A Semi-Charming Kind of Life

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A Semi-Charming Kind of Life Page 11

by Suzanne Selfors

  A bouquet of flowers landed at her feet.

  The world was in order.

  Chapter 21

  Happily Ever After

  Following the tournament, there was a whole lot of backslapping, hand-shaking, and hugging. Daring signed autographs and posed for selfies with the girls from his fan club. As soon as Dexter’s glasses were back on his face, he posed for selfies with his friends from the Tech Club. When Raven walked past, he waved. She waved back. The horses returned to the stables to be watered and fed. Darling kissed Sir Gallopad’s muzzle and promised him that they’d ride very soon.

  “Just as it should be,” King Charming said as he held Daring’s trophy above his head. “I never had a doubt about the outcome. Championship comes naturally to Daring. It always has.”

  “Don’t forget about Dexter,” Queen Charming said. “He came in second place.”

  The king lowered the trophy and turned to Dexter. “Yes, indeed. I used to worry about all that time you spent reading and gaming on the Mirror Network, son, but you did a fine job today. I’m very proud.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” Dexter smiled.

  Darling watched the goings-on from the sidelines. Since the tournament’s conclusion, she’d had to fend off three marriage proposals. Luckily, the Charming cousins had come to her rescue, and had carried the starstruck boys off the field. The crowd was clearing. The other princesses were walking back to campus to get ready for the evening feast. But Darling wanted to talk to Dexter, to make sure he was okay.

  “Hey there.” Betty Bunyan strode up to Darling. She was dressed in jeans and a leather motorcycle jacket with painted flames that matched her flame tattoos. Her black braids were tied back in a red bandanna, and the diamond in her nostril glimmered. “I got back last night and made this.” She handed Darling a new helmet. “It should fit right over Dexter’s glasses. Where is he?” Darling pointed to the podium, where Professor Knight was handing small ribbons to the squires, including Dexter. “Oh, I guess I’m too late. Sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay. It all worked out,” Darling told her with a devilish smile. “In fact, it was one of the best weeks of my life. I mean, of Dexter’s life. He was the one wearing his helmet. And doing all the jousting. Of course.” Betty raised her eyebrows. It looked as if she was about to ask a question, so Darling hurriedly changed the subject. “How’s your dad, by the way?”

  “He’s back home, but that bunion was the size of a toad. It’s going to be a while before he’s back on his feet.” She took a coupon from her pocket. “Say, I feel bad that I couldn’t get to Dexter’s armor in time for the tournament. Would you let him know that he can bring it in for a complimentary buff and shine? And I’ll give him half off on dent and ding removal.”

  “Sure,” Darling said, taking the coupon. “Thanks.”

  As Betty walked away, Queen Charming approached. “Hello, Darling,” she said, placing a gentle kiss on her daughter’s cheek. “Why are you carrying that helmet?”

  “It’s for Dexter,” she explained.

  “I see.” The queen picked a stray leaf from Darling’s hair. “I know your brothers always get all the attention, but I wanted you to know how very proud we were when you walked in the damsel parade today. You are the epitome of the perfect Charming princess.” She held out a small package, wrapped in pink paper with a pink bow. “A gift to commemorate this lovely day.”

  “Really?” Darling set the helmet at her feet, then peeled back the wrapping paper to reveal a copy of Secrets of the Sherwood Forest. Darling tried to hide her surprise. Was this some sort of test?

  “I thought your old copy might be getting worn out by now,” Queen Charming said. “Oh, don’t look so alarmed, Darling. It’s one of my favorite books, too. And look, I had it signed.” She opened to the title page.

  “Marian and I were roommates during our years at Ever After High,” Queen Charming explained. Her expression took on a faraway, dreamy look. “Those were thrilling days.”

  Thrilling? That wasn’t a word that a traditional damsel usually uttered. Darling hugged the book to her chest. “Thank you. This is the best present ever.”

  The queen cupped Darling’s face in her hands. “And you are my best present ever.” Then she stepped away, patting her beehive hair to make sure it was firmly in place. “It is time to freshen up for the feast. I’ll go get your father.”

  Dexter stumbled over. He was still wearing his armor and had accessorized it with a big, goofy grin. “I don’t know how we did it, but I got second place. Did you see my ribbon? And did you see Raven? She waved at me.” He gestured to the new helmet. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yep. Betty made it.”

  He handed Darling his old helmet, then pulled the new one over his head, glasses and all. “Fits perfectly! I can see!”

  The old helmet was warm in Darling’s hand. She looked at it longingly. “Hey, Dex? Can I have this?”

  “I guess so,” he said with a shrug. “But I don’t know what you’ll do with it.”

  “Oh, I have some ideas.” One day, the time would be right to let the world see her true self, and on that day, a helmet might come in handy. “And I was thinking, could I borrow your armor every once in a while, just so I can stroll through the village without having to deal with any potential suitors?”

  “Yeah, okay.” He pulled off the new helmet and tucked it under his arm. “What’s that?”

  “It’s a new copy of my favorite book. You left the library copy for me outside my bedroom when we were little. Remember?”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “You didn’t? Then who did?”

  Dexter and Darling turned and watched their parents walk arm in arm across the field. The queen looked every bit the perfect royal lady. She moved with grace, her head held high, not a hair out of place. Darling could still feel her mother’s hands cupping her face. It had been a warm embrace, but there had also been something odd about her mother’s hands. They’d felt a bit rough. As if…

  … as if they were covered in calluses.

  Darling tossed her head back and laughed.

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  For this, my third Ever After High book, I have many people to thank, most especially my editorial team at Little, Brown. Erin Stein, I miss you, but you left me in the highly capable hands of Rachel Poloski, Mary-Kate Gaudet, and Pam Garfinkel. Together, we four shall continue to explore this fairytale world and all the crazy, fun stuff that comes with it. Huge thanks also to my lovely copy editor, Christine Ma, and the rest of the LB staff—Andew Smith, Kristina Aven, Victoria Stapleton, Barbara Bakowski, Mara Lander, and Véronique Sweet—for your continued support!

  To the creative team at Mattel: Thanks so much to Venetia Davie, Julia Phelps, Ryan Ferguson, Charnita Belcher, Nicole Corse, Darren Sander, Emily Kelly, MJ Offen, Sally Eagle, Lara Dalian, Talia Rodgers, Audu Paden, and Robert Rudman for helping me find my way in their amazing world.

  Michael, you deserve a throne.

  Bob, Walker, and Isabelle, as always, you are my Happily Ever Afters.

  About the Author

  Suzanne Selfors feels like a Royal on some days and a Rebel on others. She’s written many books for kids, including the Smells Like Dog series and the Imaginary Veterinary series.

  She has two charming children and lives in a magical island kingdom, where she hopes it is her destiny to write stories forever after.

  Also by Suzanne Selfors


  Next Top Villain

  Kiss and Spell

  General Villainy: A Destiny Do-Over Diary

  Science and Sorcery: A Destiny Do-Over Diary

  Hero Training: A Destiny Do-Over Diary


  The Sasquatch Escape

  The Lonely Lake Monster

  The Rain Dragon Rescue

  The Order of the

  The Griffin’s Riddle

  The Fairy Swarm


  Smells Like Dog

  Smells Like Treasure

  Smells Like Pirates

  To Catch a Mermaid

  Fortune’s Magic Farm



  Title Page



  Dear Reader

  Chapter 1: Beyond Boring

  Chapter 2: Pretty Is as Pretty Does

  Chapter 3: Strong Is as Strong Does

  Chapter 4: The Tower Years

  Chapter 5: Dexter’s Dilemma

  Chapter 6: Overly Perfect

  Chapter 7: The Village Smithy

  Chapter 8: The Stress of Being Distressed

  Chapter 9: Gallant Sir Gallopad

  Chapter 10: Bad News Betty

  Chapter 11: If the Suit Fits

  Chapter 12: Princely Pox

  Chapter 13: A Cry for Help

  Chapter 14: Banned Books

  Chapter 15: Squire Darling to the Rescue

  Chapter 16: A Charming Confession

  Chapter 17: Questions and Crisps

  Chapter 18: Marian by Moonlight

  Chapter 19: A Damsel Parade

  Chapter 20: The Knight in Dented Armor

  Chapter 21: Happily Ever After


  About the Author

  Also by Suzanne Selfors



  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 Mattel, Inc.

  Cover art by Jay Ju

  Cover design by Tim Hall

  Cover © 2015 Mattel, Inc.

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Little, Brown and Company

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  First ebook edition: July 2015

  ISBN 978-0-316-40138-8





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