Bent to His Will: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Bent to His Will: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 16

by Piper Stone

  “Anyone could be depositing for the company.”

  “Not at three in the morning, Detective,” he said, snorting.

  This time, I hesitated before taking the group of papers into my hands, staring at the documentation, including a single picture from an exterior ATM. A nagging remained in my gut, a sick feeling that I’d been tossed in the middle of a giant web of deceit. “I understand this looks bad.”

  “Now I hope you can understand the importance of finding the reason for the payments. With talents like what Michael Dunmore has, this will easily be explained. What we need is solid evidence. Do you think you can do that?”

  I folded the papers, handing them back to him. “I am a professional, Captain Snelling. All I ever wanted to do was become a cop. You have no idea what working the streets in Las Vegas as a beat cop was like, but the time gave me an appreciation of what really mattered in my life. I’ll find what is necessary. I assure you. Just have some faith in my tactics.”

  Pocketing the papers, he issued a solid nod, almost as if out of respect. “I will trust in both your judgment as well as your abilities. Just keep in mind that the longer this goes on, the more likely it is your cover will be blown. If the Dunmores are pushed, they will push back. I would expect a visit from either one of his... employees or Gregory himself. I truly don’t want anything to happen to you, Autumn.” He turned, stopping short, merely tipping his head. “Be very careful, Detective. Gregory is a master manipulator. He will enjoy using then tossing you away. That’s what he’s known for. It’s your choice but understand that with every one of them you make, there will be ramifications.”

  Ramifications. There was a hell of a lot more going on. I glanced around the apartment, ready to go through everything again to ensure that nothing led to my true identity. He was right, although even knowing Gregory only a short time, I knew he’d handle his further investigation of me himself.

  Especially since he continued to believe he owned me.

  “Yes, sir. I assure you that I’m no fool.” I watched as he walked toward the door, my skin crawling the moment he closed it with a hard thud. I immediately took long strides, turning the deadbolt and backing away. Very cautiously I moved toward the front window, peering around the blinds. There was no sign of the captain or anyone from the club.

  However, that didn’t mean I wasn’t being watched.

  I thought about what the captain had told me, the unsettling feeling remaining.

  What the captain didn’t know was that I’d worked a couple of cases involving embezzlement and extortion, absorbing the creative methods used. Either Michael Dunmore was indeed just as cunning as he was intelligent, setting up what appeared to be an extensive frame job on purpose, or that’s exactly what was in the process of occurring.

  To make certain that the Dunmores were crucified.

  Who would go to the extreme effort and more important, where were the various secrets being kept?

  But what had become crucial in my mind to learn? What secrets was Gregory hiding behind his sapphire blue eyes?

  Was he capable of killing?

  * * *

  Damn fucking anal plug.

  I laughed as I towel dried it, debating whether or not to shove it back into my asshole like a good little girl. As I glared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I noticed a single bead of perspiration was trickling down the side of my face. I was actually nervous about the decision whether or not to follow Gregory’s command on my day off?

  Oh, that was crap.

  After sticking out my tongue, I tossed the plug into the medicine cabinet, shifting my hips back and forth. As soon as I did, I was given another reminder of the hard spanking I’d received. Instead of wincing as I’d done before, a single moan found its way out of my mouth. The realization pissed me off enough that I yanked open the door to the cabinet, jerking the plug into my fingers. With one hard toss, I threw it in the trashcan.

  There. That made me feel a hell of a lot better.

  I smashed my hand on the light switch then took long strides toward the living room, yanking my keys off the table. I certainly wasn’t going to be alone in this apartment without protection of my own making. As I walked downstairs, my thoughts drifted back to the very reasons for my utter agitation, only some to do with Gregory’s demanding ways.

  There’d been several things I’d learned from investigating the Dunmore legacy.

  The brothers were everything the captain had mentioned: wealthy, highly educated, and all three lived in relatively posh surroundings. However, they seemed sequestered, as if the club meant everything to them. There were no girlfriends or wives, no children. While they were all members of some of the more exclusive clubs in town, my ability to weed through anonymity with a few select stories had proven helpful. They’d rarely been seen at any upper echelon gathering.

  For all practical purposes, they were homebodies. What I’d yet to do was add names to the list of their known associates. Even a few I’d yet to confirm. There simply weren’t any smoking guns. Then why was someone out to destroy them?

  While I might not be an expert on the activities of vile criminals, I was a firm believer that when something didn’t feel right, it likely wasn’t.

  Everything about this case had created a lump in my throat. While I’d been careful in doing my investigation, I’d had the distinct feeling that I’d been watched or even followed. Maybe I wasn’t cut out to be a master sleuth after all. I’d worn the blonde wig, making certain I used an entirely new name when anyone had dared to ask. Even that seemed dicey, preventing me from going any further.

  I’d dared risk using my iPad, even taking photographs of the exteriors of where all three Dunmores lived. I’d also made a few notes, prepared to switch immediately to another screen if necessary. It was risky, something I hadn’t run by the captain, but easily hidden in a cubbyhole I’d created in the apartment.

  As I pulled the weapon from my car, an odd feeling passed over me once again. I peered across the street, almost certain I noticed Gregory standing next to one of the buildings. Touching the watch, I knew that if that was the case, I would need to make certain choices.

  Including the possibility of shooting to kill.

  My God. I was buying into every word the captain had said. Think like a cop. Black and white. That was advice I needed to take.

  Hugging the files and iPad against my chest, I hurried into the building.

  Once inside my apartment, I made certain my weapon was fully loaded then went to the window, peering out carefully. Whoever had been watching was gone. I had no idea whether to breathe a sigh of relief or cower in the shadows. At least the sun was setting on the horizon and I was locked inside.

  Maybe a glass of wine would calm my nerves. Hell, maybe an entire bottle.

  I realized I was shaking as I attempted to open a new bottle, almost dropping the wineglass in my effort to yank it from the cabinet. I continued to feel a presence, the feeling both ominous as well as enticing. I had to be losing my fucking mind to think that way. The first sip almost made me gag, my heart racing so fast. The second was at least pleasing.

  By the time I’d finished half a glass, the shaking had stopped.

  There were no boogeymen out to get me.

  Laughing, I pushed my hand through my hair, scolding myself for being so ridiculous. I still had work to do, including sorting through the information I’d gleaned. Whatever financial data I could put together might prove helpful.

  A thought hit me hard. It could also potentially destroy an empire.

  And hurt the man I...

  Oh, hell, no. I wasn’t going down that road. The captain was correct in that Gregory was likely playing me like a sweet cello, creating the music between us to suit his needs. I had experience with master manipulators. I knew how to both avoid as well as confront. I also could read the signs easily. Gregory’s actions checked off every box.

  But if that was the case, why was I not convinced he was th
e criminal bastard the captain made him out to be?

  Because he’d awakened me, allowing a portion to feel free and alive, creating a wave of passion that could not be denied. I ached for his touch even more so than before. I was almost drunk from need, my inability to push him away significant.

  As I walked into the other room, hair stood up on the back of my neck the very moment I heard the buzzer to the exterior door.

  There was no need to find out who was located downstairs.

  I knew.

  There was no acceptable reason to allow him inside.

  But I would.

  The connection I felt with Gregory was too strong, the kind of alluring power that refused to let go, a hunger that continued to drag me into the pits of his darkness. The threat was real.

  Yet with every careful step I made toward the door, I was no longer certain I cared.

  The second I pressed the button, allowing him inside, a single tear slipped from my eye.

  The captain had been right. I did have choices. The one I’d just made might get me killed.

  Or worse.

  Chapter Eleven



  Perhaps I was merely enthralled with Valentina’s nuances, the way she attempted to keep her hard-edged side intact while hungering for a taste of my world. I had to admit that I appreciated her smart-mouthed banter, even her desire to push my buttons. What I loathed was the fact that whether or not she was pretending to give a damn, it was working.

  I couldn’t seem to get enough of her.

  I was supposed to be combing through the various member records in an attempt to narrow down the list of vile candidates, to find an indication of who was dead set on framing the club. Yet here I was standing outside her apartment building, waiting until she pressed the buzzer allowing me into her realm. While I’d attempted to shove her aside, ignoring the gorgeous and sexy images of her floating in my mind, I’d failed.

  And I never failed.

  Not in business.

  Never in pleasure.

  I also never lost.

  I could lie to myself that I was merely attempting to glean answers from her, but that would only be partially correct. I craved to continue to push her past her comfort zones, forcing her to accept that woman inside.

  Maybe I was nothing but a brute, cognizant that breaking her hadn’t been as easy as I’d assumed it would be. Maybe I desired for her to bend to my will, accepting that I was her only master.

  Maybe I wanted to atone for my past sins.

  The club was closed for another day, the financials in a holding pattern and no overt threats had been made. Other than my attempt at providing a decent list of enemies, we were in a waiting pattern.

  I had no doubt that whoever was to blame wasn’t finished with his efforts. For now, it was watch and wait.

  And prepare for revenge.

  A chuckle rolled up from my throat, the visions becoming more sadistic, my throat parched with need to feast on her sweet pussy. Yes, another round of training would further excite my palate while passing the time.

  Then if necessary, I’d bring our tryst to a conclusion. The same series of pulsing sensations I’d experienced the night before swept through me. I hated second guessing my decisions. That had never given me an advantage.

  What I did know is that you could tell a lot about a person by their personal effects. Photographs. Art. Books. Even movies. They all told a story. They also indicated whether or not someone was telling the truth. I had a knack for knowing whether a person was spouting off a series of lies by simply glancing at a few pictures.

  As I exhaled, the click of the exterior door brought me out of my lurid thoughts. As I walked up the stairs to Valentina’s apartment, I no longer contemplated my actions. Why bother? The truth would reveal its ugly head soon enough. I gave a quick rap on her door then shoved my hands into my pockets. I was armed as always but I was very much alone.

  She would come with me whether she wanted to or not.

  There was no hesitation. She simply opened the door and allowed me to come inside, backing away as if prepared for a fiery explosion. While her expression was pensive, her voluptuous lips twisting as they always did when she was nervous, she looked me straight in the eyes.

  A quick glance around her apartment allowed me to see that the furniture looked lived in, not recently dropped off by some rental establishment. DVD movies were scattered on a single shelf, selections that she’d recently made. I noticed several candles as well as various pictures. While everything seemed to have a place, nothing was in a particular order. There was also nothing glaring indicating she was doing anything but enjoying a day off, including the half empty glass of wine in her hand.

  “Is there something you need, Mr. Dunmore?” Valentina asked, certainly not in a demure voice but as if I’d invaded her privacy. She took another swig of her wine, studying me intently.

  I walked toward the bookshelf, selecting one of the photographs in a beautiful golden frame. “I’ve been thinking about you.” I kept my tone even, my back to her as I studied the photograph, the shot taken of what appeared to be three best friends enjoying lunch together.

  “About my crappy little apartment or whether I’m lying to you?”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. She refused to back down, even to me. As I placed the photograph back in its location, the fact there was a hint of dust surrounding where the frame had been eased my mind to some degree. No one was that accurate when establishing a new identity for an undercover officer, hence corroborating the sergeant’s findings. And enemies? They weren’t as stealthy as cops in forcing someone to pretend to be someone they weren’t. As I turned to face her, closing the distance, I caught a glimpse of the kitchen. Even her pretty cloth towels had a well-worn look about them.

  “It’s no lie that I’m curious about you, Valentina. I’ve made that very clear to you. However, I’m here because you awakened something last night that I’d like to continue.” The woman standing in front of me was entirely different even than the one from the night before. She seemed comfortable in her skin; her copper-colored hair flowing freely down to the middle of her back, her makeup fresh, not gaudy. Even the jeans she wore were faded and worn at the knees.

  In my mind, she was the perfect woman. No need for coiffing. No desire to spend outrageous amounts of money on clothes and jewelry. More beautiful than any woman I’d ever laid eyes on.

  And I wanted to buy her the world.

  The notion shocked the fuck out of me.

  Valentina shifted her eyes back and forth, rewarding me with a slight smile. “Awakened. Like a beast in the night?”

  Now I laughed, genuinely enjoying every minute I spent with her. “Exactly like that. The truth is that I have something I want to show you. I could tell by your reaction to my condo that you were uncomfortable being there.”

  “Everything about you is cold and stark. Certainly, your condominium is well adorned with the most expensive furniture, pieces that no doubt cost more than I make in two months, but there’s no love or life in them. As if you were keeping up with the Joneses. The look of your condominium is very sad,” she said in such a quiet voice, truly concerned.

  “I assure you that I don’t equate my furnishings to anyone, but perhaps you’re right. However, there is another aspect to the darker side that I’ve shown you.”

  She laughed, the lilting sound having the same effect as always, increasing my hunger. “There’s not enough wine in the world to make me believe that.”

  “A challenge. I do so love them.”

  “Perhaps it’s a dare. Although I’m not certain a man of your importance would allow that to happen.”

  I inched closer, drinking in her perfume as I narrowed my eyes. Everything about her was appealing and I was losing a battle with my control. “A dare. I’ll accept if you’ll share with me your darker side.”

  A slight twinge in her lower lip was the only reason I could tell sh
e was uncertain of her answer. So I pushed.

  “Are you game? Or am I interrupting your evening? Perhaps a date?”

  “Don’t attempt to be coy, Mr. Dunmore. If I had a boyfriend, you would already know that by now. Wouldn’t you?”

  Her audacity was increasing. I lifted a single eyebrow, giving her a stern look. She finally acquiesced, looking away.

  “Actually, you’re saving me from eating an entire carton of Chunky Monkey ice cream so what did you have in mind?” she managed a few seconds later.

  “And your answer? Light to darkness?” I asked, keeping an authoritative tone in my voice.

  Dragging her tongue across her lips, she issued a slight purr. “You’re on. What do you have in mind for our... game?”

  My cock was already hard, my balls tightening just by hearing her voice. “I assure you that this is no game. However, you’re going to have to trust me. You are coming with me.”

  She cocked her head, likely weighing the odds. “Hhmmm... All right. Should I bring anything with me? A sword perhaps to keep me safe? Another weapon to fight off the darkness?” A part of me wanted to turn her over my knee for her insolence. The other and more dangerous side hungered to shred her clothes and ravage every inch of her once again.

  “A light jacket. I assure you a sword would do you no good. As far as the darkness, only you can break the pattern that seems to be keeping you in a steel cage.”

  My answer seemed to surprise her, the smile from before becoming wider, her eyes filling with mischief. “I’ll get my things. This should be... interesting.”

  I trailed behind her as she walked down the short hallway, inching closer to the kitchen, prepared to turn out the light. Everything about her was entirely different than I was used to.




  For a man who had few joys, I could envision spending time with her in the tiny space and be quite content.


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