The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality Page 15

by John Hamer

  Truly Orwellian stuff indeed and all achieved without a murmur of protest from the unknowing, uncaring, unthinking masses as they watch their TV soaps, read the latest celebrity scandals and sports scores in the so-called ‘newspapers’ and incessantly chatter inanely with their friends using the latest gadgets and technology. Machiavelli, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin would be very proud.

  Examples of major false flag operations in the last 400 years, some of which are covered in detail in this book:

  The Gunpowder Plot 1605

  The English Revolution (Civil War) 1642

  The American Revolution 1776

  The French Revolution 1789

  The assassination of Lincoln 1865

  The ‘Jack the Ripper’ murders 1888

  The USS Maine incident sparking the Spanish-American war of 1898

  The sinking of the Titanic 1912

  The sinking of the Lusitania 1915

  The Russian Revolution 1917

  The burning of the Reichstag building 1938

  The Polish attack on Germany 1939

  The attack on Pearl Harbour 1941

  The bombing of the King David Hotel 1948

  The installation of the Shah of Iran 1952

  Operation Northwoods 1962

  The assassination of JF Kennedy 1963

  The ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ incident 1965

  The assassination of RF Kennedy 1968

  The Apollo moon landings 1969-72

  The Birmingham and Guildford pub bombings 1974

  The Jonestown ‘suicides’ 1979

  The Lockerbie bombing 1989

  The burning of the compound at Waco 1993

  Hurricane Andrew 1993

  The Omagh bombing 1995

  The Oklahoma City bombing 1997

  The assassination of Princess Diana 1997

  The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (9/11) 2001

  The Bali bombing 2004

  The Madrid train bombing 2004

  The Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004

  The London tube bombings (7/7) 2005

  Hurricane Katrina 2005

  The China earthquake 2009

  The Haiti earthquake 2010

  The Polish ‘government’ plane crash 2010

  The Japanese earthquake and Tsunami 2011

  So now let us now begin the rocky journey towards the present day whilst focussing upon some of the most important historical events and those perhaps ‘hidden histories’, concealed truths and incidents that have served to shape the world in which we all live today…

  PART 2 – The Dark Ages to the End of the Second Millennium

  The Discovery of the American continent

  If you believe that Christopher Columbus ‘discovered’ America in 1492, I would urge you to think again.

  America is well known to have been visited more than a thousand years ago by the Vikings who actually named it ‘Vinland’ and even set-up several permanent settlements there. However, perhaps a little less well-known is the fact that travellers from the British Isles sailed to and colonised parts of the American landmass more than fifteen hundred years ago and are even said to be the original ancestors of some (but not all) of the native tribes such as the Mohicans and the Mohawks amongst others.

  But then of course, the American land mass has ‘always’ been there, even before it was occupied by the ancestors of the ‘Native American’ Indians, the Aztecs, the Maya and the Incas et al. So as to who actually ‘discovered’ it in the sense of being the first humans to set foot upon its soil, is really a moot point.

  Again we are the victims of a grand deception if we believe erroneously that Christopher Columbus (aka Christophe Colon) actually accidentally discovered America, allegedly in a quest to sail to India, by sailing westwards and thus prove that the world was round (spherical) and not flat. Firstly, Columbus never actually set foot on the American mainland, he merely encountered the island group now known as the West Indies (hence the name – Indies – India).

  The information which we are constantly fed by mainstream history and which is perpetuated by the controlled media is typical of the systematic re-writing and invention of history and is incorrect on several levels. Columbus never intended to sail to India by sailing westward. The Elite of that era knew very well that the continent of America existed and that the world was round, as did all the ancient cultures of the time. Columbus was in fact sponsored by the Spanish royal family to go forth and conquer and bring back as much booty as his little ship(s) would carry, in order to swell the royal coffers. This he did very successfully. In addition, the only people who believed that the Earth was flat at that time were the poor, suppressed, illiterate masses who had no option but to believe everything that their rulers and the Catholic Church told them as they had no other means of educating themselves with the truth or indeed of acquainting themselves with a diametrically opposing viewpoint. There was at the time, of course, no media of ANY kind, no education or access to books for the poor underclasses and absolutely no other means of contradicting whatever garbage the powers-that-be should foist upon the unfortunate, ‘great unwashed’ of the time. It is fairly easy therefore to understand how these myths were able to be propagated and sustained in perpetuity.

  In the sixteenth century, the Turkish cartographer Piri Reis published over 200 maps of the world. In preparing these maps, Reis stated that he had used as the basis for them, 20 old charts depicting the entire known landmasses of the Earth (including Antarctica which was purportedly unknown as a landmass at that time and also the Americas) believed by him to have been drawn-up during the time of Alexander the Great. These ancient charts he had discovered in the Imperial Library in Constantinople, a repository of surviving ancient knowledge and the scholars there told him that apparently these had been based-upon even older charts, some said from Sumerian sources. These maps also depicted the exact position of the Falkland Islands, allegedly not discovered until 1592 and fully documented the entire lengths of the major South American rivers, the Orinoco, Parana and Amazon which were not fully charted in modern times until the advent of satellite technology!

  Again, clear evidence that ancient knowledge far surpassed that of our immediate forebears – or at least knowledge that was commonly-known by all.

  In 2002, a team of historians and researchers headed by the British historical researchers, Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett, announced that radio-carbon dating evidence and the presence of ancient British–style artefacts and inscriptions liberally scattered in the North American continent, provide virtually irrefutable evidence that ancient British (Welsh) explorers under Prince Madoc ap Meurig, arrived there during the 6th Century AD and established several settlements.

  Wilson and Blackett had previously been aware of the location of burial sites of Madoc's family members in Wales for many years and they have been attempting to get this information out into the mainstream, for the most part unsuccessfully due to the intransigence of mainstream history, which refuses to acknowledge the truth despite an abundance of evidence being offered in proof of their discoveries. DNA evidence may eventually be the key to the mystery and could help identify the human remains found at Bat Creek, Tennessee and which currently reside at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC. These remains may even turn out to be those of Madoc himself. The British researchers were contacted by Jim Michael of the ‘Ancient Kentucke Historical Association’ in 1989 with a view to sharing knowledge and to learn from each other’s detailed research on the subject.

  Several tumuli (grave mounds) discovered in the American mid-West, including ones at Bat Creek are almost certainly ancient British in origin and design, Wilson confirmed and Jim Michael added that the stone-tablet found at Bat Creek in 1889 included an inscription written in Coelbren, an ancient British alphabet, primarily of Welsh origin but similar in appearance to Celtic and extensively recorded and studied by historians through the ages.

  Alan Wilson’s research had previously inclu
ded the investigation of similar alphabetic inscriptions in Britain, Europe and the Middle East, the components of which derived from the earliest days of the Khumric (Welsh) people and were known to have been used all along their migration routes from Babylon into Wales, going back literally thousands of years. Baram Blackett commented, “Once we discovered the cipher for the alphabet recorded in texts dating to the 1500s we knew we were in business. We have translated many of these inscriptions and they all make perfect sense.” Jim Michael also added that the final translation of the Bat Creek tablet provided the researchers with the stunning revelation, 'Madoc the ruler he is'.

  Most mainstream historians have disregarded all this evidence for Prince Madoc, the Welsh Prince having sailed to America circa 562AD, as to acknowledge this work would virtually demolish all of current mainstream Dark Age history and thus the reputations and livelihoods of many researchers. Indeed, Wilson and Blackett have been constantly subjected over the years to concerted smear campaigns, common insults and ‘stonewalling’ by the establishment. Fortunately however, due mainly to Wilson and Blackett’s persistence, there exists a substantial body of evidence to prove their hypotheses.

  “I think they're afraid that an independent group such as ours has made such progress. They prefer to ignore and neglect ancient British history rather than to deal with it. The Welsh people have suffered and the opportunity to boost the economy, to bring thousands of jobs to Glamorgan and Gwent, where Madoc and his brother Arthur ll ruled, has not been exploited.” Alan Wilson.

  There are numerous ancient British Coelbren inscriptions in the American mid-West including skulls of definite European or Caucasian origin, unlike most other Native American ancient remains.

  Prince Madoc was the brother of King Arthur ll and lived during the 6th Century. This is fact and not mere speculation and is confirmed by many ancient British manuscripts and genealogies. If it can be proved beyond all lingering doubt that he and many of his followers indeed emigrated en masse to the Americas almost 1500 years ago then history will need to be re-written to embrace the truth.

  Of course, the Columbus story is simply a myth, a convenient cover story to deflect us from the truth and protect those who would deceive us. The main significance of the date 1492 is that it marked the beginning of the rape and pillage of the American continent. After Columbus’ exploits, he was followed by a huge influx of invaders from all over Europe, all eager to gain their share of the spoils to be had in abundance from a previously ‘virgin’ territory. The Spanish conquistadors infamously succeeded in all but destroying the ancient Inca, Aztec and Mayan cultures in South and Central America in an action that was coldly calculated to destroy any vestiges of ancient knowledge which would have proved harmful if not fatal to the Christian creed, as well as facilitate the theft of all their valuable, ancient gold artefacts.

  Then just over 100 years later in the early seventeenth century, the mass immigration to North America commenced, initially by the persecuted Puritans from England who subsequently proceeded to inflict the same fate that they had endured upon the ancient native tribes they encountered upon settlement there. The English were joined by first the French and the Dutch and then in the succeeding centuries by the ‘huddled masses yearning to breathe free’ from all over Europe and indeed the world and thus from such small beginnings was born what was to become ‘the greatest Empire the world has ever known’, to the great misfortune of us all, but especially those millions if not billions of innocents who have suffered and died at the hands of that great ‘superpower’, the United States of America.

  Ancient British History

  Alan Wilson, the author and researcher has been researching ancient British history, latterly along with his colleague, Baram Blackett, for more than 50 years and his amazing discoveries and revelations have absolutely revolutionised British ‘Dark Ages’ history.

  Of course, as with any truths which do not fit the manufactured history of the Elite and/or go against the heavily protected mainstream view, his work has been undermined, subjected to lies, disinformation and even threats from the establishment. Primarily however, it has simply been ignored (another successful tactic employed by the powers that be) despite Wilson’s entreaties to historians and archaeologists to examine the abundance of evidence he has uncovered and which offers virtually irrefutable proof that his hypotheses are correct. He has even begged for open debate on the subject, contacted governments, universities and academia in general, simply to be met with a deafening silence, lies or the aforementioned, veiled threats.

  Why would this be? What do these people have to hide or to lose?

  As ever, reputations are at stake. Most mainstream archaeologists and historians must ‘toe the party line’ in order to gain employment and funding and if they were to embrace or espouse a viewpoint which goes against the accepted version of events, then they will naturally be shunned and denounced by the majority who do so in order to protect their own livelihoods and positions of power.

  Of course, the bigger picture is that there are also powerful vested interests, the Elite, who do not want the real truth to be known as it goes against their manufactured version of reality, put in place to deceive and cover-up the truth of who we really are and from whence we originated.

  The ‘Legend’ of King Arthur

  Ask most people about King Arthur and the response you will likely elicit is that he never really existed and is simply ‘a legend’. I should like to ask in all seriousness, how are these ‘legends’ propagated in the first place? It is far too simplistic to dismiss as a legend anything that does not fit the accepted version of history, in my view. These ‘legends’ do not spontaneously erupt from nowhere and I strongly submit that there is never ‘smoke without fire’ in these cases. Indeed, Wilson and Blackett have spent many years researching this one topic alone and have uncovered a plethora of documentary and archaeological evidence to prove beyond question that not only did Arthur exist, but there were actually two King Arthurs, several centuries apart and that the famous legend is likely a composite of those two distinctly separate entities.

  King Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon and his Knights of the Round Table in Camelot, his advisor Merlin the magician or sorcerer and his sword Excalibur, has been a popular fable for many centuries. In this legend, Arthur is married to Guinevere and he waged war against the Saxons of South East Britain under their ruler Hengist (who significantly did actually exist – even according to mainstream history). In these fables, Hengist (a Saxon) was invited into Britain by Vortigern, a traitor who had killed many of the aristocracy of Britain of the time. The stories also relate a stirring tale of how Arthur also planned a successful military campaign against all of Britain, Europe, and even the might of Rome itself which culminated in the death of the Roman Emperor.

  It has always been puzzling to scholars that the myths and legends of King Arthur have defied all logical attempts to identify and pin upon him an identity of any kind. In reality the confusion may well be ascribed to the fact there are definitely two separate entities involved and this duality is no doubt partly responsible for all the confusion surrounding the attempted identification of Arthur. There were actually several Arthurs of Britain but only two who match the exploits recounted in the classic myths. The first one was a General and the son of the British Emperor Magnus Maximus, who in the late 4th Century with his army, left for Europe and eventually confronted the power of Rome, in the process killing the Emperor Gratian.

  Arthur mark II was a King of the 6th Century AD. He was the son of Meurig ap Tewdrig and it was this Arthur that successfully defeated the Saxons. The confused histories by later writers such as the medieval historian Geoffrey of Monmouth accidentally (or possibly even deliberately) merged these two distinct Arthurs into one and this has caused much confusion and obfuscated the authentication of British history of this period. This has also been further compounded by the deliberate falsification of British heritage by entities whose interests are
not best served by the truth. The ramifications of the Arthur revelations are negatively significant for the religious and political powers that be.

  King Arthur I, the son of Magnus Maximus of the 4th Century AD and King Arthur II of the late 6th Century AD, can both trace their ancestry back to the British, Holy Roman Emperor Constantine and (according to Wilson and Blackett) back even as far as the ‘Holy Family’ itself which allegedly arrived in Britain in 37AD and for which event there is plenty of documented evidence. They can also both trace their lineage back to King Brutus, one of the great-grandsons of Aeneas of Troy. Brutus apparently arrived in Britain around 500BC.

  The ‘Khumry’ people (the origin of the Welsh word ‘Cymru’ meaning Wales) were also part of this huge migration into Britain at this time and were the original lost ‘Ten Tribes’ who migrated north-westwards after the murder of Sennacherib, the King of Assyria in the early 7th century BC. These people, over a long period of time, travelled through Asia Minor and they are recorded in Assyrian texts as the ‘Khumry’ and are believed to be the same tribe that ancient Greek writings also refer to as the ‘Cimmeroi’.

  According to Wilson and Blackett’s stunning research and as outlined in their subsequent book, published in 2007, ‘The Discovery of the Ark of the Covenant’, these people actually brought the Ark of the Covenant with them to the island of Britain and here it lies still, buried in a field in Wales, the precise location of which has been identified by Wilson and Blackett although unsurprisingly, they have been denied permission by the authorities to instigate an archaeological dig. However they did conduct a geophysical survey and metal detector investigation of the plot and a ‘non-ferrous’ metal object, four to four and a half feet long by one foot by one foot, has been located precisely in that spot, a few feet down below the surface.


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