Descent Into Darkness

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Descent Into Darkness Page 7

by Michael Cross

  We agreed to wake Matt and then to call the police – but rather than contact regular cops, as I suspected this might be due to my recent activities, I urged we use my contacts and call Mrs. Sanger to do the investigation. Normally a regular person would probably not get this sort of special treatment, but I was going to take advantage of my position to find out who had done this. Nicole went in to tell Alex to get dressed and keep the rest of the kids upstairs.

  I knew it was not business hours but I called her cell phone. She answered and I proceeded to give her the details of the cat and the harassing emails. She then surprised me with the comment, “Well Senator, it seems you have rattled someone’s cage and they don’t appreciate it.” I did not respond as she continued, “Look Mrs. Lindberg, I will send Detective Myers out to your house to see if whoever did this left any clues. He will be out shortly, just don’t mess with anything, okay?” I told her I was okay with that and she then said she was in traffic and needed to hang up.

  When I was off the phone I suddenly realized I had not given her my address. Yet just before I could call back Magdalena woke up screaming and I rushed up to her. As I held my daughter Matt came into the room and I told him everything that had happened. He held me and said we should install an alarm system around the perimeter of the yard as well as the house. I agreed and suggested we call about it right away. I then got dressed and headed downstairs.

  To my surprise as I had only been off the phone with Sanger less than twenty minutes, I heard the doorbell ring. Just as I reached the foot of the stairs I saw Nicole let in Detective Myers. He asked in a direct sort of tone, “Ms. Lindberg can you step outside with me while I examine the area?” I agreed. As he looked in the bushes I commented, “I told Mrs. Sanger that my son had seen someone leave the cat on the doorstep.” He stood erect and quickly asked, “Did he get a look at the man’s face?” I shook my head, “He just turned five and it was dark so I’m not sure he could be of any assistance. Should I get him and see?” Myers shook his head, “Uh no…there’s no reason to traumatize him.” He went to his car and retrieved a plastic bag and pushed the cat inside. He took a few pictures of the walkway and bushes, which I thought was odd since he had taken no pictures of the cat or the doorstep. He asked, “Can I have the articles you mentioned? Maybe we can get a print.” I handed them to him and he said, “That should be everything. Call me if anything else turns up…otherwise I will call if we find any leads.” I asked, “What are the chances my family is in any danger?” He shook his head, “That’s hard to say. People in the underworld are very dangerous. My suggestion is to take this as a warning and back off! The next time these people may not be in as playful a mood.” I was about to reply to his comment but he quickly turned and carried off the cat and the envelope. He gave a polite goodbye and jumped into his unmarked police car.

  When I went into the house my little son came up and asked something that immediately sent chills down my spine, “Mommy did the man come back for his kitty?” I had not wanted him to see the dead cat taken away but Nicole shook her head and assured me that Alex had not seen anything but the cop in the house. I was curious and asked, “Alex, that was not the man you saw last night, was it?” He then nodded his head, “Yes mommy, but he did not have his police gun or badge on.” I froze. I again asked, “Wasn’t it too dark to see a person’s face?” He shrugged his shoulders, “No mommy, it was really bright outside. That’s why I couldn’t sleep.” I hugged my son and asked him to go watch TV with his sister. Nicole looked at me, “What is it Melanie, you don’t think Alex really saw that cop last night, do you?” I sat down and let my mind examine the situation. I told her, “I don’t know but maybe we should keep our eyes out for anything suspicious – and make sure not to leave the children unattended, even in the back yard.” I felt more trapped than at any time in my life. My son was little but he was sharp when it came to remembering details… although it had been night time when he had witnessed the man. Then again, it had been a full moon! The terrible realization hit me that if Alex was right then that meant that I was going to be on my own in finding out why. However, that was not something unusual in my life. On a more disturbing note, if this cop had left the cat on the porch then I wondered if I might have placed my family in serious jeopardy. My anger swelled and I whispered to myself, “Officer Myers I’ve killed a cop before and you may just be joining Murdock if you take me on…but your fate will be far more torturous if you dare threaten my family!”

  Chapter 5

  I could not get the events of the last few days out of my mind. I tried to dismiss the idea that a policeman had tried to terrorize my family, yet at the same time…could I be certain? I was sitting at the kitchen table when Matt came in and sat across from me, “The security firm just called me back and they will be out next Monday.” I nodded my head, deep in thought. He continued, “Melanie, are you sure you and Nicole should go on your trip? If someone is out to get you…” I interrupted, “My dear Matthew you have nothing to fear.” He sighed, “I hope you are right.” I laughed to try to reassure him, “Do you seriously believe that a woman who was able to kill a deer with her bare hands is in any danger?” He sighed, “I hope you are right. I remember quite vividly when you came out of the brush that day naked, drenched in blood and carrying it. Quite savage…and quite erotic I might add.” I took his hand, “One of these days you and I should both try hunting like that.” I then asked, “Do you feel comfortable with seven kids on your own?” He squeezed my hand, “Nobody had better try anything when I’m around. I can take care of myself and the kids…don’t you worry!” We both seemed confident of our abilities yet I seriously was re-considering my outing with Nicole. I was more concerned with Matt being alone with seven kids than anyone stalking me in the woods. And I could not ignore the possibility of a psycho cop targeting us.

  However, I had to get these thoughts out of my mind as Matt and I had to plan for Nicole’s birthday party. We discussed what would be the best surprise and then we thought that maybe we could hold the celebration at a local pizza parlor that specialized in birthday celebrations. The children would love it and there would be no mess left. It was decided then. It felt good knowing that Matt and I finally shared a little secret between us, even if it was just a party.

  After dinner that evening I received an unexpected call from Katja. She said she had been on the streets of Portland the previous evening and spoken with a prostitute that might have talked with Tamilla in the past. I asked if she had learned anything but Katja said, “The woman only said that she might be able to give me information on where she worked if she could get permission from her “manager.” I know it is asking a lot but could you meet me Saturday evening? She said she will be working the street then.” I thought a moment and, maybe not considering the danger, asked, “Where and what time?”

  I slept uneasily the next two nights. I did not divulge to either Matt or Nicole what I had agreed to for Saturday – Matt would have probably disapproved; even though, prior to the pregnancy, he had gone along with my hobby of extreme survivalism and he knew what I was capable of. I smiled as I reflected on how we both lost all inhibitions as we made love on the mossy ground covered in deer blood. Since he knew my abilities and let me indulge in my unique hobby, one in which I could have been fallen prey to a bear, or become lost or any number of other dire possibilities, he should have no reason to fear anything I decided to do. Even so, on Thursday evening with Nicole totally passed out next to me, exhausted from two hours of passionate escape, I decided against being honest with her or Matt. And while she, more than Matt, knew I was quite capable of taking care of myself against human adversaries, why worry either of them? And for some strange reason I felt there was something connecting Katja’s situation with the threat to my family, although I had no proof. I was determined to see whose cage I had rattled and I suspected I might have to take matters into my own hands, especially since I had doubts about trusting local authorities.

hing except harassing emails had occurred since the episode with the dead cat. By Friday the number had grown to the point that I was convinced I had to change my account. I would fix it later. As for the evening, it was incredible! We all went to the pizza parlor and the children gave Nicole really cute little things they had made. Then, after the cake and food Matt and I sent the little ones off into the cage with all the colorful plastic balls. We sat Nicole down at the table and, as planned, he and I both took out the box with the ring, removed it and both kissed it before he gently placed it on her right ring finger. Nicole broke down at that point. She stood up to take a quick glance at the children and then, displaying a rare spontaneity and abandonment of her own rules, grabbed me and locked her lips tightly against mine in a kiss that attracted more than a few parent’s attention. She released me and said, “I love you so much!” and then bolted over to Matt and through herself into the air, wrapping her legs around him and repeating the special thanks she had given me. I tried to look away from the amused audience since I feared someone might recognize me. It was not that I cared about their opinions, but I did have a political persona to protect. The rest of the evening we took care of the children while Nicole admired the symbol of our marriage to her.

  When we got home, I took Matt and Nicole’s hands, placed them together, and said, “You two have fun tonight, okay?” Nicole smiled and finally just blurted out, “Melanie, it’s my birthday…I don’t suppose you might be interested, I mean when the kids are all tucked in, to join us.” I looked not at Nicole, but to Matt to see his reaction. His eyes were wide open and he seemed a bit uncomfortable. I took her hand and as nicely as I could I declined her offer. She rolled her eyes and headed up the stairs while Matt quickly turned to me and said, “Thank you!” I had to say I was pleased that Matt would appreciate a certain amount of limitations within our marriage.

  The next day I got up early, and prepared for my run. Nicole came down and thanked me for the wonderful present and for some reason apologized for the previous night’s suggestion. I figured Matt might have said something so I squeezed her and whispered, “It is not that it would not be interesting to try, I just want to have certain aspects of our relationship unique and special between all of us.” Nicole nodded and told me, “Go for your run. And be prepared for a spectacular breakfast when you get back.”

  Later in the morning we took the children to the community pool so everyone could cool off and have fun. I reminded Matt and Nicole that I had to go meet with someone, and I gave the impression it was with some party officials. I warned I might be very late.

  Katja had asked to meet me back at the Mexican restaurant next to the Mormon Temple. When I arrived she was standing next to her car at the far end of the lot. I parked next to her and jumped out. The sun was starting to go down and there was a slight breeze. The atmosphere was quite tranquil on this late summer’s evening. Katja approached me and said, “I am so glad you came. I must warn you that we will not be in a good section of Portland tonight.” I joked, “Should I have brought a gun?” She turned to me and gave me a totally serious look, “Maybe you should have. No matter though; please, we will take my car.” I hopped in and as soon as we were on the freeway she informed me, “I was out for hours the other evening until I met this girl named Kimberly. She recognized my sister from the photograph.” I asked, “Was she sure it was her?” Katja replied, “She recognized the tattoo! However she said that she would not give me more information unless her pimp was present. Are you okay with that?” I replied, “Pimps don’t scare me.” I remembered back to the one Nicole had killed in high school but that was something Katja did not have to know. Katja said, “We are supposed to meet them in Burnside in front of a tattoo parlor called ‘The Stoned Toad’ at 9:30pm. We should be able to make it just in time.” I responded, “Let’s go for it!” and, for some reason I was getting a rush anticipating an encounter with the underbelly of Portland society. On the way there Katja commented, “You are brave and I admire that. This is not even your battle yet you help me – thank you… I will never, ever forget your kindness.” I smiled and thought to myself she was brave as well. She was on an endeavor to discover truth, and to right a wrong done to her loved one. I admired her loyalty and commitment.

  I asked, “Katja, are you studying something, I mean when you get back home?” She laughed, “I have already graduated from Moscow University. I have a double degree in business administration and leadership.” I inquired, “So how old are you?” She responded, “Oh, I am twenty-one years old. I was born on April seventh! I’m Aries, how about you?” I was impressed with her accomplishments at such an age. I also wondered how New Age she was so I responded with my birthday. She looked at me while driving, “Oh you are a Scorpio, that’s exciting – you are supposed to be dedicated, loyal but prone to allowing your emotions to go wild if you are angry. I like that – I think we will get along really, really well!”

  She had no idea how “wild” I could be, but I kind of enjoyed her quirky attitudes and sat back a moment as we approached our destination. She soon perked up, “That is the girl, Kimberly; over there! I just hope she can help us.”

  We pulled up beside her and got out of the car. Katja greeted the girl – who was maybe in her late teens and appeared to be blend of white and Asian. They talked a moment and then a large car drove up. A guy got out – and for a moment I thought I was seeing a ghost as the man, apparently her pimp, looked almost the same as the one Nicole had killed in the graveyard ten years previously! Yet his way of presenting himself was less a chararature of what a pimp is supposed to act like. As he talked he did not lace his sentences with obscenities or slang. In fact he seemed somewhat, I could dare to say, educated.

  When Katja showed him the picture he looked at it and said, “Yeah girl! I recognize the woman in the photo. She was one of the Zagriev brother’s women. I once saw her perform. They gave some of the local businessmen, those of us who work at this trade, an evening of free entertainment at their club. Yeah, I recognize her.” Katja asked, “Are you absolutely sure? Did the girl you saw have the same tattoo?” He fumbled around a little, shook his head and said, “By entertainment I don’t mean singing songs. Okay?” Katja seemed to be in denial and asked, “What then?” He looked away from her and towards me, “She and a red head chick with huge tits gave me a night I’ll never forget, okay!” Katja stared at him in silence, her lips trembling. I cut in, “So did you ever see her or hear about her after that?” He shook his head, “Never! And that’s all I know, okay?” I asked, “You mentioned a club?” He replied, “Look honey, those guys are bad news. I would avoid them at all costs.” Katya cut in, “Why, are they dangerous?” The pimp responded, “Yes, they are totally psycho Russians or something like that. I would never mess with them. I hope for your sake your sister never got really entangled with them. If she did maybe you can find her at their ‘Club Exotica’ about a mile from here. It’s not in my district, if you know what I mean, so I have not been there since that night.”

  For some reason Katja suddenly asked, “So what did you mean by the entertainment specifically?” I tried to jump in, “Look Katja maybe…” She interrupted, “No, I want to know!” The pimp pointed to Kimberly and said, “My girl told me this is your sister you are looking for. I don’t want to go into specifics out of respect. I have six little sisters of my own.” Katja began to nervously pull at her hair, “Did my sister have sex with you and the other woman?” He again looked to me, “Over and over again sugar.” Katja clenched her fists but did not look like she was going to hit him. Instead she asked, “What would you do if anyone hurt any of your sisters?” He sighed, “I’d slit their throats!” Katja nodded her head, “Exactly!” That was when the pimp warned, “Leave this alone girl. These guys are insane – and word is, they have powerful friends if you know what I mean.” Katja asked, “Powerful, as in what?” The pimp said, “You got to be joking! You know…crazy cops on the take.” At that I asked, “Cops? Are you sure?�
�� He answered, “Damn lady, you don’t spend much time on the streets, do you?” He shook his head and cleared his throat as he looked at Katja. She took out what appeared to be a couple hundred dollars and handed it to him.” He laughed, “Not bad, chicks paying me money. Remember – you never talked with me, you never heard of me…we clear on that?” Katja nodded and motioned for me to get back in the car.

  Katja slammed the door, started the engine and growled, “Zagriev is not a Russian name! It is from the Caucasus region. Most of what is called “Russian mafia” is not really Russian.” I asked, “Russian Mafia? I heard they are really dangerous!” She nodded her head, “I will take it from here. Thank you for your help.” I noticed she was driving back to the freeway entrance, “Katja, didn’t the pimp point that direction instead? Let’s go take a look.” She turned and smiled, “Are you sure?” I replied, “Turn the car around.” I suppose I liked the excitement of amateur detective work.

  When we arrived we were able to park on the opposite side of the road. It seemed like any other bar really, a building that maybe was once a restaurant, but had been renovated into a strip club. A small red neon sign with the place’s name hung over the door and there were about twenty cars parked in the front. Katja sat silent, and then asked, “Now what? We cannot go in but this is where the answers must be. I need to know what happened to Tamilla.”

  I suggested we go home and that I would try to look up any information I could about the place. I then asked if she might feel more comfortable hiring a private detective to dig for more clues. She reluctantly agreed that it might be safer, but I could tell she was not serious. I commented as I watched a car park and the fat driver enter the bar, “It’s sad that women wind up in places like this. Why should a woman take her clothes off for desperate and pathetic men who pay to leer at her privates?” Katja caught me off guard, “I don’t know. Maybe it is the man who is getting used. The woman takes off her clothes, dances around and men throw their money at her. I guess it is an economic transaction like any other.” I countered, “I still do not think it is good for society. There has to be some set expectations.” She laughed, “So you are against nudity?” I hesitated a moment and then just said, “That is not really the same thing.”


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