Kelly Exposed

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Kelly Exposed Page 19

by Viktor Redreich

  A part of me continued to resist, but that part grew smaller and smaller and was eventually quieted, fucked into oblivion. I couldn’t think or even think, all my words and thoughts coming out garbled as I continued to screw and be screwed.

  In the middle of yet another orgasm, I just started giggling, wondering if I was getting dumber just like the character I pretended to be. We were the clothes we wore, or something like that…

  No more thoughts after that. Just fucking.

  Chapter 25

  Slave to the feeling

  It took almost a full twenty-four hours for the hurricane to leave the island in peace. The last of the rain turned to a soft spritzing near afternoon then tapered off entirely.

  I, along with everyone else in the dorms, emerged from the building to peer around. The landscape had become alien overnight. The smooth fields of grass were torn to shreds as if by massive claws, muddy lakes drowning the greenery. The flowerbeds had become unrecognizable, flattened masses, and trees and poles and wires had fallen. The school itself had suffered a terrible amount of damage. I walked around the perimeter, with Caroline by my side, just surveying the chaos. Several windows had been shattered by tree limbs and flying stones, letting in the rain to flood the floors and ruin the carpets. Entire areas of roofing had unleashed their tiles onto the ground below like mountains releasing avalanches of snow. Everything was sodden, damp, caked with mud.

  Caroline and I came back around to the front of the dorms, where most were gathered.

  “How’s it look?” Priscilla asked, coming over and taking my hand in her big, callused one.

  I shook my head. “It looks bad but I think most of it’s cosmetic. Should be easy to repair, except for maybe replacing the carpeting in some places.”

  “The carpeting?” asked someone nearby.

  “Windows were broken,” Caroline explained.


  Murmurs of dissatisfaction rippled through the crowd. We loved the school, all of us. To see it in this dismal state ruined our moods.

  A few of the professors left, along with the visitors and staff who stayed with us. That left us with little to do and no direction. Some of the other girls wandered around and gathered up the fallen branches and twigs, clearing off the walking paths. I looked at Caroline, she nodded, and we joined in. The air was still very humid. Walking felt more like swimming. The sun was hot, but the wind was cold and carried infrequent gusts of rain that pelted down on us without warning. The hurricane might have gone, but its effects still lingered.

  “I’m happy to see everyone has already taken the initiative to work together,” a voice called out. Carly strode down to us from the top of a hill, sweat glistening on her shoulders and breasts. She wore a very skimpy tank top—all strap and no fabric—and a little skirt that revealed everything when the wind tugged at it.

  I looked over at the piles of gathered debris and my heart lifted.

  Carly clapped her hands together. “As I’m sure you all can tell, the weather’s still iffy. It will be a few days before classes can resume as normal. There’s a lot of work to be done. The work will go much faster if we all contribute. I’ll be in charge of organizing teams, so please come speak with me in the office after this so we can all coordinate properly.”

  Someone raised their hand. “What about the rest of the island?”

  “We fared about as well as anyone else,” Carly admitted. “There’s a lot of work to be done everywhere. It’s so rare for such storms to enter our calm waters that we’re really not prepared to handle this level of destruction. The roads will be terrible, and air and sea travel will be impossible for quite some time yet until the sea is calm and all is clear.”

  I bit the inside of my lip, wrangling with my disappointment.

  Caroline kissed my cheek. “Don’t fret, okay?”

  I smiled for her. “You’re sweet.”

  “Hey,” Priscilla interrupted, “let’s all go sign up to one of the clean-up groups. I need exercise or I’ll go crazy.”

  Caroline nodded. “It’s our duty.”

  Without the school, I might be dead from dehydration, jaguar attack, or any number of ailments. The people had taken me in, fed me, sheltered me, clothed me when they could have cast me out. They allowed me to become part of them. I owed it to them to pick up some more sticks. Alora wouldn’t be calling because there would be no flights; the call I’d received in the midst of the storm had turned out to be nothing, just spam from an unlisted telemarketer. I’d asked about the number and received confirmation about it from the other girls since the number hadn’t matched the format of a traditional private number.

  So I was fine. I told myself that, and I went with my friends to see Carly when she returned to her office.

  We were all assigned to a collection crew. We gathered up debris and sorted it into different piles for other teams to deal with according to type. There was a lot of debris. My thighs constantly ached.

  On the second day, roofers arrived. I was invited up to hold supplies and pass tools. The roofs being relatively flat, I was fine with it. Somehow, I wound up getting fucked while up there. The sharp edges of the unfinished tiles jabbed into my hip with every thrust, making my orgasm all the more powerful. My pussy tingled every time I thought of it afterward.

  My experience wasn’t abnormal. Though everyone pitched in to help, either with repairs or supplies or fetching meals for the groups of workers, each task took much longer than necessary because the men worked without shirts and the women wore short shorts. Abs and breasts and pussies were on constant display, which meant everyone was constantly distracted. It went without saying that more than one type of hammering took place.

  After nearly a week, the repairs were finished. That was to say, what could be accomplished by unskilled workers and human hands was finished. The carpeting and some parts of the roofing could only be done by professionals, and all the damage to the plants and trees required time to heal. But that didn’t mean we were finished working.

  Zion himself came out to the road that passed by the school, his skin gleaming in the sun. He summoned legions of all-terrain vehicles to ferry groups of us to nearby towns and houses to help clear the roads and unblock drains and repair fences.

  I climbed into a car and turned around to watch his receding form in the rear window, his silhouette as strong and powerful as any mountain. Even when I couldn’t see him any longer, I was reluctant to stop looking.

  The work was more difficult outside the school, especially in the jungle-thick areas. I didn’t mind, and I could tell no one else did either. It was its own reward to help, but it felt especially good because we all celebrated the hard days with relaxing nights filled with wine and food and fucking. The people we assisted were only too glad to fulfill all our desires.

  Slowly, ever so slowly, fewer of us had to go out each day. Eventually, Zion stopped summoning cars for us.

  Classes resumed.

  Life returned to the way it had been before the storm.

  And so did I.

  I went back to being a model student and excelled at all the tasks assigned to me. The professors and other students continued to adore me. They all even seemed to have forgotten my previous failures. That was fine with me. It was so much easier to be how I was now and dish out orgasms to males and females alike.

  I had so much sex I started finding it annoying to wear clothes. If I would be taken them off again so quickly, there was no point putting them on in the first place. I reasoned to myself that a good feminist would be comfortable with her body and, therefore, it was fine to wander around naked.

  One thing which didn’t go back to normal was Blanche’s attitude. She remained submissive to me, following me around like a puppy and begging for orgasms. It didn’t matter where we were, what we were doing, or if we were even in the same class. She would skip hers to come to mine and lavish attention upon me in front of everyone.

  The cafeteria, it seemed, was as
acceptable of a place for sex in her mind as anywhere else. Blanche crouched down in front of me after a fairly normal morning of classes and set her hands on my knees beseechingly.

  I put my sandwich down and looked at her. “What is it?”

  “Make me cum,” she pleaded, her voice sweet and soft.

  My pussy twinged. I decided to tease her a little. “I already made you cum twice earlier.”

  Blanche pressed her shapely thighs together and squirmed around. “It’s not enough! I need more! Please, Kelly. You were so busy with the storm clean-up and now you’re back to being busy with classes. I need more of you.”

  Simone paused while passing by. She looked at Blanche on her knees and handed me a banana from her lunch tray. “You might need this,” she laughed.

  I took the banana and set it on the table, right where Blanche could see. Her eyes grew round. “Are you going to fuck me with that?”

  “You have to do something for me first,” I said.


  “Suck my toes.”

  Blanche tossed her hair back. “You aren’t into feet stuff. I know that.”

  “I know. But I also know you aren’t, either.” I crossed my arms and leaned back, wiggling my toes around in the air. “You have to prove you want it by doing something you don’t want.”

  Blanche lunged and grabbed my foot in both hands. I squealed in shock and squealed again with even more surprise as her warm, wet mouth engulfed my big toe. She started sucking with vigor, still holding my foot tight. I started to tug away from her but then I heard the laughter. Other students were pointing and laughing at Blanche as she sucked and licked my toes. She was like a funny dog up to some nonsense antics. She never would have let herself be treated like this before but now her eyes were glued to mine, pride shining in them as she showed me the humiliation she would gladly go through just to please me.

  I pulled on some of her hair and lifted her head. “That’s enough,” I said. “Get up on the table. Crawl, like a dog.”

  Blanche climbed up on her hands and knees, mounting the table. I unpeeled the banana and took a little bite from the end, slowly chewing and licking my lips. She squirmed around while watching me, her pussy dripping wet.

  “You want some of this?” I asked, unpeeling the banana the rest of the way. I wiggled it in the air and her head jerked around to keep it in view.

  “Fuck me,” Blanche begged.

  I turned the banana around so the uneaten tip pointed between her legs. I slid it inside her pussy and started to fuck her with it. The banana was a soaked and slippery thing pumping in and out of her. Her pussy muscles clenched with her orgasm, squishing the banana and making a sweet, sticky mess drip out of her along with her feminine juices. She started to get up but I wasn’t done. I pushed her back down with a hand on her shoulder and shoved the rest of the banana inside her, stuffing her pussy full of gooey fruit.

  Caroline appeared at my side with a tap on my shoulder. “Can I?” she asked shyly. “I love banana.”

  Everyone in the cafeteria leaned forward to see what I would do. I was the one punishing Blanche. I could put Caroline in her place, too.

  But, I loved Caroline. I wasn’t in love with her, but I loved her softness and sweetness. The way she looked at me melted my heart, so I took her hand and helped her climb up onto the table with Blanche. Everyone watched as sweet, submissive Caroline took complete control of the formerly-dominant popular girl, fucking her with her tongue and devouring her banana-cum.

  I rubbed Caroline’s ass as it wagged in the air and when she came, I did too, without even touching myself.

  That earned me a wave of applause and praise from the other students. Cumming without playing with myself even a little was a major achievement. It meant my pussy was so extremely sensitive that just watching could get me off. It led to a cafeteria-wide orgy as everyone tried their best to make me orgasm again.

  I didn’t recall exactly what I did or said to get out of there. I hurried back to my dorm and slammed and locked the door behind me, and collapsed back against it with a huge sigh. I leaned my head on the door and muttered to myself, “How did Blanche do it?”

  Being popular was absolutely exhausting. I would rather be popular than go back to being the terrible, awkward student no one liked, but sometimes I needed alone time.

  Maybe that’s why Zion leaves the island. He’s not on business, he’s taking a break?

  I scolded myself. A man like him wouldn’t need breaks.

  I pushed away from the door and headed to my bulk. My roommates had classes while I did not for the rest of the day. I’d take a nap, recover some strength. I’d feel more willing to take on some of the wild sexual requests thrown my way in the cafeteria.

  I set my hand down on the mattress and started to sink down onto it. A peculiar musical tone stopped me in an awkward, twisted position that hurt my spine. There could be no mistaking that sound, not when I’d heard it before.

  The phone was ringing.

  My breath stuck in my throat and my heart skipped several beats, a complex rhythm that would have made Beethoven jealous. I stumbled to my knees and reached under the bed, grabbing the phone. I opened it and saw Alora’s name on the screen. My stutter heart found its footing and began to race like no tomorrow. This was no false alarm. Alora was calling. All I had to do was answer the phone and I would hear what to do to be free of this school and this island.

  All I had to do …

  I tried to move my arm but I had turned to stone at some point. My chest felt like a weight had been dropped on it and so many emotions rose inside of me all at once that I had no hope of identifying any of them.

  I had no idea how long passed while I stood there, but a small voice inside me spoke up. As when I heard the phone ringing during the storm, the quietness of the voice was what enabled me to focus on it.

  This is not a drill. It’s time to go. Make it happen, Kelly. It’s time to go back.

  I listened to the only voice I could identify out of the din.

  I had to actively move each limb, forcing my body to behave in a normal manner. I sat on the bed and accepted the call, lifting the phone to my ear.


  “Kelly! Thank goodness,” Alora gushed. Her haughty attitude from before was nowhere to be found, maybe since I hadn’t interrupted her in the middle of something important. “I was starting to worry. I’ve been calling off and on all day.”

  I said nothing. Telling her I had the phone hidden would raise questions I wasn’t ready to answer.

  “To be honest,” she said, “I thought you would try to get in touch with me on your own as soon as the storm passed.”

  That, I could explain. “Since I’ve been here and learned so much, I’ve been participating in the clean-up efforts.”

  “Oh.” She sounded surprised. “That’s very thoughtful of you! Thanks to people such as yourself, things are almost back to normal here. And as your reward, you can leave whenever you like. I’ve spoken with Donovan and he can fly you out starting the day after tomorrow. Of course, you can stay longer, but you seemed so eager to leave.”

  Why didn’t I try calling her sooner?

  I’d been having such a good time. I’d been busy. I didn’t want to bother her.

  Excuses, all of them.

  I had willed myself to think about it as little as possible, and that was exactly why I needed to hightail it out of here.

  My stomach twisted into conflicted knots. My chaotic emotions swelled in intensity. I couldn’t hear myself think. I closed my eyes and focused on speaking, the shapes my lips made to form words.

  “I need to go home. My mom will be worried sick.”

  “I know my own mother was terrified for me the whole time I was away from Anwak,” Alora sympathized. “Let’s get you home, dear.”

  We made plans to meet in two days.

  I hung up, left my dorm, and went to find Jamie. We fucked out in the garden, over and over
and over, until I was too exhausted to think.

  Chapter 26

  What more do you need?

  On the day I was supposed to meet up with Alora, I stuck to my normal routine to keep from arousing suspicion. I fucked with a horny Priscilla, showered, dressed lightly, and grabbed a doughnut from the dining hall on my way to my first class, Masturbation 101 with Mr. Midge. I stuck to my perfect student persona and aced an exam in front of the rest of the class. In a sexual variation of the open-book test, I could bring any object with me and use it to get myself off. To pass, I had to do it in less than five minutes.

  Like a good girl, I came prepared. I had a curling wand I turned on while getting ready for the day. It was still warm during class, so it stimulated a cock quite nicely.

  I got up on Mr. Midge’s desk and fucked myself with it, really ramming it in, and fingered my clit at the same time. I relaxed my pussy muscles as much as I could while the warm, smooth wand glided in and out of me, trying to take the whole length. The strain of being stretched added to my pleasure and I came hard in four minutes and thirteen seconds.

  My performance made everyone else in the class horny. There wasn’t a single girl who didn’t pass their exam.

  I snuck away from campus afterward. That was my only class for the morning, thanks to my lax beginner’s schedule. Most of the other students and professors were occupied still, so no one saw me leaving.

  I used some of my precious phone minutes to call a taxi service and summoned a ride. I sat in the shade of a palm tree while waiting. It didn’t take long. Fifteen minutes and a taxi car appeared down at the end of the road. The taxi stopped in a very interesting spot, right around where I had paid Phoenix with sex. I shrugged off the coincidence and headed over. I let myself in on the passenger side.

  “Holy shit,” the driver said. “It really is you.”

  “Phoenix?” I exclaimed.

  He laughed and threw his arm around my shoulders. “It must be fate!”


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