Passion, Victoria 7: Duncan and Alec (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Passion, Victoria 7: Duncan and Alec (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Becca Van

  Passion, Victoria 7: Duncan and Alec

  Duncan and Alec McLeod watch from the sidelines as their friends in the town of Passion, Victoria, Australia, become involved in polyandrous relationships, interacting happily in love. The two men have just about given up hope of ever finding a woman of their own to share and love.

  On the way home from the Four Passion Club late one night, the two men are involved in a near miss, head-on accident. They watch in horror as a small car swerves away from their vehicle to slam into a large tree. They help the woman, Crystal Parrish, to recuperate by offering her a bed. They know she is the one woman meant to be theirs.

  Crystal's life ends up in jeopardy when she is abducted by the hardened mobster, Christoph Blane, and his two henchmen. Will they be able to find her? Or will evil prevail?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 36,637 words


  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-032-8

  First E-book Publication: January 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  In the small rural town of Passion, in Victoria, Australia, Duncan and Alec McLeod watched the men and women in polyandrous relationships interacting and having fun in the Four Passion Club. Duncan felt envy pierce his heart as he and his brother watched their friends with their women. Duncan and his brother had bought the coffee shop in Passion because they had wanted to expand their business into a franchise. They still had their original coffee shop in Bendigo and had dedicated staff running the popular cafe.

  The other reason they had moved to Passion was their hope of finding the perfect woman for themselves. They had hoped to start a relationship with the local female real estate agent, but she had left town and headed back to Melbourne before they could get the ball rolling.

  Now, there was another ménage relationship in their midst. Hailey Wood and her fiancés, Dillon, Chance, and Roman Bartram, had moved to Passion no more than six months ago. They had saved Hailey from her insane adoptive brother and hadn’t looked back since. The foursome had recently moved to their renovated ranch home and had started a horse-breeding stud farm.

  Duncan and Alec were having trouble watching all the happy people in relationships interact. They had been thinking and talking about moving back to Bendigo but had decided to wait another six months. If they hadn’t found the right woman by then, they were going to sell up and head back to their hometown. It was hard feeling like a third wheel in such a small town.

  “I’ve had enough, Alec. Let’s go home,” Duncan said as he stood, his Scottish brogue thicker than usual with emotion. Alec was with him in an instant. Duncan hadn’t really wanted to go to the club tonight. He knew all the other friends involved in relationships he and Alec knew were going to be there, and it was torturing him to watch the people so happy and in love. It was making him sick to his stomach. He was happy that his friends had found the loves of their lives, but he was so damn jealous he couldn’t take much more. He followed Alec into the parking lot, jumped into the driver’s seat of his truck, and peeled out of the lot with a screech of his tires.

  * * * *

  Crystal Parrish was driving through the dark, rural countryside of Victoria, singing along to her music as she headed to Bendigo for a much-needed break. She was tired of living to work, rather than working to live. She had spent the last four years of her life working her bum off, trying to climb the corporate ladder in the large telecommunications company she worked for. She was an IT expert, earning good money and saving what she could so she could buy her own place. The cost of living in the large city of Melbourne was totally ludicrous. By the time she paid her rent and bills and bought food, there was barely any money left over to save. She was thinking of quitting her stressful job and moving to a rural country town, where she knew the cost of living was so much cheaper. Crystal’s health was beginning to suffer, too, she’d had a panic attack last week and had ended up in the hospital when she thought she was having a heart attack. The stress she had been living with was getting on top of her and she knew she had to get out soon or she would end up having a nervo
us breakdown or something.

  Crystal passed the road sign for Passion and knew she had heard that name before in the media, but for the life of her she couldn’t remember why. She drove through the quiet country town, noting the shops along the main street and the one and only set of traffic lights. She wound down her window and breathed in the crisp country air. She was through the town within moments and put her foot down on the accelerator as she hit the one-hundred-kilometer-an-hour speed zone. Just as she reached the limit, she heard a loud bang and was instantly struggling to keep her car on the road. She took her foot off the accelerator, but she had too much momentum and was unable to get her small front-wheel-drive under control. She clung to the steering wheel with all of her might, but she just wasn’t strong enough. She saw oncoming headlights and screamed with horror as she realized she was headed straight for the other vehicle. She wrenched on the steering wheel hard, nearly flipping her small car in the process. Crystal screamed again her car was heading for a large tree. As her small car impacted with the tree, the most horrific sound she had ever heard filled her ears. The explosion of the driver’s side air bag and the force of its deployment hit her in the face and made her see stars. She groaned as her head slumped against the side window of her car and knew no more.

  * * * *

  “What the hell? Duncan, look out! That idiot is heading straight for us,” Alec yelled in warning.

  Duncan had obviously seen the swerving car and was already applying hard pressure to the brake pedal. He and Alec watched in horror as the car swerved away from them and impacted with a huge tree. He pulled the SUV off to the side of the road, flipped his hazard lights on, and jumped from the vehicle. He heard the slam of a door and knew Alec was behind him, but his brother could run a tad faster than him and passed him a moment later.

  Alec got to the driver’s door first, wrenched it open, and placed his hand on the shoulder of the woman in the crashed vehicle to stop her from falling out. He reached in and undid her seat belt.

  “Duncan, call the doc. He was at the club. He can be here faster than an ambulance,” Alec ordered.

  Duncan whipped out his mobile phone and called the club. Alec listened as his brother explained to Connor what had happened and asked him to get someone to drive the doc to the scene of the accident. After he disconnected the call he rushed closer to the crashed car.

  He wanted to pull the small woman from the wreck but knew he should only do that if there was danger of the car catching fire. He didn’t want to damage the woman any more than she already was. He couldn’t see her face because her long black hair was in wild disarray around her head. Alec felt the side of her neck and sighed with relief when felt a strong pulse.

  The sound of a car screeching to a halt had him turning his head in that direction. He watched as Doc climbed from the backseat of Griffith Ramsay’s truck with his medical bag in hand.

  “Move aside, son. Let me check the driver,” Doc commanded. He ran his hands over the woman then checked her pulse and blood pressure as well as her pupils. “Well, this is one lucky little lady. I don’t think she has any broken bones or spinal injuries, but I’m going to put a collar on her neck just to be safe. I want you to bring her back to my room so I can X-ray her, just to be on the safe side. She has a nasty bump on her head, and since she’s still unconscious, I want to make sure she doesn’t have any other head injuries. She has a concussion and is going to have one hell of a headache when she wakes up.” Doc pulled a collar from his large medical bag. Once done, he moved out of the way so Alec could get the woman out of the car.

  “Duncan, get her purse,” Alec called over his shoulder as he carried the woman to Duncan’s SUV. “You drive to Doc’s clinic.”

  Alec carefully climbed into the back of the SUV with the small woman in his arms. He sat down and carefully positioned her on his lap, his lower body cradling the upper half of her body. He brushed the long black hair away from her face and sucked in a deep breath. She was exquisite. Her face was pale, but considering she was out cold, that was to be expected. Her skin was soft and smooth, without a single freckle marring her features. Her nose was small and delicate, but what drew him the most was the lushness of her lips. He could just imagine those full lips wrapped around his cock as he fucked her mouth. Alec felt his cock harden and mentally berated himself for lusting after an injured woman.

  Duncan climbed into the SUV, looked over his shoulder at him, and frowned when he saw the small woman in his arms. He sucked in a loud breath as he saw the woman’s face and Alec knew he was as attracted to her and he was. She was an angel. Alec could just imagine the feel of that mane sliding over his skin, his cock.

  “Duncan, we have to get her to the clinic. Get it together, man.” Alec glared at Duncan to get him out of his sexual haze.

  “Shit. Sorry, I can’t see to stop staring at her. She’s fucking gorgeous.”

  “Yes, she is, but she’s also injured, Duncan. We need to get her to the clinic so Doc Wright can check her over.”

  “I wonder what her name is.” Duncan turned on the ignition and, after checking the mirrors, pulled out onto the road. “I would really like to get to know her.”

  “Yeah, I know. Me, too, but we’ll just have to wait until she comes around to find out who she is.”

  * * * *

  Crystal moaned as light hit her retina. Someone was trying to pry her eyelids open and shine a torch into her eyes. She moaned again as pain exploded through her skull and then settled down to a consistent hammering. The pain was so bad she felt sick. She could hear male voices and wondered where she was. She couldn’t remember, and the more she tried, the worse the pain in her head got.

  “Come on, little lady. Open your eyes.”

  Crystal didn’t want to open her eyes and felt her lips pout with reluctance then tighten with pain as her eyelids fluttered open.

  “Well, welcome back. I’m Doctor Cliff Wright. Just call me Doc, everyone does. Do you remember what happened?”

  “Um…” Crystal frowned and licked her dry lips. “I was driving and something happened to my car. There was a loud bang. I couldn’t control my car anymore. Oh God, I was heading straight for another vehicle. I wrenched on the steering wheel and I think I crashed into a tree.”

  “Yes, you did. What’s your name?”

  “Crystal Parrish.”

  “How old are you Crystal?”


  “What day is it?”

  “Friday, September tenth.”

  “Where were you headed, Crystal?”

  “Um, Bendigo. I don’t feel well, Doc. I think I’m going to be sick.”

  Doc grabbed a sick bag, quickly turned Crystal on her side, and held her head as she lost the contents of her stomach. He tied the bag off, threw it away, and then wiped Crystal’s mouth and face with a warm, damp cloth. He got a glass of water and helped her take a drink.

  “All right now?”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  “Do you have anyone I can call for you?”

  “No,” Crystal whispered then burst into tears. She moaned as the pain intensified and clutched her hands to her head.

  “There, there now. Everything will be all right. The two men who were driving nearby looked after you. They are waiting in the outer room and have been very worried. They’ve offered to let you stay with them until you recuperate. I’m afraid to say your car is a write-off. Do you have insurance?”

  “No,” Crystal sobbed. “Oh God. What am I going to do?”

  “Don’t you worry about a thing. Duncan and Alec McLeod will take care of you. They are very nice men. You can trust them.” Doc patted her arm.

  “I can’t expect strangers to take me into their home, Doc. No, I think I should head back home.” But she had no idea how she was going to do that since she didn’t have a car and there was no one she could call to come and pick her up. And her head was hurting so bad she couldn’t keep her eyes open. She didn’t think she would be able
to sit on a bus for hours on end, especially in such pain. Her head wasn’t the only thing that was aching. Her whole body felt like she’d gone ten rounds in the ring with a boxing champion. Doc’s suggestion was sounding better and better with each scenario she thought about and then discarded.

  “You need to rest, Crystal. You whacked your head pretty hard and have a concussion. Someone needs to look out for you for at least twenty-four to forty-eight hours. I don’t want you to be alone.”

  She could always book a motel, but since she had a concussion and no one to look after her, she could end up in big trouble, especially if she fell asleep for days on end while she was recuperating. Surely if the elderly doctor had recommended her staying with the men who had found her, they had to be trustworthy, safe, and reliable. She would make a decision once she met them.

  The doc’s examination room door burst open just then as she held off on making a decision and she looked over toward the entrance. Two of the sexiest, most muscular, handsome men she had ever seen stood in the doorway. She wanted to keep looking at them, to take in their features and physiques, but her eyes wouldn’t let her keep them open. Besides, it was just too damn painful.

  “How is she, Doc?”

  Even though it was hard and it hurt, Crystal found herself opening her eyes again. She couldn’t seem to stop wanting to look at them and managed to open her eyes to slits.

  “Crystal, this is Duncan and Alec McLeod. These are the two men you avoided crashing into and the first ones on the scene of your accident. Alec, Duncan, this is Crystal Parrish.”


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