The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality Page 13

by John Hamer

  The use of ‘front men’ in important positions is another important tactic. These ‘front men’ are in all cases, slavishly obedient to their Elite masters, usually because of their reputations being previously compromised by financial irregularity or indiscreet ‘honey-traps’ which they are anxious to conceal and often also because they are afraid of losing their positions of importance and influence and even sometimes they and their families’ lives. Most of the Presidents of the USA and western senior politicians in general, fall into this category and they have in many cases, been groomed for this position almost from birth. Men like Tony Blair, David Cameron, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill Clinton and George Bush are good examples.

  Often the assassination of dissenting leaders is ordered, as quietly and as secretly as possible, so as to simulate a natural death or sometimes via the tried and tested ‘lone-nut gunman’ method. If this is not appropriate or possible due to circumstances, surrogates are used and the lines of suspicion are covered by deception, false accusation and if necessary, multiple assassinations to eliminate all those with the knowledge of what actually occurred. Undetectably induced heart attacks (eg. Robin Cook), fake ‘accidents’ (eg. Princess Diana) and contrived suicides (eg. Dr. David Kelly) constitute some of their favoured methods of assassination, besides the more overt assassinations such as those of Kennedy, John Lennon or Martin Luther King. It is rumoured that the secret services (MI5, MI6 and CIA etc.) are in possession of a type of gun that will fire deadly, bullet-like, thin slivers of ice that can penetrate the heart instantly and then melt, leaving no trace whatsoever.

  An easily manipulated, compliant, un-thinking population is highly desirable and mixed population groups with weak morals, weak traditions, low educational standards and weak group-willpower are the aim. Those with special aptitudes, especially blind, unquestioning loyalty, will be groomed and trained to serve the Elite for technical purposes, security purposes or as part of the propaganda apparatus. Through skillful, patient social engineering, the middle classes are being systematically engineered to become surplus to requirements, reduced to relative poverty and eventually, over time to be part of the planned ‘cull’.

  Undermining the virtues and morals of society, control of the media, the fashion industries and the education systems are essential components in this strategy. ‘Free love’ otherwise known as extreme sexualisation – especially homosexuality, perverted sex, sexualisation of children, the cult of youth, overt and sustained mockery of religious faiths also fall into this category. By these means of subtle subversion, societies and nations are conquered from within and open confrontation is usually rendered unnecessary. It is the overt encouragement of homosexuality, increasingly-vile pornography, perversion and paedophilia etc., which is being used at an ever-increasing pace to attempt to bring about the destruction of human society and the traditional family and its values, thereby weakening humanity’s last bastion of defence, the security inherent in the philosophy of ‘sticking together against the odds’, against these extreme psychopathic predators.

  The concept of unrelenting economic warfare is yet another weapon in their armoury and the recent economic crashes and the widely expected worldwide financial catastrophe at the time of writing still-to-come, is in reality an assertion of the Elite's economic power, an expression of economic dominance and a weapon to cause maximum fear and disruption and the extending of their power, money and influence still further. Also as we will see in a later chapter, the Elite now own the means to control the worldwide weather and even geological upheaval and are not averse to using it for their own nefarious ends. (see chapter on HAARP).

  We are also suffering from the extreme control and exploitation and a general lowering of the standards of public health. The sale of prescription drugs is a huge business, generating obscene profit levels, whilst seriously debilitating our physical and mental health and thus affecting further our ability to recognise how we are being duped on a grand scale. In fact, big business, particularly the big drug companies, have a vested interest in the ill health of the population. These companies, working through the US Food and Drug Administration, (FDA) are wilfully suppressing the health food industry in order to own and control it so that healthy and nutritious foods will only be available to the Elite few.

  It is perhaps pertinent at this stage to point-out the great deception taking place on a worldwide scale regarding political labels, in order to confuse and obfuscate the hidden goals of the Elite. To clarify here are some political terms, their perceived meanings and their actual meanings…

  Communism. Believed to be and painted as the ‘evil’ doctrine devised by the Elite puppet Karl Marx as a means of equalising and sharing power between all levels of society and portrayed by its exponents as a legitimate way of ending all the inequality and poverty in the world. Often described as unworkable as it ‘runs contrary to human nature’.

  Actually no different in practice to Socialism. More accurately described as Communitarianism consisting of totalitarianism and overt control by the Government instead of by ‘the people’, the exact opposite to that implied.

  Socialism. Generally thought by ‘the people’ to be a form of watered-down Communism. A sort of acceptable ‘half-way house’ which enables the ‘lower classes’ to participate in the governmental decision-making process without the full descent into anarchy that Communism is perceived as being. The antithesis of Capitalism.

  No different in practice to Communism, but this perceived difference allows the Elite to subtly promulgate Socialism where Communism would be unacceptable.

  Fascism. The overt control of the people and all of capitalist industry by the Government rather than the capitalist interests. Another ‘no-no’ as far as the masses are concerned.

  There is absolutely no difference whatsoever between any of these three terms in a practical, working sense. These perceived opposites, Fascism and Communism have been used to divert us from the truth and control us for more than a century, whilst the Elite work towards their ultimate goal of a Fascist / Socialist / Communist One World Government. They do not really care what it is referred to as in respect of the above terms – only that it comes about as quickly as possible.

  “Under Capitalism, man exploits man while under Communism; it's the other way around.” 2oth century Russian saying.

  So, there is no fundamental difference between the perceived polarities of Fascism and Communism and its little brother, Socialism. It is simply a ruse to keep us all debating and thus lose sight of the real issues. In other words it is a typical ‘Hegelian trap’. Under Communism, the state owns the corporations and the bankers own the state. Under Fascism, the corporations own the state and the bankers own the corporations. Both ‘systems’ are absolutely dedicated to providing the Elite bankers (who are the real rulers) with a total political, cultural, economic and spiritual monopoly, otherwise known as the New World Order. This is the real reason for the existence of deliberately manufactured, false paradigms such as ‘racism’, ‘anti-Semitism’ ‘hate speech’ and ‘political correctness’. It is not about protecting the ‘freedoms’ and rights of minorities as it is portrayed to be, it is really about the restriction and ultimately the enslavement of the majority. Do you think the likes of Cameron, Obama, Sarkozy, Merkel, Gillard and their ilk (or any of the so-called ‘loyal opposition’ for that matter) give a damn about protecting the rights of blacks, Jews, homosexuals and other ‘oppressed minorities’? Unfortunately, it is just another control mechanism.

  What we casually refer to as ‘racism’ is so blatantly one-sided in any case. What actually constitutes racism and where do we draw the line? An obvious example of racism would be calling someone a ‘black bastard’ for example, but why is that now accepted and reviled universally as being a crime worse than simply calling someone a ‘Welsh bastard’, a ‘ginger bastard’ or even just simply a ‘bastard’? Referring to someone of a white-majority race such as a Welshman by his race is less
unacceptable is it? It certainly would not invoke the same outrage as the use of his skin colour would. We need to look between the lines and ask why this has been engineered to be the case, as it most certainly has and not just over-react to conveniently arbitrary, artificial distinctions.

  For example in late 2011 / early 2012 the world of British sport was thrust into the spotlight with a series of ‘racism’ scandals which dominated the sports and the standard news broadcasts for weeks on end, with accusations and counter accusations flying around and a series of ‘talking heads’ being employed to emphasise the evil inherent in these heinous crimes (as they have been engineered to become). One of the incidents culminated in the English FA removing John Terry (the England soccer captain) from his duties simply because he was accused (not convicted or proven mind you, simply accused) of using racist language to another player, in turn resulting in the resignation of the England team manager, Fabio Capello in protest and in a show of allegiance to Terry. Now, I am not condoning what he allegedly did at all. Any form of verbal abuse of anyone is unacceptable in my opinion, but the fact that the tag ‘racism’ has been attached to it, somehow puts it on a par with first degree murder, such is the ensuing outcry. Why should this be? We need to ask ourselves honestly if the same degree of ‘horror’ would have resulted from Terry or anyone else abusing one of his colleagues because he was a ‘northerner’ or had ginger hair, but I think we all already know the answer to that question. Please do not be fooled by this hypocrisy.

  However, getting back on topic, the huge difference in the ‘first world’ as opposed to the rest of the world is that there is an illusion of freedom and democracy. Groomed servants of the bankers are chosen to lead governments and corporate organisations, whilst unwitting dupes and shills perpetuate the illusion of a free, democratic society. The masses meanwhile are deliberately kept in a deep coma through the education system and the mass media and with engineered distractions such as the above-described racism debate.

  To conclude this section, it is growing increasingly evident that a world government, otherwise widely referred-to as the New World Order is being promulgated by the Elite as rapidly as they dare. The consequences of World Government (or some of them) will be as follows:

  ¾ Increasing profits for big business whilst further centralising power into the super-corporations.

  ¾ Increasing poverty for and dissolution of the middle classes.

  ¾ A rapid decline in moral standards and the promotion of social decay resulting in extreme social instability.


  Extreme transience including but not exclusive to, jobs that do not last and communities that do not survive long.


  Increasing levels of crime and violence to cause maximum fear and disruption.


  The decline and ultimate demise of public services which will be replaced by private enterprise. Good service only for those few that can afford it.


  Ongoing ill health for the bulk of the population because of stress, poor quality foods, food additives, genetic engineering, vaccinations, environmental and atmospheric pollution and pharmaceutical drugs. There will be good health only for those who can afford it and it will be priced well beyond the means of us ordinary mortals.


  The gradual phasing out of national governments, which will have powers more similar to the regional/local governments of today. This is already happening through organisations such as the United Nations, the EU and NAFTA.

  ¾ The appointment (note, not the election) of a new ‘world leader’ wielding supreme executive power over the whole of the planet.

  This then will comprise their much-vaunted and oft-cited ‘New World Order’, a world of utter, abject misery and slavery for the few non-Elites still remaining after the proposed super-genocide to come.

  The Great Library of Alexandria

  Perhaps the very first known major example of an attempt to facilitate the systematic falsification of history was the deliberate burning of the great Library of Alexandria, established in the third century BC as a central archive for all the knowledge of the known world, in what is now modern day Egypt. This library was the repository of most of the ancient knowledge passed down from the previous millennia and stored there in the form of scrolls, meticulously copied from the originals by an army of scribes. Had we access now to the knowledge deliberately destroyed at this time, then this world would be a vastly different place today, where false versions of history are the norm and grand deception is very much the order of the day.

  In much the same way, a false version of reality has been protected ever since throughout history by the destruction of ancient tribal knowledge as empire-building nations such as the British, Spanish, French, Dutch and latterly the Americans have spread their various doctrines throughout the world utilising the bloodiest methods imaginable. In this way, ancient civilisations such as the Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, Zulus, native Australians and native Americans were firstly subjected to brutal conquest, annihilation and then ‘westernisation’ whilst their ancient knowledge, passed down meticulously from generation to generation for millennia, was systematically eliminated to protect the status quo.

  The museum at the Library of Alexandria was a place of study which included lecture areas, gardens, a zoo and shrines for each of the nine ancient Greek muses as well as the Library itself. It has been estimated that at one time the Library held more than half a million documents from Assyria, Greece, Persia, Egypt, Rome, India, China and many other nations. Over 100 scholars lived at the Museum full-time to perform research, write, lecture or translate and copy documents.

  The actual date of the destruction is still debated to this day. Some sources regard it as being as early as the 3rd century AD whilst others consider it to be as late as the 7th century AD, these dates being wholly dependent upon who is apportioned the blame for the tragedy. However, most credible historians and commentators generally ascribe the act to the Holy Roman Emperor Theodosius I, a violent and fanatical Christian in 391AD, as he was almost certainly responsible for the destruction of the daughter library nearby at the Serapeum in that year.

  The destruction of all that ancient knowledge by Christians, supposed men of peace and ‘love’, is actually quite plausible. Christianity was born of extreme violence and indeed kept alive by the same despicable methods for many centuries, even up to the present time, almost. Indeed, by what better expedient could its myths and lies be perpetuated, if not the destruction of all the knowledge that would no doubt prove it to be the outright deception it most certainly was and is? The deception surrounding one of the greatest hoaxes inflicted upon the masses by the Elite of the day, had to be protected somehow and by burning all the ancient knowledge, Theodosius and his fanatical supporters performed a great service to the cause. Now Christianity could reign supreme with little or no ancient knowledge surviving to contradict its many myths, lies and distortions of the truth.

  Since time immemorial, this same modus operandus has constantly been used to deceive. Destroy the conflicting knowledge in order to enable what remains to stand-alone as the truth with no competition remaining to dilute its purity. It is in fact this one significant, documented event that has set the scene for the future. Mankind’s destiny has been determined almost by this one major incident alone. The burning of the library and its priceless, utterly irreplaceable contents has indeed set a precedent to be repeated over and over during the following 1600+ years of misery for those millions and billions unfortunate enough to have been born outside of the Elite families.

  False Flag Operations

  A false flag operation may be loosely defined as an act or series of acts that is designed to fool the victims and / or the unsuspecting public into believing that it was carried out by totally different entities to those who were the actual perpetrators. The name is derived from the fact that the perpetrators were apparently operating under a country’s flag different from th
e one of whom it appeared on the surface to have carried out the attack.

  "Covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities." Wikipedia

  For example, the incident that purportedly sparked WWII, the supposed dressing-up in Polish uniforms of German soldiers and attacking their own borders. And more recently the case of the ‘inside job’ now simply referred to as ‘9/11’ whereby a group of 19 young Saudi Arabians (at least 12 of whom are proven to be still alive), controlled and funded by a dying man in a cave in Afghanistan, that we are meant to believe overwhelmed the defences of the strongest, most security-conscious nation on Earth and managed to hijack not one, but four planes in the most heavily secured airspace in the world and fly three of them into buildings with flying skills, many commercial airline pilots have publicly stated to be way beyond their own capabilities, let alone those of one who has merely had twelve lessons in a single-engined turbo-prop plane.

  These are both popular, well-known examples of false flag attacks.


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