Cold Blooded Assassin Book 8: Rule of Nightmare (Nick McCarty Assassin)

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Cold Blooded Assassin Book 8: Rule of Nightmare (Nick McCarty Assassin) Page 13

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “I told Jian his mother picked his name by throwing him down the stairs to see what kind of sound he made.”

  As promised, after dragging the bodies to the spot Nick cultivated in the past, they found damp, soft, grainy earth, luckily wet from recent rains. They deposited the bodies, covered them in lye and loamy earth. Nick poured the rest of the Clorox he brought over the pit to ward off curious animals. Lastly, he covered the pit again with tree branches and rocks. Nick’s companions followed in a line at his direction to the van while he used a branch to swipe away all trace of their passing.

  “You guys wait in the van. I’ll gather the equipment, put things in order, and swish away any sign in the barn. We’ll stop at a hotel after we leave Pennsylvania. We’ll get a shower and change for the flight home. I’ll call John on the way to the hotel.”

  “You are quite the gravedigger, Muerto,” Gus said.

  “Thank you, Gus.”

  “That wasn’t a compliment.”

  “That is of no importance. A truth stands alone, no matter its sarcastic source.”

  * * *

  “Hi, John. We took care of business here. I uploaded the video so Jared can watch the final judgement on his sister’s murderers. Amir is in Vancouver with his mistress as we speak. I made one of his minions call him and advise he stay there until contacted. I directed him to say they were taken into custody at JFK International, but they would get clear and continue to San Francisco. Amir told him if the opportunity presented itself, kill John Harding. I assume Eugene’s back home in good shape, right?”

  “He’s already back with his family, happy as hell to be alive. I don’t think he’ll ever fight me though. The first thing he told me when we picked him up at the airport was ‘there ain’t goin’ to be no rematch’. I told him if he changed his mind we could always reschedule.”

  “Did you talk to him about fighting Carl Logan?”

  “No. I figured I’d hold off on that until he shook off being in captivity.”

  “Good idea,” Nick agreed. “I believe this might be a great time to take a cruise to Vancouver on the Ranger. Now would be a good time for Jared to talk with his father. I do not believe we can save him.”

  “I’ll talk with Jared and put him through to Amir. He can tell him of his intent to start a medical facility in the City of Hope. I believe we will be able to gauge the cruise to Vancouver by how the conversation progresses after that, Nick. I’m not afraid of Amir. I’m willing to go along with your effort to keep him alive.”

  “Listen, brother… Amir is dangerous. He’s after you. Forget Jared and the conversation. Let them talk and say goodbye, no matter the feelings about Jared going to the City of Hope. He could kill Lora or Al when you least expect it. We’ve been in the Sand. Sharia Law Mutants will turn on you like rabid dogs at any time they get the opportunity. He said, ‘kill John Harding’ – end of story. We fly, drive, or sail to Vancouver right now and make sure Amir only has one last thought – how to die without pain. Get Lynn. Her toy is intact and waiting. I have a formidable contact in the region. I trust her enough to take some precautions with local authorities. We all know how dangerous action in Canada against Islam’s terrorist horde is at this time, with the asshole traitor they have in charge.”

  Silence reigned for a moment of consideration by Harding.

  “You’re right, Muerto. I’ll raise the forces of darkness while you make your way home. I want you with us. Lucas and Gus can pilot the Ranger. We can even bring the dependents on board. No one will be in danger aboard the Ranger, at sea, or in port. We have enough fire power aboard our combat ship to make war. We won’t, of course, but I am glad you have a contact who may be able to intercede on our behalf if Amir extermination doesn’t go strictly by plan.”

  “Agreed,” Nick said. “See you soon.”

  Nick called his contact in Canada next. Robyn MacEachern worked with Homeland Security, and coordinated operations on the border with Canada Border Services Agency.

  “MacEachern here.”

  “Robyn. This is Nick McCarty.”

  “I’ve kept updated on your exploits, Marshal McCarty. I’m not sure how the hell you get into everything you do and not be dead or in prison. I know you didn’t call me just to pass the time and say hello. What can I do for you.”

  “I check your whereabouts because of our past connection. The latest information I have places you in Vancouver, acting as liaison with Canada Border Services. Are you still stationed there?”

  “Yes. I’m acting director of our office. Because of Canada importing so many unvetted refugees, I send daily reports to Director Gilbrech. Why? Are you coming for a visit?”

  Nick briefed her on Amir Mohammed Kostler, his mistress’s name and address, along with a summary of his recent hostage taking. “He placed a contract on a federal agent: John Harding.”

  “The UFC Heavyweight Champion who works for CIA, FBI, and Homeland Security? He would be the last person on earth I’d ever hire killed. If I’m reading between the lines correctly, you’ll be coming to Vancouver to personally deal with Mr. Kostler, correct?”

  “John and I discussed sailing to Vancouver and taking Mr. Kostler on board for a cruise to never/never land.”

  “Arriving by boat would be an excellent approach, Nick. Local annoyance level with our Muslim refugee population has never been higher. A lot of citizens would probably stuff your Amir on the yacht for you, and pay to have the privilege. The Vancouver Metro area was saddled with thousands of Syrian refugees. Nearly all of them are still on the government dole, in other words, the citizens’ dole. I will facilitate anything you need and keep an eye on Amir for you. Let me know when you dock.”

  “I will, Robyn. Thanks for your help. There will be a big bonus in it for you. If you can find a house for us to rent at an exorbitant price near Amir’s mistress, price is no object.”

  “I won’t turn down a bonus, Nick. I’ll work on the house rental right away in my name. Talk at you soon.”

  “Damn,” Gus exclaimed happily after Nick disconnected. “We’re finally sailing the Ranger on a mission, huh?”

  “We sure are, brother. My contact believes it’s the best approach too. Although there are plenty of wilderness sites to ditch Amir in, bringing him aboard the Ranger and sailing off into the sunset would be ideal. Robyn confirmed thousands of refugees have been imported into the area. You can bet many have already been aligned with Amir since he has a Vancouver mistress. It will be interesting to learn her story. Do you know anything about the Vancouver area, Johnny?”

  “I was given the names of three Masjids there, aiding any Muslim on the jihadi trek. You know the way it is, Muerto. They lie, enable, and deny. The fools who refuse to know Sharia Law betray our nations daily. The Syrian refugee crisis represents the dumbest con job ever perpetrated on Western Civilization. They arrive unvetted, all male in prime soldiers’ ages, with cell-phones and designer clothes. The idiots greeting them with open arms and crocodile tears all cry out ‘come in, come in, you poor things’. It is truly disgusting how easily our governments import these murderous swine into our midst without explanation or accountability.”

  “We’re stuck with the situation,” Nick agreed. “We put out small fires and pray our city building effort acts as a beacon in the Muslim world. An entire city of former Muslims throwing off Sharia Law and Islam, while succeeding in production, trade, and tourism, will go further than anything to defeat the Caliphate.”

  “Nuking Mecca from orbit is also a good choice,” Jian added.

  Nick breathed in deeply. “Let’s not start pondering that road, Dragon. We missed our chance after 9/11 to decimate the Middle East with a real message of violent resolve. Now, we’re stuck for the time being, kissing their asses. If people were offered the choice of bombing the mutants until it was once again safe to fly anywhere without more than a few minutes to board a plane, what do you think would be the voting outcome?”

  “The bombers would already be
fueled awaiting election day,” Gus said. “The Snowflakes get accosted by TSA agents the same as everyone else. Muerto tamed Chicago for a time. It’s taking them a long time to get their gang kill ratio up to pre-Muerto holocaust levels.”

  “I have no optimistic dreams for that cesspool,” Nick replied. “Paul’s stepdaughter and grandkid are still doing okay, but he’s worried all the time. As long as a liberal idiot is in charge of Chicago, there will be no peace, law, or sanity. They will return to the killing fields soon unless the populace votes in a law and order mayor who allows the people to be armed. Conceal/Carry would reduce crime and murder in Chicago within weeks. Open season on gangbangers will work everywhere it’s tried.”

  “You sure showed them the advantageous use of grenades, Muerto.”

  “Thank you, Gus.”

  “That was not a compliment.”

  “That is still of no matter.”

  * * *

  Nick entertained at his huge recreation room’s piano. We danced, sang along, and generally lost all train of thought about what we were. Nick stripped away the Monsters down to elemental human enjoyment. I envied his talent. In the meantime, I dance with Lora amongst many of my Monster couples. The babies played away in their playpen together, rocking in their own way to Nick’s music. He ended his Barry White tune with typical flare and went over to start the jukebox in the corner playing tunes. Everyone was there for the party, even our soon to be wed Alexi Fiialkov and Marla Tomlinson. The family of Monsters, Unholy Trio, and Snow Whites gathered to enjoy the short respite from the unending terror war.

  Rachel hugged and kissed Nick. “I have an iced Beam over at the table for you with your name on it. You are incredible tonight.”

  “I second that, Nick.” He was in fine form and my Monsters and Snow Whites were very appreciative with loud backup for Rachel’s expression. “That’s an amazing spread of food too, Rachel. Thank you for hosting us all.”

  “Once I calculated what it would take to feed an army, it was easy. In the land of giants, it’s best to overachieve on food prep,” Rachel replied in good spirits. She pointed at Jess. “And you, Jesse Brown, it’s a good thing you need to work with the Dark Lord every day, or you would be a ‘Jenny Craig’ candidate within weeks.”

  “Damn, Mrs.” Jess looked around sheepishly as the others piled on. “I missed breakfast this morning.”

  “You’re good with me, but I don’t know how Rochelle keeps you fed,” Rachel replied, sitting down with Nick.

  “I make him eat out,” Rochelle joked. “His idea of missing breakfast is six eggs and a loaf of bread.”

  “Don’t disrespect me, woman. I’ll have Dev cast the Latin on you. It’ll rain over your head everywhere you go. You’ll be like that little guy in the ‘Peanuts’ cartoon with the dark cloud of dirt following him everywhere. Instead of a nickname like ‘Pigpen’, yours will be ‘Wet-Noodle’.”

  As everyone enjoyed Jess’s zinger, including Rochelle, Quays popped in with his side of the story. The minions take care of food and beverages at Pain Central. “We buy a month’s supply of food for Pain Central. If Jess makes one visit, we’re down to two weeks supply instantly.”

  “Hey! What happens at Pain Central stays at Pain Central, brother.” Jess enjoyed the attention. He knew it was all true. “We’re working every softball practice and game, right ‘Chelle? She pitched fastpitch softball in college. Al’s team will win the championship this year.”

  “I think the parents asked for John and Lynn because no one argues from the other side when they see the Monsters in the bleachers,” Lora said. “I’ve seen the fights between the parents at the game before us. The girls have a lot more fun when the parents and coaches aren’t screaming at each other. Are you and Sonny thinking about playing any sports, Jean.”

  “We were thinking about trying soccer and maybe lacrosse,” Jean answered, glancing at Sonny.

  “You are?” That news perked Nick up. “You and Sonny could get on a baseball team together if you want.”

  “I think I’d like to try soccer. It starts at the end of May. Mom signed us up already. We didn’t have a chance to tell you about signing yet.”

  “That’s great, Jean. I’ll help all I can.”

  “I signed you up already to fill in as a coach or assistant. I don’t think they’ll even contact you because so many of the kids have played before. Parents with coaching experience are in position already.”

  “They always need parents for shagging balls, carrying equipment, and scrimmaging,” Nick said. “I can do that.”

  “We want to see one of Al’s tournaments, Dad,” Jean said.

  “You do?” Al was in heaven. “Sure… I’ll text you the schedule. I’d love to have you visit for a tournament. There might even be one in Santa Cruz. We could mess around at the amusement park there after the tournament.”

  “I’ll make it happen,” Nick promised.

  “Before Nick entertains again, we need to talk about a cruise we’re making together to Vancouver,” I explained. “It’s not all pleasure, but it will be on our superyacht, the Ranger. You’ve all seen it – 240 footer with everything you can think of for luxury. Although outfitted for war and combat on the seas, we’ll have one of our UH-60 helicopter gunships on board. I doubt we’ll need worry about trouble on the ocean or in port. All the Monsters, Snow Whites, and Nick’s cartoons are shipping out on board for our maiden voyage. We’ll handle all shipboard duties, but the voyage will not be like it was on the skyscraper cruise ship we protected. All dependents are welcome to come. Think it over. We will be leaving soon.”

  Jean turned on Nick immediately. “Can Sonny and I go, Dad?”

  “Yep. Even if your mom’s not interested in taking Quinn, I’ll take you, Sonny, and Deke with me. How about it, babe?”

  “I’m in,” Rachel said. “As long as I don’t have to swab decks or cook for the crew, I’m going. That’s why you were checking on extra-large doggy grass potties.”

  Nick shrugged. “I like having Deke with me. Tonto and Naji are coming too. Those three together are like an entertainment system. After a couple hours, they all start to move and act like a pack. It’s funny as hell. Their heads cock at the same angles. Besides, I’m thinking of walking Deke in front of Amir’s house to do close recon. We don’t want to drive around there. He has a small army providing protection. My contact in Vancouver will rent us a house in the area to operate out of near the mistress.”

  “I found a marina that will take the Ranger,” Lucas said. “Have you ever been to the Coal Harbour Marina, Gus? It takes superyachts over 300 feet in length.”

  “I wondered about whether we would need to anchor the Ranger out in the bay,” Gus answered. “In answer to your question, I’ve anchored in St. John’s Bay on the other coast but never on the Pacific side of Canada. The Ranger’s a dream to handle. We’ll port her fine. A ship the Ranger’s size needs a little tug help, depending on the harbor. It will be a pleasure copiloting her with you, Lucas. It’s a shame to spend all the money we do to keep the fleet operating without using them.”

  “Amen to that,” Lucas replied. “We’ve confiscated so much money from the pedophiles that were on Cafrey’s Isle of Darkness, it took away the pain of having the Ranger docked all the time with nothing but maintenance expenses. We own our own island now with deep water dock, but she still has to be maintained by a group out of Washington state to service her. We had to vet them like secret agents because of the armament changes we made aboard her.”

  “The timing couldn’t be better for this. The kids are off on Spring Break next week,” Nick said. “They had a piano on board the ship when it was the ‘Tempest’. It didn’t get damaged either.”

  “You’re right, Nick! There was a baby grand in the barroom/entertainment deck,” Lucas said. “I am definitely into this business/pleasure type endeavor. The Ranger also has indoor hot tubs and swimming pools. The cabins compete with the nicest resort hotel rooms too. Come along with us,
Sarah. I know you hate what I do and you don’t want the kids along. They can visit your folks for the week.”

  “I’m going, Sarah,” Casey’s wife, Anna, said. “I’m bringing little Lucas along too. Lynn’s bringing Dannie and Amara with her to help watch over the babies. You’re going too, aren’t you, Sam?”

  “Oh yes,” Samira answered. “I am bringing Mia along.”

  Sarah hugged Lucas. “I’m in. My folks would love to have the kids for the week.”

  “There are twenty-six cabins,” Casey added. “The kids will have their own cabins in the crew quarters. They were built to accommodate two crewmembers each. I’m glad we all went through the passport crap when we went on the last voyage. Quays… you have a goofy look on your face, as do the other minions. Your wives are avoiding even looking at us.”

  “Our wives want no part in this. They know we need to crew along with you all aboard so big a ship. The training cruise to Monster Island with Gus teaching us our roles on board was a lot of fun. We learned everyone’s job by switching during training. Gus told us the Ranger runs a full crew of thirty, but we did very well with twenty.”

  “My husband is correct.” Celia shifted her newborn, holding little Quays momentarily. “This bugger will need to be a lot older before we do anything like the Ranger cruise. It will be cold as an iceberg this time of year.”

  “Rhonda and I know you have two motorized Panga boats in the hold of the ship, and a damn helicopter transport,” Celia added. “I’m sure it’s as safe as can be, but we’ve decided to stick with the skyscrapers of the seas if we go cruising.”

  “Sonny and I will help crew the boat,” Jean said. “This is going to be great!”

  “I’m going,” Laredo stated, taking his wife Sybil’s hand. “Sybil wants to stick with ocean going skyscrapers too.”

  “I know you all will keep Dannie safe,” Sybil added. “I’m queasy about the ocean. With you bunch on board though, it will be safe in every other way imaginable.”

  “Maria and I will be in DC,” Denny said. “I will be in place with the Director to intercede in any way we can. Nick has Robyn MacEachern to smooth the edges locally. Paul knows her and has worked with her in the past, as Nick also has done. Amir concerns me because of the numbers of unvetted Syrian refugees in the area. It’s obvious if he has a Canadian mistress, Amir probably employs an army there.”


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