Grushenka. Three Times a Woman

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Grushenka. Three Times a Woman Page 7

by AnonYMous

  With that he strode out of the room. Next he drove to his nephew, a lieutenant in a cavalry regiment. The orderly did not want to let the Prince enter his superior's apartment, but when he mentioned his name the soldier stood back in awe. Sokolow opened the curtains of the bedroom and the sun disclosed the sleeping lieutenant in close embrace with a girl. She woke up first and was a sight. Her make-up was smeared over her face by the night's love-making, her bust was drooping, her legs were bent. She was a little Jewish whore who slept with the lieutenant for a few kopecks. He was a light-hearted boy of twenty-five, slightly dumb, good looking and with a fine physique. He was deeply in debt. His rich uncle had never given him a ruble or lent him his influence, because Sokolow disliked him as he did the rest of his family. But he was his nearest kin and had to be treated differently now. Disregarding the bitch in the bed and the questions and objections of the aroused lieutenant, the Prince forced him to dress and accompany him, while the girl settled back under the covers with a yawn. The Prince drove with his nephew, who was very startled by the intrusion, to the house of his lawyer. He rang the bell and sent the sleepy servant upstairs to demand that the lawyer get dressed and come down at once. They sat in the coach, waiting. The uncle perfectly calm in his manner, drumming with his fingers; the nephew nervously apprehensive, trying in vain to learn what it was all about. Finally the lawyer joined them and they drove back to the palace. Prince Sokolow took them to his library, put paper and ink before the lawyer and dictated a complete power of attorney in favor of his nephew, instituting him as master of his whole estate until this granted power should be revoked. He demanded certain monies sent to his banker in Paris; made a codicil to his will, dividing his estate and leaving the greater part to his nephew, who did not trust his ears. After that he dictated to the lawyer the summary of a divorce action against his wife, claiming infidelity and disowning her entirely. Then he ordered vodka and tea, walked with firm steps from one corner of the room to the other and explained to his amazed audience exactly what had happened. He told his nephew that he hoped in the future he would not sleep with such awful harlots, especially since he would find such a fine assortment of Russian girls available on his estates and would not need to soil his body on low whores. He dismissed both men, ordering his nephew to take leave of his regiment, to straighten out his small affairs and to return immediately to take charge. So-and-so much had to be earned by the estate during a year and if he should find on his return that things were not in shape, he would disown him again. The men left the lieutenant with a startled feeling of joy in his heart. Two traveling carriages were now made ready for departure. The Prince went down to the basement where a crowd of women were in a flutter. They all knew what had happened. Grushenka had fainted, but Nelidowa was still wailing as she hung broken in the chair. The Prince sent for her hand maids. He had both women unstrapped and brought up to Nelidowa's room. Grushenka was revived and sent to her bed. The Prince ordered Nelidowa dressed. When they tried to put the chemise and the trousers on her, she screamed in pain because her lacerated body could not endure the touch of the linen. Nevertheless they put a dress on her and did it quickly because the staring look of the Prince made them hurry. When Nelidowa was ready, they carried her to one of the carriages. The Prince ordered three of his most trusted men to enter the carriage also. He told them they were to drive her home to her aunt's, not to stop on the way, and to feed her in the coach.

  “She is your captive, and if you don't follow orders, I shall have you killed.” The carriage drove on. It is not said what became of Nelidowa, nor do we know what became of the Prince, except that his divorce was granted and that he returned to his estate, as the records of his divorce trial prove.


  Leo Kirilowicz Sokolow, the nephew, left the palace drunk with happiness. He, the unimportant little lieutenant, indebted, bound by the discipline of his regiment, short of everything that makes life wonderful for a young man, had suddenly become rich.

  Yes, he was independent, the master of a hundred thousand, maybe even a million souls. How should he know how many? He was a man now who would sit in council, be courted by the ladies, govern a huge estate.

  Of course his power was only temporary, only for the time Uncle Alexey was in Western Europe. But who could tell, the old bugger might die soon. In all events let the present be the present! Things went so swiftly for this young man on this day that it is hard to detail even a part of them. Paul, the orderly, was kissed by his young master on both cheeks. The Jewish whore was pulled out of the bed by one leg, while Leo laughed like mad, and after she had covered her meager body with her rags and was leaving the barely furnished room, she felt something strike her on the back and fall to the floor. An oath on her lips, she picked it up automatically. It was a purse full of rubles, the total wealth Leo commanded before his uncle got him out of bed.

  The whore fled from the room clutching her unexpected wages of sin to her stomach and followed by the hilarious laughter of the young man.

  In turn, the adjutant of the regiment, the captain and the colonel were notified of his resignation. Comrades were invited to a drinking bout at the palace that same evening. His scanty belongings were shipped over to the magnificent home of the Sokolows'. The new master began immediately to learn about his new household by questioning the various head servants. He sought advice on the administration of his estates by conferring with lawyers and men holding public office. He even sent messengers to all the head administrators in the provinces, mostly trusted serfs, inviting them to a conference on some future date. In short he plunged headlong into the task of his new responsibilities. During the banquet that night he got so drunk that four men had to carry him to his bed where he collapsed unconscious. The palace itself would have been under great peril of demolishment by his no less sober friends had not one of them suggested a visit to a famous whore house. When Leo awoke late the next day, his trusted orderly was at hand to nurse his tremendous headache with ice and herring. All the wealth in the world was then of no meaning to our Leo, whose rebellious stomach chained him to his bed chamber. But early the next morning found him in the saddle on the back of one of the magnificent horses of his uncle's stables and he rode around inspecting his land. As he rode he began to collect his mental balance. The whole story of his young aunt and her substitute was certainly the best stroke of luck that ever could have happened, but it was not yet clear to him how it had all come about.

  Hence his order when he came back to the palace that he wanted to dine that night “en deux” with Grushenka, and that she was to be clothed exactly like his aunt would have been for a great evening party.

  Grushenka, after she had been lifted out of the nail chair, had been cared for by the other serf girls. They put sour cream on her offended behind, gave her cold water to drink and she fell into a feverish slumber which after a while became sound sleep. In fact, just as the above mentioned order was given she was getting out of bed, and her buttocks, although still covered with scratches and red puncture marks, did not hurt any more. She felt fit except for the anguish of wondering about what further punishment awaited her. She learned with great concern the fate of Nelidowa and Gustavus and the sudden departure of the old Prince. The message from her new master and the description of him-a nice young chap with a pointed black mustache, fresh eyes and a leaning toward drunkenness-was the sole theme of the conversation between her and the other maids. Early in the afternoon they started to prepare Grushenka, clothing her in the finest silk shirt of the Princess, a pair of laced trousers, silk stockings, high gilded shoes and an evening gown of light blue-silver brocade which left the breasts bare to the nipples. Boris carefully fitted her with a formal white wig with many ringlets. Her finger and toe-nails were perfectly manicured. A mild perfume was sprayed on.

  Every one of the handmaids did her best to make Grushenka as beautiful as possible, as though she were a bride prepared for her wedding night. Grushenka entered the dining room flu
shed with embarrassment. Scores of candles were throwing a glittering light from the Venetian chandeliers. Four men servants stood like soldiers ready for service. The major domo, in spotless uniform, waited by the door.

  The new master arrived with quick steps for the good reason that he was hungry. He wore a soft shirt, a pair of house pants and slippers but he had put on the coat of his formal evening uniform on which he had pinned many medals from the box of his uncle. He bowed formally to the girl, who responded with a deep curtsy. He gave her his arm and conducted her with grace to her seat, but remarked, while carefully moving her chair underneath her behind: “You have a fine pair of breasts.” During the first course, he studied her carefully, comparing her with his aunt, whom he had seen only a few times. She was afraid to make a move and hardly able to eat, but she was graceful by nature. He opened the conversation: “May I inquire, my Princess,” said he, and not in a mocking tone, “how you rested last night and how you feel tonight?” Grushenka glanced at him and her full blue eyes had a begging expression. “Forgive me your Highness,” she said, “that I dare to eat in your presence and that I sit at your table, but your orders-” and she stopped. But he did not pay any attention to her words and went on in the same formal manner: “Did my cherished Princess have a nice walk today and are you satisfied with all the service given to you? If there is anything you wish, please be good enough to tell me.” “My only wish is to please my master,” was Grushenka's answer. “Well now, you can do so,” he said. “Tell me exactly the story of how you and Aunt Nelidowa put it over on the old bugger. I haven't yet understood how it really happened. Of course you know the whole city is enjoying the story immensely. You see he's the meanest and shrewdest old swine there ever was and I ought to make a statue in honor of both you women. Hurrah!”-he concluded his little speech-“Let's drink to the health of Uncle Alexey.” He lifted a glass of champagne toward her, drank it himself to the last drop and made her do the same. Grushenka, who had never before drunk a drop of wine or liquor, very soon began to feel happy and gay. Giggling, she told him the whole story of the bed fraud until she came to the terrible end with its punishment. This she merely mentioned. Meanwhile they had a real Russian dinner from caviar to goose, from goose through roast beef to pies and fruits. They ate and drank constantly while the Prince asked the most intimate questions about his relative and the girl told him with utter frankness every detail. She knew no shame or reservation and her words were to the point. When the meal was over he conducted her formally to the drawing room. The conversation went on while they sat alone in the big room and it occurred to Leo for the first time, that he was now the master, that he could take every one of these girls and handle her the way he saw fit. He learned of the way Nelidowa used to hit and pinch her girls, he heard of the torture chamber, of the rules of the house, of the gossip, of the wishes of his male and female serfs, and he began to understand their absolute submissiveness. Not that Prince Leo had not known all these things, but he had known them only from afar. Now they came clearly to his mind from the chattering, talk of this, his slave girl, who was a bit tipsy but not drunk. She began to get drowsy; it was time to go to bed. Leo again conducted her on his arm, this time to the bed chamber of the Princess where the chambermaids still lingered, curious to hear from Grushenka how the evening had passed.

  Leo saw with pleasure all these young creatures of whom he could make good use from now on. Knowing they were his property, he did not bother about a close inspection. He had heard so much about his aunt and of the perfect bodily likeness between her and Grushenka, that he was curious to see with his own eyes what his aunt looked like.

  Therefore he sat down in a low chair in a corner and gave the order to the girls that Grushenka should play the part of Nelidowa and behave exactly as though she were the Princess going to bed. The girls were also to conduct themselves as usual. The girls giggled and started the little show. They helped Grushenka out of the gown.

  Grushenka stood before the mirror. She made graceful movements with her arms, caressed her breasts lovingly with the palm of her hand and said cooingly, “Oh, Gustavus! If I had you here now,”-a remark which Nelidowa had made quite often and which was usually the sign for the serving girls that some loving would be in store. Grushenka sat down.

  One girl kneeled before her and slowly removed her shoes and stockings. Another one took her wig off, loosened the long black hair and began to braid it. Grushenka meanwhile gave an account of the evening, an imaginary ball: finding herself the most beautiful woman present, telling about men who made longing eyes at her-all in the manner of Nelidowa. She even took the whip and lightly hit a servant girl over the legs, complaining she had handled her hair too roughly.

  Finally she got up from the chair, went to the middle of the room, and with feminine gestures, removed the little shirt she was wearing.

  Still rubbing her body voluptuously, she proceeded toward the bed.

  Young Leo had been sitting motionless. The half nude girl at the toilet table was too much for him to withstand. He rose and stopped Grushenka; he looked her over appraisingly. He let her turn around, and as his eyes slid down over the beautiful back, he discovered the red marks on her bottom. This reminded him that she was his property and subject to his bidding. He laid his hands on her, felt her all over and started to deliberate what to do with her. His desire grew with every passing second. Finally he stood back and just stared at her for a few moments, then said, “This body has been used by my stinking uncle and my cheating aunt. Now as much as I would like to sample it, I refuse to go where others have been before me.” He laughed, then added, “At least when I know about it. Funny, isn't it?”

  None of the girls in the room, least of all Grushenka, understood him, but many men are the same way. Yet he resented his own peculiarity, especially when he took her full bust in his hands and played with it. Soon he was excited as he felt her begin to respond.

  She put her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him, moving her thighs between his. But, apparently because she desired him, he cooled off and let her go with the crisp order, “March to bed!” He simply could not make love to the bed companion of his uncle whom he detested. He would pick one of the hand maidens and have a good party. “One of you girls,” the young man ordered, and he was quite excited by this erotic venture which was new to him-“One of you girls come to my chambers… now!” And he turned and left, leaving it to the giggling maids to decide who should be his partner for the night. Grushenka stretched herself out on the bed after the Prince had gone and turned around to try to sleep. She felt empty and unsatisfied. She did not say a word. She did not want to hear a word.

  Soon the room was empty and she began to cry softly. During the next few days of getting acquainted with his duties, the Prince decided the question of the females in his household. The former bedmates of the old Prince were sent away to the different estates from which they came. The personal maids of the Princess were commanded to constitute his personal harem. He resolved to try them out one after the other, keeping those he liked to replace the rest.

  The next evening he sent his orderly to bring one of them to his bed.

  And so it went, a different girl every night. The girls were most happy about it and discussed it at great length. As he did not take a special fancy to any one of them he had a group of most ambitious bedfellows competing for his favor. They liked him and all spoke well of him, because he was a nice chap and kept them well satisfied.

  Grushenka had been one of Nelidowa's handmaids and was therefore now assigned to the Prince's personal staff. There she remained for over six months. He never touched her nor spoke with her again. She had several times tried to make him take notice of her, once even went into his bedroom claiming he had sent for her. But he would have none of her. It was of more importance that Grushenka, during this period of idleness, began to learn to read and write. Serfs were not permitted this privilege and for that very reason they made it their busines
s, whenever they could, to learn their “A-B-C's.” Grushenka soon could read simple stories. In fact, she-and with her, the other girls-got her first contact with the outer world by stealing from Prince Leo the current gazettes and magazines which were delivered to him.


  The hot summer days had gone by. The huge oak and maple trees on the lawn of the Sokolow country estate turned from deep green to yellow. Fall was approaching and with it the whole household would return to Moscow. Every year at that time, Madame Sophia Schukow made her appearance. She came in her small coach with two horses, followed by a big rented carriage with four horses and nobody in it. This carriage was to be filled. Madame Sophia was buying girls from all over the country for her famous establishment in Moscow. This year she needed at least six new girls and her first stop was at Sokolow's where she could hope to pick up the majority of them.


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