Their Private Need

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Their Private Need Page 4

by Ella Goode

  “Sex done the right way is like the rides at a park. Good sex charges your adrenaline and makes you scream out loud. Did you scream on the roller coaster, Annie?”

  “Never rode one,” she says and her gaze drops down to stare at my crotch again.

  That gaze is as powerful as a direct touch and I jerk in response. “Seems like there are a lot of things that you haven’t done.”

  “That’s why I’m wearing the cuff.” She raises her right wrist. I want to slap my own on her bare left wrist and then bind them together while I fuck her like an animal. “It’s why I’m here.”

  Voice hoarse, I corral my thoughts. “You understand that putting on that cuff means more than just watching a few strippers dance. It means getting on the roller coaster and riding it until the conductor says you can get off.”

  “Are you the conductor?”

  “Easy or me.”

  She reaches and presses a hand on my chest right over my heart.

  “I want that.” Her hand travels all the way down my chest to stop at the top of my jeans. Wide-eyed, we stare at each other in amazement over her brazenness. She’s red again, but determined. “I want that,” she repeats and then places her small hand against my hard-on.

  I’m all kinds of a fool because I don’t push her hand away. Instead I lean into her caress, wanting those fingers to grip me and then pump me hard. Gritting my teeth I lift her hand from my groin and spin her around.

  My hand itches to slide inside her loose-fitting jeans but I settle for palming her abdomen and pulling her hard against my body. Her frame stiffens at the feel of my cock jabbing into her back but she doesn’t move away.

  Annie’s only a few inches shorter than me and it takes no effort to brush my lips across the top of her ear. She gasps at the light contact and I feel that intake of breath all the way to my balls. In front of us, Trestle approaches the woman who I think is Macy, a woman who works at the Cut-n-Curl, and unbuckles his belt. He runs a palm over her ass and dips between her legs.

  “He’s testing her, to make sure she’s ready,” I murmur into Annie’s ear. I imagine myself smoothing my hand over the round curve of Annie’s ass as she’s sucking on Easy’s dick. My own cock swells at the thought. I’d spread her wide, as Heap is doing now, and arrow into her pussy. Each thrust would push her toward Easy. We’d teach her to take us deep. I stifle a groan.

  “How does he know?” she asks.

  The innocence of her question stops me short. “You ever touch yourself, sweetheart?”

  Although I can’t see her face, I sense she's red again. “Sometimes.”

  “You just rub or stick your finger inside?”

  “Just rub.” Her head dips down as if in embarrassment.

  “Sweetheart.” I can’t believe this. “Nothing inside you?”

  She gives an awkward chuckle. “Is this a job interview? I mean, do I have to have a certain amount of experience before I can be considered?”

  I grab her hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

  She follows but not without a last longing look at Heap and Trestle who is thrusting hard inside Macy. I don’t know what to do with her. As hungry as I am, Easy and I shouldn’t be bringing any girl like Annie into our dark world. She needs to be gone before the tattered connections of my self-control completely dissolve. Another word out of her mouth about how much she wants us and I’ll be stripping her of every virgin thought she’s ever had. I hustle down the hall wanting to get her out before Easy shows up.

  When we reach the end of the hallway, I see I’m too late. Easy is on the stairs and his eyes light up when he spots us. A quick glance takes in our clasped hands, his claiming cuff on her wrist, and my still very evident erection. “Starting without me?”

  Shit. I rub a hand over my short cropped hair. “Annie was just leaving.”

  “Actually, I wasn’t. I thought we were going somewhere to talk.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me, Little Red. How about we go upstairs?”

  “There’s another floor here?” she asks.

  I’m not sure how it happens but Easy separates us and leads Annie upstairs, acting like a fucking tour director as he explains the layout of the granary. I want to yell at him that she’s dangerous, that she’ll ruin me. But I follow them both because I’m already caught. She’s got me by the balls and the fucking irony is that she doesn’t even know it.

  Chapter Six


  On Thursday I can’t concentrate. The images of the girls dancing and the threesome in the corner of the room haunt me, not to mention the feel of Michigan’s big body behind me driving me crazy. I can’t stop thinking about the men and being pressed between both bodies. I know the word for it.Ménage. Michigan is right when he implies that I barely know enough about one-on-one sex to be able to handle the two of them. But it’s the two of them I want.

  That every fantasy I could dream up could be fulfilled makes me dazed and I end up making several errors in the bulletin for the Sunday service before I finally produce one that Father approves.

  “Is there something wrong, Annie?” he asks when I bring him the third version for review. “You seem very distracted.”

  “No, just tired,” I lie. “I stayed up late and watched movies.”

  He harrumphs. “You’re an adult but still my child. The things that you see on television these days are an abomination. ‘Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the LORD, who do their work in darkness and think, "Who sees us? Who will know?” ’ ”

  “Yes, well, it’s only television. I’m not going to be casting spells or anything.” And network television at that. The movies late night television shows are far milder than anything that goes on in my own head.

  Neither man has touched me in a sexual manner. Easy wanted to. When we sat in one of those rooms upstairs, he told me what he wanted to do to me in graphic detail.

  I want to kiss you all over from your forehead to your toes and every spot in between. I want to suck on your tits until you come around my cock. I want to eat you while you’re sucking on Michigan’s dick. I want us all to fuck and come until we’re blind and stupid. And then I want to do it all over again.

  I hear Michigan too.

  She’s never even stuck her finger inside herself, man. What are you doing?

  Easy didn’t stop looking at me. He wanted me to know that it was my decision. As he escorted me out of the club, he’d said Michigan was scared and to cut him some slack.

  When I get to the library, I’m in desperate need of counsel. I am inexperienced so I don’t know if Michigan’s obvious arousal means he wants me or if he was just turned on by what we were watching. The pheromone level was real high in that room.

  I don’t want to show up at Easy’s place and have the same kind of mixed up reception. Unfortunately we’re so busy that I’m not able to get Pippa alone until close to quitting time.

  “Are you friendly with all the Death Lords?” I ask my boss.

  She purses her lips and gives me a considering glance. I know she’s weighing how much she can share with me. “Not all of them. I’m getting to know them slowly. Judge takes me by the club every so often and everyone is really respectful but he’s the president and so long as he approves, I feel like they’ll approve.”

  “What about Easy?”

  “The Sergeant at Arms? He’s a good guy. I find him to be good humored and openly affectionate with his brothers. Michigan is much more reserved.” She shuts down the computers and turns to me.

  “What’s the Sergeant do?” Neither of them explained their roles in the club.

  “He keeps order in the club. If Judge issues an edict, it’s Easy’s job to make sure everyone carries it out. He also listens to complaints and passes them on. Michigan’s an Enforcer. He exerts the will of the club on those who won’t oblige them voluntarily.” Her eyes tell me that these are real positions, not play ones that some might toss around for a weekend. She’s warning me that th
ese are dangerous men who have responsibility and I need to take that into account when I make a decision.

  The real question I have, though, is if I have to make a decision about both at the same time. It’s embarrassing to ask though and I don’t even know how to delicately hint at it.

  “What is it, Annie? You can ask me anything. I won’t judge you.”

  I finger the bottom of my pale blue blouse for a moment. “Is it true that Easy and Michigan are a pair?”

  A smile lights her face. “That’s what I’ve heard.”

  “So if one of them is interested and the other is sort of reluctant, what am I supposed to take from that?” Feeling ridiculous but wanting to be informed, I continue, “Easy left me a cuff. The waitress at the Brew Ha Ha said it was an invitation but when I get to the club, Michigan is clearly angry that I’m there and tries to chase me off but not before my back is imprinted with his…you know.”

  She shakes slightly at a suppressed laugh. “I think you have big old Michigan running scared. The big silent types are marshmallows inside. He’s just afraid for you to see his soft gooey center so if you’re interested in both of them—but know that it’s both—then go for it.”

  “You’re not going to tell me to stay away for my own good?”

  “Shoot, why would I do that?” She places an arm around my shoulders and squeezes me. “I know you’ve lived a sheltered life but if this is what you want, go for it. You might get your heart broken but it’s better than sitting at home alone with those awful what ifs running around in your head.”

  Before I leave the library, I dial the number Easy pressed into my hand when he sent me off last night. I could have texted him but I want to hear his voice when I give him my answer. Anticipation, excitement and even a little fear swirl in my belly as my fingers press down on the keypad.

  “Annie,” he says after the first ring. “Is it a yes?”

  I nod and then realize he can’t see me. “Yes.”

  His low voice gets even deeper. “Do you want me to pick you up or do you want to drive over?”

  The fluttering in my heart subsides as I try to think of an excuse to tell Father. Nervously and a bit embarrassed, I confess one of my major obstacles. “My father would not approve of me seeing any Death Lords. I’m not sure how to get away.” He’s silent for a moment and I rush to apologize. “I’m sorry. I’ve never dated before and I live with him. I want to come over and my problem is stupid and juvenile—”

  “No need to apologize,” he interrupts. “I’m just thinking of a solution for you. We’re going to take this one step at a time. Your old man was gone a couple of days this week, right?”

  “Yes, he was at a pastors’ conference in Minneapolis. He got back today.”

  “What would it take for him to be gone overnight?”

  “If he had a sick parishioner who needed him, I guess. Or a birth. One night he sat with a member who’d been having a difficult labor.”

  “That’s good. You sit tight and one of us will pick you up. Plan to spend the night.” There’s a smugness to his response.

  “Wait,” I shout when I fear he’s about to hang up. “What should I bring?”

  “Your sweet self, Little Red.”

  When I arrive home, Father’s in the kitchen with his overnight bag on the table.

  “Where’re you going?” I ask. I don’t have to fake my surprise because while Easy was confident on the phone, I didn’t realize he’d be able to act so fast.

  “Mrs. Wilkins’ son called and said that she’s feeling very poorly. They need someone to watch over her tonight. I said I would be happy to do it. Apparently Pastor Mark is too busy.” His chest is puffed out in pride. Father enjoys being needed and a plea from a member of a rival congregation was exactly the right button to push. I wondered how Easy knew this and how he’d gotten his grandma to lie about it.

  I am surely going to hell but at least I won’t be a virgin when I get there.

  Chapter Seven


  Annie is real nervous. She had a hard time holding onto my waist as we rode from the parish house across town to mine. Since she’s climbed off the bike, she’s clenched and unclenched her fingers so many times that I thought they might cramp up. I hand her a watered-down rum and Coke. It’s more cola than alcohol but the tiny bit of rum might settle her nerves. Plus it gives her hands something to do. Flipping on the television, I settle her into the curve of my arm.

  “Are we not going to do anything?” she asks uncertainly.

  “We are, but first we’re going to get to know each other.”

  Michigan sits in the recliner that’s situated at a right angle to the sofa and doesn’t even pretend to watch the comedy show that’s playing in the background. None of us are interested in television but from what we gleaned at the granary, Annie’s as innocent as they come.

  I kiss the top of her head and ignore the hard-on that’s threatening to break through my jeans.

  “I’m nervous,” she admits. “I don’t know what I’m doing and I’m afraid that you’ll take one look at me and say that this is all a mistake.” She covers her face as if she’s already living that moment of humiliation.

  Across from me Michigan frowns, maybe realizing for the first time that he’s not the only vulnerable one in this room. Turning toward Annie, I tug her hands down.

  “First, I can tell your body is perfect. I’m a leg man and I’ve envisioned these long stems wrapped around my waist and over my shoulders.” The mention of her legs over my shoulders gets her deep red. Interesting. She might be innocent in practice, but I’m getting an inkling she’s read up on a thing or two. “Sure, you don’t have the big hair and you don’t wear the smoky, fuck-me eye makeup but you’re smoking hot, Little Red. Should I be nervous about what you think of me?” I turn a thumb toward my chest in hopes of easing her concerns.

  “Oh my Lord, no. You both are so gorgeous it’s just hard to believe you’d want me,” she squeaks.

  The area above Michigan’s high cheekbones pinkens at her compliment. We’re all full of compliments for each other but no closer to being naked.

  “The thing with us, Little Red, is that we like making a woman feel good. Two sets of hands massaging her muscles, two sets of mouths licking over her skin. Bringing her off gets my motor revving harder than anything else. We’ve both fucked individually before and it’s good. If this thing we’ve got between us lasts for a while then you are going to have sex with the both of us individually. Some days I’ll be gone or Michigan will be out and we’ll have some one-on-one time, but the best times are when we’re all together.”

  I’ve never had to explain myself or my desires before. Most women Michigan and I have shared were in it for the sexual thrill. Annie’s the first woman we’ve considered for a permanent relationship and despite her church background, I’m convinced she’s perfect for us.

  “Is it going to hurt?” she asks quietly. “I’ve done some research and it can hurt a lot especially in the, um, back.”

  “I had to look this up because I don’t remember ever taking a girl’s virginity, not even my first time,” I admit. “So you’ve got this little tissue barrier and when we, ah, breach it, there can be some blood but I think between Michigan and me, we can make sure you’re so wet and turned on that the burn you feel will only heighten the pleasure.” I pull her onto my lap sideways and settle her hip against the jut of my cock. Cupping her chin, I turn her face toward Michigan who’s staring at her with barely banked hunger. “Why don’t you tell me what you’ve done before? We want to make sure this is good for you. Knowing what you’ve done gives us an idea of how careful to be.”

  “I’ve…nothing.” She sounds embarrassed. Michigan rubs the back of his hand across his mouth. He’s dazed, as if she hit him on the softest spot on his chin.

  “Look at that.” I grin. “You’ve got his mouth watering. He’s thinking about being the first tongue on your tits or between your legs.”

  She squirms in response. I slide a rough hand under her T-shirt to release her bra strap and then cup her small breast. Her nipples are already half hard and when I stroke my thumb over one, it tightens and she shudders.

  “You’re pretty sensitive here. How about we take this shirt off?” I don’t wait for an answer but pull it over her head. She helps draw the bra off her shoulders. Her face is full of longing and self-consciousness. With a jerk of my head, I gesture for Michigan to remove his shirt.

  He does so in hasty, fumbling movements and stumbles over to the couch. His bared chest is scarred from war, his dark past, but she stares at it as if it holds the mysteries of the universe. Wait until she sees a cock.

  “Wow,” she says with actual reverence. She lifts her hand to touch and Michigan drops like a rock beside her. “You’re so fit.”

  “You can touch me,” he says hoarsely.

  With that encouragement, she begins to restlessly explore Michigan’s chest, lightly scratching his skin over his pecs, down the ridges of his abdomen. “Are your nipples sensitive like mine?”

  He spits out a choked laugh. “Yeah, pretty sensitive.”

  “Let’s see how sensitive they are.” I lift her tits up and Michigan leans over and tongues one and then sucks the whole thing into his mouth. In a swift motion, I resettle against the arm of the couch and pull Annie against my chest. I stretch one leg along the cushions and fit her into the notch of my legs. Michigan wraps Annie’s legs around his waist and leans in, sucking hard enough that I can see the sides of his cheeks hollow out.

  Annie’s squirming, writhing against his mouth, rubbing her hot ass against my dick. Her head falls to my shoulder and I turn her face so that I can plant a messy open mouth kiss on her lips. Michigan releases one tit when Annie’s twisting motion reduces his access and latches onto the other. Between her legs, he’s got his hand rubbing against her jeans and she’s thrusting against him, seeking more pressure and a release she probably doesn’t even know she wants.


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