White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5)

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White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5) Page 23

by Autumn Jones Lake

  “Are you sure purple’s okay, Hope?” she asks.

  “Yes. I think we’ll go for jewel tones.”

  Mara’s dress is also one-shouldered, pleated a little different and in a peacock-teal color that looks so pretty with her reddish-gold hair.

  “What do you think?” Trinity asks. Lilly and I chuckle at her choice. It’s also one-shouldered, but sapphire blue.

  “I feel like odd-girl out,” Lilly jokes. Her dress has a high halter neck with a key hole cut out in the front, in crimson.

  “It’s beautiful, Trinity,” I assure her. Lilly and Mara agree. Heidi’s nowhere to be found.

  “Did she go back and change?” I ask Lilly who shrugs.

  Gloria points to the window. “She’s outside with the young man. Still in the dress, so I hope that’s the one she’s buying.”

  Oh jeez.

  Mara and Lilly don’t need to have the situation spelled out. “They’re so cute,” Mara whispers. “Older brother’s best friend. So romantic.” She giggles.

  “She has a boyfriend,” I answer dryly.

  Lilly snorts but keeps her thoughts to herself.

  “What are you thinking for shoes?” Trinity asks, saving me from being dragged into a conversation about Heidi’s love life.

  “Flats? I don’t want to break an ankle on my wedding day. The ground’s pretty uneven up there.”

  Trinity nods thoughtfully.

  “Cowboy boots would be super-cute with that dress, Hope,” Lilly says while eyeing me up and down. “Fancy ones.”

  “Oh, that’s a great idea,” Trinity chimes in. “Rock loves country music. Would probably surprise the hell out of him.”

  “He does?”

  Trinity nods. Interesting. How come I don’t know this about my man?

  Lilly wiggles her eyebrows at me. “Then after the wedding you can ride him like a rodeo girl.”

  “Must you always—”

  “Yes,” she cuts me off as she follows me back into the dressing rooms. Now that I finally have Lilly alone, I have to explain.

  “I finally read Sophie’s letter.”

  Lilly raises an eyebrow.

  “With everything that happened that night, I never—”

  “I assumed that’s what happened.”

  “Is she okay?”

  Lilly’s gaze darts away.

  “Lilly?” I prompt.

  “No. It’s been rough.”

  She must notice the guilty expression that slides over my face because she rushes to explain. “Not because of anything you did. I told her what happened. She understands why you haven’t contacted her.”

  A relieved breath wooshes out of me. Although part of me is a little embarrassed.

  “She can’t have visitors and only limited phone calls right now anyway. If you send mail, they’ll read it first.”

  “I’ll send her something.”

  Lilly nods and digs around in her purse for a notebook. She scribbles out the information and hands it over.

  “You’ve got a lot on your plate, Hope. Worry about getting Rock home and the wedding. She’s…she’ll be there a while.”

  I don’t get a chance to ask any follow-up questions. Trinity, throws the curtain open. “What’re you two doing? Hurry up.”

  She’s already back in her street clothes and has been conducting cowgirl boot research. “Check these out. They’d be perfect with the dress.”

  It’s hard to tell from the tiny photo on her cell phone, but the colors pop. “Those are cute.”

  “Double M off exit twelve carries them. Wanna hit them up next?”


  “Will you hate me if I can’t go?” Lilly asks.

  “Of course not.”

  Trinity snickers. “At least it’s a manlier store for Murphy.”

  We all have a much needed laugh.

  “Find a dress?” I ask as Murphy stomps into the clubhouse.

  “I hope you picked a blue one. It’s my favorite color on you,” Z adds. “Makes your eyes pop.”

  “I hate both of you,” Murphy bitches as he throws himself down next to me.

  Hope and Trinity walk in laughing.

  “Where’s Heidi?” Teller asks.

  Hope jerks her thumb over her shoulder. “Outside with Axel.”

  Murphy folds his arms over his chest, sinks down into the couch and closes his eyes. “I’m done for the day.”

  Hope and Trinity laugh at his misery. “I think we did push him beyond all appropriate manly-limits,” Hope says with false sincerity.

  “Yes. You did,” Murphy agrees without opening his eyes.

  Z smacks him. “You got to sit around watching hot chicks try on dresses, quit your bitching. Wrath and I did real work today.”

  Murphy opens one eye. “I assure you, listening to them yap about stick-on bras and halter-whatevers was not fun.”

  Hope blushes and laughs. “Sorry, Murphy.”

  “Is Heidi okay?” Teller asks.

  “Don’t worry, we didn’t corrupt your sister,” Trinity says.

  Teller snorts and sits back. “I’m more worried she talked you into buying her a bunch of shit she doesn’t need.”

  “Oh, no. Heidi’s not like that, Teller.” As much as Heidi gets on my nerves, I can’t help but love the way Hope’s taken to her.

  I lift my chin at Trinity. “Find a dress?”


  “Can I see it?”


  I raise an eyebrow at Hope. “I thought the groom couldn’t see the bride’s dress. Why can’t I see hers?”

  “We don’t have them yet. They needed some alterations,” she explains.

  “I’m not going back to pick them up,” Murphy informs us. “Just puttin’ it out there. Z can go, since he thinks it’s so much fun.”

  “Let’s hope it’s not necessary,” Hope says softly. “Any news?”

  I shake my head. “Nothing. Glassman called at five and said he hadn’t heard anything. I didn’t think it was worth bothering you with no news.”

  “Okay. Shit.” She chews on her bottom lip and stares at the clock over the television.

  “Did he say anything else?” Trinity asks.

  “Yeah, if he didn’t hear anything by eleven tomorrow, he’s going to file a writ? I don’t know what that is.”

  “Jesus Christ,” she mutters. “It’s an extraordinary measure. It should definitely move things along though. They’ll have to produce him in court either tomorrow or the next day. I hope Glassman’s going to file with a different judge. Shit.”

  Z sits up. “Is that bad, Hope?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know if Glassman just wants to make some noise, or he got back some negative information from the DA. I just don’t know. I can’t believe I was out dress-shopping all afternoon, I should have—”

  “Hope. Calm the fuck down,” Z snaps. Murphy, Teller and I all stare at him. He’s never short with her. “We’re paying Glassman a shit-ton of money to take care of this stuff for us. You told me yourself, he’s a prick, but he’s good at what he does, right?”


  “Then don’t beat yourself up anymore. Trust me, Rock will be much happier knowing you were doing wedding stuff, instead of moping around here with us.”

  She doesn’t look convinced, but at least she’s not hysterical. I tap her leg to get her attention. “I know you think it’s just silly stuff, but the fact that you haven’t given up on him and you’re still planning to marry him means a lot.”

  “Yeah, and if that’s not enough, that corset thingie you were talking about will definitely cheer him up,” Murphy jokes.

  Hope’s eyes widen, and then she breaks into a smile. “You ass.”

  They’re still chuckling over that when Trinity asks where Mariella is.

  “Upstairs. She hasn’t come down since you guys left.”

  “Shit. I should check on her.” Trinity turns to see if Hope’s coming, but she shakes her head.
  “What’s wrong?” Z asks, after Trinity’s gone.

  “Nothing. I know I make her uncomfortable, so I don’t want to keep bugging her.”

  Murphy points a finger at her. “You’re our First Lady. You bug whoever you want.”

  Hope snickers. “Thanks, Murphy.”

  The next morning, I’m woken up at seven by my phone. Next to me Trinity moans.

  “Shit, it’s Glassman. Hello?”

  “Oh. I was trying to get Hope. I’ve got so many damn numbers—”

  “Well, you got Wrath. What’s going on?”

  “He’s getting released today. Probably take a few hours to process him out. I’d say be there by ten just in case it goes quick.”

  Thank fuck.

  I get a few more details from him and hang up.

  “You better let Hope know,” Trinity says as she sits up and stretches.

  “I will.” I’m busy texting everyone to get their asses down here for church. “Need to call a meeting first.”


  I give her the side eye and she huffs at me. “She’s gonna want to come with us to pick him up and it’s not safe.”

  “Fine, whatever.”

  Almost everyone’s at the table when I get there. I don’t fuck around. “Rock’s getting out today. Glassman said be there at ten, but he didn’t know how long it would take to process Rock out. We gotta assume Vipers know about his release and might try something.”

  “Hope can’t go,” Z says.

  “No shit.”

  Teller pipes up. “Take two cars. Four of us and Bricks. Everyone else stay here to make sure the place and the girls are protected.”

  “Guess I better get Hope down here and let her know.”

  Z quirks an eyebrow. “She doesn’t know yet? Man, she’s gonna rip your nuts off for not telling her right away.”

  Fuckers all have a good laugh over that.

  Come down to war room.

  My heart thump, thump, thumps as soon as Wrath’s text sinks in. Something’s up. They had an emergency club meeting this morning and I’m scared to death I’m in for bad news.

  I scramble into a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and throw my hair into a messy knot before hurrying downstairs. Wrath, Z, Teller, Murphy and Dex are waiting at the table.

  “You can come in, Hope.” Wrath points to Rock’s chair. “Sit.”

  I’m shaking so hard, it takes a couple minutes to pull the heavy chair out. Z jumps up to pull it out for me. “Enjoy it now, Hope. It’s probably the last time we’ll invite you to the table.”

  Fear slices right through me and Z must realize I didn’t take his words as the joke he meant.

  “Hope, I’m teasing.”

  “Sit down, asshole,” Wrath growls at Z. He turns to me and his face softens. “Rock’s getting out this morning.”

  All the air rushes out of me, and I slump forward. “Oh, thank God.” Anger replaces my fear and I smack Wrath and Z, then glare at the rest of them since they’re out of smacking range. “Why didn’t you just say that instead of scaring me?”

  “Sorry. We weren’t trying to scare you,” Z explains.

  “What’s going on?”

  “We took a vote.”

  “On what?”

  “Who’s collecting Rock.”

  “Collecting. What the heck does that mean? Go get him and bring him home.”

  “We need you to stay here.”


  The guys share another look.

  “We thought you’d give us a hard time.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I shake my head. “Are you bringing his bike?”

  “What? No. This isn’t the movies, Hope. We’re worried about a fucking ambush.”

  My teeth sink into my bottom lip so hard I wince. “Then I guess you better be extra careful. Because if anything happens to him…” I don’t need to make threats. They know how I feel.

  Wrath grins and points at Murphy and Teller. “Go get ready.” He turns back to me. “Dex is staying here with you.”


  Dex gets up and leaves the table. “Call me if you need something, hon.”


  I move to get up as well, but Wrath puts his hand over mine. “Stay for a second.”

  My gaze shoots to Z and he nods, so I drop back down into Rock’s chair. “What’s wrong?” My heart’s pounding. What aren’t they telling me?

  Neither of them meet my eyes at first. Then Wrath turns his gaze on me. “Some guys in the life look at jail time as some twisted badge of honor—”

  “Rock’s not one of them,” I answer.

  Z speaks up. “No.”

  “Guys, I’m kind of anxious for him to get home. So can you get to the point?”

  Wrath rolls his eyes and Z cracks a smile. “What we’re trying to say is, don’t be surprised or get your feelings hurt if he wants to go for a ride when he gets back.” Wrath looks me in the eye. “Alone.”

  Honestly, that’s not a shock to me. “Okay.”

  “He’s dying to see you, sugar,” Z shrugs, “But you never know.”

  “Okay. Thank you for warning me.” I stand because I think this time we’re finished and I really am anxious for them to bring Rock home. “Is there anything else?”

  Wrath shakes his head. “No. We’re gonna go get your man.”

  “Okay. I’m going to, uh, pack a bag in case Rock wants me to go with him?” I hate how small and quivery my voice comes out. But Wrath’s face brightens.

  “That’s a great idea.” They follow me out of the war room. “Go ask Dex for some travel stuff. He’ll hook you up with a compression pack or two.”

  I have no idea what that is, but I don’t care. I’m so excited to see Rock, I can’t stand it. “Would you guys hurry up, please?”

  “Eager?” Z teases.

  “Don’t mess with me, Z.”

  His mouth curls into a smirk and I just know he’s got something dirty he wants to share but won’t because he doesn’t want to offend me.

  Wrath never worries about offending anyone and opens his mouth, but I cut him off. “Don’t you dare make a crack about me needing to get laid. I will kick both your asses.”

  The two of them shake with laughter.

  “Jerks. Get out of here.”

  Z’s still laughing at me.

  “Go ahead, Hope. We’ll be back before you know it,” Wrath says.

  “Thank you.”

  Butterflies zip and dance in my stomach. I’m so excited to see Rock I can barely breathe.

  “Good God, that woman’s a trip.” Z’s still laughing when we hit the road.

  “She took that better than I expected.”

  “What’d you tell her?” Murphy asks from the back seat. Teller and Bricks are in the SUV behind ours. I’m not sure why Murphy rode with us.

  I’m about to tell him to fuck off and mind his own business when Z answers for me.

  “Nothing bad, just that her ol’ man will probably wanna go for a ride when he gets back.”

  “Did you check the garage to see what I fixed up for them?” Murphy asks.

  I’ll give Murphy credit when he’s earned it. “Yeah. You did good.”

  “I hope she likes it.”

  I don’t laugh or tease him about why he’s seeking Hope’s approval so much. Christ, I must be growing up or something.

  As soon as we’re in Slater County, the atmosphere in the car shifts. Z’s more alert, watching everything. Murphy too. I’m keeping an eye on the rearview to make sure we haven’t picked up any admirers.

  “I’m gonna circle round once first,” I tell them. Z nods and keeps staring out the window. Downtown Slater is shady as fuck. Glassman instructed me to pick Rock up at the back entrance. Of course, there’s no parking allowed back there. Fuck it. I pull right up in front of the gate. We’re not leaving the vehicles and we sure as fuck ain’t staying long.

  I check the time. Nine forty-five. At least we’re ea

  “Glassman said be here by ten, but it might take longer.”

  “You watch the gate for him. Murphy and I will watch the area.”

  “Christ, I hope they’re not gonna make him wait even longer,” Murphy grumbles.

  Doesn’t matter how long we have to wait. I ain’t leaving without our prez.


  The process to get out of jail takes almost as long as it does to get in. I’m ready to strangle someone by the time the last chain-link gate slides open. The sight of the two black SUVs waiting at the curb keep me sane.

  Wrath’s waiting on the other side of the gate and pulls me into a bear hug, slapping the crap out of me in the process. After my time inside, I’m a little weird about anyone in my personal space. But it’s Wrath—he’s been up in my personal space since day one—so I know it’s a mix of genuine affection and shielding me in case someone decides to take a shot.

  A few quick strides and he’s shoving me into the front seat of my SUV. Couple seconds later we’re getting the fuck out of Slater County. I never want to set foot here again.

  I twist in my seat and find Murphy and Z in the back wearing matching happy grins.

  “Good to have you back, prez.”

  My smile’s tight. I’m thrilled to see my brothers on this side of the fence but also crazed from being caged in for so long.

  “Where’s Hope?”

  Wrath glances over. “Home.”

  “We didn’t know what to expect. Dex is at the clubhouse keeping an eye on things. No way were we bringing her down here,” Z explains.

  “No. That’s good.” That’s all I would have needed. Having her visit me in jail was humiliating enough. Coming to collect me? No. Not to mention, I don’t want her in Slater County either. “She okay?”

  “Yeah. She did good, Rock. Never gave us shit about following her everywhere,” Z says with a smirk.

  His comment turns my own mouth up. My gaze slides to Murphy. “You okay? Why so quiet?”

  “Nothin’. Glad you’re out, that’s all.” He gestures at Z and Wrath. “Two of them combined can’t replace you.” Murphy’s voice catches and he looks out the window.

  I reach back and slap his leg. “Thanks, brother.”

  “I’d be insulted, except he’s right,” Wrath says quietly.

  I turn my attention to him. “How’s Trinny?”


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