Beautifully Broken

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Beautifully Broken Page 5

by Kira Adams

  “What was that?” Lee asked, putting his ear to my mouth. His neck was irresistibly close and all I could smell was his intoxicating scent. A mix of his cologne and pure pheromones.

  Lee backed up again and began nibbling my right ear. Was it getting hot in here? Or was it just me…

  Thankfully he hadn’t messed with my deadly spot since he began his treacherous reign on my body. I would probably leave horny as hell—but a winner nonetheless.

  I wondered if Lee was finding any pleasure at all from his torture raid on me and my body—but I could tell from his smile and chuckles that he was enjoying himself far too much.

  “Still don’t want to kiss me?” Lee puckered his lips animatedly.

  “Eww! I’d rather kiss a frog!” I made a stink face, pulling away from him, half-heartedly.

  “Now you’re asking for it!” Lee squealed, heading straight for my neck. At first he was simply trailing it with his breath, close enough to drive me wild, yet not touching me. My whole body stiffened; my senses heightened. It was like he had found the jackpot. Winner winner, chicken dinner.

  He didn’t waste any time trailing it with his fingers lightly in amazement how my body twitched and jerked from the simple touch.

  He pressed his lips to my neck and I melted into him, breathing increasing, eyes fluttering shut.

  I moaned loudly as his tongue slid up and down the base of my neck—my whole body was shuddering, my heart rate was off the charts, and my breathing almost to hyperventilating. I wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on mine again. To feel the roughness they had—the passion.

  Then I felt his warm breath on my ear again. “You’re crazy Jacqueline.”

  I looked at him with fire in his eyes.

  “Straight up nut job,” he smiled.

  I sat up straighter, getting more heated by the moment.

  “But that’s what makes you so damn irresistible.” He ran his finger across my lips slowly, delicately, licking his own at the same time. He was staring at my lips—I was transfixed upon his.


  I guess this means I lost.

  Ten – A Dangerous Rendezvous


  I don’t know what overcame me. There was something about her. Her feistiness was sexy as hell. I could already tell there was going to be passion—off the charts. Jacqueline was going to keep me on my toes. And I was down for all of it.

  She was sitting there, eyes closed, waiting for our lips to meet—but she was stubborn. Not wanting to admit she lost. Our lips were seconds from touching, but I had no plans on leaning in. I was going to have her eating out of the palm of my hand. Maybe I could win Jacqueline’s heart in the process.

  I could feel her tender breath on my lips as I ran my fingers gently through her blond hair. I rubbed the bottom of her ear softly.

  I could feel her shaking and stirring against my touch. It couldn’t be much longer until she surrendered to the inevitable closeness.

  “Lee,” she whispered seductively and the way my name rolled off her tongue had all the blood rushing to my member.

  I wasn’t sure who made the first move—but our lips were suddenly entangled with one another’s, her tongue searching my mouth eagerly.

  I heard her moan softly as I tugged on her hair. Our lips were brushing against each other’s with urgency. I had my hand tangled in her hair, cupping her face as we went.

  She broke off the kiss breathlessly, “whoa.”

  Whoa was right. She was a phenomenal kisser. She had taken me by complete surprise. I only had one thing on my mind—I was a guy, could you blame me?

  I reached over her and unbuckled her seatbelt, pulling the lever to lay her chair back.

  “What are you doing?” She asked, still taken aback by my advances.

  “Shh.” I put my finger on her lip to silence her. Then ran it slowly across the bottom of her lip.

  She wasn’t expecting it when I climbed on top of her, straddling her. I had one hand cupping her face and the other was entangled within her golden locks. I could feel her pressing into me—into my kisses. She was thrusting her hips towards me, as I was into her.

  The passion was increasing by the moment. It was mere moments before her peacoat was ripped off and her tank underneath was pulled over her head. She was left in her bra and leggings. I worried a little that she would be cold, being that it was December, and with the temperatures outside in the low thirties. But there was so much heat emanating off the both of us, we had fogged up all the windows.

  She had a lacy zebra print bra and she couldn’t have had bigger than size B breasts, but they looked perfect for her size.

  I moved my lips from her ear to her neck, which sent her into a round of shivers. It was obvious to anyone that her neck was a spot that could drive her over the edge.

  I spent a few minutes torturing her right along her neck and shoulder bones before switching my attention to her chest. I quickly pressed my lips to the part of her breasts that were exposed.

  It wasn’t long before I had swiftly removed her bra. I took her breast into my mouth, kissing, sucking, and tugging on the nipple softly.

  Her moans only grew louder; the blood had rushed all the way to little Lee and he was completely erect through my blue jeans.

  It was probably just my imagination, but Jacqueline seemed to press into me closer, rougher. Our thrusting into one another was now completely in sync.

  She was shivering and I wasn’t sure if it was from the cold outside or the passion. Her breathing had deepened with mine and I wasn’t sure I would be able to stop myself. That was until I heard the loud rapping on the driver’s side window.

  “Police, open up!”

  “License and registration please,” the dark haired police officer drones.

  I glance up at her, taking in the way her brown eyes compliment her blue uniform. “Sure thing Officer,” I answer as I open up the glove box and pull out said registration. I pull my license out of my wallet as well, handing her both pieces. “Can I ask why you pulled me over?”

  She stares back at me, annoyed. “Reckless driving, speeding, and your back taillight is out.”

  I sigh dramatically. “I promise I will slow down from now on and go get my light fixed, how about a warning this time?” I flash her my award winning smile. The same one that has gotten me out of trouble so many times.

  She points her flashlight to the inside of my car. I wince knowing full well there are open containers of beer lying around that she is bound to see.

  “Sir, have you been drinking tonight?”

  I chuckle at the thought of me being called sir. Okay, okay, I’ll admit it—I’m a little drunk—but I am maintaining it swimmingly if you ask me. I shake my head as if to say no. “You can call me Lee.”

  “Well Romeo, I’m going to need you to step out of the car please.” She eyes me down. She is shorter and petite. Her black hair cascades down her back, long and full, reaching her rear.

  I comply, staggering out of the car. Okay, I’ll admit it—I am a bit more wasted than I let on. I raise my hands in surrender as I close my door. “You want to get freaky with those handcuffs?”

  My charm is something that has always gotten me out of the worst predicaments. What can I say? I have women eating out of the palm of my hand—and even the sexy officer who pretends to be in shock by my suggestion—shows the slightest hint of intrigue behind her eyes. Yep, it’s definitely there.

  She recovers quickly enough—but I catch it and I know I am going to win. She puts me through the usual sobriety test before beginning to issue me a citation. She hands it to me and then proceeds to let me know she plans to tow my car.

  “You don’t want to do this…” I begin as she is tightening the handcuffs around my wrist.

  “And why is that?” She asks, giving me the in I so desperately need.

  “Because, how will I ever take you on a proper date if I’m locked up? Plus orange really isn’t my color.”

She blushes with a small smile. I almost have her…just a couple more small pushes and she is bound to be on me like white on rice.

  “What’s your name?” I ask, as she lowers my head down and helps me into her squad car.

  “Officer Dupointe.”

  I watch as she climbs into the driver’s seat and closes her door.

  “What’s your real name?” I ask, staring at her through the metal bars separating us.

  “Taryn.” Is all she says.

  “Have you ever been in love Taryn? I mean the heart racing, anxiety driven love?” She is backing up the car, on the way to the station.

  She nods, remaining mute. I thought so. I could tell she was broken from a mile away. “I was in love once…” I begin, making sure she is engaged in my story before I continue. I catch her eyes in the rearview and know she is in the process of falling under my spell. When I don’t immediately continue on with the story she interjects.

  “What happened?” There it was. I hooked her. It won’t be much longer before I have her hook, line, and sinker.

  “She died.”

  Her eyes glance up in the rearview with guilt. “I-I’m sorry…” she stammers. “What happened?”

  “Car accident,” I answer simply, staring out the window.

  Thinking about Taylor instantly puts me into a sad mood.

  Then, out of nowhere, I feel the squad car come to a stop. “What if we forget about this—this one time?”

  I can’t believe it…it worked.

  “Let me take you home. You can pick up your car tomorrow,” she says surprising me.

  I smile widely back at her. “Now you’re speaking my language…”

  Eleven – Guilty as Charged


  I was going to kill Lee—I was going to murder him and bury the body.

  It was surprisingly my first offense and I was let off with a fine. Lee was not as lucky—turns out he had a bit of a record—it only angered me more.

  Lee had some kind of charm—he had somehow manipulated his way out of a short jail stint with a few choice words and his killer smile. I had to admit—he had his ways. He was slapped with a fine like me and we were sent on our way.

  “So how about that for a first date?” Lee boasted as we drove away from the officer and the park.

  I was seething and couldn’t even see straight from the rage. My response was a fresh and strong glare in his direction. I knew if I opened up my mouth it wouldn’t be pretty.

  “Oh, I get it…you’re giving me the silent treatment,” he paused for effect. “I guess you’re entitled to that this one time.”

  I glanced over at him, unable to hide my shock—then back at the road—still silent. It was the calmest I had been in days—I was proud of myself.

  “Come on, at least admit it…you had fun,” Lee whispered, a hint of playfulness dancing behind his eyes.

  I tried to fight my smile…but I couldn’t help it—if this was the way things were beginning, I could only imagine the rest of his trip.

  “See? I knew it!” I wanted to slap the smirk right off his face. This was not what I had signed up for.

  “Which hotel are you staying at?” The coolness and indifference in my voice could shatter mirrors.

  “So it’s going to be like that?” Lee replied in a surprised tone.

  “Like what? You almost got us arrested back there…next I’m sure my actual life will be in danger.” I didn’t bother tearing my eyes off the road that time.

  “Oh, come on—Parker always made you seem like such a risk taker,” Lee said playfully.

  The mention of Parker’s name had me going through a whirlwind of emotions.

  “You spoke to Parker about me?” I tried to mask the nervousness in my voice. I hadn’t taken the necessary time to mourn his absence in my life and wasn’t prepared for this.

  Too late. Lee’s voice sounded dejected. Suddenly, I was kicking myself mentally in the face. I hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings. But the fact that he was disappointed at all had to mean something right?

  “Yeah, Parker has brought you up a couple of times…” Lee trailed off.

  I continued my façade, “oh yeah? Wonder why…” I tried to sound disinterested.

  Lee didn’t seem to buy it at all. In fact, the couple of times I had stolen glances in his direction, he looked mildly annoyed—staring out the window. “Saddlecreek Inn,” he said suddenly.

  “Huh?” I found myself asking, my mind still hazy with thoughts of Parker and what if’s.

  “That’s where I’m staying—can you drop me off?”


  I was transparent and guilty. “I’m sorry,” I stammered.

  “No, I totally get it—the wound is still fresh. I’m battling a fresh one myself.” He smiled lightly back at me, sadness in his eyes.

  Now that I finally knew our destination, I found myself taking the long route there.

  The route completely out of the way, just to spend a bit more time with him—to clear some of my conscience.

  “I forgot how Maddy had kept you in the dark for so long,” I said softly. “I’m sorry she did that to you.”

  “Kept me in the dark?” Lee asked, incredulously. “More like toyed with my emotions—held me by a string, just to cut me loose when she was done with me…”

  I had been attempting to smooth things over, but it appeared as though I was just making things worse.

  “How much has Maddy told you about me?” I asked.

  “That you were blond, cute, and sweet. And that I should get to know you,” Lee responded, his body language telling me he was more engaged.

  “She didn’t tell you anything about my history with Parker?” I glanced over at him just in time to see him shaking his head no.

  “We’re going to have a lot to talk about over these next few days…” I trailed off as I yet again dodged the street that went to his hotel.


  My heart is racing. S.O.S. is Parker and my emergency signal if anything terrible or unthinkable happens.

  We met in an online chat room about suicide—I helped him get through and past his brother’s death. In turn it has really brought us close.

  We have only been talking for a little over a month now, but it is so unlike Parker to miss a day talking to me. I usually receive a handful of messages all throughout the day, every day.

  He is what I look forward to. I don’t have internet at my current foster house—so I go to the library for close to four hours every school day. It really is my only means of communication, besides a few phone calls here and there via payphone.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ I type in response; dying of anticipation.

  ‘Tonight is not a good night for me,’ Parker replies almost instantaneously—my heart rate finally slows.

  ‘Don’t do anything stupid. You remember how unfair life was after Bo made his selfish choice.’

  It isn’t really like Parker to do something reckless. He is a goody-goody, always trying to please everyone.

  After waiting close to ten minutes for a response, I decide to add something else. ‘You can talk to me about anything…you should know that by now.’

  ‘I know.’ His response comes fast and quick. ‘Why did he have to do it?’

  He is referring to his brother Bo. He had committed suicide and Parker had found him. He had been spiraling ever since.

  ‘We’ll never know the true answer to that,’ I tip-toe around his question. ‘But he wouldn’t want you feeling this way. He would want to know you are happy and moving on.’

  ‘I just don’t know any more what there is to move on to.’

  I take in a deep breath before responding. ‘You have me. Move on to me.’

  ‘I am so thankful I met you.’ His sweet compliments always make me swoon.

  ‘Believe me Parker Grant, I think you’re going to help me more than I could ever dream of helping you.’

  Twelve – Bipolar Freakout

sp; Lee

  Even though I had been irritated by Jacqueline’s obvious feelings towards Parker, I knew how I felt about Madalynne…I knew how difficult it had been for me to get over her. I wasn’t even sure to be honest if I had tackled that feat yet. Plus, I was only in Montana for a few days and I intended to make the best out of my trip.


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