After the Dreams (Caroline's Company)

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After the Dreams (Caroline's Company) Page 6

by Wetherby, Caroline Jane

  ‘Well, you know what you could do about that,’ retorted Jo. ‘I’ve told you often enough.’

  ‘Thank you,’ said John, ‘but I would look hideous, and I, we, are very good as we are.’

  Jo raised her glass in response.

  Sadie, who was passing just then, winked at Cassie.

  As the moon rose, it flooded the room with a stronger light. At a signal from Caroline, the butler and the girls removed the candelabras and carried them out.

  (‘I hope they take care,’ whispered Jo. ‘Hot wax on bare skin!’)

  The women, who had glowed in the candlelight, were now more ethereal and remote, like silver statues. Poppy, whose arms were bare and whose dress was the lowest cut, almost appeared to drip with liquid silver. Her breasts were the most prominent feature on her side of the table. It seemed to Cassie however, that Caroline whose black and silver shimmered in the moonlight, and whose blonde hair shone like a ghostly flame, looked like some goddess of the night. Without effort she dominated the room. She smiled at Cassie, for although Cassie did not know it her copper and bronze also shone in the moonlight. Her pale face looked very young, and eager for the possibilities of whatever might follow.

  Jo, John and Janet, who of those round the table were the least pre-occupied with their own concerns, were the most conscious of this duality between Caroline and Cassandra. The room had fallen silent. John stood.

  ‘A toast to Caroline, and to our newest young friend, Cassandra!’

  ‘Caroline and Cassandra,’ echoed round the table as glasses were raised and lowered.

  ‘And to Poppy and Philip,’ Caroline stood. ‘This is their night, and may everything that they desire come from it.’

  Again the room echoed.

  ‘Poppy and Philip.’

  Poppy’s rather horsey laugh rang out again.

  For the last course, the girls did not wear their transparent dresses, and were again naked and shining in the moonlight. This time they wore stone coloured high platform shoes, and they each carried a single candlestick as they walked one each side of Fred Newcombe as he carried in a magnificent meringue, topped with a complicated structure of fruit and cream.

  The three of them processed in, and stood in front of the moon bedazzled window. The girls turned sideways on, so that the moon showed the curves of their breasts and their smooth rounded bellies. The butler placed the dish on a small table in front of the window, bowed to Caroline, and withdrew. The effect of the naked girls standing there, lit partly by the cold moon and partly by the warm candlelight, was incredibly erotic.

  Inevitably someone laughed, and equally inevitably it was Poppy.

  Everybody helped themselves to the meringue; the naked girls stayed standing to provide illumination. It had been a magnificent meal, and Cassandra revelled in the both the food and wine, and the very exotic company.

  Chapter Five

  An Evening’s Entertainment

  ‘Now we leave the men to whatever the men get up to.’

  Caroline, stood up and smiled at her guests, then lead the way through the far set of double doors into the drawing room. The fire was burning low, but the big garden doors were open to the warm moonlit garden.

  ‘It is a lovely evening. I hope it will be warm enough for you Poppy.’ Caroline looked at her red-dressed friend.

  ‘I’m sure Poppy can cope with a summer night,’ said Jo.

  ’I’m sure I will Caroline,’ said Poppy. ‘If I shiver it’s just in anticipation.’

  ‘I hope David didn’t drink much,’ said Jo. ’He’s bound to want to drive home tonight.’

  ‘But surely there’s plenty of room here.’ said Poppy. ’I mean we always stay even when....’

  Caroline interjected ‘I asked Fred Newcombe to make sure he didn’t get too much Jo, and I’m sure the girls won’t want him to drink too much either.’

  Jo stood close to Caroline by the fire. Her dark looks complemented those of the tall blonde. Cassie thought that Jo looked at Caroline quite hungrily.

  ‘Come and sit down by me Cassie.’ Janet invited her. ‘John will be through before long. He doesn’t enjoy port and nuts or cigars. He does like a good whisky though.’

  What she didn’t say was that John was unlikely company for the other two men. In fact they were unlikely to sit together for long, apart from the women.

  ‘You do know that you look most striking.’ Janet said to Cassie.’ Who did your hair?’

  ‘Sylvie did it for me, but she said that I could go the salon in the town later.’

  ‘She’s amazing that girl. I’m sure that Caroline doesn’t value her enough.’

  Cassie remembered her first dinner here, and what happened in this room afterwards, and didn’t know quite what to say.

  ‘Oh, I know some of the things that happen here,’ whispered Janet with a quiet giggle. ‘It’s just that neither John nor I want to take part. We very much enjoy looking though. That makes us like voyeurs I suppose. We get excited seeing our friends getting excited and enjoying themselves.’

  Cassie thought that Janet was a handsome woman, and might look good if she ‘took part’. Cassie grinned to herself; she was obviously falling into the mood of the house.

  ‘You’ll be watching with us this evening. I think it’s going to be rather spectacular!’

  Jo came over, and sat next to Cassie. Janet pulled away.

  Didn’t Janet like Jo?

  Jo spoke to Cassie in a low tone.

  ‘All the tests we did the other day have come back. They all look extremely good, so if you want we can start your treatment.’


  ‘Well if you would like, we have everything here. Perhaps the full moon would make it a propitious time for you as well as for Poppy.’ This sounded as though the doctor did not quite believe in the effects of the full moon, or the propitious time for Poppy!

  ‘What is going to happen to Poppy?’

  ‘We will all find out soon. Would you like to come along?’

  Jo took Cassie’s hand and led her back through the dining room, empty now, with no sign of the three men or the girls.

  The fresh fruit meringue was still on the window table. Plates and forks were ready beside it.

  ‘Ooh – just a little more of that I think.’ Jo said rather greedily. ‘Would you like some?’

  Cassie was unsure. ‘Don’t worry. We won’t play tricks with your voice tonight. You are part of the audience tonight, not the entertainment!’

  Jo served Cassie and then herself a generous portion, and both of them revelled in the meltingly light and sweet meringue mingling with the fresh texture and complementary tastes of the soft fruit.

  Jo licked her full lips clean, and grinned at the younger woman who was doing much the same thing.

  ‘It’s as well I don’t have to eat this every day. I’d be a sugar junkie in no time at all. Fortunately there’s no history of diabetes in my family! Come on, let’s get you started. This way.’

  They went through the hall to the big workroom, and to the small white clinic-like room beyond it.

  ‘I’m very impressed with you Cassandra. I think Caroline was right. Again! You are a natural. Now there are several ways of delivering your hormone treatments. For you I think a fortnightly injection of Estradiol Valerate will be best, and you can take 200mg of Spironolactone every day. Have you started that already?’

  ‘Yes. Caroline said I should.’

  ‘Good. Now if you like to slip your dress off and lie face down on the couch...’

  Cassie was slightly shocked. Did she have to be naked (nearly naked) with yet another person? She was used to Caroline and Sylvie by now but another woman? Then she remembered that Jo (Dr Startway) had already conducted a most intimate examination of her.

  She felt for the catch at the back of the copper collar that held up her dress, and managed to open it. Her dress fell to her waist. Instinctively she put hands over her (false) breasts.

  The doctor smi
led little at this very female gesture.

  ‘Let me pull the dress down here. So.’

  She helped Cassie step out of the dress, then carefully picked it up off the floor, and hung it on one of a series of hooks on the wall. Cassie sat on the couch, just wearing her stockings and heels, and her little thong. She kept her hands over her chest as she pulled herself onto the couch and lay face down.

  The doctor pulled on a pair of latex gloves.

  ‘This may sting a bit.’

  There was a cold wet touch on Cassie’s bottom.



  Cassie felt the injection into her left buttock, and then her bottom was rubbed gently.

  She felt a brief touch of lips kissing her bottom.

  ‘That wasn’t so bad was it? I’ll just put some healing cream onto the injection site.’

  Her bottom was rubbed again.

  ‘That’s it. All done for now.’

  There was a knock on the door.


  ‘It’s Sadie Doctor.’

  ‘Do you mind if Sadie comes in?’

  Cassie wondered who else was going to see her (nearly) bare bottom that evening. But after all, she had seen much more of Sadie.

  ‘No – not at all.’

  ‘You really should talk with Sadie anyway, and she’s only here sometimes.’

  ‘Come in Sadie, and meet Cassandra, or rather be introduced to Cassandra.’

  Sadie came into the room.

  ‘I bought some more clothes for Cassie Doctor.’

  ‘Good. That’s nice of you.’

  Cassie turned her head sideways, and saw a different Sadie to the nearly naked girl who had waited on the fully dressed guests at dinner.

  Now what she was wearing looked... cheap and tarty. A red and black bustier, pushed up her breasts, a little red frilled skirt so short it made it impossible for her to hide her black and red panties, and black stockings and suspenders.

  Cassie realised that she was becoming ever more critical of female costume. She also realised that suspenders only looked good on very rounded hips and thighs. Sadie was quite rounded, but not perhaps enough for that look.

  Her makeup was also a quite tarty. Bright red lips and green eyeshadow made her face look as though it was meant to be deliberately sexy, and ended up being less so. She carrying some zipped clothes bags over her arm. She opened one.

  ‘Here you are.’ Sadie held out a silk teddy for Cassie to put on.

  Both the clothed women helped Cassie into the soft garment. Shoulder straps pulled it over her breast forms, and Jo adjusted straps for her.

  ‘There, and these as well.’

  Sadie clasped a beautiful bronze and copper necklace around her neck. Cassie felt it to be quite heavy.

  She realised that she couldn’t have worn it earlier, because the copper band that had held up her evening dress would have got in the way.

  Sadie held out long black evening gloves for her, and helped her work her fingers into them and smoothed them up her arms past her elbows.

  ‘That is quite stylish,’ said the tarty looking girl, as she re-fastened Cassie’s copper and bronze bracelet around her glove. ‘You need to touch up your lip gloss.’

  Cassie looked round for her clutch bag, and realised she had left it in the drawing room.

  There was a mirror on the far side of the room. (There were always discrete mirrors in this house.) Cassie caught site of herself, and almost instinctively shook her hair a little and posed for the best effect. The black teddy, shot through with the bronze that was her theme for the evening, covered her fairly modestly, although it left plenty of bare thigh above her stocking tops. The effect of the gloves was to make her look dressed to look undressed, like the models in the lingerie catalogues she had been studying in her room. She looked young, sexy, but stylish and almost innocent.

  The other two women exchanged a smile.

  ‘Caroline was right,’ said Sadie, ‘she is a natural!’

  ‘But how are you?’ asked Jo. ‘Was David rough with you?’

  ‘He wasn’t exactly rough. You know what he’s like. He always apologies when he’s finished. I think he’s gone now. I suggested to him that he should stay, but he only shook his head and went off.’

  ‘You’re a good girl to help him.’

  ‘If it helps you as well, Doctor of course I’ll do whatever I can.’

  ‘Thank you Sadie. Now I think we still have a few minutes, shall we check on your treatments? And you can get out of those horrible things.’

  With what appeared to Cassie to be amazing speed, Sadie stripped to her little thong and sat up on the couch. When she had first seen her nearly naked, Cassie had thought that Sadie was a similar shape to Sylvie. Now she saw that she had smaller breasts, and was not as rounded in her hips and bottom.

  ‘Everything off I’m afraid Sadie.’

  ‘Oh Jo, Do I have to? You know I don’t like it.’

  ‘I understand that,’ said the doctor pulling another pair of latex gloves, ’but I think Cassandra should see you properly.’

  Sadie removed her heavily elasticated thong to reveal a penis and a rather shrunken scrotum.

  Cassie realised what the strange symbol she had seen on Sadie’s back meant. Caroline had discussed with her the phases that she would go through in her transition. Some people, she had said, preferred to stay in a half way state. Some people also liked people in that condition. Cassie would have to decide for herself what she wanted to become.

  ‘I do hope he didn’t hurt you,’ said the doctor.

  ‘No he didn’t. But I worry about him Jo, and both you and he have helped me so much.’

  ‘Well don’t worry for now. You seem fine, and your last tests were fine as well. Let’s give your next injection.’

  Sadie lay on the couch as Cassie had done, and received her injection. The doctor did not kiss her bottom though, as she done Cassie’s.

  ‘There we are. I think we are scheduled for a longer appointment in two weeks?’

  ‘Yes Doctor, and I really need a long talk with Caroline. I seem to have been away for ages.’

  ‘Well your home now.’

  ‘Yes. It’s strange. I didn’t use to think of it like that.’

  ‘Caroline will help. She always does! Now we can’t spend much more time in here tonight. What is your next appearance as? Not that we didn’t all appreciate you as a naked serving wench!’

  ‘I wish!’ Sadie shook her head, puzzling Cassie. ‘It’s this,’ Sadie held up a what looked like a small tube of soft black leather. She pulled on a black thong, and wriggled into the leather tube, smiling at the other two women. ‘I do need some help though. Could you zip me up?’

  Cassie’s gloved fingers could not properly grip the small zip.

  ‘Better let me do it,’ said Jo, tugging on the zip, and fastening a clip at the top. ’It’s as well I know that you aren’t going to break!’

  Sadie, looked in the mirror, riffled her very long blonde hair and tugged on her high stilettos. She looked so much better than in her previous clothes. Now she looked amazingly sexy, with the leather dress just covering her thong, and really showing off her strong smooth bare legs.

  ‘You two are making me feel overdressed,’ said the doctor, but she turned to show her naked back, and turned at her head to grin at the younger women.

  ‘Never Doctor dear,’ said Sadie, and gently kissed Jo at the nape of her neck.

  ‘I’d better go and see if Sylvie needs any help. See you soon.’ She blew a kiss and ran out of the room.

  She was so much happier than when she came in, thought Cassie.


  Back in the drawing room, Jo led Cassie by the hand to where Caroline was sitting on one of the large sofas with Poppy sitting on the floor beside her. Caroline was plaiting Poppy’s long hair into a complicated pony-tail which hung down her back.

  ‘Poppy gets nervous,’ she ex
plained, ‘and this does calm her down a little.’

  ‘I like it when Sylvie brushes my hair,’ said Cassie, somewhat surprised at herself.

  Caroline looked Cassie up and down, and smiled her compliments.

  ‘Hair can be such a nuisance though,’ said Jo, sitting herself down rather close beside Caroline.

  The blonde woman turned to her, and gently stroked her velvet head. Jo pushed her head into Caroline’s caress like a cat pushing into the hand that strokes it. The two women exchanged a brief gentle kiss.

  ‘I like my hair though.’ This came from Janet, sitting with her husband on the opposite sofa. ’And what a stunning girl you are Cassandra. Come and sit with us, ah-ah better beside me not John. He might get ideas.’

  Cassie giggled, and sank into the sofa alongside the older woman.

  ‘I wonder whether I am overdressed,’ Janet said mischievously. ’What do you think husband dear. I want to keep your eyes on me for at least some of the time.’

  ‘You will do what you want to do,’ said John teasingly. ‘As always.’

  ‘Would you like to come with me Cassie, it’ll only take a moment. You can tell me what you think, and you look like a fashion model!’

  Cassie found her little clutch bag and remembered she needed to touch up her lip gloss. She nodded to Janet. ‘OK,’ she said. She was remarkably un-bothered by all this attention, she realised afterwards. She felt a warm feeling inside her, and wondered whether that was the injection.

  They went out into the hallway, and up the stairs. She almost attempted to hold her skirt up as Janet did, but realised she wasn’t wearing one! What was the best way to look elegant going upstairs with no skirt she asked herself? She would have to practice. Then she realised it would depend on who was looking. This thought must have encouraged her to sway her bottom, because Janet looked at her. ‘You’re going to be quite a little flirt I think!’

  In Janet and John’s bedroom, (one of the guest suites on the first floor at the front of the house), Janet slipped out of her formal dress, and went to the wardrobe. She held out a teddy similar to (but larger) the one Cassie was wearing.

  ‘What do you think,’ she said and without waiting for an answer carried on, ‘but I think I’ll forego the stockings.’ (She was wearing sheer black tights.) ‘And John likes these.’ She found a new packet of fishnet tights.


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