Kelly Exposed

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Kelly Exposed Page 8

by Viktor Redreich

  I looked so young, so broken.

  I turned on the sink faucet and grabbed a handful of paper towels, but there was only so much I could do. No matter how I scraped and scrubbed, some of the stains wouldn’t come off. I couldn’t do anything at all for my hair.

  The bathroom door knocked open and a cluster of other girls stepped in. They stopped in their tracks as a single unit and gaped at me.

  My pink, scrubbed cheeks went hot with shame.

  “Are you into WAM?”

  I blinked. “Huh? What’s wham?”

  The woman who spoke rolled her eyes. “Wet-and-messy. Some of those people like to roll in the mud. But I guess you’re just a pig.”

  Another fetish?

  I shoved past the group and ran into the hall. Laughter and cruel words followed me. I was probably going to have to get used to that. Or would I? I didn’t have to stay here. There would be a phone. I could call a taxi to come to get me out of here.

  I went back to the atrium and hesitated at the fork, wondering which direction would be better for me to head in. I desperately needed food and something to drink, but going to join the others seemed like willingly walking back into the trap.

  And then I heard it.

  Police sirens. They came from outside, echoing faintly across the valley. My breath caught in my throat. I veered away from the atrium and headed for the Great Hall. Once again, I was faced with a decision where I would be dissatisfied no matter what I did. And so I, once again, chose the lesser of the two evils.

  I didn’t want to face those police officers. I didn’t want to go back to the island at large and have to fight to leave. I could stay here in the school for a little while and go with the flow. Honestly, I was too tired to do anything else.

  Chapter 11

  Stripped down

  Despite Carly’s teasing, there was still plenty of food left on the tables in the cafeteria. Everyone else had already helped themselves while I was trying to tend to my appearance in the bathroom. I snatched up a plate and hurried down the rows, grabbing a bit of everything. And there was a bit of everything to be had. Marinated, almond-stuffed olives, hummus and bean dips with an assortment of chips and vegetables for dipping, lamb meatballs, vegetable fritters, spicy shrimp bites, pasta salad with peppers and feta cheese, and so many other things. It all blended together into an unidentifiable, delicious mountain on my plate.

  I found a seat at a chair close to one of the walls and ate. Cold radiated from a nearby vent, a delightful and welcome surprise that made my choice of seating seem all the better. The actual reason I’d picked the spot I had was because it put me close to several groups of students and professors. I told myself it was so I could listen and observe, but I just wanted to try and blend in if the cops came barging in through the doors like I was afraid they would.

  I didn’t stand much of a chance of that, though, if I was honest with myself. Even with the huge rips in my clothes, I was far more conservatively dressed than everyone else. The other women all wore clothes that would fit better on toddlers.

  I finished my first plate of food and got up to grab a drink. A group of other girls stood around the punch table. One of them flipped her hair and stared at me. “Well, if it isn’t Miss Prude, come down from her throne to mingle with the commoners.”

  I almost dropped the punch ladle. “Huh?”

  “Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. It’s bad enough to be ugly. You don’t have to be stupid, too.”

  The other girls laughed and nudged each other, enjoying themselves at my expense.

  The ringleader smirked. She was the most beautiful girl out of them all, so it was only natural they’d want her at their head. With her plump lips, deep gray eyes, and pronounced cheekbones, she seemed like a character who’d be more at home on the cover of a magazine.

  “Hey, wait,” I protested. “That’s not fair. I’m not a prude.”

  The ringleader raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. “You sure are dressed like one. I bet you’ve never shown off your ass a day in your life.”

  One of the other girls stepped to me. I looked at her, surprised, wondering if she was on my side. Instead, she grabbed my butt. I yelled and shoved away from her, knocking into the drinks table and sending punch splashing everywhere. This was so much worse than being pinched by some mindless insect; at least the praying mantis hadn’t known what part of me it was touching.

  “Sure is a nice ass,” the girl laughed, running back into the arms of her giggling friends. “It’s a shame you’re hiding it!”

  “I’m not hiding anything!” I felt dizzy.

  “She’s got some nice tits by the look of them, too.” The giggling girls nudged each other. One of them stepped forward with a look of determination on her face. I tried to dodge her. I bumped into another girl and then they both had their hands on my breasts, squeezing me and cupping me from below. My cheeks burned and my breath came fast at the terrible violation. I had never asked for something like this to happen. Why? Why me?

  The ringleader stood back with her arms folded and laughed at me. “Look at her squirming. She likes it!”

  I do not! No way!

  “What’s going on over here?”

  The two girls released me. I ducked behind my rescuer and stuck my hand up my shirt to fix my bra. They’d pushed it out of place and my breasts were bouncing free.

  The ringleader’s attitude changed. “Oh, Ms. Aurora!”

  My rescuer was the fetish teacher. The blood drained from my face. I backed away from her, from all of them, no longer caring about how thirsty I was. I’d drink from the ocean before I spent another second in their company.

  “You know,” the ringleader purred, sidling up to Ms. Aurora, “I haven’t had my backdoor cherry popped yet. I want to remedy that as soon as possible. Maybe you could give me a private tutoring session before we start classes so I won’t get behind.”

  “Maybe you won’t get behind, but I certainly will.” Ms. Aurora leaned her face close to the girl so their lips nearly touched.

  “Ms. Aurora!” A curvy ebony girl pushed between the two, vying for attention. “What’s your position on anal fisting?”

  Ms. Aurora laughed and cupped the student’s rear with her hand. “I think you should explore it as soon as possible, with great enthusiasm. If you approach it with a positive attitude, you’ll have a much better experience.”

  The girl blushed and wiggled her butt in the professor’s hand.

  Looking around, I saw that this behavior wasn’t rare. The other girls had found the professors they fancied the most and were rubbing up on them, groping them, doing whatever they wanted. The professors responded in kind and soon the Great Hall resembled the streets of the city, clustered with embracing couples. Some, like me, only watched, but even they were engaged in explicit conversations. I heard the word ‘slut’ being said so many times that it was starting to lose its edge, morphing into an ordinary word like ‘baseball.’

  Time passed in a blur and I could only sit there and let it, lest I draw more attention to myself. Massive arched windows showed the world beyond these lecherous walls cast first in gorgeous golden tones, and then darkness. Soft lights lined paths that must have led around the campus and perhaps to storage buildings, yet that darkness was far more terrifying than that I’d encountered in the jungle. Wild animals had no malice. These people … There was something wrong with them.

  Maybe I would have been better off with the police officers. At least there were fewer of them.

  “Excuse me, everyone.” Carly stood up on a chair, a beacon of fire in her red suit. “It’s getting to be very late. In about ten minutes, I’ll guide you all to the dorms where you’ll be staying. Please finish your food and find a stopping point for your activities and meet me by the door at the far end. Thank you!”

  I got up from my chair. Looking around, I noticed I was the only one who seemed to want to leave. Everyone else had gone back to their
so-called activities with a vengeance. They obviously didn’t want to be interrupted and were instead trying to finish before the time limit.

  I took advantage of their distractedness and made another attempt at the punch table. No one stopped me this time. I scooped up some of the drink into a foam cup and slurped it down. Warm and watery by now, from the melted ice, it nevertheless tasted like heaven. I filled my cup again and then a third time until my stomach felt bloated from the quantity of liquid and my thirst was finally, finally satisfied.

  Then I went to join Carly.

  “You’re punctual now?” she joked, alluding to what she thought was my tardiness earlier.

  I smiled uneasily, not sure what to say.

  An arm swung around my shoulders. The idol-looking girl with the mean attitude from before smirked down at me. “Miss Prude operates on her own schedule.”

  Carly laughed.

  I pushed the girl’s arm off my shoulder and she harrumphed at me. Before she could start going off at me, some others came over and she turned their attention to them. A crowd of dirty-mouthed students formed around myself and Carly as everyone exchanged information about their time hanging out with the professors. I tuned most of it out. I didn’t need to know about who had the biggest what.

  Carly reared up onto her tiptoes and looked around. “I see that we’re all here and ready to explore some more. Please follow closely. I wouldn’t want any of you to get lost.”

  I shuddered at the thought of getting lost again, yet not that long ago I’d been thinking about how I might be better off in the jungle. I had no idea what I wanted.

  Carly led the way out of the Great Hall and into the damp, warm night, showing us one of the paths of lights to a building. “Here are the women’s dorms,” she announced. “You all should all have received papers telling you which room you’re in. The luggage you brought with you earlier will be waiting for you. Try not to get the wrong room, not that it’s a big deal if you do.”

  This was another way I stood out. I hadn’t brought any luggage. I didn’t have anything telling me where to go. I bit my lip, watching everyone go off ahead of me and find where they belonged. I was going to have to make a fool of myself by going into the wrong room since there was no right room for me.

  I hung my head in shame. Carly looked sideways at me, singling me out. I made myself start walking just so it would seem like I was doing the right thing. I was so used to being a good student, the one who showed up on time and went the extra mile. I was the teacher’s pet. And now, since I had been on this island, I couldn’t do anything right. It was such a complete flip that it hurt me inside. I didn’t think my mother would recognize who I was right now.

  Peering around me at the other girls investigating their new rooms, I couldn’t help but notice how nice the living quarters were. Each room had a bronzy chandelier with dimmable bulbs. There were bunk beds in each room, but they were far from ordinary bunk beds, fashioned out of sturdy, carved wood. The windows were large and each room appeared to have its own thermometer and controllable air-conditioning unit. This had to cost so much to maintain. I had no idea where all the money could come from. Just who was this Zion, to be able to run a school like this?

  Someone pushed against me and I found myself standing in the doorway to one of the rooms. No one else had claimed it yet, I saw. It was as opulent as the others I’d glanced into, with two bunk beds, two plush sofas, a center table, multiple desks, and even a kitchenette complete with minifridge. The floor was hardwood, with plush carpeting at the very center.

  I prayed for a miracle. If no one else had taken this room yet, could it be mine alone?

  “Well, look who it is,” said a snide voice. “Miss Prude, gracing us with her presence once more. It seems we’re roomies.”

  I looked toward the voice, at the gray-eyed girl who’d been nothing but mean to me thus far. It seemed that trend would continue. I struggled to maintain my composure and held out my hand to her. “Actually, it’s Kelly. How do you do?”

  The girl rolled her eyes at me. She walked around my hand and to the back of her room, where she picked up a bag and swung it onto one of the top bunks, claiming it for herself.

  “I’m Priscilla!”

  I turned as one of the gray-eyed girl’s posse grabbed my hand. She shook it with a lot of energy, almost too much energy. She had her dark hair cut into a no-nonsense bob. Her short bangs let her bright green eyes shine on full display. Whereas the other, snippy girl had immediate sex appeal, Priscilla’s body was tighter and more muscular, pegging her as an athlete. Her manner was catching though, especially as she was the only other girl around my age who had been kind so far.

  Priscilla released my hand and beamed at me with open excitement. “It’s so nice to meet you. You’re so different from everyone else here. It’s going to be so interesting to hang out with you. Do you like running? We could go for a jog together sometime. Oh, you already met Blanche. Don’t worry about her. She’s always like this. And this is Caroline.”

  Priscilla swerved through her speech without taking a single breath. She waved her hand to indicate the last girl, Caroline, a redhead with glasses that made her eyes seem huge. She clasped her hands between her large breasts and flicked a shy smile at me.

  I smile back. “Hi.”

  Maybe this isn’t going to be as hard as I thought. Priscilla and Caroline seem nice.

  Priscilla pushed the door shut, making the decision for me about where I’d be spending the night. She flopped down on one of the sofas and looked up at me. “So, why are you so repressed?”

  I stared at her. “Excuse me?”

  She shrugged and lifted her hands. “Sorry, I had to ask. You aren’t like anyone else here like I already said. You must have some kind of story. So, were you raised in Amish country before breaking out? Maybe your father was a minister who dressed you in ankle-length robes until you reached eighteen. We were all trying to think up scenarios. If you say it’s the minister-daddy thing, I’ll get twenty bucks.”

  I stepped back, the hairs on the back of my neck rising. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at.”

  “Well, I am sure.” Priscilla stood up and grabbed my wrist. “No one gets as stuck up as you are without some sort of intervention. You heard Zion. Sluttiness is natural. So, what’s your deal?”

  “Let me go!” I demanded. Priscilla held me tight no matter how I jerked around. She was far stronger than me. I couldn’t get her grip to budge. Fright burst through me. I wasn’t safe anywhere, not even in a room with my peers.

  “I don’t think I will let you go,” Priscilla announced. She looked around as if imploring others to agree with her. “I like you, Kelly. We’re all going to be great friends here, so it’s our duty to help you embrace your slutty side. First, you have to face what’s got you repressing your whore nature. So, what is it?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  Priscilla pouted, then shrugged. “Whatever. I guess we’re going to have to do this the hard way.”

  I wracked my brains for an idea of something, anything that could be done to allow me to escape her clutches.

  Maybe I should give in and tell her about my life, and why I’m here. That’ll get her off my back.

  I opened my mouth, then thought better of it and clamped my lips shut. I couldn’t tell her anything about me. If there was a police bulletin out for me, she might recognize me and hand me over to the cops.

  Priscilla grabbed me by the bottom of my shirt and pulled. Hard. I screamed in shock and yanked back, away from her. One of the tears on my shirt split wide open, seams ripping, and then Priscilla was holding my shirt in her hand and I was topless.

  “Oh, god!” I cried, wrapping my arms around myself. That was my only shirt. I couldn’t run away now.

  Blanche leaped down from the top bunk bed and rushed me. She grabbed me in a bear hug. I was too shocked to either accept or push away. I felt her fingers working at my back and t
hen my bra loosened. Blanche pulled on the scrap of cloth. I grabbed for it but missed, and she got it away from me.

  My breasts bounced free. My nipples stiffened in the cool air. My breath caught in my throat, my heart pounding, my pulse ticking in my wrists.

  “Look at those jugs!” Blanche cried, pointing at me. She held up my bra like a trophy. “How tight was this thing to keep those hidden?”

  “Please,” I begged. Shame wracked my body and I started to sob. “Please, stop. I didn’t do anything to you. Caroline, help me!”

  Caroline hid her face in her hands, her cheeks glowing red. “They’re so pointy,” she muttered, giggling,

  I slapped my hands over my breasts, feeling the turgid peaks of my nipples pushing on my palms. “It’s cold in here!”

  “Yeah, so?” Priscilla challenged. She grabbed my hands and shoved them behind me against the wall. I squirmed, struggling uselessly. “Your heart’s racing. Can’t you feel the excitement building inside you? Making you sensitive and wet. You like it.”

  “No! I don’t!” My whole body was supercharged with nerves. I was very aware of my breasts, my tingling nipples, my womanhood—but only because I knew what they were after. Had they wanted to cut off my hand, I’d be obsessed with my hand. That was the only reason, the only explanation.

  Blanche rubbed her hands together. “Well, this has been such a pleasant surprise. I can’t wait to see the rest of you. Hold her down, Priscilla.”

  Priscilla grabbed me. The room spun around me and I found myself on my back. Blanche leaped on top of me, sitting on my stomach. I felt her femininity throbbing hot and moist against my skin. She shoved my pants down off my hips, my panties at the same time.

  Caroline came over, taking slow steps.


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