Bent to His Will: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Bent to His Will: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 3

by Piper Stone

  The first swirl of his tongue on my clit was numbing, the second forcing my heartbeat into overdrive. I concentrated on the thudding drumbeat of the music as he licked and nipped my tender tissue, taking my clit into his mouth and sucking. Within seconds, I was thrown into a cesspool of murky water, forced to realize I was actually enjoying the way he ravaged me. With every swipe of his tongue, every tease of his long fingers, I was thrown into another place, surreal and beautiful.

  “You’re hot and wet, Valentina, and oh, so sweet.” His words filtered into my ears much like his exotic cologne embroiled my senses, becoming more intoxicating as the seconds passed. Stretching out my arms, I wrapped my fingers around the edge of the table, taking deep breaths.

  There was nothing more embarrassing, a tumble of guilt clashing with the reason I was here. As he slipped one then two more fingers past my swollen folds, I couldn’t fight the whimpers threatening to give me away.

  The horrible woman deep inside was actually enjoying this. The shock, the rush of adrenaline, and the excitement of being put on display were almost too much to bear. I was over-sensitized, my pussy leaking, trickles sliding along my thighs. All I could think about was leaving a pool on the table after I was gone.

  After I ran away to hide.

  I bit back a nervous laugh, an exaggerated breath escaping my lips. His guttural growls and savage noises only added to the humiliation, especially hearing the subtle yet powerful whispers provided by observers.

  “That’s the way to handle a woman.”

  “Makes me thirsty as hell.”

  “It’s time to select a pet of my own for the night.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. There were no words, no comeback that was worth facing another moment of Gregory’s wrath. I could only imagine what he did to those who truly crossed him.

  “Boss, I hate to bother you but there is a guest who is asking to speak with you.”

  The voice was foreign, holding no surprise at the sight in front of him.

  Gregory growled again, lifting his head. “Tell them I’ll be there in a few minutes. If they can’t wait, ask them to leave.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Robert. Please bring me the strap from my office.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  Strap. Was he going to tie me down, to display me for hours?

  This was crazy, the very moment when I’d lost my mind, yet the pleasure was building, pushing me into a frenzy. I took shallow breaths, opening my eyes to watch him. He was like an artist, his fingers bringing me close to an orgasm then backing off. His tongue driving me to the point of complete bliss then slowing down. I wanted to shut down my mind, to pretend as if this meant absolutely nothing and he would never have any effect on me.

  But I’d be lying.

  He buried his tongue deep inside, a perfect orchestration with his fingers as he drove me to a heightened level of pleasure.

  When I was close to coming, I bit back a moan, clenching the table in an effort to keep from reacting. The music was almost tribal, the heavy beat matching the skipping of my heart. Everything was a blur, my mind reeling as the lights pulsed in circles all around me. No. No. I couldn’t let go. This wasn’t me. This wasn’t...

  Gregory chuckled then rubbed his lips against my leg before standing. He leaned over, pulling one arm over my head then the other, clasping both wrists together in his massive hand. “Now, what you’re going to learn the longer you work for me is that I enjoy giving rewards to good girls who follow the rules. But the bad ones, they end up in my dungeon. The lesson I’m teaching you today is a mere taste of what you will receive. I suggest you keep that in mind.”

  He flipped me over, his hand still firmly wrapped around my wrists. As he yanked the dress up to my waist, I finally realized what he was going to do.

  “Here you are, sir.” The voice of the waiter registered in my mind. The strap.

  He was going to spank me. Wait. Wait a fucking minute.

  “What are you doing?” I demanded, instantly regretting even opening my mouth.

  “That will cost you, Valentina. When you are disciplined, there is no more time to ask any questions. You accepted your fate. Now, you must follow through. Consequences are inevitable.” Gregory’s voice washed down over me, the warm husk from before now doing nothing to calm my nerves.

  I pressed my face against the cool surface, trying to keep my composure. No one had ever spanked me in my life. This was horrific. I couldn’t imagine this kind of punishment still existed. I was aware the second he brought the strap down, the slight whooshing sound heard even over the music.

  Or maybe I was imagining the entire thing.

  Struggling, I felt no pain even as the thick leather connected with my bottom a second and third time. I knew I was whimpering like a bad little girl, blinking in order to keep the tears of frustration away.

  I succeeded until several more were issued, the sting turning into a painful burn as it shot down the backs of my legs. I fought with his hold, a single tear finally slipping past my lashes until he dropped the strap by my face, fisting my hair.

  Growling, he leaned over until his lips were centimeters from my ear. “While I understand this must be difficult for you to accept, I suggest you try. If not, I will have no issue making a further example out of you, including forcing you to perform naked in front of the entire audience. I don’t think you want that to happen. Am I wrong?”

  “No, sir,” I managed, biting back all the nasty things I wanted to say to him, the raunchy references I wanted to point out. Asshole. Bastard. Prick. Son of a bitch. And there were a hell of a lot more names where those came from.

  “Excellent. Then I think you’re beginning to understand that I am in charge here.” Gregory let go of my hair, brushing his fingers down my back before grabbing the strap.

  When it was brought down again, I kept my mouth shut, forced my body to shut down. The fucker wasn’t going to get a single additional reaction out of me. Fuck him. Fuck this job.

  Fuck being undercover.

  I lost count of how many strikes he delivered, but my bottom was sore and aching, red-hot heat crushing down on every cell and molecule in my body. I didn’t get paid enough for this shit.

  He rubbed his hand from one side of my buttocks to the other, his touch surprisingly gentle. “You’ve had enough. I think you understand the corporate realm at Club Darkness well enough.”

  I was lightheaded as he let go of my hands, even helping me into a standing position. When he pulled me against his muscular chest, I wanted to fight just to get away from him, but I remained exactly where I was standing.

  Gregory ran his fingers down my arm, the action sensuous, a lover’s touch. Stiffening, I heard his exasperated sigh before he turned me to face him. His face held no expression, but his eyes held a hint of amusement.

  If only I had my service weapon with me. I’d shoot out those dark and dangerous eyes in a dead-ass heartbeat.

  “Valentina, I think you should go home and think about whether you want to work in this organization.”

  “I already told you that I do,” I retorted, my voice barely audible. I felt like I was floating, unable to feel my legs.

  A slight look of distaste crossed his face. I could tell he was mulling over his words. “Here’s the truth, Valentina, and you need to listen to me carefully. If you are who I believe you are, you’ll chalk this up to your organization making a rather ridiculous decision to send you here. While it’s obvious that you’re in over your head, you will still be able to tell them that nothing criminal is going on. Perhaps you’ll be more convincing with your superiors than you were with me.”

  What a smug son of a bitch. I smoothed down my dress, giving him a confident look. “I will see you tomorrow night, Mr. Dunmore. I will be on time and prepared to handle the full aspects of the job as required by your... rules.” I waited only two seconds before pulling out of his clutches, grabbing my things as I willed myself to walk slow
ly toward the exit.

  Suddenly, he was right behind me once again. I wanted my skin to crawl, for rage to yank away the sting of humiliation as well as the ugly desires I continued to feel.

  But neither occurred, my body still humming like a live wire, almost desperate to feel more.

  Everything about this man was breathtaking, his prowess enticing. I ached to have him take me, thrusting his cock deep inside my pussy and I loathed myself for thinking such horrible thoughts.

  “If you are who you want me to believe, then be prepared for me to teach you many things, Valentina.”

  I found it difficult to breathe, my heart racing as I anticipated what he was going to say.

  “You will be required to learn submission, whether to your employer or to one of our clients. There will be things asked of you that you won’t enjoy, but you will be required to endure. Do you think you can do that, Valentina? Do you honestly think you can surrender the darkest part of you even though a trickle of fear remains furrowing inside of you?”

  “Yes,” I said with more conviction in my voice than I would have thought possible. As he inched even closer, the cascade of his hot breath skipping along the back of my neck, I clenched my fists.

  “Yes?” he asked, the tone huskier than before, creating another pool of wetness between my legs.

  Blinking, I tried to shove away the tremor of anxiety dancing along every inch of skin, the way my stomach felt as butterflies filled the void. I knew what he wanted, what all men like him craved. Respect. I swallowed another round of pride, providing the words that he would never hear from me again. “Yes. Sir.”

  I heard his deep inhale, as if drinking every ounce of my essence into his system, and bit the inside of my cheek to keep from moaning. He was completely unnerving, a man who refused to take no for an answer. And I remained enthralled.

  “You can learn, which means you have the ability to be trained. A very good sign, Valentina.”

  Even the dark rumble of his laugh vibrated through me, although I detected the same underlying threat as before.

  “If you are a very good girl, I’ll teach you the art of pleasure and pain, of submitting not only to a man but to the woman trying desperately to break free of her prison. When that happens, you’ll understand the true depth of ecstasy. After that, you’ll be ready.”

  “For?” The question slipped from my mouth before I could stop it.

  “My ownership.”

  “And if I’m bad?” I dared to ask, tilting my head slightly.

  Gregory slowly wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, squeezing with enough pressure I almost lashed out. I knew this was another test, a challenge that must be passed.

  I stood my ground, merely closing my eyes as if in awe of his authority. He would not get the better of me.

  “I assure you that you won’t enjoy the experience, Valentina.” Leaning over, he pressed his lips against my cheek before releasing his hold.

  Even over the thrumming beats of the music, I could hear his footsteps as he walked away.

  In those few seconds where time seemed to stand still, my entire world began to crumble.

  Chapter Three


  Click. Click. Click. Click.

  Bad little girl. Bad. Bad. Bad.

  Pleasure and pain. The words skipped along my mental synapses over and over again like a broken record, yanking me toward the very darkness Gregory had described so eloquently. He was a master of manipulation, a man who ripped apart every layer of protection with ease.

  In fact, he enjoyed exposing vulnerabilities, prepared to feast like a predator. Everything about him was dangerous, including his good looks.

  A cold shiver trickled along my arms and legs, the images rushing past the forefront of my mind twisted on several levels.

  Yet he was so damn sexy, creating a rush of desire that had yet to wane. I bit back a laugh and squirmed in my seat, the slice of pain a reminder of the harsh spanking. And his hot mouth had been incredible. God, I was a sick woman. Another round of guilt filtered inside.

  Click. Click. Click.

  I continued to pull the chain on the lamp, the only light in the apartment other than the warm glow over the stove in the kitchen. I preferred the darkness, even though the city was still alive with electricity and life although it was after two in the morning. My thoughts drifted to the chain that had been rigged to dump the water over me and laughed bitterly. I’d worked on the routine for over a week, trying to get my nerves in check if nothing more.

  Yay. I’d succeeded then I’d failed at everything else.

  Gregory was onto me already. What the hell was I supposed to say to the police captain? How could I explain that after spending time educating myself on the corporation, learning stupid dance routines, how to submit to powerful men, and researching the history of the club that one of the owners figured out what and who I was by talking to me once? Damn it.

  And if I told Captain Snelling about what Gregory had done to me? That would be grounds to shut down the club, if any of the members backed me up. I couldn’t know that though, and if they didn’t, we’d lose the case, and I’d lose any chance at a promotion. You want him to do it again, my brain taunted me, but I pushed it down. No. I would not mention the sexual activity or the spanking. Shivering, I prayed I was doing the right thing.

  I finally left the light on, folding my arms over my knees and staring out the window. I’d thought moving to DC was going to be amazing, the job offer one I honestly hadn’t been able to refuse. The restaurants. The history. The politics. I’d craved all of it. Even the nightlife.

  My mother used to warn me about what I wished for.

  This wasn’t a dream come true. This was a nightmare.

  I was barely moved in, boxes in every room. I wasn’t some big detective. I’d never been undercover before. I was green to this force and to the dark and ugly tactics needed in order to accomplish a mission of this nature. The department had needed a fresh face, someone that the upper echelon clients couldn’t recognize. There’d been no other choice. Everything was like some big conspiracy, no one really knowing just how many politicians, doctors, lawyers, and freaking Indian chiefs were members of the club.

  Shifting, I grimaced from the sting of the strap, my mind shifting to the intense joy on Gregory’s face. I eased off the comfy chair, wanting to see what the bastard had done to me. Still shaking from the experience, I walked into the bathroom, flipping on the light. The woman staring back at me I no longer recognized. I stood silently studying her, the platinum hair still damp from the dance, strands clinging to my face. Even the makeup seemed garish, not something I would ever wear. The look just wasn’t me.

  Slumping against the sink, I slowly unfastened the many pins that kept the wig in position, taking my brush and moving it through the strands as I glared at the faceless head. The Styrofoam form was just another bleak reminder of the second life I was trying to lead. I dumped the wig on top, glaring at myself once again.

  I just didn’t belong in the world of BDSM or basic erotic entertainment. Dark clubs. Spankings. Apparatuses. Implements. I shivered at the thought of what was behind the various closed doors at the club. At this point, I hadn’t taken an extensive tour. Only certain girls were given that opportunity, the money made on an entirely different level. While only a couple of the dancers had bothered to talk to me, I’d overheard enough to learn a few nuances, but nothing indicating there was any criminal activity. While looks could be deceiving, I needed hard proof, not innuendoes.

  From what I could tell, there were also no young girls. They were all professionals in one way or another. I almost laughed at the thought. Who knew?

  I did have the distinct feeling that there were secrets hiding behind the closed doors. My captain had mentioned the family legacy had been prone to using blackmail in order to keep members in line. Supposedly, the Dunmore brothers were feared more than any criminal element vying to control the city. I could only ima
gine what that meant given the punishment I’d received.

  Several tears slipped down my face as I rushed to yank out the pins that kept my natural hair woven tightly in a bun, finally tossing my long strands over my shoulders. I’d never dyed my hair, enjoying the bright red that my mother had as well as my grandmother.

  Tonight, it felt like the only hold on my past life, although that hadn’t been anything special. I’d returned to my apartment, barely stripping off the gawdy costume before grabbing a glass of wine. Red wine. I almost laughed thinking about the glass of wine I hadn’t consumed at the club. Maybe there really was more power behind the walls of Club Darkness than anyone knew about.

  Gregory was all consuming, holding the kind of superiority that few men could carry off. He did so with ease, his dark and determined prowess sexy and dominating. My mouth was dry just thinking about him, my body quivering from thoughts of him feasting on me. I closed my eyes, images of his face, his chiseled jaw and kissable lips floating into the forefront of my mind.

  I fisted my hand, pushing aside the ridiculousness of my thoughts.

  And my desires.

  While a hot shower was needed before going to bed, I wasn’t ready to fight the ugly demons I knew would haunt me tonight. My hands were shaking as I pulled away the robe, turning until I was able to see my bottom in the mirror. The red stripes had remained prominent, the marks crisscrossing almost every inch of both ass cheeks.

  His marks.

  The man who’d had the audacity to think he would own me one day. Fat chance in hell. He was perhaps the most arrogant man I’d met in my entire life, and I’d been forced to deal with some truly pompous individuals who believed they were entitled to the world. All three Dunmore brothers were in a league of their own.




  Coming from a prominent family, all three had attended the finest schools, succeeding in the most expensive universities in the country, Gregory graduating as the valedictorian of his class at Princeton. They were smart, savvy, and had more money than the majority of people in the freaking country.


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