After the Dreams (Caroline's Company)

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After the Dreams (Caroline's Company) Page 8

by Wetherby, Caroline Jane

  As the two girls lead Poppy the Pony round the hallway, she greeted the other guests with little whinnies, and flicks of her tail. Her brown skin gleamed as she moved. As they caught the light, the bronze flecks in the coat emphasised her haunches and her breasts. She was an amazing creature, and appeared to be very happy! She liked being patted and stroked, especially round her haunches and her legs. She pushed herself into physical contact. The erotic charge felt by everybody present was intense.

  In contrast, the nearly naked and totally enslaved man was an almost comical figure as he served champagne and delicately cut portions of fruit and cake on small silver salvers. Caroline, briefly released the bit, and together with Jo, held out slices of apple on the flats of their hands to the pony, so the animal could eat them from her hands, while they stroked her mane. They made Cassie do the same, and as the pony’s mouth touched the younger girl’s hand, she got an almost electric sense of the sensual and sexual forces that held the human animal in their power.

  If light relief was needed, Janet and John suddenly provided it. John had managed to entice his wife to eat one of the strawberries dipped in cream.

  She suddenly clapped her hands to her throat as she realised what her husband had done. First she flailed against him with arms and fists, then she started to whisper (which is all she could do) in his ear, and started to drag him across the hall. They both stopped while Janet, with an air of great daring, patted the pony’s glossy brown backside before leading her husband up the broad staircase. Half way up she turned, touched her throat and waved an admonitory finger at Caroline. Then she turned and, ostentatiously waggling her own fish-netted bottom, pushed her husband up the remaining steps to their room.

  Caroline, Jo and Cassie finished laughing.

  ‘That woman is becoming interesting,’ Caroline murmured to Jo.

  ‘You think so?’

  ‘Yes. I think your big sister may develop into quite something Cassie.’

  ‘If John lets her.’ Jo sounded slightly catty.

  ‘Right Sylvie and Sadie, you had better take the pony to the stable for a while. Thank you very much you two. You did that extremely well. I’m sure Poppy will thank you later, when she is able to!’

  Sylvie and Caroline exchanged one of their voluptuous kisses, and then the two girls led the pony out of the back door of the hallway onto the terrace.

  ‘Poppy seemed in some kind of trance,’ said Cassie, ‘almost as if she was on something.’

  ‘But she was on something,’ explained Jo. ‘An extreme state of sexual arousal, matching with her own particular erotic fantasy. That coating helps as well.’

  ‘It allows her skin to breathe, but also keeps stimulating the nerve ends, all over her skin. It’s a most exhilarating sensation to be coated with it.’

  Cassie wondered whether being painted all over with a sexually stimulating coating was to be a part of her experience.

  ‘Come on,’ said Caroline. ‘There is one last set of preparations tonight.’

  The three women and the chained male went back into the drawing room. Caroline to Cassie’s surprise helped Pip with the trolley.

  Jo sat on the sofa near the fire.

  ‘How are you liking our games?’ she asked Cassie

  ‘They are very... engrossing.’ Cassie was standing in front of large pier mirror, adjusted her stocking tops.

  Jo thought that the girl was becoming engrossing both with and in herself.

  ‘Oh I’m sorry,’ the black gloved girl said. ‘I was just checking how..... how I looked.’

  Jo chuckled. ‘And so you should, when you look like that!’

  Suddenly they both realised that Caroline was speaking (in a low voice) to Pip, and Pip was answering!

  ‘But I thought Sylvie gave him one of those anaesthetising ...’

  ‘That’s what everybody was meant to think. Caroline’s trick of rendering someone speechless is getting known about now, or at least her friends know about it. You do don’t you!’

  The girl blushed as she remembered her first night in the house.

  ‘But tonight, the strawberries were quite innocent. You see what is happening to Pip is not all that it seems.’

  Caroline was stroking Pip’s shoulders gently, although Cassie saw that she was also holding one of the light whips the girls had used on the pony, and she occasionally struck the nearly naked man lightly on his back and behind.

  ‘But if the strawberries weren’t... you know, then what happened to Janet’s voice?’

  ‘That is what was so interesting about Janet this evening, well that and her showing off a lot more than she usually does. I put that down to your influence. You do look quite alike you know, and you look very stylish and sexy Cassandra!’

  Jo stroked the girl’s upper arm, and looked at her closely. She seemed to be glowing. Perhaps that was an effect of the hormone shot she had had earlier.

  ‘The power of auto-suggestion is very strong.’

  ‘But if it worked on Janet, then why has it stopped working on Pip? The anaesthetic worked a lot longer on me!’ Cassie blushed.

  ‘It never worked on Pip. He was acting it the whole time,’ Jo said, and carried on in answer to Cassie’s unspoken question. ‘Philip and Poppy are very close to and very fond of each other, but they have quite different... what do we call it... needs, fantasies, psycho-sexual imaginings. Poppy as you saw loves to be transformed into a direct expression of her very sexual nature. At the moment she is totally engrossed in her own sensations and experience and almost oblivious to everything else. And of course she has this thing about horses. Philip on the other hand likes to be dominated by women, but not to the extent of being taken completely out of his normal self.’

  Cassis almost choked. ‘But he isn’t his normal self now. Is he?’

  She remembered the gentlemanly silver haired figure at dinner.

  ‘No he is very much not, although he is enjoying it quite a bit. See how Caroline both amuses him and punishes him at the same time. No, Philip has let himself be made into a ridiculous slave figure just for Poppy. He loves her you see.’

  ‘But when Poppy was being... transformed, she didn’t seem to notice Pip...Philip at all.’

  ‘Oh she did, when he first was led in. And she knows what he is going to do for her tonight and tomorrow.’

  ‘What can possibly ...’

  ‘Shh.’ Jo put her finger on Cassie’s lips. ‘You will see in good time. Caroline has arranged it beautifully, as she always does.’

  Jo looked with admiration and some longing at the blonde haired woman who was both dominating and fascinating the chained man.

  ‘Is there anything else you would like to ask?’

  ‘There is always something new to find out in this house. It’s full of surprises like... like a box of chocolates when you’ve lost the list-of-contents, and you don’t know what flavour you’ll find next. Although perhaps chocolate is not exactly the best...’

  ‘It’s not a bad comparison. After all chocolate is good for you, (provided you share it with other people) and it’s fun to eat.’

  ‘Can I ask about David...’

  Jo cut Cassie off, her face looking little sad.

  ‘Yes of course, but if you don’t mind not now. Look at what is happening to poor Pip.’

  Sylvie and Sadie had come back, still wearing their little black leather dresses. (Cassie thought that this was the longest time she had seen them wear the same clothes, or any clothes, for the whole evening.) Together with Caroline, they took Pip out into the stone flagged hallway, and started to fit him with what looked like some very strange gym equipment.

  First he had to put his feet into hoofed shoes, similar to those Poppy the pony was wearing. His leather breaches were removed, leaving him naked except for the enormous codpiece, which stuck out from his groin and rose nearly to his chest. It was painted red and black, and was linked to a chain from his neck collar. Two metal bars were attached to him, one to his neck collar,
and one to the base of the codpiece.

  Each of them was about a yard long, and Sadie had to hold up the lower one or it would have clattered on the floor.

  Leading him by this bar (and whatever it was ultimately and intimately attached to) Sadie led him round in a circle round Caroline, who sometimes still flicked him with a whip. Caroline stopped him in front of the doors to the drawing room, where Jo and Cassie sat watching. At a sign from Caroline, Sylvie released Pip’s wrist chains enough for him to raise his hands to Caroline’s right shoulder, where her dress was fastened.

  Both Jo and Cassie took an involuntary breath, as Caroline’s long dress fell in folds around her breasts, then down her firm flat abdomen, and then down her long legs. She stepped out of the pile of fabric wearing only her silver necklace and her elegant black four inch heels. She still carried the whip though, and she flicked Pip with it on his bare behind, and gave him a quick light kiss.

  Sylvie pulled in the chains again, and locked them in several positions so his arms were held behind his back in a similar position to that inflicted on Poppy the Pony.

  The naked and poised woman, completely unabashed, inspected the naked man with affected disdain. She held his chin, stroked his cheeks, and then whipped his bottom.

  The whole display projected power and control, and the sexual superiority of the blonde and totally dominant Caroline.

  ‘And now I am definitely overdressed,’ whispered Jo in Cassie’s ear.

  She stood, and pulled the stocking clad girl upright beside her.

  ‘You undo the clasp at the back of my neck,’ she whispered, ‘and pull the sleeves just here.’

  Cassie did as she was told, and Jo’s black dress came off her, leaving her coffee coloured skin gleaming in the firelight. She wore no jewellery, but Cassie saw that her pubic hair was trimmed into an intricate little design that was dyed or painted gold. On her lower back, although Cassie had not noticed it before despite the nearly backless dress, was a gold flecked tattoo of a dragon.

  The naked dark skinned woman by the hearth, lit only by the flickering light of the red fire, looked out along the length of the room, through the open high doors, at the magnificent naked blonde whose light skin shone in the light of the hall chandeliers. Both women smiled, and Cassie could see the affection, and intention, in their eyes.

  ‘If you go with Sadie and Sylvie you will see what people will do for the one they love,’ Jo whispered very quietly to Cassie. She hugged the younger girl, and kissed her briefly on the cheek. Cassie nearly ran (as well as she could in her still not quite accustomed heels) through into the hall. Caroline caught her hands, looked her up and down, and laughed and kissed her briefly on the mouth. ‘See you tomorrow,’ she said. ‘It will be an interesting day!’

  As Cassie accompanied the hoofed man and the two girls across the hallway, she looked back and saw the two women, light and dark skinned, large and small breasted, with their long blonde and short dark hair, embrace each other, and gently lock themselves together in a most intricate and almost formal kiss.

  As they guided Pip on his clattering hooves towards the back door of the house they passed a rack of coats. ‘Better put one of those on,’ said Sylvie to Cassie, ‘it’s colder outside now.’ Cassie drew on a fur (she thought it was probably fake) coat, and held the chains controlling Pip while the other two did likewise.

  It would have made a powerful picture, had there been anyone there to record it. Three girls in fur coats with their elegant legs and shoes emerging from under the fur, leading a man, naked except for his chains and his enormous painted phallus, across the cobbles of the moonlit stable yard.


  They were back in the house, scrumping a midnight snack in the kitchen. They were giggling together about Poppy and Pip, whom they had left fastened together by metal bars running from crotch to crotch and neck to neck, so that although kept in close proximity, their bodies from the hips upwards could not make physical contact.

  ‘They are going to be very frustrated by morning,’ Sadie observed.

  ‘Which is the whole idea of course,’ said Sylvie. ‘You know what the plan is for tomorrow?’

  ‘Yes – but I still can’t see how it will work.’

  ‘Caroline’s ideas always work,’ said Sylvie slightly complacently.

  ‘They do for you!’

  ‘And aren’t they working for you as well?’

  There was a pause.

  Yes.’ Sadie was quite emphatic. ‘Caroline has done everything to help me.’ She put her hand on Sylvie’s.

  ‘We should keep an eye on Poppy and Pip.’

  ‘Don’t worry. I’ll do it till about six-o’clock. I had plenty of sleep last night.’ Sadie grinned at the other two.

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Yeah – I don’t mind. You look after Cassie.’

  ‘Ok – I’ll take over at six-o’clock.’

  ‘Come on Cassie. Let’s get some sleep. Have you had enough to eat?’

  Sylvie and Cassie hung up their coats in the hallway, and made their upstairs to Cassie’s room.

  ‘I’d better stay in your room tonight. I think Caroline may have rather special company.’

  ‘But don’t you...’

  ‘I belong to Caroline. She does what she wants, and I do what she wants as well. I love it. So, did you enjoy the party?’

  ‘Oh yes. It was very interesting... and exciting. Poppy was amazing.’

  ‘It is amazing isn’t it, and her adventures aren’t over yet!’

  ‘Have you ever been made into....’

  ‘A pony-girl?’

  Cassie nodded.

  ‘Yes – it’s a lovely sensation, particularly being painted all over. Of course being body painted is fun anyway. We have parties for that sometimes.’

  ‘What kind of people come to those?’

  ‘Well, good friends – people who like exploring their own and other people’s bodies. Now, if you could just unzip me here...’

  Sylvie turned so that Cassie could reach the zip at the back of her very tight leather dress.

  ‘Yes, all the way down... thank you.’

  She stepped clear of the dress, and stooped to pick it up.

  ‘What’s the matter Cassie, it isn’t as though you haven’t seen me with no clothes on before.’

  ‘No, it’s not that, it’s just...’

  ‘Come on.’

  The naked Sylvie hugged the other girl, and sat her down on the bed.

  She found a tissue and dried her tears.

  ‘Now, what’s the matter?’

  ‘It’s just... just... when you spoke about exploring bodies, and I like your body ... and I don’t like mine.’

  ‘So that’s it. Well don’t worry love. You’ve started on a journey, and it will take a while to get where you want to go. What did Jo say to you?’

  ‘Jo, Dr Startway, said I was lucky, that I don’t have too many male characteristics, and that I was young enough to react well.’

  ‘So there you are. You are a lucky girl, especially compared with some.’

  ‘Yes I suppose so. Caroline wants me to do a lot of research, and the things some people have to do, and what they end up looking like, well I wouldn’t want to be like that.’

  ‘Well, I can only say again that you are a lucky girl. You look really good now you know. Everyone this evening was saying how composed and graceful you are.’

  Sylvie kissed her on the cheek, brushing the tears with her eyelashes.

  ‘And you’ve found Caroline.’

  ‘I’ve found Caroline.’

  ‘And now you can be what you want to be!’

  ‘Yes I know that, but still...’

  Sylvie kissed her gently on the lips.

  ‘But I want to be...’

  Sylvie kissed her again. Her naked breasts rubbed against the younger girl.

  ‘Like you, with proper breasts.’

  ‘Oh, you mean like these!’

nbsp; Sylvie rubbed first her right then her left breast against Cassie’s cheeks, presenting both nipples in turn to be kissed.

  ‘You’ll develop you know. But I do understand though. Having breasts is lovely, especially when you have someone nice to play with them.’

  With her hands behind Cassie’s head she pressed the other girl’s lips against her hardening nipples.

  ‘But then...’

  ‘Then what?’

  ‘If I go, all the way, not like Sadie but ..... all the way, will I still like you, and will I still like doing this?’

  Cassie kissed the naked breasts, her tongue licking each nipple in turn.

  ‘That is for you to find out, dear Cassandra, and for the rest of us to enjoy while you do it.’

  Sylvie kissed her on the lips again, their tongues entwining.

  ‘But Sadie...’

  ‘Why don’t you talk to Sadie more tomorrow, she can tell you about what she likes.’

  ‘But why doesn’t she...’

  ‘One of the things we don’t do here, in this house, is talk about other people behind their backs, unless we’ve asked them first. It’s very important to respect people’s confidentiality and individuality. You should talk to Sadie yourself.’

  ‘But you seem quite happy with...’

  ‘Now if you want to know about me, you’ll have to ask Caroline.’

  Sylvie broke away from the other girl, and turned so her tattoo was on full display.

  ‘Remember always,’ she said over her shoulder, and wiggling her bottom, ‘I belong absolutely and completely to Caroline. I am what she wants me to be, and I do whatever she wants. I am totally owned by Caroline, and I love it completely.’

  ‘But don’t you mind...’

  ‘Caroline wants me to look after you, so I am trying to do that. Do you have any complaints?’ She took Cassie’s hands in hers, and placed them on her breasts.

  ‘No, of course not, but...’

  ‘But?’ She wiggled her soft plump bottom into the other girl.

  ‘But I do so want breasts!’


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