Promethean Shadows

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Promethean Shadows Page 21

by Patrick Jean-Jacques

  The Prodigal Son

  By the time Will’s plane touched down, it was late evening at Cambridge International. Much to his surprise, Samantha Hannah had taken it upon herself to meet him at the airport personally. She also made a point of driving Will back to his apartment, another fact that wasn’t lost on him.

  There was an obvious attraction between them but this wasn’t their moment. Will pushed open the apartment door and braced it with his leg. Then he looked back at Samantha Hannah and nodded appreciatively. She reciprocated and returned a warm smile before driving away.

  Exhausted, Will closed the door with his body and propped himself against it for a while. As he relaxed, his arms flopped down and his bags dropped to the floor. Will took a deep breath, looked around and allowed his eyes to become reacquaint with their surroundings.

  Will smiled pleasantly, as everything was exactly where it should be. When he saw the Wii controls on the coffee table, a look of dejection fell across his face. All the raw emotions of friends and loved ones lost came the surface. He walked over to the mantelpiece and looked at the pictures, especially the picture of his mother.

  By the time Will reached his bedroom, he was feeling overwhelmed, as he sat down and thought about Maya. He picked-up a six-by-four inch, silver-framed picture of them and stared at it tenderly. When he returned the picture to the bedside table, he saw a small gift box that had an envelope beneath it.

  Will examined the gift box curiously and then opened it carefully. His eyes widened and he stared gobsmacked by the object inside. Maya’s locket with the antiquated gilding gleamed proudly at him. He put the box aside and picked-up the envelope that was next to it and opened it.

  Inside the envelope was a short letter from Maya, which he read at least twice. If Will had never understood how much Maya loved him, he knew now. He examined the locket again and tried picturing it around her neck. As he placed the locket back inside its box, a teardrop fell abruptly on it and he squeezed the box tightly.

  It was late at night and there was a warmth in the air, as silence filled the apartment. The lights from the streets peeked through the blinds and stretched across the floor. Will had left his bedroom door open, a conscious decision after his recent experience inside the Chapelsfield freezer.

  Will was sound asleep, when a shadow flashed across his face and disturbed him. A pair of feet stepped lightly and quietly across the floor. Unexpectedly, some floorboards creaked and broke the tranquillity of the room. Will opened his eyes instantly, sat up and looked around.

  When he couldn’t see anything, Will rubbed his eyes and looked again. Satisfied his imagination had been playing tricks on him, he fell back onto his pillow. After staring quietly at the ceiling for a couple minutes, Will made his breathing deeper and slower. In minutes, his eyes closed and he was asleep.

  Suddenly, there was clanking sounds coming from the kitchen area. Will sat bolt upright and instantly jumped out of bed. He grabbed the nearest object that he could find, the thick extension of his snooker cue. Will twirled twice to psyche himself up and walked toward the kitchen.

  Quietly, Will stepped through his living room. As he did, he felt a breeze brush his face from the back door, which was unlocked. He stopped and checked the blind corners, of which they were few. Keeping his back to the wall, Will approached the kitchen and peered slowly around the doorway.

  The adrenaline made Will’s chest heave more rapidly. He begun to think he was getting paranoid and turned to go back to bed. Unexpectedly, a large pair of hands in black leather gloves gripped his throat tightly.

  The wooden extension fell out of Will’s hands and he gasped for breath. Desperately, he tried to prise the vice-like hands off his throat but his attacker was extremely strong. Worse, the invader’s familiarity with unarmed combat meant he was able to counteract Will’s every move.

  Unexpectedly, Will pushed his feet off the floor and propelled them backwards. As they crashed against the wall, he heard the distinctive groan of a male. Using a jujitsu technique, Will grabbed the man’s wrist, stepped away and flipped him onto the floor.

  The man fell onto floorboards hard, which made a cracking sound that echoed loudly across the room. Will followed through with a well-aimed kick to the stomach but the man, who wasn’t without skill, caught his leg and kicked away his other leg.

  By the time Will had hit the floor, the bigger man had already gotten to his feet. Still dazed, Will sprang up but backed away to give himself some respite. The two men squared off, neither able to see the other’s face in the darkness. Will tried to adjust his eyes, but all he could see was an outline in jeans and a leather jacket.

  He looked down at the man’s hand and saw a large silver blade glistening. Will looked up at the face concealed by shadow and understood this man intended to kill him. Instinctively, he grabbed books and anything else that he could and threw them but the man dodged them easily.

  In the second it took for the man to raise his blade, Will lunged at him rugby-style. With incredible speed, he slapped away the blade and they grappled again. As they fell to the floor, the man raised his knee into Will’s chin. Blood trickled from his mouth, where his teeth had cut into his gums.

  Will spat out the blood in his mouth and flew into a rage. He threw several punches at his opponent, two of which connected with the man’s face. Surprised by Will’s aggression, it took all the man’s strength to push him away. They got into another clinch and jostled, both trying to get the advantage.

  In one huge effort, the man used his physical advantage and tossed Will against the mantelpiece, sending everything flying. As Will laid on the floor stunned and exhausted, the man picked up his hunting knife and stood over menacingly over Will.

  “You fought well fella,” said the man, in between breaths. “You’re a lot tougher than yew look. I promise I’ll make this quick,” he added, in a clear American accent.

  Will peered through the slender gap in his bruised eye, as if he’d recognised something in the man’s voice. There was a deathly silence as the man held the jagged blade precariously over his chest. The man was about to thrust the blade downwards when Will recognised something familiar about him.

  “Billy,” uttered Will speculatively.

  Instinctively, Billy-Jo Johnson froze, although, he motioned uncertainly, as if he’d still drive the knife into Will. However, something had caught his eye. He saw several photos amid the broken frames strewn across the floor.

  In one picture, there was an eight-year-old boy, who Billy immediately recognised as Will. He was sandwiched between his parents, Alannah and Cameron Cox. In another picture, Billy saw Maya Walker lying on the grass. Behind her was the cliff’s edge and she was smiling in a carefree way. Billy looked at the picture fondly and then looked at Will in disbelief.

  The final picture that really jarred Billy Johnson was of the two young boys sitting by a creek. He glared at the picture and instantly recognised his eight-year-old self with Will back home in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

  Exhausted, he lowered himself to the floor beside Will. Billy’s face was pallid and he threw the knife away in disgust. Riddled with guilt, he looked down at the bloodied and bruised figure next to him and simply stared.

  “W-Will!” said Billy, confused.

  “Hey Beej” replied Will, as he smiled painfully and spat out blood again. “It’s been a while!”

  Both men were panting heavily, as Will laid back on the floor and stared at the ceiling relieved. Visibly shaken, Billy buried his head in his hands, horrified by how close he came to killing his friend.


  The atmosphere in the Will’s apartment was calmer. Filled with remorse, Billy helped to clean the flat, during which time neither man spoke. By the time, everything had returned to a semblance of its normal state, Will had made some coffee.

  Billy spent the next hour and a half filling the gaps. They hadn’t seen each other for nearly twenty years and there was a lot to cover. Will listened intentl
y as Billy described what his life was like when he’d left for England.

  As Billy talked, Will kept a composure that belied his true feelings. He was infuriated that his father had again, tried to cause more needless deaths. In this case, he’d sent his best friend and half-brother to kill him. The contempt bubbled away inside him, as he seethed at Cameron Cox, their father.

  When Billy finished, Will paused a moment then began to tell Billy his life story. Starting from the day he left Tahlequah, he covered everything that he’d experienced and done. Billy particularly enjoyed listening to Will’s stories about life in foster care and his education in a private English school.

  Although, Will’s adolescent years were different to Billy’s, he realised Will had missed him as much as he missed Will. Billy saw Will’s demeanour change when his story got to his time at Rowling College. It was the time when he experienced many defining moments, both personally and professionally.

  Will explained to Billy how he’d met Maya, stumbled on the Promethean organisation and almost died twice. When Will described how their father had tortured him and killed his friends, Billy felt ashamed. The horrific events of Chapelsfield and Maya’s own sacrifice compounded Billy’s guilt and made him feel responsible.

  “She’s died saving my ass Beej,” said Will sadly. “She understood the stakes and yet, put me before her.”

  After a long pause Billy spoke, “She was very sweet,” he said softly. He picked up the picture of Maya and confessed about their brief relationship. “It’s funny how our lives turned out,” he said.

  “Who’d have thought?” added Will.

  Billy fidgeted uncomfortably, “Cameron once showed us this crazy footage. These limey detectives were interviewing someone they’d liked for Etienne McDonald’s murder. Cameron tried to shield it from me and I couldn’t figure out why.”

  “Until now!” said Will.

  “Yes, until now!” Billy repeated. “I can see now that he was hiding you from me,” he added, looking directly at Will. “Ironically, it was Maya’s reaction that really gave it away but I would never have been able to put it together!”

  “How could you?” asked Will, retrospectively. “We hadn’t seen each other in years.”

  “Still, ah should’ve suspected something,” replied Billy guiltily. “Cameron sent me to kill my best friend, my brother and ah nearly did,” he said, rebuking himself before he paused. “Do you think he knew what he was asking me to do?”

  Will nodded. “He’s deceitful, merciless and cruel. He wouldn’t have a moment’s hesitation about throwing either of us under a bus, if it suited his ends,” declared Will. When he saw Billy’s crestfallen face, he promptly changed the subject. “By the way, I saw Ella-May yesterday,” he said casually.

  “You saw mom?” asked Billy, surprised.

  “She’s worried sick about you,” replied Will. “When was the last time you talked to her?”

  “A while,” said Billy, embarrassed.

  “She suspects you were with Cameron,” said Will. “You need to call her and let her know that you’re okay,” insisted Will.

  “I will,” said Billy, as he stifled his emotions. “Now whadda we do?” asked Billy, looking to Will for guidance.

  “We’ll make Cameron pay for what he’s done,” said Will assertively. “He will do his penance!”

  “I’m game,” replied Billy in redemptive mood. “What’s our play?”

  Before Will could reply, Billy’s phone erupted into a melody of tones that startled them both. He looked at the screen and saw Cameron’s face and name flashing but he didn’t answer it. Will saw the expression on Billy’s face and already guessed who was calling.

  “Cameron!” stated Will.

  Billy looked at him anxiously and continued to let the phone ring until it stopped. “He’ll call again,” said Billy. “What do I tell him?”

  “It’s probably best he thinks I’m dead Billy,” said Will ironically.

  Two minutes later, Billy’s phone erupted again in the same melody. Will and Billy glared at the phone and then at each other. Billy composed himself, touched the green icon on his Blackberry and pressed the loudspeaker icon. Cameron’s voice filled the air.

  Cameron hoped for news to the effect that Will, in the event he’d survived Chapelsfield, was now dead. Billy straight up lied and told him no one had returned to the apartment. Will looked on intently, as Billy talked to their father.

  He could hear the urgency in everything Cameron said, as though time was a factor. Will’s fears were confirmed when Cameron revealed that the op would go ahead in four days. Billy was to return to the mansion in the Malverns.

  “What’s happening in four days,” asked Will, after Billy hung up.

  Billy paced around for a few seconds, then stopped abruptly and turned to Will, “Cameron means to detonate a large EMP across the entire British Isles,” he said gravely. “He means to cripple Britain’s commercial, economic and social infrastructure.”

  “Why would he do that?” asked Will.

  “He wants to do it because he knows he can!” asserted Billy.

  “And how do you feel about that?” asked Will contentiously.

  “Not good… DAMNIT!” screamed Billy defensively. “I practically built the device,” he said softly. He rubbed his face in despair.

  “Don’t worry, brother,” said Will. “Together, you and me are going to stop him.”

  Billy looked at him, “Yeah, how are we gonna do that?” he asked hopelessly.

  The beginnings of a plan was already forming in Will’s head. First, he insisted they got some rest. He threw Billy a thick blanket and nodded towards the sofa.

  “Tomorrow, I’m going to introduce you to some friends of mine,” smiled Will.


  Later that morning, Billy heard Will chattering on his phone animatedly. After some breakfast, they left instantly. As they drove away, their destination remained a mystery to Billy but he didn’t take it personally. Will headed a few miles south beyond the city centre, until he reached a disused warehouse by the old Addenbrookes site.

  They waited outside the large door, until it squeaked and groaned opened. A pair of strong pinkish fingers protruded through a gap and pulled the doors further apart. After about two metres, a familiar face greeted them.

  “DI Hannah,” said Will pleasantly.

  “You know you can call me Sam,” replied the detective.

  Will simply blushed and scratched his cheek coyly, “Um, this is Billy Johnson,” he said. “He’s my… he’s my brother!”

  Billy looked at Will humbly before the penny dropped, “DI! You’re five-O?” he asked with trepidation.

  Samantha Hannah looked at Billy curiously and then corrected him, “In this country, we’re just the police,” she said. “But for the record, I’m a Detective Inspector.”

  Concerned about his position, Billy immediately turned to leave but Will stopped him. He reassured Billy the police were allies and their primary concern was bringing Cameron to justice. The truth was they couldn’t have gotten the job done without police support.

  Once Billy understood that, he relented. He looked Samantha Hannah up-and-down judiciously, “Apologies ma’am, forgive my reticence,” he said politely. “I trust my brother and he trusts you, that’s good enough for me.”

  Will felt mawkish when Billy called him brother but he kept the sentiment to himself. He was probably more amused at Samantha Hannah, when she blushed at Billy’s graciousness.

  “From what Will’s told me, you’ve already placed yourself at considerable risk just by being here,” she said. “However, I’m authorised to guarantee you that any credible intelligence, which leads to the capture of Cameron Cox will help. It’ll certainly put distance between you and our legal process,” smiled Samantha Hannah encouragingly.

  “That’s good to know ma’am,” replied Billy.

  “Detective Inspector’s fine or just Samantha,” replied Detective Hanna
h, whose face was still blushing red. Her police instincts suddenly kicked-in, as she started scanning the surrounding area. “Come on, let’s take the conversation inside,” she said warily.

  As soon as the door creaked shut behind them, Will and Billy heard Samantha Hannah giving commands firmly on her walkie-talkie. They also heard her despatch an Armed Response Team to a coded location.

  “What was that all about?” asked Will seriously.

  She wasn’t obliged to answer the question, but for reasons only known to her, was about to reply, “It’s…” began Samantha Hannah.

  “…Classified!” came a voice from the shadows, startling the three of them.

  “Billy, this is Detective Chief Inspector Don Limberg, my boss,” said Hannah.

  “We’re tasked with bringing Cameron Cox to justice, one way or the other,” explained DCI Limberg. “We recently received intel that his Promethean organisation were behind several terrorist acts dating back some thirty years,” he added, as he looked at his partner.

  “The Russians, Japanese and Mexicans are fighting for extradition rights,” said Samantha Hannah frankly. “Everybody wants a piece of him!”

  “And they’re not too bothered about authority,” said Limburg. “They’re all flexing their diplomatic muscles. So we only have a small window.”

  Encouraged by the information the detective had told them, Will and Billy smiled. They saw the turning point and the beginning of the end. All the pieces of Cameron’s demise were slotting into place. There was only one more thing required and that was a vital bit of information, which would serve as the catalyst for action.

  Will and Billy looked at each other, as though they’d had the same thought. They nodded at each other approvingly and Billy proceeded to describe everything he knew about Cameron’s plan in full detail.

  Billy explained how Cameron planned to detonate a massive EMP device that would cover the whole of the British Isles. He also gave the group first-hand technical information about the specs of the EMP device and their possible location. When he was finished, the detectives immediately busied themselves by organising and distributing their resources.


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