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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 74

by John Hamer

  The first tragedy is the horrifying fact that the bodies of our loved ones were intentionally confiscated from us by our own government and then so inhumanely disposed of. Without graves, or some kind of memorial erected in their memory, we have no hope of reaching closure.

  The second tragedy is the impact the cover-ups had in downplaying, dismissing and ignoring our horrendous suffering.

  And the third tragedy is the great number of Andrew survivors who were inevitably forced to join the ranks of approximately 10 million other homeless Americans struggling to stay alive on the streets. With 10 million Americans homeless, and another 32 million Americans going to sleep hungry each night, the United States Government can't truthfully claim to be a government for all the people.

  Maybe it's just me, but I honestly thought the world learned a lesson from the Nuremberg trials in Germany: ‘Evil can only be defined as absence of empathy...’

  It is not so much the disaster that was Hurricane Andrew that marks out this incident as a deliberate act. It is more the fact that people were deliberately deceived into staying within the potential disaster area and then once the main tragedy was over, deliberately and blatantly denied food and medical aid in the aftermath. Notice that it was mainly the trailer-park dwellers and lower-class housing residents who bore the brunt of the storm system. Something says to me very strongly that Andrew was purposely steered in this particular direction. After all who was going to miss a few thousand ‘trailer trash’? Indeed, in the minds of the perpetrators it was probably a ‘good thing’. Whilst it is probably true to say that Andrew was not specifically engineered via HAARP as it was possibly not operational in 1992, I include it here in this section as I believe it was more than likely engineered in some other ‘connected’ way. A few less ‘useless eaters’ and the blood lust satisfied into the bargain, all in all, a good days work really.

  Hurricane Katrina

  Thirteen years later and the similarities are all too evident. Katrina was the eleventh named tropical storm, fourth hurricane, third major hurricane, and first Category 5 hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. It first made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane just north of Miami, Florida on August 25, 2005, then again on August 29, then travelled along the Central Gulf Coast near New Orleans, Louisiana, as a Category 4 storm. Katrina resulted in breaches of the levee system that protected New Orleans from Lake Pontchartrain, and most of the city was subsequently flooded by the lake's waters. This and other major damage to the coastal regions of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama made Katrina the most destructive and costliest natural disaster in the history of the United States.

  In 2001, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) warned that a hurricane striking New Orleans was one of the three most likely disasters in the U.S. But the Bush administration cut New Orleans flood control funding by 44 percent to pay for the Iraq war. A year prior to Katrina, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed to study how New Orleans could be protected from a catastrophic hurricane, but the Bush administration ordered that the research not be undertaken.

  One could conclude that Katrina was a matter of criminal negligence or an extreme example of apathy on the part of the establishment. Yet I include it in this larger picture of world environmental terror because terror is exactly what resulted, especially given the human, physical and economic destruction.

  Here is an eyewitness report at the time;

  “Following Hurricane Katrina and the levee that failed, people are now dying due to the lack of aid relief, some by drowning; others by starvation, dehydration, from the heat or from lack of medical attention, old and young alike, babies, grandmothers and the infirm are forced to endure this. Some are even dying from sharks that made it through the broken levee but most of all; people are dying from central government's planned denial of care.

  Central government is the major hindrance to people getting what they desperately require, there are even check points set up on the escape routes to prevent people from leaving this quagmire and going to places where there is food, water, electricity and shelter! Likewise, those wishing to assist, ordinary professional folk, coming with food, water, aid etc are turned back and thus the situation is perpetuated.

  It is quite possible that further major problems will result, much due to the 'deliberately inept' handling of the crisis by FEMA / Central Government. Loss of life will be far greater and damage to properties due to sustained water exposure will also be at a higher level. Resultant diseases from allowing the situation to fester will be more widespread. Various unpredictables and unknowns such as the impact of placing Level 3 & 4 Bio Labs into such unsuitable surroundings may well take their toll, with the escape of some seriously dangerous biological / chemical toxins into the environment. A similar case will apply to industrial operations, eg from stored chemicals.”

  Could the levees in New Orleans have been intentionally blown? Many local eye-witnesses stated that they heard loud explosions immediately before the water began pouring through the breached flood defences.

  So the locals certainly seem to think so, yet as usual, the mainstream media totally ignored this theory. When Katrina hit, it drifted 15 miles to the east of where forecasters said it would strike. Therefore it wasn't quite the monster described. The storm passed through with relatively minor damage, it was the storm surge from the Gulf that caused Lake Pontchartrain to rise three feet and the subsequent flooding.

  This scenario is not as crazy as it sounds. In fact this exact thing has happened before in the same city. In 1927, the Mississippi River broke its banks in 145 places, depositing water at depths of up to 30ft over 27,000 square miles of land.

  The disaster changed American society, shifting hundreds of thousands of delta-dwelling blacks into northern cities and cementing the divisions and suspicions that benign neglect has ensured remain today. New Orleans’ (mainly white) business class pressurized the state to dynamite levees upstream, releasing water into mainly black occupied areas of the delta. Black workers were forced to work on flood relief at gunpoint, like slaves.

  Two parishes, St. Bernard and Plaquemines, which had a combined population of 10,000, were destroyed. Just before Katrina, these parishes had about 10 times the 1927 population. Both parishes were totally inundated and uninhabitable in 2005 in the aftermath.

  It is a known fact that New Orleans has some very valuable real estate and also that plans have been in the pipeline by Elite moneyed interests, for quite a while, to turn New Orleans into the ‘entertainment capital of the south’, with hundreds of casinos, theatres, hotels and entertainment complexes to rival Las Vegas itself. Could this have been the first step along the road to achieving this goal? It is significant that the worst devastated areas of New Orleans were occupied by poor, black families, regarded largely as expendable and at best as collateral damage by the perpetrators of this evil plot. Those ‘fortunates’ that were not killed or badly injured in the floods, were mainly shipped, not just out of the City, but out of the state, to various temporary shelters and refugee camps set up by FEMA in the aftermath (or possibly even before the event). As I write this in October 2010, there are still hundreds, if not thousands of still displaced New Orleans families who will probably, due to their prevailing conditions of poverty, never manage to get back home to New Orleans. How convenient for some.

  There are countless other instances of ‘suspicious’ natural disaster-type events and it is not my intention to bore the reader with a dissection of every single one. Suffice it to say that since the turn of the 21st century and just before, the number of ‘natural disasters’ has increased exponentially, with a new one appearing what seems to be on an almost monthly basis. See chart below.

  What is the significance of this chart? The trend would appear to be very worrying, whether or not one blames nefarious activity on the part of a small section of humanity.

  If there are new attacks against the United States, Great Britain or any other country, what we witnessed in N
ew Orleans, Dade County, Florida, China, Haiti and many others, may have been but a fleeting glimpse into the future of global communitarianism, the Elite’s so-called New World Order.

  HAARP Mind Control

  The ionosphere is being manipulated by US government and black ops scientists using HAARP. Of that there is not much doubt. HAARP emits focused, radiated power heating up sections of the ionosphere, which reflects ELF (extremely low frequency) waves back down to Earth. This then can then be used surreptitiously to create mood changes affecting millions of people and focussed on specific geographical regions.

  The earth´s natural rhythm is set at 7.83 Hz and is in perfect harmony with that of the human brain, also 7.83 Hz.

  Our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology which emits ELF waves, because we immediately start resonating to this signal as in the ‘tuning-fork’ effect. In the 1950s, Dr. Andrija Puharich’s experiments discovered that 7.83 Hz transmissions made a person ‘feel good´, producing an altered-state. 10.80 Hz transmissions cause riotous behaviour and 6.60 Hz causes depression. Puharich also made ELF waves change RNA and DNA, breaking hydrogen bonds to induce a higher vibratory rate. James Hurtak, who once worked for Puharich, wrote in his book ‘The Keys of Enoch’ that ultra-violet caused hydrogen bonds to break and this also raised the human brain’s vibratory rate.

  Eventually, upon the completion of his research Dr. Puharich presented the proof of the physical and psychological effects of ELF waves on the human brain to the US government and military leaders but his research was discredited and ridiculed. He then offered this information to other Western nations and in return, the US government burned down his home in New York to shut him up and he fled to Mexico. However, the Russians discovered the ELF frequencies that negatively affected the human brain and began zapping the US Embassy in Moscow on 4 July 1976 with electromagnetic-waves, varying the signal as the experiment progressed. Indeed the Russians and North Koreans still use the 10 Hz transmissions in portable mind-control machines to extract confessions.

  “Think about this for a moment - a system which can manipulate emotions, control behaviour, put you to sleep, create false memories and wipe old memories clean. Realizing this was a forecast and not necessarily the current state of technology should not cause one to believe that it is not a current issue. These systems are far from speculative. In fact, a great deal of work has already been done in this area with many systems being developed. The forecast went on to say:

  ‘It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes the human body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 5-15 kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them.’

  Is it possible to talk to a person remotely by projecting a voice into his head? The forecaster suggests that this would be "disturbing" to the victim - what an understatement, it would be pure terror. A weapon could intrude into the brain of an individual represents a gross invasion of his private life. The idea that these new systems could be created in the next several years should be cause for significant discussion and public debate.” Dr. Nick Begich, ‘Star Wars, Star Trek and Killing Politely’

  And the mportant point of all this? It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that HAARP’s capabilities extend to exerting an influence over the human psyche. Who knows to what past and possible future, diabolical use these capabilities will be put?

  In conjunction with the absorption of metals into our bodies via the high quantities of barium and aluminium present in the air (see section on chemtrails), it would appear that we are, if not already under severe attack from HAARP at present, certainly being prepared for some sort of future, sinister purpose. Whether or not this plan actually comes to fruition, only time will tell, by that time however, it will be far too late to prevent it.

  We will leave this particular chapter with some further very apposite words of Dr. Nick Begich in his essay, ‘Star Wars, Star Trek and Killing Politely’.

  “This essay is about some of the science being developed and contemplated by military planners and others which could profoundly affect our lives. The intent of this essay is to focus discussion on these new systems by bringing them into the light of day.

  Is it possible to trigger earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or weather changes by man-made activities? Is it possible to create and direct balls of energy at lightning speeds, to destroy an enemy? Is it possible to manipulate the behaviour, and even the memories, of people using specialized technologies? The United States military and others believe that this is the case. Many of these systems are well on their way to being used in the battlefield.

  If you believe, as I and others do, that we've gone past the realm of probability into the realm of a dangerous reality, especially given the frequency of catastrophic events, isn't it time to send our own beam of energy to the US government, and demand a full investigation into the activities of HAARP, in particular the manipulation of hurricanes and earthquakes? This kind of activity is another form of terror we live with, because it seems like it can strike anywhere, anytime, in the guise of natural event.

  Perhaps it is just Mother Nature kicking up her heels, perhaps not. In either case, a return to reality is called for in these surreal days. The simple presence of HAARP is a form of psychological terror, threatening not just the weather, but the well-being of man and survival of the planet. And that's something you'll never hear from your media weatherman.”

  Fukushima and the Japanese Tsunami 2011

  Former NSA (US National Security Agency) analyst, Jim Stone, argues with some conviction and with solid evidence to back up his hypothesis, that there was no earthquake either on the land or in the sea either. The tsunami that devastated the Fukushima area and in particular the nuclear facility there, according to Stone, was caused by nuclear bombs in the sea and the Fukushima meltdown and explosion was a direct consequence of ‘mini-nukes’ concealed in cameras installed by an Israeli security firm.

  What could possibly have been the motive for the such apparently senseless, deliberate destruction of a nuclear plant, which to this day is still leaking radiation and has been described (outside the mainstream of course) as being of a magnitude of seventy (70) times greater than Chernobyl? Could it have been to punish Japan for offering to enrich Iranian uranium and thereby defying the wishes of the Elite in their build up to the coming attack on Iran? I firmly believe this to be a distinct possibility given the track record. In any event, it would certainly not be a precedent. The Chinese earthquake of 2009 that caused untold destruction and the deaths of several hundred thousand people was also believed by many commentators to have been a HAARP-induced ‘punishment’ attack and designed specifically to show China ‘who is boss’.

  In comparison to the 6.8 magnitude earthquake which devastated Kobe, Japan on the 17th January 1995 the evidence speaks volumes. In Kobe there was widespread, unprecedented destruction of buildings, bridges, elevated road systems and other infrastructure. Whereas the 2011 earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 (incidentally more than 100 times the intensity of a 6.8 mag quake) allegedly struck about 70km off the North East coast of Japan on the 11th March. It resulted in a 30 metre tsunami swamping totally undamaged bridges, houses, roads and vehicles of all kinds. In addition there had been no advance warning because there was no earthquake, yet helicopter news teams were waiting, cameras rolling and the ensuing devastation was watched by millions on live TV.

  A 9.0 magnitude earthquake, which incidentally is the largest EVER recorded, should have devastated everything within a 1,000km radius. There should have been widespread ur
ban carnage, far worse than that inflicted upon Kobe in 1995 and yet the 2011 quake did not cause a single structure to collapse.

  Please check this out for yourselves. There is plenty of tsunami footage available on the Internet and if you closely examine the infrastructure the tsunami was relentlessly crashing through in several different towns and cities, there is not the slightest bit of damage to be seen to any building prior to the wave hitting. This is simply not logical at all.

  Jim Stone acquired and analysed the Japanese seismographic data and proved that there was no 9.0 quake and no epicentre out at sea. However, there were three simultaneous tremors of much lesser magnitudes, all of them inland, which are to-date unexplained. In fact, the authorities blatantly lied about the 9.0 quake and as it was no natural earthquake that caused the tsunami, it therefore follows that there must have been another cause.

  The official explanation for the Fukushima reactor explosions was blatant deception too. Nuclear power containment walls are extremely thick and strong and hydrogen explosions could never have destroyed them. As a historical reference point, hydrogen explosions occurred at Three Mile Island in the US in the 1970s and caused neither structural damage, nor even any injuries to plant personnel.


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