A Magical Shift: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 1)

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A Magical Shift: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 1) Page 15

by Vella Day

  Rye stood and grinned. “You liked that?”

  She cupped the scruff on his face. “Not at all. You’ll have to work a little harder next time.”

  Rye drew her closer until their wet chests were plastered against each other. The kiss that followed was demanding, powerful, and so full of passion her knees weakened. A second later, her feet left the ground and she was forced to wrap her legs around his waist or chance slipping out of his grasp.

  Together, he walked them over to the pile of clothes on the rock, adeptly snatched his shirt from the heap, and placed it over her shoulder. “Protection.”

  She wasn’t sure what he meant until he backed her up to the rock slab.

  Rye broke the kiss. “I want you so damn bad.”

  “And I want you.” As much as she really wanted to suck on his cock, she wanted him inside her more.

  Rye pounced and kissed her again, then trailed his kisses down her neck before scraping his teeth along the shell of her left earlobe. How that little act could make her so wet, she didn’t know.

  Tempted to help guide him into her, she couldn’t gain any traction on his legs. Darn.

  “I’ve got you,” he said. Lifting her with one arm, he aimed his cock at her entrance then slowly eased her down.

  Lust descended, and she realized she needed him more than life itself. Naliana must be above guiding them because all hell broke loose as soon as he filled her. With her arms around his neck, Izzy dove at his mouth, and their tongues entwined. Breath for breath, they joined as one, and as Rye plunged into her even deeper, sparks lit her up from the inside out. Her blue glow grew and grew until it cocooned both of them into one bright shell of light.

  This was it. She would finally mate with Rye. Izzy lowered her head and sucked on his shoulder as he pounded into her. The blood pulsing in her head blocked out the sounds of the world, and nothing mattered but Rye.

  His grip tightened, and when he filled her to the hilt, another orgasm threatened to descend. As if the world might end tomorrow, they fucked each other with a wild fierceness born from being mates for life. His teeth dug into her shoulder just as his hot seed heated her insides, and she swallowed her scream as her orgasm claimed her. Rye’s grunts and groans seemed to come from deep in his chest, and he didn’t seem to care that he made enough noise for every shifter around to hear.

  They were now mates in the truest sense.

  When his dick stopped pulsing, Izzy lowered her legs to the ground and sagged against him. “Why can’t I ever seem to get my fill of you?” she asked.

  “That’s what happens when you find the perfect mate.”

  “How true.”

  He nibbled her neck. “You’ve made me a very happy man, my mate.”

  His touch was turning her on again. “I’m the one who’s happy. I never thought I’d ever find someone who understands me like you do.”

  He lifted his head and kissed her briefly. “That means a lot to me. Perhaps we should take another dip to clean up. Because if we don’t, I have to take you again.”

  She laughed. “Is it always going to be like this?”

  He grinned. “I hope so.”

  “Wait. Turn around. I want to see if your marking has changed.”

  When she saw the vine laced through his paw, she ran a finger down his marking. “It’s beautiful.”

  Rye whipped around. “Alphas don’t have beautiful marks.”

  Izzy laughed. “You have a very masculine addition to the paw print then.” She grinned when he grunted.

  “You ready to take that dip?”

  Since she was already wet, she wouldn’t mind rinsing. “Can you check first that we’re alone?”

  He tapped her nose. “I keep forgetting how shy you are.”

  Izzy lifted her chin. “I think what we just did proves I’m quite adventurous.”

  “You’re right. You are.”

  After they had a refreshing dip, they dressed then returned to the house, discussing what she needed to do in the coming days and weeks to remain safe. While she appreciated his concern, Rye was becoming more possessive than ever, but she kind of liked it. No one had ever looked out for her interests like he did.

  He pulled two bottles of water from the fridge then sat with her at the dining room table. Izzy downed half the bottle then waved it at him. “Just so you know, I’m not going to stop living my life because of a crazy man. Having to look over my shoulder every minute of the day would drive me crazy. Besides, my powers are restored, which means I can handle him.”

  “You trying to convince yourself or me?” Rye scooted his chair closer and ran his hands down her shoulders. “Look, if this Owen Chancellor guy is still in town, it means he’s planning another attack. I imagine he paid a nice chunk of change to have a Changeling witch give him a spell. He won’t stop now.”

  She blew out a breath, her shoulders sagging. “I know you believe he won’t leave until he has me, but how does he plan to accomplish that?”

  “Ophelia said the spell can be reinitiated after twenty-four hours have passed.”

  That was true. “Which is tomorrow,” she said.

  Rye wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

  She leaned back. “You can’t be everywhere. You have a job, and you have to prepare to take over the Clan’s leadership role.”

  He cupped her face. “You are more important to me than anything else—the Clan included.”

  She swallowed hard. As much as she liked hearing how much he cared for her, she wished she understood the source of his desire. Did being mates alone create his need? Or was it that he respected and perhaps even loved her a little?

  “A penny for your thoughts,” he said.

  She painted on a smile. “Just trying to come to grips with all of this.”

  “I know just the thing to help.” He grabbed her hand and placed it on his crotch.

  Izzy laughed. “Sex is not the solution to all problems. In case you forgot, we just made love at your favorite spot.”

  “So? I’ll never have enough of you.”

  She needed to redirect his one-track mind. “While I find your infinite need for me highly flattering, how do you think your parents will react when they found out you mated with a Wendayan?”

  In a flash, he pushed back his chair, leaned over, and pulled her onto his lap before wrapping an arm snuggly around her. “My parents will be thrilled. Remember, our folks are friends. Joining the two groups will be good for us all. When I’m the Alpha, I want to see better communication between the Weres and the Wendayans.”

  “Is that what this is about—you creating a bigger kingdom?”

  “That is so far from the truth I’m unable to even address it.” He drew her close and pressed her face against his shoulder. Warmth and comfort surrounded her.

  She sat back up. “You have to admit it sounded that way.”

  “It did and I’m sorry. I’m used to shooting pool, gambling, drinking, and having fun times with the guys. To be honest, I’m thirty-two and have never had a real relationship before, because I knew every woman I asked out wasn’t my mate. I’m going to suck at this being a couple stuff for a while, so will you be patient with me?”

  His honesty touched her. Should she tell him the truth that she’d be willing to wait a long time, or tease him just a little?

  “That depends on how good you are.”

  A second later, she was in the air headed to the bedroom. Oh, boy. She never knew being a mate would lead to this.


  “You nervous?” Rye asked as he pulled into his parents’ drive for the party.

  “Should I be? It’s not like they don’t know me.” He raised his brows. “Okay, fine. Yes, I’m a bit nervous.”

  “I promise you there will be squeals of excitement when they see us together,” he said.

  “I’m glad they know.” He’d called them this afternoon and told them. “Shocking relatives is never good.” He held open her
car door. “Before we go in, tell me who’s going to be there. I don’t want to call someone by the wrong name.”

  Rye rubbed her arm. “Just the family—except for my brother Devon who is out of town at the other security office. Besides Chelsea, I’m assuming Connor and Finn will be there.” He slipped the dessert from her hands. “That’s heavy.”

  “It’s a jumbo peach cobbler. I wasn’t sure how many guests to bake for.”

  He inhaled. “It smells wonderful. My parents will love it.”

  She hoped so. They entered through the front, but everyone had gathered in the backyard. He set the cobbler on the kitchen counter and escorted her outside.

  Chairs were scattered in a haphazard manner around the endless back yard that was filled with oak and pine trees. Connor, who she hadn’t seen in ages, was sitting with Finn. As soon as he spotted them he jumped up, came over, and hugged her. “Izzy, you’re looking good.”

  “Thank you.” In high school, she had been a bit dumpy and had no boobs—still didn’t have much now. Add in braces and wild, crazy hair and she wasn’t anyone who could attract a man back then, even if she’d wanted to. Thankfully, her hair had tamed down a bit as she grew older, and she’d shed those unwanted pounds.

  Even though Connor had only been a year ahead of her in school, they hadn’t interacted much. Always fearing people would find out about her talents, Izzy spent her time hiding in the science lab, while Connor, Mr. Outgoing, loved showing off his prowess on the sports field.

  After high school, she’d headed off to college. When she returned home for two years before traipsing off to Europe, she’d spotted him around town, but they’d rarely spoken. Shifters and Wendayans, while cordial with each other, were in a totally different place emotionally. Wendayans tended to be more reserved, whereas most of the shifters were free spirits.

  “There you are,” Rye’s mom said as she barreled down on them. She held Izzy out at arm’s length. “Haven’t you grown up to be a beauty. My son is one lucky man.”

  She wasn’t used to all of this attention and painted on her best smile. “Thank you.”

  When Rye had told his family they were mated, he’d also mentioned some of her talents, but hopefully they wouldn’t ask her to demonstrate her magic.

  Chelsea had led them to believe that this was a welcome home party, but it seemed to be more of a meet-the-new-girlfriend affair instead.

  Rye wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Let’s go say hi to the twins.”

  That would be Chelsea and Finn.

  “We’ll talk later,” Mrs. McKinnon said.

  “That wasn’t nice,” she telepathed him.

  “Mom would have drilled you with questions. She probably wanted to make sure you aren’t some gold digger.”

  Izzy cracked up. “I do fine on my own.” Izzy stopped then twisted to face him. “Are you rich or something?”

  Rye squeezed her waist then let go. “I do fine on my own.”

  She grinned. “Funny man.”

  When they approached his youngest brother, Finn popped up and shook her hand. “I see my brother didn’t scare you off after playing pool with you.”

  She leaned closer and whispered. “I let him win.”

  Finn guffawed. “Next time you come to the Pub I want to watch.”

  “I’d have to cheat, and I doubt that would go over too well with the locals.”

  His brows rose. “Cheat, how so?”

  Even though she wasn’t there to show off, in this case a demonstration would be best. Finn, who appeared to be the most carefree of the group, would take her little show for what it was. Chelsea’s rescued puppy was running around the yard, playing with an old tennis ball. At the moment, the ratty ball was sitting idle about three feet from the dog. Izzy held up her hand and created enough wind to move the yellow object ten feet farther away. Badger barked, ran after it, and then pounced. He looked around as if trying to find out who’d thrown it.

  Finn clapped. “That’s so cool. Do something else.”

  She twisted around and motioned with her hand for the wind to blow the tree limb behind Finn. It slapped him in the head. He jumped, and then both Rye and Chelsea burst out laughing.

  Rye’s parents, along with Connor, sauntered over. Mrs. McKinnon had a smile on her face. “I wish I could do that. Why if I had that talent back when these kids were young, my life would have been a whole lot easier.”

  Resorting to magic for discipline purposes never seemed right. “It’s too hard to use in public without attracting attention though.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I’d find a way. My life was rather hectic with five kids in eight years. Looking back on all that chaos still shoots up my blood pressure. I don’t know how Cam talked me into having so many.”

  Mr. McKinnon moved closer to his wife. “We were young mates in love. Don’t you remember how you kept me tied to the bed for months on end?”

  Rye’s face reddened. “Not appropriate, Dad.”

  “She’s a big girl. If Izzy is going to be a part of the family, she’ll have to get used to our kind of humor.”

  “Dad, Izzy may be my mate, but we need to give her some breathing room.”

  “Thank you.”

  His father’s face actually reddened. “Sorry Izzy. It’s just that Celia and I are so excited that Rye chose you, or rather that you two were fated mates.”

  Mrs. McKinnon held out her hand. “You want to help me in the kitchen? I know the boys must be starving.”

  Izzy appreciated the save. “I’d love to.”

  Once inside, Rye’s mom turned to her. “I want to apologize for Cameron. He was so excited when we learned you and Rye mated. I think my husband’s remembering our courting days and how rough it was on him. He never wanted his own kids to deal with the prejudice.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Mrs. McKinnon leaned against the counter. “I don’t talk about it much, but my mother was pure wolf while my father was a mixed breed—part wolf, part bear. Cam’s father was rather upset that his fated mate was someone who wasn’t one hundred percent wolf.”

  “Like me.”

  “Enough talk about being different. I’m just happy you’re going to be part of the family.”

  “Me too.”

  “Okay then, there’s a tray in the refrigerator with the hamburger patties and hotdogs. How about taking them out to Cam, and I’ll take out the potato salad and chips?”

  “Can do.” That went a lot better than she could ever have imagined. Izzy picked up the tray out and carried it outside.

  Oh, my. Three wolves were playing with the puppy, or should she say tormenting the little thing? One wolf would grab the ball then drop it twenty feet away. When the puppy chased after it, a second wolf would steal it. The puppy barked and the wolves howled. Growing up, she and her family never let loose like this. It was as if someone feared they’d release their powers by mistake.

  Cam McKinnon was at the grill, so she carried the tray of meat over to him. “Special delivery.”

  Rye’s dad nodded to his sons and sighed. “They have so much fun together. I love when everyone’s here. It’s a shame Devon couldn’t come.”

  She and Missy had loved to play dress-up and pretend they ran the household, but somehow, this family seemed to revel in fun. Rye slowed and lifted his nose in the air as if he had detected something.

  He then suddenly shifted back into his human form—and oh my, he was naked. He looked over at her and smiled.

  Only then did it occur to her that when Connor and Finn shifted too, they’d be in the same state of undress, and she wasn’t ready to see that. Izzy wasn’t sure when or if she could get used to such a blatant display of nakedness. Chelsea seemed to be the smart one. She’d turned her back to the whole affair.

  In wolf form, Connor and Finn chased one another toward the side of the house and disappeared with the puppy at their heels. Just then Rye’s mom came out with another tray of food. Rye took one look at her a
nd his smile disappeared.

  “Ryerson Cameron McKinnon. You should be ashamed of yourself. You get dressed this minute. Izzy doesn’t need to see you like that.”

  His wide-eyed look cracked up Izzy. Rye turned and sprinted to the side of the house where he must have left his clothes. She faced his mom. “It sure seems to me, Mrs. McKinnon, that you don’t need any magic to keep your sons in line.”

  She chuckled. “Maybe not. Seeing you are truly part of the family, it’s time you call me Celia.”

  “Celia it is.” Right then and there they bonded.

  Connor and Finn waltzed back toward the party, fully dressed, but Rye was nowhere to be seen. Seconds later, he appeared and called over his two brothers. Connor nodded and then he ducked out of sight while Rye and Finn returned. What was that all about?

  When Rye came up to her, she clasped his arm and pulled him out of earshot of his parents. “What’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She glanced upward. “I saw how you sniffed the air. Then you were gone a long time to change.”

  Rye rubbed her shoulder. “Sorry. I thought I detected another wolf, but when I searched, no one was there.”

  “But you sent Connor to look too?”

  Rye leaned over and kissed her. “Just a precaution, my love.”

  She sighed. No one could get to her with Rye there to protect her.


  What a disgusting display of family unity. If they’d been in Scotland, the McKinnons would have been ousted if they had acted like that, and Isadora, really? Showing off her magic like that was unacceptable.

  She bent down to pet the dog that had returned from the side, and her shirt twisted, exposing the marking on her left shoulder blade. Only this time it had the sign of a paw on top of her vines, and Owen saw red. She and Ryerson had mated! No, no, no.

  Stay calm.

  The future Alpha of his Clan would not be thwarted by this setback. Isadora was not a shifter. He could change her mind. All he needed was a little help.

  Chapter Sixteen


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