The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality Page 10

by John Hamer

  The important point of this description of Atlantis is not just what it describes, but it is the fact that the components are consistent with each other. In other words, it sounds like the depiction of a real place rather than one sprung entirely from the imagination. More importantly, Plato did not have the benefit of modern research methods; he merely described them as he understood them and as passed down the ages through his family. This lends his work even more credibility. The very fact that Atlantis was in all probability of volcanic origin, lends great credence to its existence in the first place and subsequent destruction in the second place. Volcanic forces were not understood at this period of history and so his descriptions could not have been undertaken with the intent of deception.

  Plato also describes a more modern and technologically advanced society than is currently regarded as possible by mainstream thinking at this stage of human history. There are descriptions of advanced architecture and advanced skills and knowledge, particularly of engineering. These include sophisticated irrigation systems and canals or channels as described by Plato. I believe that it is a strong possibility that the Atlanteans were the original pyramid builders and they shared their knowledge with their neighbours. Pyramids are extremely sophisticated structures, often built so that their angles align perfectly with constellations in the heavens, so can it be simply coincidental that several ancient cultures seem to have spontaneously and independently acquired certain knowledge and skills that were apparently beyond their level of development at the time, the ability to build a perfect pyramid, for example?

  This skill could not possibly have been developed by several different cultures independently of each other in such a short period of time and yet this is demonstrated in the Egyptian civilisation as well as South American and certain Asian cultures. Maybe the truth of the matter is that they inherited this knowledge from a previous culture – Atlantis?

  The Swiss author of ‘Chariots of the Gods’, Erich von Däniken, believes these ‘coincidences’ can be linked to ‘ancient astronauts’, aliens who visited Earth in ancient times and shared technologies with the ancient humans. And several researchers also conclude that the inhabitants of Atlantis were in fact aliens (the Annunaki?). They were said to be taller than the average person and of ‘fairer features’.

  There have also been suggestions from several sources that the Atlanteans may have been aliens visiting Earth to collect minerals to supplement their own planet’s dwindling resources. They arrived on Earth and colonised Atlantis and Africa and possibly several other locations also. Is this beginning to sound familiar yet?

  Edgar Cayce, the famous American psychic of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries undertook psychic readings on thousands of people, investigating their previous lives. He concluded that some of the people he interviewed had previously been alive during the heyday of Atlantis and from them he collated incredibly detailed and coherent descriptions of their civilisation at that time. He also made several uncannily accurate predictions regarding future evidence coming to light. Although Cayce died in 1945, he predicted that in 1968 or 1969... "A portion of the temples may yet be discovered under the slime of ages and sea water near Bimini”

  Incredibly, in 1968, twenty three years after Cayce's death, the Bimini Road was discovered on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean at North Bimini Island in the Bahamas. The Bimini Road is a half-mile long road of perfectly aligned limestone rocks, most spectacular when viewed from the air. Although some people believe that these rocks are a natural phenomenon, new evidence has shown this not to be the case.

  In fact some truly amazing discoveries have actually been made. The most significant one being that beneath the precisely placed giant stones is another layer of stones, exactly the same. Could this be a wall and not a road as previously surmised? It also seems to completely destroy the ‘natural formation’ argument. A research team has also discovered markings on some of the rocks that seem to be man-made holes or possibly tool marks. In taking all this and much other evidence into account it is perhaps no surprise that the Bimini Road is believed by many credible researchers, to be part of the ruins of Atlantis.

  The Bimini Road

  Is the Atlantis story regarded as a ‘myth’ by contemporary history because it does not fit in with existing theories of the state of development of mankind at this particular juncture in time? It would seem likely given the evidence and if so is yet another example of the ongoing deceit that maintains us in our present state of ignorance of real history.

  There are also numerous reports of other possible sites of Atlantis all around both sides of the Atlantic seaboard and even into the Mediterranean Sea itself but they are all broadly consistent in their descriptions of an island containing a people whose civilisation was not only more advanced than the Earth had hithertofore seen but was widely believed to have been in some respects even more advanced than we are today.

  Many ancient artefacts are in existence, some found on the Atlantic and Mediterranean sea-beds which bear more than a passing resemblance to modern machinery and even computers and yet have been dated to more than 5000 years old. How is this possible? How can a civilisation from so long ago in time, relatively speaking, be more advanced technologically speaking than civilisations which followed thousands of years later?

  It is eminently possible if that civilisation was destroyed by some natural or even un-natural cataclysmic event which destroyed it an instant or even in the space of a few days. Maybe some lucky few Atlanteans were fortunate to escape the wrath of the huge tsunami or earthquake or other unknown event that wrought such widespread destruction and just maybe those people found landfall in Spain or North Africa or even North America where they were able to pass-on tales of the destruction of their ‘world’ and all its knowledge. Indeed a few survivors would in no way necessarily ensure the perpetuation of that superior technology.

  How many among us now in the event of a similar cataclysm could re-start civilisation and re-construct all the modern conveniences that we just take for granted in our world today? Speaking personally, I have never been practically-minded and indeed I am almost an ‘idiot’ where practical matters such as car maintenance, carpentry, metalwork and DIY tasks are concerned. I would not know where to begin to construct a simple refrigerator for example or even to describe to someone with more advanced technical skills and knowledge than myself how the principle of refrigeration works. And the same holds true with almost anything else we could mention; a car, a jet-plane or even a humble bicycle for that matter!

  So to summarise, Atlantis was in my view much, much more than a legend, a mere figment of the over-productive imaginations of our forebears. I believe that Atlantis did exist and indeed it was the cradle of our civilisation, the remnants of which were utilised in re-building a version of society which whilst may not be as advanced as Atlantis itself, at least became more advanced once again with the passing of the millennia. And maybe now, at this point in our history we are just reaching a level whereby we can match the technological achievements of that long-gone age.

  The Ancient Bloodlines

  From out of the ashes of Atlantis arose several new civilisations, the Babylonians and Sumerians, closely followed by the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, the Ancient Greeks and then the Romans, as the dominant world societies.

  There are so many ongoing new discoveries pertaining to our ancestors and their civilisations that much of what was current and regarded as the indisputable truth, even ten years ago, is now considered to be false. Mainstream archaeologists who are ingrained with specific immutable beliefs and theories are now finding it increasingly more difficult to continue to justify and defend them and to compound those difficulties, many new discoveries and interpretations of old ideas are being promulgated by those who collate knowledge from several different, alternative disciplines outside mainstream archaeology, such as astronomy, scientific and social studies. As always, the political motivations of the ruling Elite
, in their desperate attempts to maintain their own prime position within the status quo has a huge bearing on this. In many instances, where new proofs are discovered to back-up certain theories, there is a huge impetus building to supplant the old beliefs with the new.

  This is very clearly a consequence of the intransigence of contemporary scientific thinking. If it doesn’t fit the existing, acceptable framework then it cannot possibly be correct. No questions, no debate, it is just plain wrong – end of discussion. There is no doubt in my mind that this state of affairs has been deliberately engineered to stifle possible, alternate hypotheses from seeping into the mainstream and polluting the purity of the official storyline. Under no circumstances can this be allowed to happen as humanity would then possess the knowledge of whom and what we really are and as a result become a huge threat to the prevailing powerbase. After all, as we all know well, knowledge is power.

  So, were the Sumerian ‘gods’ just mythical stories or, as related earlier in this volume, were they very real beings who were regarded as different and superior to the everyday Sumerians because they could do unexplainable things that even today we would no doubt refer to as god-like?

  I strongly contend that all the evidence points to the fact that the ‘gods’ of this period were the original ancestors of the thirteen Elite bloodline families that even to this day own disproportionately large swathes of the Earth, its resources and wealth and have painstakingly set in place a huge spider-web of control spanning the entire globe in order to safeguard and protect their extensive interests. This tiny group own and control either directly or via proxy, all the major media outlets, banking and financial corporations, industrial conglomerates, pharmaceutical companies, food production and service industries. And as a result of this truly staggering wealth, they also have a huge controlling influence over the world’s central and local governments, military capabilities, legal and policing systems, the medical professions and education systems which they use as a valuable propaganda tool in conjunction with the mainstream media.

  It is vitally important that we do not fall victim to the Elite lies and distortions that state that people who lived ten thousand years ago or even longer, had the same priorities, concepts, thoughts and world-view that we have today. And we absolutely must reject any thoughts that lead us to believe that we are somehow superior in intellectual, social, spiritual and cultural matters to our distant forebears. The facts show that the ancient civilisations and their mysterious predecessors, were indeed just as advanced and intelligent as we are today and surprisingly, much evidence also exists that demonstrates that they were in possession of certain knowledge and technology that may not even exist, at least overtly, today.

  Why would the Elite want to turn the world into their own personal fiefdom when they already have all the money and power anyone could ever wish for? Using the principle of Occam’s Razor, that is that the most simplistic answer is usually the correct one, they firmly believe it is their ‘birthright’. They believe themselves, like their remote ancestors, to be the ‘gods’, true masters of their domain and we are the serfs, slaves created by them in the distant past to serve their every whim and what we are seeing now in the second decade of the twenty-first century is the culmination of many thousands of years of them striving to redress the balance back to as it was in those long-gone Atlantean/Sumerian/Babylonian times. They would like to see and indeed are working towards a return to the days when they were the true, uncontested ‘masters of the universe’, living in obscene luxury, their every need catered-for and served by an army of mind-controlled drones composed of the few remaining humans still around after their planned, genocidal cull of 95% of the world’s population. The truth is that technological advances have now brought us to a situation where they no longer need vast armies of people to ‘make the world go around’ or generate their profits for them, any more. Their luxurious, pampered lifestyles could now easily be served with the overt technology available today, the ‘hidden’ technology that they have already developed and successfully concealed plus a much-reduced human population to perform the few still remaining non-automatable tasks. This is in fact the reason for their proposed depopulation agenda – they simply do not need us any longer.

  Down through the millennia, beginning with the Sumerian ‘gods’, these bloodlines have incorporated and included (among other civilisations now long gone) the Babylonian ruling classes, Atlanteans, the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, the ancient Greeks including Alexander the Great, Phillip of Macedonia, Roman Emperors and Cleopatra the Great (who married Julius Caesar and bore Mark Antony twin sons). We also can include such notables as Herod the Great and the kings and princes of the Middle East, Assyria and Turkey. These lines once firmly established in the Near and Middle East began migrating north and west into Central and Northern Europe seeding the diverse royal families that existed then and now, through the Merovingian bloodline. One of the great Roman families involved, was the influential Piso family of whom it is thought, wrote large parts of the biblical New Testament and were responsible for the mythology of the ‘Jesus’ story.

  Throughout all of history it has not always been the case that these families have plotted and conspired together in a co-ordinated sense. There have been many, many internal conflicts, feuds and power struggles along the way, but the basic premise has always been the shared goal of world domination to a greater or lesser degree.

  You may think that in these ‘modern’ days the thirteenth Illuminati bloodline, Royalty, has no power at all and that they are merely figureheads, kept in obscene luxury for the sake of tradition and to ‘promote tourism’, as we are always told by the controlled and corrupted media. Unfortunately, I can expose this as being a huge deception. It does not take much in the way of detailed research to easily discover that this is far from being the case. Indeed there is much evidence to support the assertion that the Royal families of the world still rule with almost the same rod of iron and cold-blooded callousness that they always have. It is just that these days, they have learnt from their past mistakes, how to keep the peasants in their place without risking revolts and outright revolution by overt displays of force or blatantly obvious autocratic behaviour. It is a far, far better solution for them to create the illusion of rule by supposedly democratic government than risk outright rebellion and over time, this illusion is exactly what they have managed to achieve.

  For example in the UK, to whom do all MPs, government ministers and members of the House of Lords swear their allegiance in their investiture oaths? Is it to the country, the people or to the government itself? No, it is to the Queen. Likewise the armed forces, police, local government officials, secret societies et al, swear their loyalties to one person, the head of state, regardless of any arguments contesting the validity of that idea.

  Our armed forces are in effect, the ‘Crown’s’ private mercenaries who despite the lies propagated by the Elite media, far from fighting distant wars in dirty, foreign ‘hell-holes’ to ‘defend democracy’ and our ‘way of life’ are simply there to expand commercial markets or facilitate and enhance Royal and Elite corporate profits and indeed fulfil the ongoing ‘agenda’. This myth of ‘fighting for our freedoms’ is constantly perpetuated by the media, partly by the expedient of branding anyone who has been a part of the armed forces, as a ‘hero’, especially those who are unfortunately maimed for life or killed in the process. It makes me literally sick to my stomach to see these poor unfortunates and their families, periodically wheeled-out into the media spotlight to be publicly worshipped and fêted, whilst the sheep-like masses applaud or fawn and weep over them, as they have been encouraged if not outright programmed to do. In many cases, these poor souls, once they have fulfilled their propagandistic roles are brutally discarded by the very society that makes pretence of their ‘hero’ or ‘heroine’ status, by denying them a fair pension or compensation and thus anything approaching a ‘normal’ life, even though in many instances they are unable
to support themselves and their families ever again due to severe physical injuries or debilitating mental scars.

  “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” Henry Kissinger.

  Often in the case of mental disorders caused by battle stress, shell-shock or post-traumatic stress disorder, the armed forces medical staff are instructed and pressurised by the hierarchy to wherever possible, diagnose that the victims’ states of mind are not caused by their service in the forces and thus deny them a decent standard of life after their discharge from duty. Even the survivors of long-past conflicts are not immune to being discarded after use, as witness the now elderly WWII veterans, who totally abandoned by the government long, long ago, have to find their own fares and accommodation costs on annual pilgrimages to pay respect at the graves of their many fallen friends, before they themselves die, often un-mourned and forgotten by a society they allegedly ‘saved’ from the forces of evil. However, try propounding this view in public and you would probably be metaphorically torn to pieces by your peers and the media wolf-pack, such is the power of extreme propaganda.

  “I always get that crawling sensation on my skin when I hear about the noble troops defending our freedoms, as if our freedoms were ever challenged by anyone but bankers and politicians, who send them out to die in place of themselves.” Les Visible, researcher, September 2011.


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