The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality Page 27

by John Hamer

  Of the fifty six signatories of the Declaration of Independence, at least fifty were known to be freemasons and only one was definitely known not to be. Is this significant in any way? I believe so. In addition, all the signatories were provably descended from British royalty as indeed most senior American politicians still are to this day. For example George W. Bush is a sixth cousin of Queen Elizabeth II.

  So, on the 3rd September 1783, America was officially recognised by Britain as an independent country. Would this have been the case had the revolution really been to sever ties with Britain unilaterally? Highly unlikely, I would argue. The British establishment would have fought tooth and nail to retain the colony as their ‘possession’ had the War of Independence been lost against its will (instead of simply being ‘handed over’) and not meekly seceded to American local interests. The first President (although that was never his official title) George Washington, was from a British aristocratic background and was a 33rd degree freemason. His initiation ceremony was in effect a freemasonic ritual attended by all the freemasonic hierarchy of the country in full freemasonic regalia, aprons et al.

  “The United States is still a colony of the Corporation known as ‘The Crown’, owned and managed by the Rothschilds and other Illuminati crime families. ‘The Crown's’ ownership of the United States Federal Reserve Bank guaranteed that the United States would be economically bled to death by foreign interests.” Paul Drockton, ‘Bankster Fraud and National Security’, 7th January 2012

  The new capital, Washington DC was designed and built on freemasonic principles with Babylonian and Romanesque architecture well to the fore including an abundance of esoteric symbolism in both its street-plan and its architecture. It is well known that occult and masonic ceremonies were common-place during the building of the city, when laying the foundation-stones of many of its original structures. As with the Egyptian pyramids, Washington DC is also in alignment with important star systems.

  In actuality, the United States of America has never been a country in its own right, despite appearances to the contrary. It was established by British freemasonry, in conjunction with American freemasonry to perpetuate the deception of ‘freedom of the people’ and to enable covert control of the masses and facilitate huge, ongoing profits at the expense of those masses. In effect, the Virginia Company, established in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, simply changed its name to The United States Corporation Inc. and this is the real power structure behind the scenes. The President is merely the president of a large corporation and so the ‘war on terrorism’ was launched by the president of a private corporation to further the geo-political interests and profits of that corporation. The privately owned ‘United States’ is in effect the holding company and the fifty states, its subsidiaries.

  The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars

  The French Revolution closely followed by the Napoleonic wars was the next instalment of the long-term Elite banksters plan to re-programme humanity to serve them and their god Lucifer.

  “The Illuminati, operating in the guise of the Jacobins, forced the regime-change that historians now call the French Revolution.” Andrew Smith,

  The value of history lies primarily in appreciating the current events of today. We have a sense that events are driven by the past and that history repeats itself. Why would this be? Perhaps, the hidden planners of historical events have an extremely limited repertoire of dirty tricks? They suppress the history of the deceptions practiced on our great-grandparents, so they can mislead and deceive us and later generations.

  Only when we see that the French Revolution of 1789 was planned and financed from abroad (as was the English Revolution in the 17th century, the American Revolution in 1776 and the Russian Revolution of 1917) can we understand that the recent ‘unrest’ and ‘revolutions’ in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Thailand, Yemen, Syria and now Malaysia are not truly popular revolts but irregular warfare coups. Of course, in the case of Libya where Gadaffi came close to eradicating the rebels, the foreign coup has become a regular military operation supported by NATO air strikes. But they still call it a revolution.

  There is no doubt that the French Revolution, which devastated the nation of France between 1787 and 1799, was inspired and instigated by Freemasonry and just as with the English Revolution, a century and a half earlier, things are not quite as portrayed by mainstream history. Although popularly believed to have begun due to a public uprising over lack of food and government representation, the real facts tell us that the revolution was instigated by cells of French Freemasonry and the German Illuminati.

  Even the ‘Encyclopedia Britannica’ relates that in France there arose a political system and a philosophical outlook that no longer took Christianity for granted and indeed overtly and explicitly opposed it. The brotherhood taught by such groups as the Freemasons, members of secret fraternal societies, and the Illuminati, a rationalist secret society, provided a rival to the Catholic sense of community.

  “The Masons... originated the [French] Revolution with the infamous Duke of Orleans at their head.” Nesta Webster, secret society researcher, 1924

  During the French Revolution, a key rebel leader was the Duke of Orleans, who was grand master of French Freemasonry before his resignation at the height of the Revolution. Marquis de Lafayette, the man who had been initiated into the Masonic fraternity by George Washington, also played an important role in the French revolutionary cause and the Jacobin Club, which was the radical nucleus of the French revolutionary movement, was founded by prominent Freemasons.

  In 1789 the Duke of Orleans purportedly bought much of the grain in France and either sold it abroad, secreted it away or destroyed it thus engendering starvation amongst the French peasant classes. Galart de Montjoie, a contemporary, blamed the Revolution almost solely on the Duke of Orleans, writing that he “was moved by that invisible hand which seems to have created all the events of our revolution in order to lead us towards a goal that we do not see at present...”

  “If, then, it is said that the [French] Revolution was prepared in the lodges of Freemasons – and many French Masons have boasted of the fact – let it always be added that it was Illuminised Freemasonry that made the Revolution and that the Masons who acclaim it are Illuminised Masons, inheritors of the same tradition introduced into the lodges of France in 1787 by the disciples of Weishaupt, patriarch of the Jacobins.” Nesta Webster

  Pro-revolutionary members of France's National Constituent Assembly had formed a group which became known as the Society of the Friends of the Constitution and after the Assembly moved to Paris, this group met there in a hall leased from the Jacobins' convent of Catholic Dominican Friars. These revolutionaries, sworn to protect the revolution from the aristocracy, became known as the ‘Jacobin Club’. At least that is the official story of the Jacobins but the Jacobins are also tied to earlier secret societies, specifically regarding a plot to restore a kingship in Britain during the previous century…

  In 1688, England's unpopular, Catholic Stuart king, James II, was deposed by his Dutch son-in-law, the Protestant William of Orange and James’ daughter Mary. James, whose name in Latin was Jacobus, hence the name ‘Jacobites’, fled to France where he continued to be supported by Freemasons in Scotland and Wales who sought to restore him to the English throne. They were accused by French Freemasons of subverting Masonic rituals and titles into political support for this restoration.

  According to Masonic history, James was hidden from sight in the Chateau of Saint-Germain by his friend, the French King Louis XIV where he established a system of Freemasonry that became known as the ‘Scottish Rite’.

  After a series of failed rebellions, culminating at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, the Jacobite uprising in Scotland was finally crushed. Their leader, Charles Edward Stuart, ‘Bonnie Prince Charlie, the young pretender’, escaped back to France whence he came, taking with him Jacobite supporters imbued with ‘Freemasonic ideals’ and a year l
ater in Arras, France, Charles chartered a Masonic Sovereign Primordial Chapter of Rose Croix (Rosicrucian order) known as the ‘Scottish Jacobite Lodge’

  All the revolutionaries of the Constituent Assembly were eventually initiated into the third degree of Illuminised Freemasonry, including revolutionary leaders such as the Duke of Orleans, Valance, Lafayette, Mirabeau, Marat, Robespierre, Danton and Desmoulins – all of whom were to have significant roles in the coming conflict.

  Honre-Gabriel Riquetti, the Count of Mirabeau, a leading revolutionary, indeed espoused ideals which were all but identical with Adam Weishaupt, founder of Bavarian Illuminised Freemasonry. Mirabeau advocated the overthrow of all law and order and all power to ‘leave the people in anarchy’. He said that the public must be promised ‘power’ and lower taxes but never given real power ‘for the people as legislators are very dangerous as they only establish laws which coincide with their passions.’ He also said that the clergy should be destroyed by ‘ridiculing religion’. Mirabeau ended his tirade by proclaiming, ‘What matter the means as long as one arrives at the end?’ This of course is the same end-justifies-the-means philosophy espoused by Weishaupt, Lenin, Pike, Crowley (‘do what thou wilt’) and Hitler et al.

  Contrary to popular belief and mainstream history, the storming of the Bastille was not the spontaneous action of the downtrodden masses, according to Nesta Webster... “That brigands from the South were deliberately enticed to Paris in 1789, employed and paid by the revolutionary leaders, is a fact confirmed by authorities too numerous to quote at length... In other words, the importation of the contingent of hired brigands conclusively refutes the theory that the Revolution was an irrepressible rising of the people.”

  It was during the French Revolution, that ‘problem, reaction, solution’, the Hegelian dialectic was put to good use whereby grievances were systematically created in order to exploit them. Such exploitation began with the Freemasons as early as 1772 when the Grand Orient Lodge was firmly established in France. At this time there were a total of 104 lodges and this number grew to 2,000 lodges by the time of the Revolution, with 447 lodge members participating in the 605 member Estates-General. One of their primary goals was the nationalisation of all Church property to help pay off the large debts revolutionary France incurred in assisting their Jacobite Masonic brethren’s plans during the American revolution.

  Meanwhile, buoyed by the situation in France, Freemasonic-based revolutionary clubs sprang up in other countries, including England, Ireland, the ‘German’ dukedoms, Austria, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland and tensions between other nations and France rose until 1792 when France declared war on Austria and Prussia. Confronted with both a war and a revolution, France degenerated into the ‘Reign of Terror’, during which time King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and many thousands of aristocrats, were executed by the Guillotine.

  “Behind the Conventions, behind the clubs, behind the Revolutionary Tribunal, there existed... that most secret convention which directed everything... an occult and terrible power of which the other Convention became the slave and which was composed of the prime initiates of Illuminism.” Nesta Webster

  And so it was that the ‘invisible hand’ that guided the entire French Revolution was the Illuminati, still only 13 years in existence, yet powerful enough to cause a revolution in one of the major countries of the world. The wars, riots and coups d’états continued in France until a young General, Napoleon Bonaparte finally seized complete control in 1799. Although he carried on his own brand of terror in Europe for years, Napoleon proclaimed an end to the ‘revolution’. France by this time was in absolute chaos. Hundreds of thousands had died of starvation, war, large-scale unrest, violence and by execution and the power of both the monarchy and the Catholic Church had been virtually destroyed.

  The very same Elite forces that had directed and manipulated the French Revolution decided then to engage in another international plot and so they organised the ‘Napoleonic Wars’ to topple several more of the Crowned heads of Europe. One branch of the Elite financed Napoleon, whilst another branch financed Britain, the German states and other nations. Of course, both branches received their orders from the overall masterminds of the Elite, Illuminati organisation.

  Immediately after the Napoleonic Wars, the Illuminati banksters headed by the Rothschilds assumed that all the nations would be so desperate and so weary of wars that they would be forced to accept almost any solution. So the stooges of the Illuminati set up what they called ‘The Congress of Vienna.’ At this meeting they tried to form the first ‘league of nations’, their very first attempt at ‘one world government’. They espoused the theory that all the Crowned heads of the European countries were so deeply in debt to them that they would willingly or unwillingly serve as their stooges. But the Tsar of Russia somehow discovered the plot and completely foiled it. The absolutely livid Nathan Rothschild then vowed that someday they would destroy the Tsar and his entire family, a threat which was eventually fulfilled in 1917, one hundred years later. These people are nothing if not patient. They are prepared to wait generations to see their plans come to fruition and we should always keep in mind the fact that the Elite has never been geared to operate on a short-term basis.

  The setback for the Elite at the congress of Vienna, as a result of exposure by the Tsar of Russia did not by any means destroy the conspiracy entirely; it merely forced them to adopt a new, longer-term strategy. Realising that their immediate plans for one world government was temporarily thwarted; the Elite decided that if they were to keep their power-base intact, they would have to tighten their control of the monetary system of the European nations.

  ‘Revolution’ may be defined as a ‘sudden and violent change in government or in the political constitution of a country, mainly brought about by internal causes’. But subversive elements in London working with French and European secret societies and not internal causes were responsible for the bloodbath that historians call The French Revolution.

  Before 1919 when Nesta B. Webster published her history of the French tragedy, there was nothing in the English Language to inform the British and their Empire that all was not as it seemed, except Thomas Carlyle's ‘The French Revolution’ (1837). In her preface to ‘The French Revolution: A Study in Democracy’ (1919) Webster expressed the view that… “So far, in England, the truth is not known; we have not even been told what really happened.”

  Mainstream historians still claim that up until the French Revolution, the French aristocracy kept the peasants in a permanent state of hunger and desperation without any real hope or direction for the future. However, in her work, Webster comprehensively explodes these myths regarding peasant misery before 1789 with the letters of an Englishman Dr. Rigby who travelled through the French countryside in 1789 and who described ‘its extraordinary fertility’ and its ‘state of the highest cultivation’. ‘The crops are beyond any conception. I could have had of them … tens of thousands of acres of wheat superior to any that can be produced in England...’ He also described the ordinary French people as ‘happy, prosperous and contented’.

  Yet in the midst of this abundance there was suddenly an artificially-engineered famine and it was this that became the flashpoint that sparked the French Revolution. And we are also still taught that upon hearing of the starving French peasantry, Louis XVI's wife, Queen Marie Antoinette remarked, ‘Let them eat cake’. This false quotation has been used to paint the French aristocracy as out of touch with reality. In truth, Marie Antoinette actually blamed England and she most definitely was well aware of what was really going on.

  “What then, is the explanation of the belief in English co-operation with the revolutionary movement and of the English guineas found on the rioters? Of the Englishmen mingling in the mobs of Paris during popular agitations? Of the seditious pamphlets printed in London? Of the traffic in letters, messages, and money maintained between England and the revolutionary leaders? Many of these leaders were constantly in En
gland both before and during the Revolution... These facts admit of no denial”. Nesta Webster.

  A French historian and staunch Royalist, Felix Louis Montjoie, copiously documented the role of King Louis XVI's cousin the Freemason, the Duke of Orleans, who bought up large portions of the French grain in 1789. This action on his part turned out to be of no avail as he was despatched to Madame Guillotine in 1793.

  Later historians documented the role of Prime Minister Pitt, the English Parliament and the British King’s Privy Counsel in hoarding French grain with the aid of the Elite-controlled British East India Company in warehouses on the English Channel Islands of Guernsey and Jersey. However, England was merely a pawn in the Elite game of pseudo-revolutions that overturn governments and give credit to democratic/communist freedom-fighters (now re-branded as terrorists of course). These people eventually even propagandise and socially engineer the conquered population to celebrate the destruction of their own history, tradition and culture. So today, the French ironically celebrate the demise of their own culture on Bastille Day, the 14th July.


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