Blue Robin, the Girl Pioneer

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Blue Robin, the Girl Pioneer Page 22

by Rena I. Halsey


  "And the plant she named Liberty Tree," sang Nita blithely up in thewindow of the sun parlor, where she sat with her mother and her oldScotch nurse, Ellen, watching the brilliant scene being enacted down onthe lawn.

  As the last verse ended--and there were four--Helen stepped before theGoddess, and after saluting told in a few words how the brave pioneershad brought to this land a tiny spark which had flamed into the sacredfire of Liberty. As time wore on, trampled by the sons of Tyranny, itwas in danger of being stamped out, when the daughters of these pioneersfled to its aid in their great fight for the right, and by their braveryand heroic self-denial had revived the sacred fire. The ensigns nowfloating before her were the signals of their success in making thisland, "The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!"

  An expression of regret flitted across Nita's face as she realized thatshe could not hear the words Helen was speaking, but in a moment,remembering, she cried, "But I have them, Mamma, for Nathalie not onlytaught me the words of the songs, but wrote down for me the speeches ofthe girls. Ah, Helen is telling the Goddess how the Pilgrims came tothis land and planted the Liberty Tree. Of course they did not reallyplant it, you know, only in their hearts, for they were determined tohave liberty of conscience, speech, and action.

  "Oh, and there's another daughter speaking to the Goddess. See, shecarries the flag that came over in the _Mayflower_ with the Pilgrims."Then Miss Nita, finding she had an appreciative audience in her motherand Ellen, rattled on, highly pleased to think she was giving them suchgood entertainment. She repeated the words of each fair daughter as shedisplayed her trophy of liberty, and could clap as enthusiastically asthe spectators watching from the hillocks in the distance. Mrs. VanVorst, as she heard her daughter's words and witnessed her joy, enteringwith as much zest and spirit into the patriotic little drill as thePioneers smiled in attune with the invalid, showing more enjoyment thanshe had done for years.

  "There's the flag of Bunker Hill; it is just like the Pine Tree flag,only it is blue instead of red," exclaimed Nita. "And, oh, Mother, see,there's the real Liberty Flag with its pine tree, and motto, 'An Appealto Heaven.' Look quick! that's the Markoe flag! See, it is yellow andhas thirteen stripes of blue and silver. Nathalie said this flag was thefirst one on land to float stripes, and that it was the flag carried bythe Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse when they escorted Washington toNew York. And that crimson silk flag is the Casimir flag; it belonged toCount Casimir. He was the son of Pulaski, who perished in a dungeon foradvocating the cause of liberty. The Count came to America and organizeda corps of cavalry at Baltimore, and when the Moravian nuns heard of itthey presented him with that flag. But, oh, Mother, the poor Count diedafter all; he was shot at the siege of Savannah in 1779."

  Ellen, the old Scotch nurse who adored her invalid charge, and who hadalways taken care of her from the time she was a wee tot, was deeplystirred as she saw how Nita entered into the new life that had suddenlybeen opened up to her, and her face fairly beamed with gratified prideas she heard her repeat the songs and speeches of the girls in theplaylet.

  When the last speech ended, the strains of Yankee Doodle were heard, andpresently a Scout in the uniform of a Continental soldier appeared onthe platform carrying a draped flag. After saluting the mother ofFreedom he planted his pole in the center of the circle of Libertymaidens, and the next instant each one had caught up one of the red,blue, and white streamers that hung from it, and were swinging gaylyaround, singing "The Red, White, and Blue."

  This song was followed by the "Battle Cry of Freedom," and then thesoldier, saluting the Goddess again in a short speech, said he desiredto present to her an emblem, the outgrowth of the labors of the Sons andDaughters of Liberty. The ensign that stands for everything that isjust, true, and progressive, the symbol of the sovereignty ofCivilization, the banner that had been unfurled in more movements forthe protection, the liberty, and the elevation of mankind, than anyensign that ripples to the four winds of Heaven.

  Oh, no, the little company up in the window didn't hear all these wordsfrom the lips of the soldier, but from Nita as she read them softly fromher paper. But they did see the signal given by the soldier, and clappedwith joy when each fair daughter pulled her streamer, the red drapingsfell from the pole, and Old Glory stood revealed. And as the colorsswayed softly in the gentle breeze they joined with patriotic fervor asthe girls and audience broke into "The Star Spangled Banner!"

  The Flag Drill was over, and the girls, breaking ranks, were soonscattered here and there over the lawn in groups, as they stoodreceiving the congratulations of their friends on the success of theentertainment. It was but a moment or so, however, and the girls had allrushed back to duty, and each one with a scout was serving ice-cream andcake to the buyers at the gayly festooned tables under the trees.

  Nathalie, nerve and bone tired, was wishing that she could sit down ifonly for a moment, when her eyes suddenly grew bright with thought, andthe next second she had darted across the grass crying, "Oh, Grace,don't you think it would be nice if we could take some cream and cake upto Nita and her mother?"

  "Nita?" repeated that young lady, who had never heard the name before."Why, what do you mean?"

  Nathalie started. "Oh, why, to be sure, I forgot to tell you about her,but Mrs. Morrow thought best to--"

  Nathalie broke off in despair as she realized that Grace knew nothingabout the princess in the tower and the many other happenings at thegray house, only that its owner had consented to allow the girls to useher lawn.

  "Why, you know Nita is Mrs. Van Vorst's daughter; she was the one whogot her mother to let us have the lawn. She's just lovely, I have beengoing to see her every day for--"

  At this moment Ellen, her face glowing with pleasure, touched Nathalieon the arm as she cried, "Oh, Miss Nathalie, Mrs. Van Vorst has sent meto ask you to come up and see Miss Nita, and to bring two of yourfriends with you!"

  Nathalie stared a moment as if not comprehending what Ellen had said,and then, "Oh, Ellen, do you mean that Mrs. Van Vorst wants me to comeup to see Miss Nita and to--"

  "Yes, that is just what I mean, Miss," rejoined Ellen, evidentlyenjoying Nathalie's amazement. "Miss Nita wants to meet some of yourPioneer friends. Bless the child, Miss Nathalie, but you and yourfriends have brought real sunshine straight to the heart of my bairn.Bless you for it!"

  Nathalie smiled and nodded as she answered, "All right, Ellen, I'll beright up!" Then, as the old nurse disappeared among the throngs on thelawn Nathalie turned to Grace, who was standing in open-mouthedastonishment at this sudden turn in the day's doings.

  "Oh, Grace, will you go with me? Didn't I tell you Nita was lovely?"Then seizing the girl by the arm she swept her across the grass to whereHelen was standing talking to her brother.

  "Helen," she panted, "I want you to come with me to see Nita. Mrs. VanVorst has sent for me to come up and says for me to bring two of myfriends. Will you come?"

  "Come!" exclaimed Helen, "of course I will. I have been on the point ofexpiring with curiosity ever since you told me of your adventure at thegray house."

  "Adventure?" repeated Grace. "Oh, Nathalie, you have not told me aboutit!" in an aggrieved tone.

  "But I'm going to! Oh, but I must hurry and get the cream ready or itwill be too late!" She started to run, but after a few steps turnedback, and waving her hand at the girls, called, "Helen, you tell herwhile I am getting the tray."

  "But I'm coming to help you," replied that young woman. "You come, too,"she added, catching Grace by the arm. But to her surprise Grace pulledaway from her with the exclamation, "Oh, Helen! I wouldn't go in thathouse for a mint of money! Why didn't you know? No, I'm not to tell,"she ended mysteriously, "but you go," she added, "that is if you are notafraid."

  "Afraid?" echoed her companion in amazement, "why should I be afraid,surely you don't think any one could harm us as long as Nathalie hasbeen there and come away safely?"

  "I don't know,"
hesitated Grace, "I!--"

  "Oh, girls, I have the tray all ready, but you will have to help mecarry it. Do come on, for I do not want to keep Mrs. Van Vorst waitingtoo long!" Nathalie was back again.

  "Grace says she is afraid to go," explained Helen.

  "Afraid!" repeated Nathalie bewildered. "What are you afraid of?" shedemanded abruptly turning towards her friend.

  "Why Nathalie, don't you remember that day we--"

  Nathalie continued to gaze at her blankly, and then her face broke intoa smile as she remembered the day she and Grace had run away from thegray house afraid of the crazy man.

  "Oh, Grace," she cried with merry laughter, "that was the best joke onyou and me, for, O dear, why, Grace, it wasn't any crazy man at all, itwas only a cockatoo!"

  The long kept secret that had troubled Nathalie so much at first was outat last, and she and Helen, who had been told about that when herfriend's silence was first broken as far as she was concerned, brokeinto prolonged laughter at the richness of the joke.

  "A cockatoo?" exclaimed Grace incredulously, and then annoyed at thegirls' merriment she added crossly, "Oh, I do wish you would explainwhat is so funny, I think it real mean of you both to laugh that way!"

  "Yes, it is mean," added Nathalie, stifling her laughter as she saw theirate expression on her friend's face. "But, Grace, it was funny. Iwould have told you all about it before--that is how I found out--only Ihad sworn not to tell. But if you will promise not to reveal what I amgoing to tell you--honor bright--" this in answer to the girl's nod ofassent, "I will tell you the mystery of the gray house!"

  It was not long now before Grace heard the long story of how Nathaliehad come to go to the house, how she had found out about the cockatoo,the star part she had played with the princess, and the many otherhappenings that had taken place within the last few weeks.

  "But is the poor thing such a terrible monster?" demanded Grace in readysympathy.

  "A monster?" ejaculated Nathalie in amazement. "Who said she was amonster?"

  "Why, don't you remember? Edith--"

  "Now, see here," exclaimed Nathalie stamping her feet angrily, "don'ttell me another word of what the Sport says. I am just beginning to hatethat girl, she is always saying and doing things she has no--" Shestopped suddenly as it came to her in a conscience-stricken flash thatPioneers were never to say evil of any one.

  Helen, seeing the strange expression in her eyes and noticing how hercolor was coming and going in flashes, cried, "Oh, Nathalie, what isit?"

  "It is nothing," replied the girl quickly in a choked voice, "I juststopped--because--well, I remembered that one of the Pioneer laws is notto speak evil of any one. I'm going to keep mum after this, but thatgirl," her eyes shadowed again, "does provoke me so!"

  "Oh, Nathalie, you are a dear girl," exclaimed Helen, putting her armaround her friend and giving her a hug. "I wish we were all as carefulabout keeping the Pioneer laws as you, but gracious, child, don't repentwith such dire woe, for none of us are saints, and the Sport is trying,the Lord knows. But explain to Grace about your friend."

  "No," said Nathalie determinedly. "I am not going to say another thing,only that Nita is not a monster, only a humpback, and--but there, if youwant to know about her, come and see her."

  "Well," spoke up Helen, "if we are going to see the Princess in thetower--how fairylike that sounds--we had better go. And then, as seeing isbelieving, we'll go and tell the Sport all about it, and stop that funnylittle tongue of hers that creates so much trouble at times."

  "Oh, that will be just the thing; Helen, you are a dear!" criedNathalie. Then the three girls hurried to the ice-cream table for thetray. Hastily taking it they pushed their way through the crowd, comingand going about the tables, to the porch, where Ellen relieved them oftheir burden and then conducted them to the sun parlor, where Mrs. VanVorst and Nita sat waiting to receive them.

  "Oh, Mrs. Van Vorst," cried Nathalie as she greeted that lady and herdaughter, "it was lovely of you to allow me to bring my two friends tomeet Nita. This is Miss Helen Dame," she continued drawing Helen to her,"and this is another Pioneer friend, Miss Grace Tyson."

  "I am very glad to meet you, Mrs. Van Vorst," broke in Helen, "for Ifeel that we are very much indebted to you for allowing us to use yourlawn."

  "Yes," chimed Grace, as she shook the lady's hand, "we all feel that youhave given us a lovely afternoon."

  "I think the indebtedness is on my side," smiled the lady, looking downwith pleased eyes at the two girls, as they stood glancing shyly at her,their white dresses and red caps making them appear unusually pretty."But let me make you acquainted with my daughter," she added, leadingthem to where Nita sat, her blue eyes almost black with the excitementof meeting these two new Pioneers, while her cheeks, usually so pale,were flushed with a delicate pinkness.

  After the general hand-shaking was over and the little party hadgathered closer to the window to admire the gay-colored flags thatfluttered, one from each table, showing with unusual vividness betweenthe green foliage and light dresses of strollers across the lawn,Nathalie asked Nita how she had liked the drill.

  "Oh, Nathalie," rejoined the princess enthusiastically, "it was just theprettiest sight, and I told Ellen and Mamma every flag story, didn't I?"Then suddenly remembering the two strangers, she relapsed into a shysilence and crouched back in the friendly shelter of her chair as ifwith the sudden thought of her deformity and the fear that the girlswould see it.

  But Grace and Helen were not thinking of the "awful hump" as Nathaliehad defined it, but of the pale sweet face with the lovely violet eyesthat were shining like bright stars.

  "I am awfully glad you liked it," said Helen, suddenly recalled to herduties as the leader of one of the groups. "We tried to make it look asfestive as we could with Uncle Sam's old liberty banners, but if it hadnot been for the lawn we should not have been able to have the drill."

  "You are all very kind to thank me so prettily," said Mrs. Van Vorst,"but, as I said, I think you have given me and my little daughter morepleasure than we have given you. The poor child sees so little of life,as we are so secluded here behind these high walls."

  In a few moments, as Nita's shyness began to wear off, the little groupwas chatting in the most friendly way, talking over the incidents of thedrill, the Pioneers telling about the nice little sum they had made fortheir camp expenses, while they all ate their cream and cake. Ellen,like a good soul that she was, had hastened out to the lawn and broughtenough of those delicacies to provide for the whole group.

  Helen's remark about the Camping Fund started a new subject ofconversation and opened the way for Nita to ask many questions aboutthis summer dream of the Pioneers. "Oh," she declared at length, "I justwish you could come up to Eagle Lake and camp on its shores. We have abungalow up there, you know, and it is just a glorious place. But itgets so lonely after a while, with nothing but the birds and squirrelsto talk to. Oh," she ended suddenly with a little sigh, "if I was onlywell and strong, then I would be a Pioneer, too."

  "Oh, but you--" interrupted Nathalie, and then she paused. She was goingto say "why you can be," but the quick remembrance of the hump and thedelicate face of the girl caused her to halt. With quick readiness shechanged to, "Oh, but you would enjoy seeing one of our cheer fires; theyare an inspiration for all kinds of dreams with the burning logs andglowing embers."

  "You ought to see the fagot party we are going to have Monday night,"chimed in Grace. "It is to be a burning send-off to one of the girls whois going South to live for a while."

  "A fagot party?" exclaimed Nita with interested eyes. "Oh, do tell allabout it; it sounds, well it sounds fagoty. What do you do?"

  "Why, we use small fagots tied into bundles," explained Helen, "that is,after we have started a good blazing fire. Each girl has her fagotbundle and as soon as one burns up she throws hers on--"

  "Oh, but you haven't told the best part," broke in Grace. "While eachgirl's fagot bundle is burning she tells a story, which has to b
e endedby the time her fagots are burned."

  "Does she have to stop on the very second?" questioned Nita.

  "Yes, she begins as soon as she throws her bundle on the blaze, andkeeps on talking until it is all burned up and falls to a shower offiery sparks. But of course she has to keep a sharp look out on theburning fagots, so as to end her tale with a good climax as the fagotsfall," explained Helen.

  "Where are you going to have it?" questioned Nita, a shade ofdisappointment on her face as she thought how she would like to see thisfagot party.

  "We haven't found a place yet," answered Grace, who was one of thecommittee, "but we are working hard to have it down in Deacon Ditmas'slot, near the cross-roads."

  "Why can't you have it on our lawn?" exclaimed Nita timidly, turningappealing eyes towards her mother. "Oh, Mother, do say they can have ithere, and then I can see it."

  The girls were so amazed at this sudden and unexpected proposition thatthey all remained silent, Nathalie in a spasm of dread for fear thatMrs. Van Vorst would think that the Pioneers were a great nuisance beingthrust upon her hospitality in this abrupt manner. But she was quicklyundeceived as the lady rejoined hastily, "Why, I should be most pleasedto let the Pioneers have the lawn for the fagot party. It would giveNita great pleasure, I am sure."

  "That will be just lovely!" cried her daughter, clapping her handsdelightedly. "And you will take it, won't you?" she coaxed pleadingly,suddenly stopping her demonstrations as if realizing that her plan mightnot be pleasing to the girls.

  "I think it would be dandy," answered Grace. "What do you girls think?"turning towards them as she spoke.

  "Why, I think it would be fine," added Helen, "and--"

  "But oh, Mrs. Van Vorst, it will destroy the grass on the lawn," spokeup Nathalie doubtfully, "for our cheer fires always leave a blackenedburnt place on the ground."

  "That will not make any difference," was the prompt rejoinder from thatlady. "Peter can rake it off and if necessary he can resod it. I shallonly be delighted if you young girls can use it, and the favor will allbe on my side--" her voice trembled slightly--"for it will give my littledaughter so much pleasure."

  "Oh, Nita! you are walking, you will fall and hurt yourself!" exclaimedNathalie excitedly, as she entered that young lady's room the Mondayafter the Flag Drill, and found her walking about with a coolness andease that she had never before seen her display.

  Nita broke into merry laughter at the look of dismay on her friend'sface. "Of course I'm walking, the doctor says I can, so there!" Therewas a triumphant toss of her head at Nathalie.

  "But you have never walked, that is not much since I have known you!"cried the puzzled girl.

  "And you thought I never could," replied the little lady independently."Well, you are wrong. I used to walk when I felt able, sometimes quite alittle. Then a crank of a doctor frightened Mamma to death by tellingher I should always lie on my back or side, and for years I have beennailed like a mast to a ship on that couch. But Dr. Morrow says if Ihave the strength I should walk, and that my strength will comegradually. Oh, who knows what I can do? Walk off this old hump, I hope!"

  "Oh, you dear thing!" cried Nathalie, rushing to her friend and givingher a squeeze. "Isn't that just the loveliest thing? What nice times wecan have after a while if you can walk, and Dr. Morrow, I always knew hewas a dear!"

  "There, don't squeeze me to bits, but tell me all the things that havehappened since the Flag Drill, and oh, Nathalie, your friends are dears.The one you call Grace is sweet, and the other one, why, she isn't sopretty, but she looks a good sort."

  "She is something more than a 'good sort,'" answered Nathalie swiftly,"she is a gem, she is so clever and sensible, and, oh, what a friend shehas proved to me! She has a wonderful way of helping you over the hardplaces. But there, I will tell you what Grace said about you, she saidyou were a sweet little cherub--and--"

  "Just arrived from angel land I suppose, with wings all sprouting,"ventured Nita sarcastically. "Well, she ought to see me when I'm mad.Cherub indeed! What did the other one say?"

  Nathalie hesitated; her face flushed, "Oh--why, she thought you were adear, but said you were a bit spoiled."

  Nita looked surprised for a minute; then her eyes flashed as she criedwith a defiant lift of her head. "Well, I guess if Miss Sensible had ahump to carry about that could never be taken off, no matter how ithurt, and had to be shut up behind walls with nothing to see or any oneto talk to, she'd be spoiled, too!" There was a quiver of the chin asthe red lips closed tightly in the effort not to cry.

  "Oh, you poor little thing, I should not have told you that, for really,Helen thought you were lovely!" Nathalie regretted with all her heartthe impulse that had prompted her to tell the truth to Nita. It seemedunkind but it was really spoken in the hope of doing her little friendgood.

  But Nita pushed her away, "Oh, don't pet me!" as Nathalie attempted tocaress her, "I was only teasing. Yes, I know I'm spoiled, but there, dotell me the news, for your face shows that you are just dying to tell mesomething worth the hearing."

  "Well, yes, I have _some_ news--that's slang, but O dear, it does mean somuch sometimes," laughed Nathalie as she and Nita seated themselves onthe couch. "Saturday we had a Pioneer Rally. Judge Benson, a friend ofDr. Morrow's from the city, gave us a talk on self-government. Heexplained the difference between natural, spiritual, and civic law. Healso explained the meaning of an ordinance, told us how justice wasadministered in the different courts, and how self-government, or thereform system is having its try-out in some of the prisons to-day. Hesays it bids fair to make criminals--men hardened in sin andcrime--respectable members of a community."

  "Self-government?" queried mystified Nita, "why, the Pioneers are notcitizens or criminals; you don't have to be governed!"

  "Yes, we do," asserted Nathalie stoutly, "and so does everybody. Civic,natural, and spiritual laws are all right, but back of those laws is thelaw of self-government, that is the something within each one of us thatmakes us what we want to be, that makes us control ourselves even whenwe are babies, when we get slapped for being naughty. If there was noself-government in the world--for it is the government of self when wemake ourselves obey the laws of God and man, when we cease evil and dothe right--why, if there was no self-government we would all be savageswithout law and order.

  "Judge Benson told us how self-government came to be used in the schoolsand prisons. Of course, as I said, we all have to govern ourselves in ameasure, but it is the applying of this self-government in a new waythat has done so much good.

  "A very good man, he said, took some waifs from the poor settlements inNew York to the country and tried to better them physically and morallyby teaching them to be good. But of course, they would do wicked thingsand have to be punished, and he became very much discouraged because thepunishments didn't seem to do them any permanent good. So he thought fora long time and then he formed a Junior Republic, made all the boys andgirls citizens, and then told them to appoint their own officials, thatis, their own lawyers, judges, officers, and so on. Then when any ofthem did wrong they were haled into court and tried by their owncomrades. Of course, they all became so interested in this new system ofpunishing--for you see, they all had a part in it--that they becamewonderfully good. You see, the boys and girls had to learn to controlthemselves, for of course, they not only wanted to stand high in thecourt and be lawyers and judges themselves, but they did not like to becorrected and called down--that's what the judge said--by their owncomrades. This venture at making boys and girls learn to controlthemselves not only taught them self-denial, self-repression,self-development, and the difference between right and wrong, and theirduty to themselves as well as to their companions, but it was the meansof introducing the same system into the public schools, and in time intothe prisons."

  "Yes, but I don't understand how it interests you girls."

  "Why, Mrs. Morrow read so much about self-government and the good it didthat she introduced it into the Pioneer organizatio
n, and it has workedwonderfully well there, Mrs. Morrow claims. Instead of a court we have asenate, which is composed of two girls from each bird group, elected bythe girls. The Pioneers also elected a president, that's Helen, and avice-president, she's an Oriole girl and quite clever, too. Jessie Fordis the secretary, and Mrs. Morrow is the Advisory Judge and has thepower to veto any ruling of the president, but she never has as yet.

  "So you see what it does for the Pioneers, for if any member of theorganization breaks a law or does anything wrong she is brought beforethe Senate. Every Pioneer served with an indictment to appear before theSenate has, of course, the right to choose one of the girls as acounsel, and when there are two girls implicated they both choosecounsel. Then after the witnesses are all heard the lawyers sum up, andthe case goes to the Senate, who act as a jury and vote by ballot. Thecase can be appealed to the Advisory Judge; or an offender, by asking orshowing contrition, can have her sentence lightened. You don't know whatfun it is, and then it helps to make us govern ourselves and teaches uslaw, too, in a small way, of course."

  "Well, I wish they'd try to punish that hateful Sport for using youridea, and to think she got all the credit for it! Why--"

  "No, she didn't," laughed Nathalie with an odd little gleam in her eye,"for she was tried before the Senate Saturday."

  "Oh, Nathalie, you don't mean it! Oh, I'm so glad!" cried Nita clappingher hands delightedly. "I do hope she got her deserts, the deceitfulthing!"

  "Well, I am afraid she got all that was coming to her, as Dick said."Nathalie's bright face sobered. "Nita, I was awfully sorry for her. Itwas so humiliating to have to face that Senate, oh, the girls just hateto be brought before it. I had to tell as a witness, about losing theStunt, the librarian told of helping me get data and then helping me tolook for it, and then how she saw Edith pick it up as it fell from undera book on the table."

  "Do tell me what they did to her!" Nita bent forward in curiousexcitement as she spoke.

  "Poor thing! she had all her stars and badges of merit taken from her.Just think, she will have to begin all over again to win them! At firstit was voted that she would have to go back and be a third-class Pioneeragain, but I was so sorry that I pleaded for clemency, and so thesentence was lightened.

  "You see, there is an awful lot of good in Edith, and I am never againgoing to say anything against her, she has been punished enough. And oh,Nita, Dorothy at the Rally received her third-class badge, and Ireceived my badge for a second-class Pioneer. I'm going to work awfullyhard while at camp, so as to qualify as a first-class Pioneer. Butthere, it is getting late and we shall have to stop talking and take upour reading on the 'Pioneer Women of America.'"

  Nita nodded, and in a few moments the two girls were busily engaged;Nita listening with the keenest attention while Nathalie read about theDutch women who came from Holland and settled New York, little dreamingas she read that this lesson was to culminate in an event of the utmostimportance to the Girl Pioneers of Westport.


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