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The Heart Heist

Page 22

by Alyssa Kress

"What's the other thing?" Kerrin breathed out.

  "This," Gary said, and kissed her.

  She melted under him. She was so soft and sweet it drove him crazy. He wanted to be with her, just right in her. But he was going to even the score first. Oh, he desperately wanted to show her how good this could be. Dancing his fingers over her breasts, he felt her writhe, wanting more. So, she'd already learned to like that much.


  "With me. Stay with me, honey." He lowered one hand, smoothing it over her belly.

  "Oh, Gary," she moaned. "That feels so ‑‑ " She stopped on a gasp as his fingers threaded through the blond curls above her thighs. Every muscle in her body tensed as he tapped her sensitive button.

  "Good?" Gary asked. He kissed her lightly, gauging, and sensed the wall of nerves he'd previously conquered rising again.

  "I don't know. I ‑‑ " The nervous whisper turned into a low groan as he circled her with his finger. The touch had made her defensive walls lower once more. Oh, it made him high when he got her to reach for sensation, instead of shy away from it.

  "Good," Gary answered for both of them. He wanted to give her every sensation, as much pleasure he could.

  "Mm." She clung to him, and even widened her thighs as he played her further. This was beyond lowered walls. It was invitation. Gary took her up on it, teasing her nub while he pushed a finger inside her.

  Her hands dug into his arm. "Mm," she said again, louder.

  "Mm," Gary agreed. The tart scent told him he was on the right track, as did the moisture sweetly dewing his fingers. She was completely responsive. He was hard as a rock.

  "Oh, my goodness," Kerrin whimpered. "I think I need ‑‑ "

  "I know, baby." Gary moved between her spread legs.

  "Yes," Kerrin breathed.

  "Easy," Gary muttered, more to himself than to her. She moaned as he pushed into her, and pulled him close with her hands on his back.

  Heaven. Soft and hot and tight. The woman was pure heaven.

  "Oh, my," she groaned, and twisted against him. "I need ‑‑ "

  "Yeah, yeah. I know." He needed it, too. He needed to feel her come under his hands. He needed her to trust him enough to let herself go. He wanted her to trust him like she'd never trusted another man.

  He withdrew, then thrust, tuned to her response, reacting to it.

  "Gary." It was pure plea. She was beyond inhibition now, moving with him. "Oh ‑‑ "

  He said nothing. He couldn't say anything. The beauty of it was beyond him, her body clenching around his, her growing pleasure and expanding need feeding his. He had her. Oh, how he had her.

  "Please." She clutched him even closer, like she'd never let him go.

  Don't let go, he silently urged her. Never let me go. His lips pulled back as he moved faster, feeding her, feeling showered by her pleasure.

  "Gary." Her voice was high, disbelieving.

  Gary prayed she was close. He was about to go over the edge himself.

  "Kerrin," he groaned.

  "Yes! Oh-h-h...yes."

  He felt her convulse; her sweet contractions around him sent him into the stratosphere. Kerrin. Did he think it or say it, her name like a prayer? Kerrin, Kerrin, Kerrin. He held her tight, wanting this fabulous sensation of union, striving to keep it as long as possible. This ‑‑ this ‑‑ was all of his dreams rolled into one.

  "Oh, Gary." Kerrin's arms clung. "That was so ‑‑ I had no idea."

  As the otherwordly sensation began to subside, Gary started to chuckle. He raised onto his elbows to grin down at her. "Now you know why I was keeping score."

  Kerrin's expression of utter wonder transformed into a grin of her own. "Yeah, I guess so." She reached to brush a lock of hair out of his eyes. "Oh, Gary, I'm so glad you didn't go to Mexico."

  Gary closed his eyes, the feel of her tender touch arrowing through him with as much force as the sexual climax. Perhaps the unexpected power of his need reminded him of one harsh fact. "But I am going away, honey."

  Her hand stopped, then lowered. "Oh." She paused, bit her lip, eyes glittering. "Just how long do we have?"

  The question sent a different kind of arrow through him, a painful one. "At the outside, a couple months." He shook his head. "Kerrin, I don't know if we're doing the right thing here. Maybe I should have more self-control, but I don't. So let's work with what we've got. Let's just enjoy what time we have left without...without banging our heads against the wall trying to change the future. Can you do that?" He looked down at her earnestly. He needed her to do this, to help him avoid counting too much on whatever was going on here.

  But her lips curved into an impossibly serene smile. "You're asking a leopard to change her spots. I can promise you I'll enjoy what time we have together, Gary, but I'm putting my faith in the future. You know my motto. Anything ‑‑ "

  "Oh, enough!" Gary cut her off with a swiftly placed and long-drawn out kiss. Maybe if he made it long enough and deep enough she'd forget the rest of the sentence. Unfortunately, he wouldn't. It would echo and taunt him forever. Anything is possible.


  "The truth is in the details. That's what my Dad says, anyway," Matt pontificated.

  Elaine stood in the open doorway of Matt's bedroom, aghast. A sea of tiny pieces of paper covered the floor. 'Details.' That's how he described this mess. She thought of reminding him of their deal, that he'd promised to clean his room. Her gaze stole from the papers to Matt.

  He sat on the floor with his back against the wall. His shoulders were broad, already manly, and the rest of him tapered down to a pair of long, long legs. Matt would have been tall, if he could have stood up. His golden brown eyes looked up at her, apparently innocent, actually challenging. The rebuke died on her lips.

  But she didn't let their eyes meet for too long. She remembered what had happened in class that one day. The memory threatened to raise a blush all by itself.

  "All right, Matt. You explain." She gestured over the sea. "What is all of this?"

  His face lit with eagerness. "You'll have to come inside. And close the door."

  Inside his room. He'd once yelled at her for doing that. But Matt had been acting a lot friendlier since that day, as though he knew she existed. Or maybe he just still felt guilty about yelling.

  "You have to come in," Matt insisted. "This is a secret."

  She met his gaze again, briefly. Elaine didn't kid herself Matt might have any kind of interest in her. Besides, she'd just finished cleaning the house and she looked like a mess. Shrugging, she stepped inside ‑‑ and closed the door.

  He waited until the latch caught and then gestured her to step closer. "It's research," Matt explained. "You've heard of Mr. Holiday?"

  Mr. Holiday? She blinked and tried to think. Oh yes. He was this insane person who'd been going around blowing up dams and things. She hadn't paid much attention to the news stories. Now she looked out over the papers. Evidently Matt had been paying attention. Close attention. And now he was sharing the results of that attention with her. She began to feel a small warmth inside.

  "Right," Matt said. "What you're looking at is eight months' worth of research. I've put every scrap of information I know about the guy onto these pieces of paper. Those are the details. Now I'm looking for a pattern."

  Elaine dropped to a squatting position. Matt was taking her into his confidence. She had no idea why, but that warm something inside began to grow. She squinted down at a scrap of paper by her foot. It read 'remote detonator bombs.' "The Holiday Bomber," she murmured, moving her eyes up to the next note. It said, 'FBI ?' "These aren't in any order," she observed.

  "Of course not." Matt scoffed. "One can't start with a pre-conceived notion. One has to keep an open mind. See what emerges."

  Her lips twitched. "I see."

  He touched the tips of his fingers to his forehead. "I'm letting it seep in."

  Her normally sober expression came dangerously close to a smile. She quickly turned
her attention back to the notes on the floor. 'Projects that are politically controversial,' 'photographs,' 'southward.' Matt had certainly collected a truckload of details. But she sincerely doubted it would simply 'seep in' to a pattern.

  "What?" Matt asked.

  She tried to look innocent. "Pardon?"

  "You don't think it's going to work," he accused.

  Still on her haunches, she studied him. Usually she avoided an argument, but he was just crying out for one. "That depends on what it is you want to accomplish: messing up your room, or finding out who the guy is."

  He gave her a sharp look and then shrugged. "No way I'm going to catch the guy ‑‑ not if the FBI crime labs can't. This is...just a hobby."

  Right, and her name was Queen Elizabeth.

  He sniffed. "But all right, big shot. How would you go about it, then?" His hobby was serious but not the annoyance he was pretending. Elaine began to feel more confident, perhaps recklessly so.

  "First off, I'd pick all of these little notes off the floor." Demonstrating, she began to pluck up the scraps of paper. "Then I'd put them down again ‑‑ in some kind of order."

  "Order," Matt repeated, as though it were a dirty word.

  "Right. Like all the notes relating to Mr. Holiday's personal characteristics would go in one column. Notes on the kind of bombs he uses would go in another. You get the picture." While talking, Elaine continued to gather up papers.

  "Hey!" Matt protested. "You're interfering with the pattern."

  She looked at him from under an arm. "What pattern?"

  "You're messing everything up," Matt persisted, even though she'd actually cleared a small section of the floor.

  Amusement tugged at her lips. If she didn't watch out she was going to start grinning.

  "This is no good," he growled, and lunged across the floor at her.

  "Matt!" A grin broke out on her face after all.

  What little order there had been to the papers was ruined as his body scattered them. "Gimme those," he demanded, closing his hands over hers.

  She tightened her fists, biting back a laugh and feeling a novel impulse to fight back. "Matt Horton, you are making a complete mess here. And what's more ‑‑ "

  She never got the chance to finish her sentence. Tugging at her closed fists, Matt pulled her, too, onto the floor. More papers scattered.


  "Hey, this is great, Elaine. I think you've hit on just the way to figure it out. Complete chance." His fingers worked on her fists.

  "You mean magic." She struggled to get up, while at the same time keep Matt from opening her fists. It was useless. He was so much stronger, and she was laughing too hard. He easily managed to roll her onto her back, pinning her down with his chest. His hands trapped her wrists against the rug above her head. By that time neither one of them could speak through their laughter. Matt slowly pried her fingers loose.

  "No fair," Elaine complained. It was strange how good this felt. She knew he wasn't going to hurt her. No, like a good cat kept its claws sheathed when it played, he kept control of his strength.

  "On the contrary," Matt disagreed, "for the first time I know of we have an even playing field."

  "You mean, you have a chance to display your superior male muscle." Her breath caught as she said that, clarifying the difference in their genders.

  But Matt only smiled. "Yeah, I guess that's what I mean." He scooped the papers from Elaine's fist and, with a brilliant, mischievous grin, threw them in the air.

  With Matt's eyes sparkling, his body warm and strong, and the little paper notes fluttering down like slow-moving snow, Elaine thought she'd never been so happy in her whole life. Never.

  Matt rose up on his forearms. "Now, that's more like it." With one hand, he brushed a fallen scrap of paper from her forehead.

  The gesture was so tender, so unlike anything Elaine could remember feeling, that her smile abruptly faded.

  "Uh oh. What did I do wrong?"

  "Nothing." She struggled for something to say, anything that would disguise the truth. "You ought to let me up now."

  She saw his hesitation, but then he lifted himself off her. "Sorry," he mumbled. With a pained grunt, he managed to get himself into a sitting position, leaning back on his hands.

  "Did I hurt you?" Elaine paused, balanced on her heels.

  "Just my pride, and that's nothing new. Are you mad at me?"

  Elaine looked at him. That was nothing new? Something told her Matt had just let her into a place of far more privacy than his bedroom. Slowly, she shook her head.

  "I'm glad I could make you laugh." Matt sounded relieved. "You don't do that very often. And you work so damn hard."

  There was true concern in his face. Elaine found that baffling. He'd wanted to make her laugh? "I work hard because I'm saving money," she heard herself say. "I want to move out of the trailer ‑‑ and take the kids with me."

  A moment of silence followed this statement, and Elaine wondered what had got into her, confiding her deepest, most cherished dream.

  Matt's brows lifted slowly. "That'll take some doing, financially, won't it?"

  "I've figured it out." To her amazement, Matt sounded genuinely interested. "I'll be able to handle it. Just."

  Matt's voice dipped lower. "Are you going to move far?"

  Elaine shook her head. She'd planned it all out. "No, the rents are low here. By November I'll be able to take over the Wilson house, when Gary's lease is up."

  Matt went perfectly still then. "When Gary's lease is up," he repeated.

  "He says I should move in in the middle of October, because he'll be gone by then," Elaine hastily explained. No, everything was not all right, after all. Her finely trained instinct detected a busload of anger suddenly emanating from Matt's direction. "But I don't think I'll have enough of a base until November. Matt?"

  His faraway gaze zoomed back in on her. "What?"

  "Did I say something wrong?" She was horrified she'd somehow ruined their brief intimacy.

  His expression abruptly altered. "Oh no, Elaine, sweet ‑‑ No, you haven't done a thing wrong." He reached way over to squeeze her hand. She relaxed under his strong, reassuring grip. "It's just..." His gaze wandered off, travelling up to the giant poster of Shaquille O'Neal. "Gary didn't tell me he was leaving."

  "Oh." Elaine paused thoughtfully. "Do you think Kerrin knows?"

  Matt's jaw tightened. His sister had practically moved in with the man. "She'd better know," he pronounced ominously, "or I'll kill him."


  The sun was shining brightly, but the interlocking branches of the Douglas fir trees overhead cast a pleasant shade over the trail. It was perfect weather for hiking and since it was a weekday they had the place to themselves. Nevertheless Gary, in a position behind Kerrin, was grumbling.

  Kerrin smiled to herself as she led the way up the hill.

  "I give her one afternoon," Gary muttered under his breath, but loud enough for his companion to hear. "And how does she want to spend it? In bed, like two civilized people? But no." He growled something further, this time too low for her to make out.

  It was all Kerrin could do not to burst into laughter. The truth was that she and Gary already spent a great deal of time in bed ‑‑ and out of it, too, come to think of it. Gary was remarkably inventive when it came to sex. He excused himself by saying it had been awhile, then pointed out with peculiar pride that Kerrin was getting rather inventive herself. It was true.

  "Oh, be quiet," Kerrin shushed him. "This is going to be worth it. You'll see."

  "Lutheran Falls?" Gary queried. "You've got to admit, that doesn't sound too promising."

  "You're supposed to enjoy the journey." Kerrin didn't correct his image of the falls.

  "Hmm." She heard him come to a halt. "In that case I'm going to have some of that fancy water you made me tote along."

  Kerrin turned to see Gary unscrew the Crystal Geyser cap and tip the bottle to his lips. A sheen of moisture s
hone on the portion of chest exposed above his open-necked khaki shirt. His throat moved as he swallowed and she watched the essentially masculine sight.

  "Want some?" Leaning forward with a hand on his thigh, Gary extended the bottle, a gleam that was way too predatory in his eyes.

  Kerrin had a feeling they wouldn't make it to the falls if she got any closer to him. "Not yet. Thanks."

  "Afraid of me, Kerrie?" Gary's grin was pure male ego. "Or maybe you're afraid of yourself?"

  Kerrin had made no secret of the pleasure Gary was able to give her in bed. Perhaps if she'd been more experienced she would have known that to supply a man with quite so much unadulterated praise was a dangerous thing. On the other hand, Gary was both frank and explicit about how much he enjoyed making love to her. In fact he was an almost embarrassingly voluble lover, shooting a stream of encouragement, orders and incredulous gratitude. Then there were the other times when he never said a word, letting his body do all the talking for him. That was when he was at his most eloquent.

  "Put the water away, Gary. We're making it to those falls. I'll tell you what, though."

  "Yeah?" He looked so endearingly hopeful she almost gave in to him. Almost.

  "Once we get there," Kerrin promised, "we'll do whatever you want."

  "Now that," Gary pronounced with satisfaction, "sounds like a plan."

  The falls' voice arrived first. A steady rushing roar filtered through the thick stands of trees and every once in a while the trail would afford a tantalizing glimpse of white running water beneath a fairy mist.

  "How much further?" Gary's gaze lingered on one of these views.

  "About five minutes." Kerrin was gratified to see he was starting to show some interest. Still, she wasn't prepared for his reaction once they'd rounded the last bend in the trail and came out on the bank of the stream below the falls.

  The falls started about twenty yards away from them, tumbling over the open mouth of a cave and splashing from there over a series of stepped boulders. The water streamed and rushed in a choreographed dance of symmetry and power, replete with the beauty only found in pure nature.

  Gary stood with his feet planted slightly apart, one hand on the strap of his backpack and his expression utterly dazed.


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