The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality Page 32

by John Hamer

  Thus, these wealthy men, who opposed the formation of the execrable Federal Reserve System (granted, due to their own conflicting financial interests and not out of any great concern for the plight of the masses) were disposed of, along with the ‘collateral damage’ of fifteen hundred other innocents. This effectively eliminated the major opposition, who due to their own large, personal fortunes amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars at today’s values, and great influence could not have been ‘bought’ or unduly influenced in the same way that the politicians of Congress were.

  “The Titanic was sunk deliberately to get rid of senior financiers who were opposed to the taking over of the Federal Reserve Board.” Benjamin Fulford, October 2011.

  But would these people murder so many in cold-blood simply for financial gain? Unfortunately this is just one small example among many, many others too numerous to mention. As I state elsewhere in various chapters of this book, these multi-generational mass-murderers routinely kill and even commit genocide to maintain their own status, wealth and positions of power and promote their own agenda. Any person or persons capable of sacrificing billions of people’s health, wealth and prosperity for generations to come, in a scheme to gain financial control of the world for themselves, would stop at nothing at all to achieve their own selfish ends. Murdering a ship-full of innocent passengers including women and children simply for financial gain in the form of a fraudulent insurance payout, would to my mind make them more than capable of sinking the same ship of people just to dispose of three powerful enemies who stand in the way of their nefarious ambitions. To them it is nothing personal, just ‘business’. Where have we heard that before? The presence of both motives indeed, I believe, makes the scenario doubly plausible.

  In December 1913, the Federal Reserve System thus came into being without serious opposition in the United States and very shortly afterwards, the Elite had accrued sufficient funding through the despicable methods of the Federal Reserve Bank to move to the next phase of their plan and start World War I...

  World War I

  “Wars are the best way of uniting slaves. They'll fight to the death to protect their slave master so that they can go back to being slaves.” Aloysius James Fozdyke (probably a pseudonym), Elite, Illuminati insider, 20th January 2011

  The Prelude

  World War I was by no means an accident of history, a conflagration ignited by the spark of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, as we are all told and taught in our controlled educational establishments and peddled through the endless ‘semi-factual’ documentaries and false histories emanating from the hugely corrupt and controlled mainstream media. In fact WWI along with WWII was in the planning at least twenty years previously and possibly sooner.

  World War I was originally contrived against Germany for one reason only; it stood guilty of being exceptionally economically successful, thus depriving British Royal and Elite commercial interests of profits they regarded as theirs alone. It had also built up a large, powerful army and navy and a strong economy with trade links worldwide. A mere 80 years previously, Germany consisted of around 300 small city-states, principalities and dukedoms and between the times of Napoleon and Bismarck, they were consolidated into one state, becoming in the span of 50 years, one of the world's great powers. Its naval strength equalled that of Britain and German commerce was conducting business world-wide and was gradually beginning to dominate commercial markets due to its extreme efficiency and therefore cost-effectiveness. Obviously this was not in the best interests of the long-established Western powers and the corporate interests of the British Empire, so a conspiracy was hatched between British, French and Russian Elites to eliminate Germany as a commercial competitor. Furthermore it could quite legitimately be argued that the war was a great opportunity for the Elite powers-that-be to destroy the existing status quo in order to re-shape the world to their own advantage. This is precisely what transpired.

  In fact, I would challenge any contemporary, mainstream historian in the world to formulate a coherent, valid reason as to why at that time, those three countries would otherwise illegally decide to eradicate Germany from the political map.

  On the 28th June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austro-Hungary and his wife were assassinated by four members of the Black Hand, led by an idealistic, but misguided youth by the name of Gavril Princip. The Black Hand was a Serbian secret society with strong links to the Elite via Freemasonry, in Sarajevo, Bosnia. The organisation was formed several years earlier as ‘The Order of Death’ and in early 1914 some of its senior members had met with French Grand Orient Freemasons in Toulouse, France to plan the assassination, this having been calculated to be the most likely-to-succeed and practical method to bring about the ‘Great War’, as it was referred to at the time.

  Franz Ferdinand’s death duly set in motion a pre-planned chain of events as treaties were invoked and countries took their respective sides, resulting five weeks later in the world being thrown into turmoil as the Elite’s largely conscripted armies prepared to face each other on the battlefields of Europe to act out yet another deadly game initiated by the Elite for their own devious ends.

  After two years of indescribable carnage and bloodshed, by the end of the summer of 1916, Germany had won the war. Not in any metaphorical sense, but had actually won it. The German U-boats, which were a very potent weapon, ruthlessly ‘ruled’ the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea and Great Britain stood virtually alone with armaments almost exhausted and around one week's food supply and after that, just humiliating defeat and starvation to contemplate. The Battle of the Somme had ended in unmitigated disaster for Britain having lost more than one million men, either dead or injured and the French army had just mutinied having lost 600,000 men in the defence of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was retreating; they were out of the war and returning home as revolution was in the air and discipline among the troops had almost completely disintegrated. In addition to this, the Italian army had collapsed altogether and Britain was ready to capitulate, having no real choice in the matter any longer.

  However, even though not a single enemy combatant had set one foot in its territory, Germany offered Britain and France peace terms. Britain was offered a generous negotiated peace on what is referred to in law as a ‘status-quo-ante’ basis, meaning ‘everything reverts to exactly as it was before.’ And so in the autumn (fall) of 1916 Britain was preparing to adopt this option as to be frank, it had no choice. It was in a situation where it had to either accept the negotiated peace that Germany was magnanimously offering or continue with the war and be annihilated.

  In the meantime, the German Zionists who also represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe approached the British War Cabinet and to cut a very long story short, they offered their backing and support to Britain on the basis that they believed that is was possible, with their connivance, to contrive the entry of the United States into the fray as an ally of the British and French and this action would then be the decisive move that would almost certainly result in defeat for Germany.

  The price required in return for this generous offer from the Zionists was a guarantee from Britain that they would be offered Palestine as the long-awaited Jewish ‘homeland’ after the war was won.

  Obviously Britain had no right to promise Palestine to anyone and it is absolutely absurd that Great Britain, who never had any connection, any interest in or any rights to Palestine, should offer it as payment to the Zionists for bringing the United States into the war. However, make that promise they most certainly did, in October of 1916 (as confirmed by the Balfour Declaration of 1917) and shortly after that promise, the United States, which was ironically almost totally pro-German, entered the war as Britain's ally.

  The ‘Balfour Declaration’:

  “Foreign Office, November 2nd, 1917

  Dear Lord Rothschild

  I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty’s governmen
t, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved, by the Cabinet:

  His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

  I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.


  Arthur James Balfour”

  This declaration in my view is comparable to Spain promising Ireland to China, but only using the values that we think we know to be true. In reality, all countries and their borders are entirely false constructs and the Elite world is entirely borderless. They do not regard themselves as belonging to any specific country, religion or belief system – except of course, their own and so making this strange promise is not as odd as it tends to appear at first sight.

  At this time, the United States was almost totally pro-German and as is the case today, the newspapers were controlled by Zionists, the bankers were Zionists, all the media of mass communications were controlled by Zionists; and they, the Zionists, were pro-German. They were pro-German because many of them were ethnic German and also they, in line with the Rothschilds agenda emanating from the previous century and in retaliation for the Russian royal family’s previous treachery, wanted Germany to destroy the Russian Czar, Nicholas II and the Romanov dynasty. The Rothschild Zionists also had other plans in store for Russia in the form of the coming ‘communist’ revolution. The German Zionist bankers, such as Kuhn Loeb and other big banking organisations in the United States refused to finance France or England as these two powers were allied with Russia, but they poured money into Germany and they fought beside Germany against Russia, trying to crush the Czarist regime that they saw as a barrier to their plans for the revolution to come.

  Indeed these were the same Zionists, that when they saw the possibility of obtaining Palestine as a Jewish homeland, approached the British government and they made the aforementioned pact. Once the plan was agreed to, the world immediately changed, almost overnight in fact. Whereas previously most, if not all American newspapers had been pro-German, wildly exaggerating the difficulties that Germany was experiencing in fighting Great Britain commercially and in other respects, suddenly the Germans were depicted as the enemy. They were now ‘criminals’ and ‘Huns’. They were raping and shooting Red Cross nurses and they were murdering pregnant women and babies, as is the manner in which all propaganda operates. Of course, very shortly after that, the Elite puppet President Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany and joined the war on the side of Britain and France.

  The Zionists in London had sent cables to the United States, to Justice Brandeis a presidential political advisor and friend, asking him to influence Wilson. The United States had absolutely no right or reasons to be involved in a European conflict other than those contrived. America was duped and subtly cajoled into taking-part simply so that the Zionists of the world could acquire Palestine and meanwhile the people of the United States were never told and never knew the real reasons that they entered World War I. President Wilson was directly involved in the deceptions and formally sanctioned the US participation in the war in a secret agreement with Britain on 9th March 1916. We are only aware of this agreement today because the agreement was leaked and confirmed by Sir Edward Grey, Ambassador Walter Hines Page, C. Hartley Grattan, and Colonel Edward Mandel House.

  The rest of the story is well-known. America duly joined in the conflict and its superior numbers soon overwhelmed German resistance all along the 400 mile-long Maginot line, the line of fortifications running from the English Channel to the Alps, known to the Germans as the ‘Western Front’. Apart from a brief, final rally in the autumn of 1918, the German forces were well beaten, surrendered unconditionally and the Armistice was duly signed which ended the war on the 11th November 1918 at 11.00am thus bringing to an end four years of horrific, unspeakable bloodshed. Now all that remained was the Treaty of Versailles, which the Germans believed would be a fair and just settlement of post-war reparations for a nation that had been absolutely shattered beyond the point of recognition, by the privations and horrors of the war. In this they were to be bitterly disappointed. In fact the terms of the treaty were so inordinately destructive to the German nation that it not only lost much of its territory but it did not actually make the final reparations payment until 2009! This in fact led directly to the economic conditions that set the scene for the rise of Hitler and ultimately to World War II. All as pre-planned, of course.

  The Sinking of the Lusitania

  One of the overt, primary catalysts for the entry of America into the 1914-18 war was also the sinking of the liner Lusitania by a German U-Boat off the southern coast of Ireland in 1915. The Lusitania was carrying hundreds of wealthy American passengers, but the significant load carried by the liner was not necessarily the passengers on this occasion. Deliberately, but unknown to most on board, Lusitania was illegally carrying a large cache of armaments bound for the battlefields of Europe.

  It is now known for certain that Winston Churchill and Woodrow Wilson were complicit in an operation financed by the major Zionist banking houses, arranging for the shipment of weapons on board Lusitania in May of 1915. The Lusitania luxury ocean liner was owned by the Cunard Line Shipping Company and officially part of the British auxiliary navy. The ship's owners were paid £218,000 per year. As an auxiliary naval ship, Lusitania was under orders from the British Admiralty to ram any German ship seeking to inspect her cargo. Also, notably in 1915, it was against US law to place weapons on a passenger ship traveling to England or Germany.

  Three German spies attempted to confirm that the so-called ‘90 tons of unrefrigerated butter’ destined for a British naval base were weapons and ammunition. The spies were detained on the ship, but the weapons loaded onto Lusitania were seen by a group of German immigrant dock workers and reported to the German embassy. In order to warn Americans about the weapons shipment, the Imperial German Embassy attempted to place an advertisement in 50 East Coast newspapers. The ads were due to be printed on the 22nd April 1915, but the US State Department blocked all the ads except one which somehow escaped the net.

  George Viereck, the man who placed the ads for the embassy, protested to the State Department on the 26th April 1915 that the ads were blocked. Viereck met with US Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan and produced copies of Lusitania's supplementary manifests. Bryan, impressed by the evidence that Lusitania had carried weapons, cleared publication of the warning but someone more powerful than the Secretary of State, most likely Colonel Mandel House or President Wilson, overruled Bryan.

  Nonetheless, one ad slipped past the State Department censorship. The single advertisement that slipped past the government censors appeared in the Des Moines Register (below)

  The warning read:

  "NOTICE! Travellers intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that, in accordance with formal notice given by the Imperial German Government, vessels flying the flag of Great Britain, or any of her allies, are liable to destruction in those waters and that travellers sailing in the war zone on ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk. IMPERIAL GERMAN EMBASSY WASHINGTON, D.C., APRIL 22, 1915."

  Captain Dow, the Lusitania’s captain immediately before the current incumbent, Captain Turner, resigned on the 8th March 1915 because he was no longer willing ‘to carry the responsibility of mixing passengers with munitions or contraband.’ Captain Dow had a ‘near miss’ just two days earlier and was aware that the rules of naval warfare had cha
nged in October 1914 when Churchill issued orders that British merchant ships with munitions or contraband must ram U-boats. Prior to this change by Churchill, both England and Germany adhered to Cruiser Rules. The Cruiser Rules enabled crews and passengers to escape in lifeboats before being fired on but the new Churchill ram rules meant that the German U-boats could no longer surface to issue a warning and fire while submerged. Churchill explained this ruthlessness thus:

  “The first British countermove, made on my responsibility...was to deter the Germans from surface attack. The submerged U-boat had to rely increasingly on underwater attack and thus ran the greater risk of mistaking neutral for British ships and of drowning neutral crews and thus embroiling Germany with other Great Powers.”

  The above combined with the next Churchill quote speaks volumes about what really happened and why.

  “There are many kinds of manoeuvres in war... There are manoeuvres in time, in diplomacy, in mechanics, in psychology; all of which are removed from the battlefield, but react often decisively upon it... The manoeuvre which brings an ally into the field is as serviceable as that which wins a great battle.”


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