she left the room completely.

  “That was to be expected,” Tristan said.

  “She hasn’t been too happy that you left.”

  “Yeah well, I didn’t see a choice in the matter,” Jaxson sighed.

  “I’ll talk to her later. Right now I wanna meet the pup.” Rita smiled and held the baby up towards Jaxson for him to hold.

  “She’s very pretty; dodged her father’s looks thankfully,” Jason teased.

  “Shut up,” Jayce snapped as he laughed.

  “Her name is Riley,” Rita told him. Jaxson looked at the pup who was dark just like her mother with black and brown curls all over her head. Her eyes were still closed, but she was puckering her lips and sniffing Jaxson trying to familiarize herself with his scent.

  “Riley is a precious little thing,” Jaxson said.

  “Riley was also wondering if her uncle would be moving back in with her,” Jayce said. Jaxson smiled at his packmates as he gave Rita back her pup.

  “Well if I’m going to stay I need to talk to Kyra. If she doesn’t want me here, then I won’t stay.”

  “Then get to talking. You’re not leaving tonight, so you have plenty of time to talk to her,” Gemma said.

  “You might need a referee,” Selena said.

  “Sounds about right,” Jaxson sighed.

  “Might as well get it over with.” Jayce stayed in the bedroom with his mate and their newborn pup while everyone else followed Jaxson.

  Kyra was just outside of the kitchen pacing. Zander, Niles, and Mira were at the dining table, and each of them were shocked to see Jaxson was back. Zander and Niles hugged Jaxson while Mira just stared at him.

  “You came back for me?” She gasped.

  “No, I came back for Jayce, Rita, and the pup.”

  “But you want me don’t you?” She questioned.

  “You’ve had time to think, and you’re ready to make the right choice.”

  “Actually, I want her,” Jaxson said pointing to Kyra.

  “Always have and always will.” Kyra stopped pacing and glared directly at Jaxson. Since he had been gone, she didn’t speak to Mira, but Mira had always been trying to make it clear that Jaxson leaving was Kyra’s fault. Kyra began to believe her once she realized that Jaxson wasn’t going to call or come visit her. So hearing him say those words jared her. She was angered past the point of just keeping quiet. She marched up to him. Jaxson knew he was in for it by the way she walked up to him.

  Whap! She slapped the taste out of his mouth. His tongue tingled from the force of the slap. When he looked at her, she was glaring at him with misty eyes.

  “It’s me you want?” she questioned him.

  “I don’t fucking believe you!”


  “Shut up!” She snapped.

  “How can you say you want me when after I fucking died and came back to you, you fucking left me?! I woke up looking for you!” She pushed him hard.

  “I heard the way you cried for me Jaxson! So when I woke up, I was eager as fuck to be in your arms! To talk to you! To try and repair our shit! And you were nowhere to be fucking found! Then you don’t even call or visit or anything!” she pushed him again.

  “Why are you back here?! Why didn’t you just stay where the fuck you were at?” Jaxson didn’t answer her because he knew she wasn’t looking for an answer. She slapped his chest repeatedly.

  “Why did you leave me?!” she cried out. Jaxson still didn’t answer her. He tried to grab onto her arms so he could hold her, but she pushed him away.

  “Don’t touch me! Actually, you know what? I challenge you. Right here. Right now.” She whipped out her claws.

  “Kyra don’t be ridiculous,” Jaxson scoffed.

  “I’m not gonna fight you.” Kyra stomped her foot. She looked at Kellan and pointed and Jaxson.

  “I’m challenging him for his position as chief enforcer and for breaking my damn heart.” Jaxson looked back and forth between Kellan and Kyra.

  “You can’t be serious,” Jaxson said. Kyra was dead serious.

  “It’s a challenge Jax,” Kellan shrugged.

  “Okay fine, I accept,” Jaxson said. He stared at her then headed towards the cellar. Everyone was quiet. They didn’t know what was going through her head and Kyra barely knew what was going on in her damn head. She followed Jaxson down to the cellar. The pack was right behind her, including Mira.

  When she reached the cellar and saw Jaxson standing there shirtless, she realized what she’d just set herself up for. This wasn’t Zander or Niles. This was the chief enforcer, and he earned his position, it wasn’t han
ded to him. Still, Kyra didn’t back down. She yanked off her t-shirt to reveal her sports bra beneath. She got into a fighting stance ready to take Jaxson. She realized soon that he wasn’t going to strike first.

  “Have it your way,” she growled at him. She ran at him and began to attack with every move she had in her arsenal. She kicked, punched, jabbed, and slapped. Out of all of those hits, none of them landed. Jaxson deflected and blocked each and every one of them. She swung her leg up trying to roundhouse kick him. He grabbed onto her ankle, stopping her momentum and pushed her to the ground. She fell in a heap, breathing heavily. Yet still, he was hovering above her, standing as if he wasn’t in a fight. His breathing hadn’t changed, and he didn’t look as worn out as Kyra did. She was downright worn out. Almost too worn out to continue fighting. Not wanting him to have the satisfaction, she yelled and charged at him trying to give him the best of what she had. She punched him in the jaw, rattling his teeth then punched him in the throat. Kyra thought she was getting the upper hand until he pushed her back again. He had been doing nothing but being defensive, but that changed. He jabbed at her ribs and chest; knocking the air out of her lungs. Once again, Kyra fell to the ground. Jaxson didn’t let up on his jabs. He followed her down to the ground and punched her in the gut repeatedly. All Kyra could do was attempt to cover herself from the jabs. She was so disorientated she closed her eyes which was something she never did. One moment she was blocking hits, and the next moment she couldn’t breathe. Jaxson had grabbed her up, and with her back against his chest, his wrapped he thick bicep across her throat. She scratched at his arm trying to free herself, but it was no use.

  “Don’t make me put you to sleep Kyra,” he growled in her ear. Kyra fought hard thinking he would eventually let up, but he only squeezed tighter. When darkness began to grow at the edge of her vision, she knew he was dead serious.

  “I’ll make you pass out Kyra; I’m not joking around.” Kyra quickly tapped his arm repeatedly. She couldn’t speak, so she sent her thoughts to both Kellan and Jaxson.

  I submit! Jaxson let her go immediately. She fell to the ground struggling to breathe. When she turned and looked at Jaxson anger was still consuming her. She hated losing.

  “Got it all out your system?” he asked her. Kyra bared her teeth and attacked him again. She slapped his chest and hit him repeatedly as tears stung her eyes. He caught her into his arms and hugged her.

  “I’m sorry I left,” he whispered.

  “I just didn’t want to continue making you unhappy.” Kyra began blubbering, and she didn’t want to cry in front of him, so she pushed away from him. Still feeling the effects of the challenge made her slow but she rushed out of the cellar as quickly as she could. Jaxson, however, wasn’t going to let her get off that easily. He wanted to fix this, and he wanted to fix it now.

  “Kyra don’t run away from me!” he called out to her as he ran after her.

  “I thought that leaving was the only way to make things right. My presence alone upset you, and if I couldn’t be in your life Kyra, then I didn’t want to be here either.” Kyra slowed down until she stopped walking altogether.

  “Who is it that you want Jaxson? Me or Mira? Did you leave because you-”

  “She’s part of the reason I left Kyra but not because I wanted her. Because she was going to continue ruining whatever we would build. I thought you wanted nothing to do with me after what you saw.”

  “Why’d you have to fuck her huh? You know you could have broken it off with me instead of-”

  “I swear I don’t know how it happened. One moment I was asleep and the next moment she was on top of me, and you were there. I would never do that to you.”

  “Yeah well, you obviously-” The words were snatched from her mouth as her stomach began to churn. Her abdomen cramped up before feeling like something was imploding inside of her. Kyra bent over, grabbing her stomach as her pussy began to pound with pain. She let out a strained cry. Her nipples rolled into tight balls like they wanted to roll off her damn breasts and roll away. All the males felt the power of her heating and immediately backed up. Kyra sensed their panic knowing that they were going to be affected by her heating waves when they were already mated.

  “Sorry,” Kyra groaned out. She backed away before she began to run to get away from everyone and lock herself in her bedroom to deal with her heating cycle.

  “Are you going to let her go through that alone?” Kellan asked Jaxson.

  “Hell no,” Jaxson growled before running after Kyra.

  Jaxson ran after her and caught up just as she slammed her door closed. Because the cave walls were so thick Jaxson couldn’t feel her heating waves once she was inside the room. When he entered the room and closed the door shut behind him her waves hit him full force. His dick hardened in his jeans in under a second. It was so damn hard it fucking hurt.

  “Get out,” Kyra growled from where she was on the ground in a fetal position clutching her stomach.

  “No,” Jaxson stated.

  “I don’t need you!” she exclaimed. She crawled to her oak dresser and opened the top drawer. Jaxson wasn’t so sure what the hell she was doing until she pulled out a large pill shaped toy. When she pressed a button, it vibrated loudly.

  “How long you think that’s going to last you?” Jaxson scoffed.

  “It’s been lasting me for years. How you think I handle my cycles? Now get out!” Jaxson leaned against the door. He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down and off, letting her see his engorged erection. He crossed his arms.

  “When you’re done with your little toy and want the real thing, I’ll be right here,” he said. Kyra sucked her teeth. If he thought she was going to resort to fucking him, then he was thinking wrong. She pressed her vibrator on her clit and that immediately relieved the pressure on the agonizing cramps in her stomach. Dread filled Kyra when she realized however that it wasn’t enough. It had always worked for her, but there in front of her was a sexy muscular, cocoa skin man with an aching erection just waiting to be used. Kyra punched the ground as she tried to elongate her orgasm from the vibrator, but it wasn’t happening. She came, and though she was still pressing the vibrator to her clit, her stomach cramped horribly. She looked at Jaxson who hadn’t moved and was watching her intently.

  “Fuck you!” Kyra spat at him knowing that she was going to give in. She had to give in or else she was going to be clawing her damn eyes out from the pain.

  “Ready for the real thing?” he asked her. She was too prideful to answer, but Jaxson knew she gave in when she tossed the vibrator to the side. He left from the door and went over to her. He picked her up from the ground and placed her on the bed.

  “Would you hurry the fuck up?” She snapped at him.

  “Relax,” he said calmly. Kyra couldn’t relax. She was in too much pain, and her pussy was crying. Why was this heating so much worse than all her others? Deciding not to wait on him and wanting to take control, Kyra flipped over on top of him and mounted his steely length. Holding her at the hips, he helped to guide her down onto his erection. Just feeling the tip inside of her eased the pain throbbing through her stomach and pussy walls. When she seated herself completely, it was pure bliss. She couldn’t help but moan deeply both at the pleasure and the relief.

  “Damn,” Jaxon muttered. Kyra placed her hands on his chest and began to ride him slowly, moving her hips up and down his long shaft.

  “Is that what you said when Mira was riding you?” Kyra asked breathlessly.

  “I don’t know. But I’m saying it to you,” he replied. He began thrusting upwards, matching her riding.

  “Just so you know, I’m only fucking you because my body needs it. Not because I want it.”

  “Like I said, I’m sorry I left especially after you died and came back to me. I just thought that we could never be happy together again. I want that so much. Believe me when I say, Kyra, that I would never willingly hurt you; not by sleeping with another woman after we committed to e
ach other. She told me that we wouldn’t be happy if she wasn’t happy.” He put her hand over his heart. She understood that he wanted her to hear his truth. To know that his heartbeat for her and her only.

  Kyra felt his truth and knew for sure that his heart was beating with love meant for her. With the power of it so blatantly wrapped around her, Kyra could do little to ignore it. Her body twitched with pleasure as she began to reach her peak. Jaxson continued thrusting up into her body, giving her what she needed to satisfy her heating.

  “Wait, Kyra slow down,” Jaxson gritted as she began riding him harder. Her insiders were increasingly moistening, and tightening around his shaft. He smelled the shift in her scent as her heating reached its peak.

  “Kyra stop!” Jaxson ordered trying to pull his dick from inside her.

  “I’m about to come,” she rasped out.

  “I can’t stop.” Her hips swung up and down intensely. Jaxson felt his release rapidly approach at the same time hers was coming down.

  “Kyra you have to get off before-” Both Kyra and Jaxson screamed out at the same time as both their releases exploded out of them. Jaxson turned her over, still keeping himself inside her and pumping ferociously. Unable to control themselves, with their wolf teeth elongated they bit into each other’s shoulders once more. Kyra’s walls clamped him inside of her and held on tight. Jaxson felt her walls milk him repeatedly of his release. When he tried to pull from her body, he realized he couldn’t. He looked at Kyra whose wolf eyes were still glowing. Jaxson just sighed and rested back allowing her body to take what it needed. There wasn’t anything he could do at that point.

  “Shit,” Jaxson sighed.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Kyra could still smell Jaxson when she came into consciousness. She knew it was morning but felt nothing of her heating cycle anymore. That was strange since her heating cycle lasted at least three days. Kyra stretched and yawned. She slowly sat up and saw Jaxson sitting in the chair at the edge of the bed in the corner of the room.


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