The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality Page 72

by John Hamer

  Photographs proved that 90 million watt, pulsed long-wave radio waves from the HAARP array in Alaska, combined with pulsed microwaves from a US Military Satellite in orbit, caused Chinese land to ‘resonate’.

  As the land began resonating, its movement tore itself apart, causing the massive earthquake.

  Photos from Tianshui city, Gansu province, China the city nearest the epicentre of the quake, show strange cloud patterns a full two days before the quake hit. The cloud formations can be seen breaking apart in patterns indicating they were being hit systematically with something from above.

  The clouds were being affected by the two sets of waves. As the waves beamed down from the sky, the clouds broke apart in very orderly fashion; proving that something from above, other than the wind was affecting this region of China. Some clouds even had their own rainbow signatures. At the time of writing, these images may still be seen here:

  In this video it is actually possible to see that as the clouds move into the area being pounded by high-powered radio and micro waves, the clouds develop the internal rainbow motif. As they drift out of the high-powered radio and microwaves, the rainbows disappear.

  The ‘long wave’ attack originated from the HAARP array in Alaska. These extremely long radio waves were pulsed slowly and travelled deep underground when they hit. The much smaller, pulsed microwaves emitted from a US military satellite, pulsed at a faster rate and, because the wavelength is so much smaller, they did not penetrate deeply into the ground. The deep rock began to resonate at one frequency and the surface rock/soil began to resonate at a different, faster rate.

  The two separate rates of resonation caused literally billions of tons of dirt and rock to begin subtly, almost imperceptibly grinding against each other within the ground. With all that movement it did not take long for a key geological lock to be crushed, allowing a sudden movement of a large land area underground, which was felt as a massive earthquake at the surface.

  If you think that electromagnetic waves cannot cause anything to move, consider your microwave oven. Using as little as 500 watts, microwaves travelling through food ‘excite’ the molecules within the food. The molecules begin rubbing together and the friction generated by the molecules bouncing off each other causes heat and the heat cooks the food. Now, take that same proven technique and multiply it to ninety million watts, pounding on a particular area for at least two full days. Would it not be possible for that amount of energy, bearing down relentlessly for at least two days, to cause the molecules inside the rocks to start moving? As the first rock molecules start to move, they move against other molecules causing not only heat but also tiny vibrations. As the vibrations spread to other rocks underground, they too start to vibrate.

  When several billion tons of earth and rock start to vibrate, even imperceptibly to humans, the enormous weight of that small vibration has a truly devastating impact. All it takes is for that impact to act upon a weak point in the earth’s rock structure, crushing it, which then allows a tectonic plate to move a distance possibly as small as one inch. When billions of tons of rock and earth suddenly move one inch, the resulting shockwave is felt as a huge earthquake.

  Humans, surrounded by a buffer of air and subjected to local noise from traffic, aircraft and all other everyday sounds, would not hear or feel the subtle vibration underground, although Chinese seismic sensors had detected the movement.

  Initially, even meteorologists in China thought this was a natural phenomenon - until the earthquake struck in the exact same area. Then by the simple process of putting two and two together, they deduced that China had been subtly attacked.

  At least 90,000 innocent people lost their lives whilst many hundreds of thousands were injured and left homeless. More than half a million buildings collapsed and the full scale of the disaster is unimaginable and its effects will be felt for decades to come.

  While the human cost was steep, the financial impact of this attack total in the hundreds of billions, perhaps even trillions of dollars.

  I believe that this attack was deliberate and it was done to show the Chinese who were the masters. Obey us (the Western Elite, ‘New World Order’) or China will be destroyed with a weapon that cannot be defended against and which leaves no forensic evidence to prove the quake was deliberate. The long-term ramifications of this are yet to fully unfold, but rest assured that China has not forgotten and will not just stand by and allow itself to be attacked in this manner. There have already been suspected moves on the part of the Chinese to use their massive financial capabilities to attack the US economy in retaliation and possibly de-stabilise the dollar and we are just now beginning to see the effects of this policy coming to fruition.

  2010 Haiti earthquake

  The 7.0 Earthquake striking Haiti destroyed much of The Haitian National Palace and most of Haiti as well. With most living well below the poverty threshold on £1 per day and one in four people living with mud floors, one can only imagine the devastation to a country that was barely surviving after being hit with four hurricanes in quick succession. The better-off in their concrete homes were crushed to death while the poor survived in tents.

  Haiti is an independent black nation, a long time threat to American hegemony and imperialism and has defied the US government control structure for years. It is relatively close to a HAARP array in Puerto Rico, just a few hundred miles away and is a 3rd world country sat in the middle of ‘Western civilisation’. Its citizens are little better off than peasants and ripe for exploitation without the rest of the world asking too many questions.

  A street camera at the time of the earthquake clearly showed the ground moving up and down only, as if roiling, percolating or boiling. There was very little sway in the telephone poles. This very salient fact indicates super-heated ground water, not crust breaking or crust slippage which always goes sideways. This has to be the most telling evidence uncovered so far.

  A video, taken above the city shows dust and what appears to be steam rising all across the quake zone. There also appear to be some HAARP clouds, but this could possibly be just the sunset catching the bottoms of clouds as the quake occurred at 5.00pm.

  A strange anomaly is that the earthquake was not actually on a fault line, but far south of the North American and Caribbean plates. Earthquakes are a particularly rare occurrence there, much less huge ones like this one. HAARP is able to create earthquakes anywhere there is water or trapped moisture and our planet is obviously riddled with underground water and pockets of gas. There were an excessive number of 5.0 aftershocks. This is highly unusual and may indicate the superheated ground could not cool off quickly enough, causing a recurrence of the problem. Scalar waves which are generated from electromagnetic waves can accomplish this and so this is crucial circumstantial evidence pointing to HAARP as the culprit.

  Mainstream news blatantly lied about the earthquake being on the North American and Caribbean fault lines. If they tell lies about this issue, the question that remains in my mind is ‘why is the media peddling disinformation about the issue?’ When unnecessary lies are being propagated, one can only conclude that something is being covered-up.

  Actually, Haiti is prime real estate once all the locals are disposed of or marginalised. The US military is now in control, without firing a shot and they seem to be doing a pretty good job of bringing about the destruction of the country’s infrastructure having been given a good head start by its clandestine technology. The speed with which the 20,000 US troops arrived on the island, proves that plans were already in place before the event. And subsequent delays in the provision of vital supplies of food and medical aid, created the desperation and violence by the frustrated masses of survivors that provided a perfect excuse or justification for the imposition of heavy security measures.

  Respect to the Elite is due. They are indeed very, very clever and audacious. Using HAARP technology, the
y have now perfected the science of taking over a country, murdering thousands of its citizens in cold blood and then being thanked by their victims.

  Leaving aside the Earthquake situation for the moment, we can also investigate and scrutinise the recent spate of hurricanes, especially the two most disastrous in American history, Andrew in 1992 which devastated a large area of Florida and Katrina in 2005, which drowned an entire American city, New Orleans and made it resemble a third world disaster zone.

  Hurricane Andrew 1992

  Hurricane Andrew made landfall in the early hours of 24th August 1992 in South Dade County, Florida. According to the eye witness report of K T Frankovich, reported in Nexus magazine;

  “Contrary to what the American news media broadcast across the United States and throughout Europe, the first outer wall of the hurricane unexpectedly slammed into South Dade, packing 214+ mph winds which quickly escalated to 350+ mph. Most of the 414,151 residents living in the danger zone were asleep when the outer wall struck. Thousands of them lost their lives, for no one in South Dade had been evacuated or even advised to evacuate. Instead, residents had been repeatedly informed by local news media that South Dade should expect to experience "50 mph winds".

  By 11.00 am the following morning, 8,230 mobile homes along with 9,140 apartments had vanished off the face of the Earth. The Hiroshima-like horror was beyond catastrophic. Entire families perished in ways too horrifying to describe. The stench of death had already begun to saturate miles and miles of the massive devastation; the hot humid air was reeking with foul, rotting flesh.

  How do I know? Because I was in the midst of it all!

  Never will I forget the frantic, last-minute "emergency alert" broadcast that was aired on television just before all hell broke loose. My son and I had the TV on, hoping to catch an updated report on the hurricane, when the screen suddenly went blank with a loud warning signal. Before we knew it, a panic-stricken voice began the announcement:

  We interrupt this program to bring you an emergency alert from the National Broadcast Emergency Centre. This is an emergency alert! I repeat, this is an emergency alert! The outer winds of hurricane Andrew have just reached the Florida coast. Hurricane Andrew has unexpectedly shifted five degrees south. I repeat, Hurricane Andrew has shifted five degrees south. Andrew is expected to strike South Dade within minutes. I repeat, Andrew is expected to strike South Dade within minutes. All South Dade residents should take immediate cover! I repeat, all South Dade residents should take immediate cover! This is an emergency alert!

  Our tiny pre-fab apartment, which was nothing more than a glorified mobile home, had been constructed to withstand maximum wind speeds of 90 mph. The blood-curdling announcement gripped us both. Paralyzed by sheer terror, our bulging eyes stayed glued to the television as the voice continued.

  All South Dade residents are advised to stay put! Do not attempt to leave the area!

  Within seconds, we actually heard hurricane Andrew bearing down on us, slamming into us with all the force of a speeding locomotive. The horrendous wall of winds crashed against our tiny apartment like an exploding bomb! Glasses flew off the kitchen counter, shattering onto the quaking floor. Hanging pictures plunged straight down the walls towards the ground. The huge hanging mirror crashed on top of the television set, spraying the living room with shattered glass. The entire apartment resembled a rickety old train, shaking fiercely out of control while rumbling down a railroad track. The screeching winds quickly transformed into the piercing, monotone hum of a jet engine, sounding as if it had sucked us inside! It was so deafening, all other noises ceased to exist. It felt like a monstrous earthquake-and-tornado hitting at the same time!

  Before either one of us could react, the metal front door of our apartment began to peel steadily downward towards the floor, like a piece of wet, limp paper. Then the voracious jaws of Andrew attacked for the final kill. A mega-giant, two-storey-tall, solid concrete transformer pole with electrical cables attached, torpedoed right through our living room wall and roof, exploding the entire building on impact! And that was just the beginning.

  There isn't a person on the face of this Earth who will ever convince me that hurricane Andrew was a "hurricane" by any sense of the definition. Just ask any survivor of Andrew what the six-and-a-half-hour siege was like and the answer will always be the same.

  "We didn't have any prior warning. We heard hurricane Andrew suddenly bearing down on us like a speeding locomotive."

  This is the same description given by survivors of monstrous F-5 tornadoes (packing winds of 350+ mph) the only difference being that tornadoes strike for just seconds, whereas hurricane Andrew struck and stayed for hours on end.

  The injuries of those who survived were mind-boggling. I had a broken jaw with eight teeth knocked out. Huge shards of glass impaled my body so deeply, they were impossible to remove without the aid of a scalpel. My head injuries were so severe that they permanently affected my eyesight.

  But I was only one amongst thousands of severely injured victims who struggled to survive the aftermath. For ten long days we were roped off from the outside world by United States military forces, leaving us stranded with no food, no water, no medical supplies, no shelter. Suffering from severe shell-shock, we waited and waited for rescue teams to arrive, but that just never happened. None of the injured in the roped-off areas was ever rescued from the devastation. It was the worst gut-wrenching betrayal I have ever experienced. I saw grown men lying on the ground in the foetal position, moaning and groaning pathetically as they tried to hug and rock themselves. My son was amongst them.

  Don't get me wrong. United States military forces were indeed present in the roped-off areas within hours of Andrew ending. But they were not there to help survivors. The National Guard along with the Coast Guard, the Army, FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency), Metro Dade Police, state police and local police removed dead bodies and body parts as quickly as possible during those first ten days of the aftermath. Horrified survivors watched as both uniformed and civilian- clothed men searched the rubble and filled body bags, which they then stacked in military vehicles or huge refrigerator trucks normally used to transport food, only to drive off and leave the stranded injured to fend for themselves.

  Not until I managed to escape the aftermath did I discover that the ‘thermo-king’ sections of these same refrigerator trucks, jam-packed with wall-to-wall body bags, ended up being stored at Card Sound Navy Base, located in an isolated area just above the Florida Keys. The inside temperature was kept cool by portable generators until the bodies were either incinerated or just plain dumped into huge open grave-pits.

  Those working on the body pick-up operation were forced to take what is known as the Oath of Sworn Secrecy, which is strictly enforced by the government. Many of them plunged into shock, once exposed to the ghastly devastation and countless mutilated bodies.

  The horrors were way beyond human comprehension. I can vouch for this, as I accidentally stepped on the severed hand of a young child when I initially crawled out of the debris, only to witness shortly thereafter two dead teenagers and the decapitated body of a baby girl.

  Fighting mental shock became such a big problem for the body pick-up teams that a special group of psychiatrists had to be brought in to help them cope with it. I believe this in itself is the reason why many who worked on the body collection didn't comprehend the tragic consequences this would inevitably lead to in the future.

  The survivors of hurricane Andrew and the rest of the American people were betrayed by their own government. But the betrayal also extended to foreign nationals. At the time Andrew struck, South Dade was inhabited by a large population of Mexican illegal immigrants. The United States Department of Immigration was fully aware of their presence but quietly turned its back on the situation, knowing full well that South Dade farmers couldn't afford to harvest their crops without the help of the Mexican illegals. The heavily populated migrant camps were situated at the edge of the Fl
orida Everglades. The people who lived there vanished without a trace during that fated night. Many bodies were found way out in the Everglades.

  When I lectured at the Clearwater Convention in Florida in 1999, a man in the audience stood up and introduced himself as Chief Petty Officer Roy Howard. He proceeded to address the audience with this exact statement, which is now a matter of public record:

  ‘Just for your information, I was called up to active duty after hurricane Andrew went through South Dade County. I spent nine weeks down there. Now I will certify for the benefit of our audience here that the death figures that were officially published are totally inaccurate. According to the information which I received from my own sources within the National Guard, the figure I was quoted when I was down there was 5,280-something. And they were quietly disposed of in incinerators that were hurriedly put together by both the National Guard and FEMA..’.

  As the Chief Petty Officer stated, ‘5,280-something’ bodies were confiscated by the United States National Guard. In addition to this, the Coast Guard independently confiscated 1,500 bodies from the lakes and surrounding waters. Neither one of these figures embraces the number of dead bodies confiscated by other branches of federal and state government directly involved in the body pick-up operation. This leaves the number of dead confiscated by various US authorities in South Dade still unknown.


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