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Isolation Page 25

by Kevin Hardman

  “Great – you’re awake,” he said without preamble.

  “Hello to you, too,” I responded. “How long have I been here?”

  “Twelve hours, give or take. There really didn’t seem to be anything physically wrong with you – you just seemed incredibly exhausted – so we figured just tossing you into a bed was enough. Plus that girl we found on the helipad with you–”

  “Cat,” I interjected.

  “Yeah, Cat. She said to just let you sleep and you’d be good as new.”

  “And the word of a teenage girl passes for medical advice these days,” I stated dryly.

  “Well, Alpha Prime vouched for her – once he got back from his ocean excursion, that is – so I didn’t feel any need to question it.”

  “It’s okay – I’m just yanking your chain,” I admitted. “Where is she now?”

  “Cat? I think Alpha Prime took her home.”

  “Okay,” I droned, “now the big question: are we still a planet of people or a world of Busuigno?”

  Mouse laughed. “We’re still a planet full of greedy, selfish, conceited individuals solely focused on material possessions and monetary gain.”

  “So we won,” I surmised, causing my mentor to chuckle again.

  “Yeah, the Busuigno are back where they belong.”

  As proof, he put his tablet in front of me, showing me an image of myself at present. It was the same washed-out type of pic I’d seen previously, but this time I wasn’t sporting the ugly cowl.

  “Score one for the good guys,” I said.

  “Yeah,” Mouse concurred, then appeared to grow somber. “So this girl, Cat…”

  “She’s a friend,” I stated as he trailed off. “She helped defeat the Busuigno.”

  “By draining your powers, as I understand it.”

  “Something like that,” I confirmed. “But I’d prefer to keep that part confidential.”

  “So is the great Kid Sensation ashamed of being saved by a girl?”

  I shook my head. “No, but I think she prefers to avoid the limelight. I just want to respect her wishes.”

  “I can understand that,” Mouse declared with a nod. “So, you want to give me a brief rundown of what happened? I mean, I talked to Alpha Prime and Cat, but I’d still like to get your version.”

  “Sure,” I said, and then gave him a quick overview of everything that happened up to the point that Cat first siphoned my powers. “Basically, the Busuigno were banking on us doing most of the heavy lifting for them in terms of finding a way to open the Construct. Then they just needed to get me out of the way, and they found a means of doing that with Cat.”

  “I still can’t believe how badly I slipped up,” Mouse said. “Occasionally, I get tunnel vision, and I was so focused on fixing my mistake in letting the Busuigno out – so dead set on locking them back up – that I failed to fully consider what else my efforts could be used for. How my work could benefit the enemy.”

  “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know that the doomsday components could also be used to open the Construct.”

  “That’s just it – I did know,” Mouse contritely confessed. “But in my arrogance, I didn’t think anyone else did…didn’t think anyone else was smart enough to figure it out. And my hubris almost cost us the planet.”

  “Well, the good news – as you often say to me – is that it all worked out in the end.”

  “Not without some luck.”

  “Well, cats are supposed to bring good luck,” I said with a smirk.

  “Apparently the Busuigno didn’t know that when they took control of your friend.”

  “So it seems,” I agreed. “They basically needed a way to negate my powers, because – with my ability to phase and such – challenging me directly was doomed to fail.”

  “Well, they certainly gave it the old college try in terms of getting a work-around.”

  “Yeah, but that’s also where they slipped up,” I noted. “The Busuigno controlling Cat made a comment about how they’d handle people who were immune to their control. It suddenly gave me the idea that if Cat could siphon my powers, maybe she could draw on my immunity, too. So the last time the Busuigno in her tried to drain me, I telepathically shouted at Cat to wake up as loud as I could.”

  “And apparently, it worked. Cat got your immunity, regained control, and then put the components back in the right configuration on the Construct. Next thing you know, it’s ‘Adios, Busuigno.’”

  “Good riddance,” I added. “So what’s going to happen to the Construct?”

  “We’re going to find a hole to bury it in, bury it, then bury the hole.”

  “Works for me,” I said.

  Chapter 66

  Mouse and I chatted a few minutes longer, then – after giving me Myshtal’s ring to return to her – he took his leave, saying there was a line of people waiting to see me. In actuality, the line turned out to consist of just two people: Alpha Prime and Smokey.

  The latter only stayed a few minutes, saying he simply wanted to check up on me. Truth be told, Alpha Prime was practically broadcasting the fact that he wanted a father-son discussion, and Smokey easily picked up on it. After saying he’d swing by again later, Smokey left me alone with my father.

  Alpha Prime was silent for a moment, then stated, “I probably should have said it when I first came in, but you did good, son. Great, in fact.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “But how are you?”

  He seemed to dwell on the question for a second. “I’m good. Physically, of course, I’m not having issues. Mentally, it’s still a little weird to know that I was under some other being’s control.”

  “What was it like?”

  “Honestly, it was like being in a dream. I could see things that were happening and understand the events taking place, but there was a surreal quality to it.”

  I nodded. “I think I understand.”

  “Anyway, one of the things that stuck with me was the time we spent together when…”

  He trailed off, but I understood what he was trying to say. “When the Busuigno was controlling you.”

  My father nodded. “It wasn’t lying. The time we spent together – when it was in control – those really were things I wanted to do. But I was out of your life for so long that I…I worry about being overbearing or smothering. I’m still feeling my way around in terms of this parent thing, and I don’t want to run you off.”

  “Honestly, we’re both still learning our way around this thing, but you won’t get rid of me that easily.”

  “Seems likely when you consider that some interdimensional creature did a better job of bonding with you than me.”

  “Mid-dimensional,” I corrected.

  “Huh?” muttered my father.

  “Nothing,” I said. “In my opinion, you’ve done fine in terms of trying to bond. For instance, when you called me at brunch and asked me to dinner, were you under control of the Busuigno?”

  Alpha Prime shook his head. “No.”

  “Then there you go,” I said. “You’re doing fine on the bonding front.”

  “Thanks, son,” Alpha Prime said with a smile.

  “But speaking of that brunch,” I continued, “I know you went to see Cat’s mom.”

  My father’s mood suddenly turned more serious. “It was important enough that I felt it necessary, so I had a friend who’s a teleporter take me there shortly after we spoke. Now that you’ve seen some of what Cat can do, hopefully you understand my concern.”

  “Honestly, I still don’t quite understand what the big deal is.”

  “That’s because you don’t quite understand what she is. Basically, she’s–”

  “No,” I interjected. “Don’t tell me.”

  My father looked at me in surprise. “You don’t want to know?”

  “I do,” I confessed. “But it’s something Cat needs to tell me. I no more want you telling me her secret than I’d want Capri telling people I’m Kid Sensation.”

>   “She won’t,” he assured me. “She could occasionally benefit from having a gag in her mouth, but she’d never reveal anything like that.”

  “How’d she even know I was your son?”

  “She’s friends with your cousin Avis. I don’t know if you ever saw it, but a while back Avis posted on social media that Kid Sensation was her cousin. It wasn’t hard for Capri to put two and two together after that. She also seems to have gotten some info from her niece, Vestibule.”

  “Nice,” I muttered sarcastically. “Everybody knows all about me.”

  “It’s a small circle of people, son – your friends, for the most part, and nobody who wishes you ill. If staying low-key is a big deal for you, I don’t think you have much to worry about. After all, they’ve kept it under their hats this long.”

  I spent a moment thinking about it, then said, “You’re probably right. I’m just used to flying under the radar.”

  “Well, that may not last much longer,” he stated. “Kid Sensation is a big deal, and will only get bigger in the future.”

  I didn’t immediately comment, as his statement brought to mind something I’d almost forgotten: my future self. I considered mentioning it to Alpha Prime but immediately rejected the idea. According to Mouse, I wasn’t even supposed to know about Older Jim. He’d have conniptions if I told someone else.

  “Anyway,” my father went on, “I know you haven’t been back on your feet for long and I don’t want to tire you out, so I’m going to go.”

  “Hold on,” I said as he began walking towards the door. “I don’t know how long they’re planning to hold me, but – assuming I can check myself out – you want to grab dinner tonight?”

  “My calendar’s wide open,” he said with a smile.


  Not long after my father left, Electra came by. I was a little surprised, as I had assumed she’d be in class.

  “I’ve been under the control of some extra-dimensional thing for the past few days,” she said after I posed the question.

  “Mid-dimensional,” I interjected.

  Electra frowned. “What?”

  “Never mind,” I said.

  “Anyway,” she continued. “Bearing in mind that I only just became myself again in the last twelve hours or so, school is probably a wash for this week.”

  “Understandable,” I remarked.

  “I’m glad you approve,” Electra stated. “But you want to know what’s not understandable? You drugging me. Not cool, dude.”

  “Uh, if anything, you drugged yourself, lady.”

  “Well, you gave me a plate of drugged food. However you slice it, a guy serving up his ex something like that just doesn’t pass the smell test.”

  “Even if she drugged him the two nights before?”

  “Two wrongs don’t make a right, Jim. Surely your mother taught you that.”

  I laughed. “How about three wrongs, then? Your two and my one.”

  “Still a fail,” Electra declared.

  “Fine,” I said. “I apologize for letting you eat the drugged food that you meant for me.”

  “I appreciate the apology, but I’m afraid it’s not enough.”

  “Okay, then how do you propose I make it right?”

  A sly smile formed on Electra’s face. “I would like for you to get me a plate of non-drugged food.”

  “No problem. I’ll have some takeout sent to your house. Just tell me what–”

  “Not good enough,” she stated, cutting me off. “I want to see how your face looks at mealtime when I’m not being drugged.”

  I frowned, trying to make sure I understood what she was saying. “Electra, are you…are you asking me on a date?”

  “No,” she declared fervently. “It’s not a date and we’re not back together. It’s just dinner.”

  “Okay,” I said. “But what happened to not doing stuff like that?”

  Electra stayed silent for a few moments, and it wasn’t clear that she was actually going to answer.

  “I miss you,” she finally said. “Of course, it wasn’t me in control these past few days, but I could see what was going on, and it just made me acutely aware of all the fun we used to have – not just as a couple, but also as friends.”

  “I understand,” I said. “And if it means anything, I miss you, too.”

  “That was a given,” she announced, tossing her head haughtily. “You could have saved your breath.”

  “Next time I will,” I said with a chuckle, causing her to punch me playfully.

  “You still need to fix this thing with Myshtal before we can get back together,” she said, “but I think we can hang out as friends until then.”

  “You sure?” I asked.

  “Not really,” she confessed. “But, in all honesty, the alternative hasn’t really been my cup of tea.”

  Chapter 67

  I threw a party that weekend in honor of Myshtal coming home. Calling it a party, however, was a bit of an exaggeration since it was really impromptu and involved just a few close friends: Electra, Smokey, Vestibule, and Cat. I had been slightly worried that – after her time with my cousin Monique – Myshtal would be burned out on social events. However, I had completely forgotten that, as a Caelesian princess and favorite of the queen, she went to galas and balls all the time, almost as a requirement. In short, it appeared that “burned out” wasn’t in her vocabulary. More to the point, she actually liked socializing.

  “Oh no,” she assured me when I made the suggestion shortly after she returned (at which time I also handed over the ring Mouse had taken). “A party sounds great. But I think we should probably clear the air first.”

  “About what?” I asked, although I had a pretty good idea.

  “My behavior when you came and got me.”

  “You were high,” I insisted. “Don’t worry about it. You weren’t yourself.”

  “The drugs only removed my inhibitions,” she said. “Let me express how I feel about you. But you already knew, didn’t you?”

  I sighed. “Yes, but I didn’t want to say anything. This situation is complicated enough without additional emotions getting involved.”

  “Well, you can rest assured that I don’t plan to act on my emotions. I know how you feel about Electra and give you my word that I will never be a barrier to your relationship.”

  “Wow,” I muttered in surprise. “That’s more than I was anticipating.”

  “I just feel the need to be honest. If you and I are meant to be together, then it will happen in time. I don’t need to do anything to hasten or force it.”

  I frowned as she spoke, thinking. The temporal rogue I had encountered on Caeles at one point revealed to me and Myshtal that – in the future – the two of us would be king and queen of the Caelesian Empire. Hearing her now, it appeared that Myshtal believed what we’d been told and would be content waiting for that future to unfold.

  “I suppose that’s true,” I finally said. “If it happens, it happens.”

  After that, with Myshtal on board with the idea, I had made the requisite calls to my friends. As part of the invitation, I gave everyone the option to bring a plus-one, but the only person who took advantage of it was Electra, who came with Dynamo. She insisted, however, that it wasn’t a date.

  “He was just going to spend the evening sitting at home alone,” she told me at one point during the evening. “I felt bad for him.”

  “No worries,” I told her sincerely. “I hope he has a good time.”

  I was extraordinarily pleased when Cat showed up with Vestibule. Given how she’d felt about me knowing about her powers, I was worried Cat would avoid me now that I’d seen her in action. Surprisingly, she sought me out shortly after arriving.

  “You want to take a walk?” she said.

  “Uh, sure,” I replied.

  With that, we had gone out a sliding door at the back of the embassy that opened onto an extensive loggia and pool area. It was dark out, but the loggia was well-lit, and
the illumination spread out onto the grounds, revealing, among other things, a parterre garden and a gazebo.

  “It’s lovely out here,” Cat said, walking towards the edge of the loggia.

  “Thanks,” I replied, as I strolled next to her. “I really don’t come back here enough.”

  She turned to me. “You wanted to know about my powers. I’m sorry you had to find out the way you did.”

  “It’s okay,” I assured her. “I know that wasn’t you in control. I’m just happy you came through in the end.”

  “Me, too,” she said with a smile. “It was like I was sleeping – dreaming everything that was happening – and then I heard you screaming my name, telling me to wake up.”

  “And you did. But I’m curious about something. How’d you know what to do with those components on the Construct when you finally gained control?”

  “Maybe you don’t remember,” she answered. “You were trying to speak but couldn’t, and then I found I could look inside your mind. That’s where I saw what to do.”

  “Well, I don’t know if anybody told you, but you saved the planet.”

  “So I’ve heard. It just feels surreal – like maybe I’m still in the dream.”

  “I can pinch you if you like,” I offered, making her giggle.

  “No, thanks,” she decided. “But there is something you can do for me.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Tell me how you found out about me.”

  “Sure,” I shot back with almost no hesitation. I then explained to her about the surge of power I’d felt during brunch.

  She looked away when I was done, seemingly embarrassed. “I’m sorry – that wasn’t supposed to happen. I usually have more control than that.”

  “Okay,” I droned. “Frankly speaking, though, I still don’t know what happened.”

  “I’ll tell you, but it’ll probably help if I first explain about my power.” She paused for a moment, took a deep breath, then blurted out, “I’m a kitsune.”

  I frowned. “Isn’t that, like, a magic cat?”


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