Descent Into Darkness

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Descent Into Darkness Page 10

by Michael Cross

  I looked Katja in the eyes and warned her, “Look, you are not to go back to that place! I will work with you to dig into this but you have to listen to me, do you agree to that?” She nodded her head and said, “Okay Mrs. Lindberg, I promise. How shall we go about it?” I commented, “First, please call me Melanie since we are going to be working a lot together…more than you might like. And second, I am in charge of this. You will do as I say or else I will make sure you are on a plane back to Russia tomorrow.” She agreed, apparently not realizing I had no power to ship her back home if she refused. I then told her that she could do anything until the next week – go camping, go shopping in Seattle or take off to Vegas – anything but work on our investigation. She agreed. Little did she realize what I would ask of her in the coming days, but I was absolutely determined to do whatever I needed to find out what was going on, and since this might involve corrupt police it made it all the more dangerous.

  After my meeting with Katja I felt the added urgency of getting my family away as soon as possible. I still did not have the passports but I booked the flights. I rushed to the hospital and informed Matt that I had made the arrangements for their trip. He was still not happy with my staying in Oregon but, despite the fact the police reported no leads in the fire, I told him they said they were making progress. Matt’s doctor cleared the trip but laughed and said that the small bolt that had been used to fasten his leg bone back together might set off all the metal detectors from then on. The only thing I was worried about while talking to Matt was if the passports would arrive in time, since this was already Thursday afternoon and the flight was booked for Tuesday morning. However, when I left the hospital I received a phone call at 5pm from Nicole that the passports had been delivered. Everything was in place.

  When I arrived at the bishop’s home everyone was eating around the dinner table. It was quiet and orderly and my son actually asked to be excused when he was finished; something none of the children did at home, even though Nicole had tried to teach them certain rituals. Later that evening Nicole commented, “I know I am in someone else’s home, and we have been under stress this week, but the children have been so well behaved. I want to try to capture this state of being from now on if that is okay.”

  The next day I rushed to get everything done so we could enjoy the weekend. Matt was to check out of the hospital on Monday afternoon, and he would be in a wheelchair for at least a month – and then need crutches for a couple of months. I had informed my father and he said that a ramp would be in place before arrival. He also said he looked forward to meeting Matt and his grandkids but wished I could come. I told him I would try to visit in a short time.

  On Saturday the children were hyper as they had never been on an airplane. They were anxiously awaiting Tuesday. The bishop and his wife said they had to go visit one of their sons since his wife was having a baby and that we had the house to ourselves until Sunday afternoon. I most certainly looked forward to some time alone with Nicole on Saturday and then I wanted to see Matt on Sunday morning.

  Matt and I talked about finding a home further out in the country when I returned, either a very large house or two houses next to each other. Since I would stop nursing my baby on Sunday I thought about how fun it would be to have another baby once I returned. When I mentioned it Matt sighed and admitted, “You know Melanie, a few years back I was worried I would have no kids, and now we are contemplating number eight. I suppose one should never stop dreaming, should they?” I laughed and asked him, “So, ever wonder what the next year or two will bring in our lives? “ He squeezed my hand and said, “Melanie, with you I would never dare say that we will settle into anything conventional.” We both laughed and I said he should rest for the trip and I would see him again on Sunday. He asked when Nicole was coming by and I replied, “Oh come on Matt, you two are going to be together for a while in England.”

  When I arrived back at the bishop’s house we fit the children into the car and took them over to Nicole’s mother’s house. She had agreed to watch the oldest kids while Nicole and I took the baby and Nicole’s little girl. We then went over to my house and picked up what was needed for the trip. Then I suggested, as it was a really warm day, that we go over to the Japanese Gardens and just relax. When we arrived we found a nice, quiet spot overlooking the little pond and sat down. Both kids were asleep in their strollers and, despite there being a few people nearby, I could not resist capturing the essence of the moment with Nicole. I put my arms around her shoulders, looked into her eyes and, without a word, we interlocked into a passionate kiss that blinded us both to the surroundings. A moment later I heard a click, and quickly turned…it was an older Japanese couple and who had taken a picture of us! Fortunately, my back had been to them and when we looked at them the wife said, “Pretty girls, okay we took picture?” Nicole laughed and raised her thumb as they excused themselves while waving goodbye.

  Nicole then held me in a tight embrace, “Melanie, please come with us. I could never bear something happening to you – and I had a dream last night that…I mean…never mind.” I immediately asked, “What did you dream Nicole? Please, you have to tell me now.” She replied, “Okay, I dreamt that I was watching a fox hunt – like they have in England you know. And instead of those guys dressed in red coats they were cops hunting for you. One caught you and hung you up like in those torture scenes in movies. ” I asked her, “Then what?” Nicole then held me again, “Okay, the other started cutting you up! I woke up after that!”

  Nicole was shaking so I tried to comfort her, “Nicole, you probably are nervous about the trip, so you were dreaming about one of the most familiar scenes from England…and since you are scared about me being alone then something from a scary movie converged into your nightmare.” That seemed to re-assure her but not me. I had not said anything about my suspicions regarding police corruption, and Nicole seemed to have this weird gift of having dreams come true.

  She then said, “I also am a bit scared of meeting your father. I am not sure what to say or anything.” I again tried to re-assure her that Matt would be there and it would be fine. I did not envy her though – yes, my father was helping out, but that did not make up for all the hurt he had caused me. In a way I even resented his generosity as my hatred of him had been a close companion for almost all my life, and despite the communications over the past year and a half, I still harbored a deep antagonism towards him.

  Sunday quickly passed…and then the moment of truth – Monday afternoon. Matt arrived home via a taxi (we would need a special taxi for the trip to the airport). His bishop suggested a family night after everything was packed. Rebecca baked some deserts, and led some games with the children. When they went to bed Matt and his bishop talked a while, leaving Nicole and I a chance to take a walk together. She was still nervous but I promised her, “Look Nicole, I know the fire spoiled our time we had planned together, but when you get back I am going to ask if Matt can let you and I have two weeks alone – you choose the location!” She laughed, “My choice, my rules, and my everything right?” I nodded in the affirmative. She then said, “Then be prepared…I have quite an imagination you know.” We hugged and returned to the house.

  In the morning it was quite chaotic as the children were all over the place and Nicole was afraid that it would be tough to travel with seven children and an injured husband. The realization of that had not really hit her until everyone was loading into the van. Fortunately it was a direct flight to London. At the airport I gave Nicole a look that conveyed my love for her, then I hugged and kissed Matt. I waved as they disappeared into the security check point.

  A moment passed and then I rushed to my car. It was sort of a strange feeling…I sensed I would see them all again, and I knew I would miss them, but it was as if they were no longer holding me back from what I needed to do…and in a way that felt relieving. The world presented infinite possibilities at that moment for searching out the people who had attempted to hurt my family. I finall
y could run plans through my head…and yes, by any measure they bordered on insanity.

  Chapter 7

  When I entered my old home there was an eerie calm in the air. I did not know what to make of it…and remembering what had happened to me with Vincent I immediately went to the cupboard where, on top, Nicole kept her 9mm handgun. My gun had been destroyed in the fire along with Matt’s hunting and target rifles. I then checked every inch of the house so nobody could get the drop on me as Vincent had. I sat there in the living room and turned on the TV. I was uncomfortable since my body would take a few days to adapt to no longer breastfeeding my baby, but it would pass.

  I went over to the computer and had to spend more than thirty minutes erasing obscene mailings. I then did a few legislative tasks which took me until around 2pm. Finally I started my search – for hair extensions and temporary tattoos. After some exploration I decided I would go for a very long run before calling Katja.

  Upon my return I stripped off and fell onto the couch; I had covered six miles! I thought I might enjoy a few hours of peace, with nobody disturbing me at all, but instead I felt lonely. I was used to either having my children, my wife or my husband near me all the time except while I was at work. Yet at that moment I felt isolated. And I realized I might not see Matt or Nicole for a very long time as Matt had so much accumulated sick leave he could remain away for nearly six months. I wondered if I had made the right decision. I contemplated the first phase of my plan – get to know Katja and make sure she was up for what had to be done.

  I called her and suggested we meet for dinner. She said she was staying in an apartment in Beaverton, and when I asked where she said by the exit to the Mormon temple. She invited me over; so once I got the directions I told her I would shower and see her in an hour. I realized then that her place was practically walking distance to the Mexican restaurant we had eaten lunch at.

  It was somewhat difficult finding her complex, but when I did I was starting to get hungry. When I found the number she had given me, #231, I knocked, in anticipation of starting a full-fledged investigation. She opened her door and appeared really pleased at my arrival. She asked me in and as I looked around I realized this young woman was obviously a fan of New Age culture. I could smell rose incense, there was a picture hanging up of a nude blonde maiden riding a horse, and crystals adorning the entertainment center. I complimented her on her decorations and she said, “I love fantasy. The picture on the wall I painted my last year of high school.” I joked, “Were you the model?” She laughed, “No, actually my art teacher lived on a farm and she posed for me.” Apparently social norms were slightly different in Russia I thought to myself. I then noticed a series of small framed pictures of fairies in the kitchen. I smiled and said, “I have always loved fairies.” She looked at me as she tugged on her hair and responded, “Me too! I still love the magic they represent. That’s why I paint them as well.” In my mind I thought, “We are going to get along just fine.”

  Katja apologized and took some bread out of the cupboard. She then put salt on it and handed it to me, “In Russia this is a traditional way of greeting guests. I hope you like it.” I did. I also liked the smell coming from the oven as she was making some sort of baked chicken for our dinner.

  As we waited to eat Katja directed me to her couch. She took out an album and said, “This is really all I have left of my sister.” She started to show me pictures of her and her sister as children and up to the present day. The forest in the background was beautiful – and when I commented on it she said that they would often go to their uncle’s country home in the summer. Her voice betrayed a sense of nostalgia for her times with her sister.

  While eating the fantastic dinner she had made I asked, “Katja, do you believe the people responsible for what happened to your sister are the same people who tried to kill me and my family?” She then said, “Mrs. Lindberg, I mean Melanie, I was drawn to this area for some reason…I mean I could have chosen San Francisco or Seattle but this is where my attention focused. And here is where my sister died. I feel that yes, we are looking for the same people.” I did not tell her all that I knew but, wishing to just get away and try to see if Katja was going to assist me, or hinder me, I suggested, “Katja, I need a few days before my body adapts to not nursing. Would you maybe be up for a road trip until next Monday? I also want to buy a few things, but not here in Portland.” She asked, “Don’t you think we need to look for clues now, while things are fresh?” I shook my head, “No, I think what we are looking for will keep until we get back.”

  Katja did not realize I wanted total anonymity for a while. I needed time to make sure she trusted me completely and that she would follow me. I then asked her, “So can we go now?” She seemed surprised at my request and fumbled around for words until I continued, “Come on…we can drive down the I-5 and be in Medford in the early morning. We can get a room and then be in San Diego by dinner – come on, you will love it!” This was my first test, and she passed! She asked what she should take and I said, “Just a few things for the beach and enough clothes for a few days. We can eat leftovers and whatever perishables you might have on the way down.” Katya rushed to throw some things together and within a few minutes we were in my car and heading south.

  We started out our trip with my asking her everything about her growing up, her family, schools and future plans. She liked opening up and sharing. I was careful not to tell her anything sensitive about my life but I tried to show interest in every little aspect of hers. To be honest, I did find much of what she had to say quite fascinating, and she liked to joke as well. So I had a good time with her…and when having fun the hours passed by quickly – they seemed to just vanish actually.

  It was nearly 2am when we came into Medford, and not a moment too soon as the gas gage was nearing empty. We found a little hotel with a vacancy sign in the front and got a room. I emphasized twin beds as I really looked forward to sleeping alone for once, and Katja was still mostly a stranger. That night, as I lay there in thought just before sleep, I wondered exactly what I had set in motion, but I looked forward to everything working out.

  The next day was a repeat of the previous night, just enjoying one-another’s company. Then finally we arrived at the outskirts of San Diego and got a room. I immediately hooked up my computer and went on Skype. I made note of the swimming pool, hoping Katja would go out and leave me in privacy – and it worked…she threw on a bathing suit and I promised to meet her once I spoke to my husband.

  Sure enough Matt was on but I typed in, “Please do not, under any circumstances, put my father on, okay?” He responded as I wished and then I turned on the visual. I missed Matt, but it was strange as it seemed he, and Nicole, were in another existence. He mentioned that Nicole and the children were fast asleep and said that while it had been an uncomfortable journey, he was okay. He did not mention my father but it seemed everything was well. I told him I had taken a hotel room to play it safe, in case someone might attack the other house, and that I was in constant contact with the police. He again begged me to be careful and I assured him I would be safe.

  Afterwards I went down to the pool to meet Katja. She shared a passion for swimming and, to my pleasant surprise, she even asked if we might go running in the morning. When she climbed out of the pool I took note of the firm and slightly muscular build she had been blessed with. We would have a few days so I was looking forward to spending time on the beach – running, swimming and getting a feel for who she was. The next day would give me that opportunity.

  We both got up early and I looked out the window – it was a perfect day…clear and appearing as if it would be hot. While we were getting dressed for running she asked, “Did you not say you had four children? You do not show it.” I thanked her for the compliment, even though even I could not escape a few tiny stretch marks on my lower belly. For the next hour we ran on the silvery beach and enjoying the warm morning air. It was hard to talk as I was gasping for air as I struggled
to keep up with her.

  When we came to a stop she asked, “After lunch could we work on a tan?” which was exactly what I had in mind. It would give me a chance to take the next step. We went back to the hotel room and showered off. I asked Katja to grab her things and we headed off to another beach that I had read about in the past – Black’s Beach. It was supposed to be far bigger than Rooster Rock and was the largest nude beach in the United States. Of course, I had not told her about that aspect, or about the difficult descent down the cliff, but once we entered the beach area she did not seem to mind. She looked around and laughed, “These places have become popular in Russia, but I have never been to one. We seem quite formally dressed.” I laughed and suggested we find a place away from the crowds.

  We found a place with just a few people and once our things were spread out I took a joking tone, “You know, nobody knows us here.” I unsnapped my top and removed it. She had a somewhat surprised look, but with a smile, and commented, “I don’t know…it seems kind of weird…not sure what my mother would think.” I looked at her and asked, “Is your mother here?” At that she laughed, looked around and then proceeded to take her entire bikini off. What really surprised me however was that once she put her things beside her she stood and stretched into the air. And soon she began to do some gymnastic exercises that, to put it mildly, left absolutely nothing to the imagination for the three guys sitting a short distance away. I removed my bikini bottom and stretched out on my towel. When she joined I asked, “I had the impression you were shy.” She smiled, “I don’t usually go around showing myself but you can’t really be shy and be an artist. Besides, when that creep with the mustache began to stare at me when I stood up I thought I would give him a show just to torture him.” I laughed, “Oh I’m sure you really hurt him. “ A few minutes in the sun and I asked, “Can we go splash off in the surf?”


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