Secrets The Secret Never Told You;Law of Attraction for Instant Manifestation Miracles: How to Use the Law of Attraction (Law of Attraction Secrets for Instant Manifestation Miracles Book Book 2)

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Secrets The Secret Never Told You;Law of Attraction for Instant Manifestation Miracles: How to Use the Law of Attraction (Law of Attraction Secrets for Instant Manifestation Miracles Book Book 2) Page 6

by Linda West

  When you can really fall in love or find a passion for something that's the best yet.

  Hello! Where's my stuff?

  What if you've done all the steps and things still aren't showing up in your life?

  So, this is where it gets a bit tricky, and you're going to have to really go with your gut on the truth of this.

  If you're really jazzed and passionate about your dream coming true, but not worried, then that's the best place to be.

  If you are in a hopeful and grateful place, and you’re still waiting; then if you feel moved by spirit to do the process again, then do it.

  At this point, if you feel really good, but just haven't seen anything show up, it is okay to quickly redo the exercises I just gave you.

  If you're freaking out and afraid, and you think it's not working, then it's not working.

  And your worrying is the reason it's not working.

  I know it's a sad catch-22 situation to feel happy and grateful before it shows up, but that's how it goes.

  It’s best to stop fighting it and lean into it and do your best to combat your own inner demons (that like to doubt).

  Our own inner healing is often highlighted as we move ahead to a higher-frequency life and way of being.

  Your lower toxic issues will surface to challenge your newfound optimism and joy.

  Expect them. Everyone has them. Just as everyone has a story that they could believe from their past, that can make it harder for them to expect anything good - or to except anything good.

  It's understandable that you are worried and fearful that something you really care about still seems so far away. You still have to fight those low frequencies if you want to see your dreams materialize.

  This is inner work, but work you must do. Clean out those webs of despair and hopelessness and have faith.

  Believe good things are meant for you and that you deserve them, because you do.

  The more you learn to manifest, the more you will love yourself and be able to help and do things for others.

  Everyone wins when you get strong and become a conscious creator of love and good things.

  Worry is a low frequency. You need to let go, be cool and go ahead with a divine nonchalance. Know that it is arriving in perfect time and stay in a grateful place as if it's already arrived.

  Stay in a high frequency.

  Your job is to get out of any low frequency of fear, and find a way to get back up into the high frequency of faith. This comes down to letting it go, and letting it come in, and being thankful for it, as if it has already happened.

  Often when people really want something they can't help but be concerned that it might not come in. Yet, this is the leap you have to take; it's called a ‘leap of faith.’

  You have to let it go and be grateful.

  I think one of the most important parts of manifesting is being grateful and thankful.

  I often thank God for things that I haven't seen show up in my life yet, as well as for the things that have shown up in my life.

  In this way, I keep saying, “I have faith. You're bringing it in. I'm already grateful.”

  Appreciation - it's a good thing. It helps being grateful.

  Not to mention being grateful is a very high frequency!

  I can't say enough how staying in a high frequency is one of the surest ways to manifest quickly. Because of it's importance you must attend to your frequency level daily.

  Some ways to accomplish raising your frequency are to: go out in nature, dance, play with pets or watch a comedy.

  Cultivate things that make you happy and bring you up to a good high-frequency feeling place.

  The high frequencies always magnetize things to you more quick.

  A common question I get in my lectures is "How long do I have to wait before my wish shows up?"

  As I have said before, when you get very clear, and you really love something, and you don't have fear around it, and you are enthusiastic about it... then it can show up immediately. I've seen things show up within 24 hours, sometimes sooner.

  Conversely, sometimes you have to wait for the divine order of things to fall into place.

  Sometimes certain things in the universe, or people, have to be moved around and put into position in order for your wish to manifest. That can take time, especially if it involves other people. Then, you also have to deal with the timing of other people.

  If what you want isn't manifesting right away, it just may be that the timing is not right.

  I know it sounds cliché, but the universe works that way too.

  Let’s say you're not seeing your manifestation come through right away… as a hint, the first thing I would do is: once I got into a high frequency, I would retry the whole five steps.

  I would run through the process again and send it out again. Not in a stressful, fearful way, but just when I identified a high-frequency moment, I would send out another mini version of the wish.

  The other thing I would do, is go back and recheck

  to make sure that I'm not wishing for something that's too big a step for me (according to my own triangle) .

  Re-examine to see if there is any part of your wish that is giving you resistance.

  Ask yourself, “How would I feel if it showed up RIGHT NOW?”

  Did you feel overjoyed at that thought, or resistant?

  If you felt a hesitation, that is part of you saying, “I'm not sure.”

  Listen to that voice. It's part of you, trying to get you to your ultimate happiness and comfort. It's looking out for you.

  Honor it. Don't fight it.

  Imagine creating a slightly lesser version of the dream and recheck how you might feel about that coming true in the present.

  If you feel a yes, perhaps you can start with trying to manifest a slightly smaller step.

  I know you can do it!

  Remember that goat might seem slow, going step-by-step up the mountain, but he will still get to the top.

  I hope that this book has helped you to understand your amazing ability to use frequencies and your power to create.

  I believe in you!

  Go forth and manifest all that you love my friends!


  About my personal manifestation story…

  I said I would tell you how it is that I am writing this book from a first-class seat on my way home from China. It's been a year of traveling now, and here we are at the culmination of my book.

  I told you I'd share my personal story about how my wish to fly all over the world manifested.

  I had spent most of my money for the last 20 years on ‘mom’ stuff, and traveling really hadn't been in my agenda or budget.

  It wasn't until I did the simple exercise I advised you to try that I discovered how much my spirit really wanted to travel and see things.

  I'd been stuffing that part of me because I had too much responsibility and not enough money.

  And even though, when you're an attractive woman there's always some soul-less opportunity to cash in for money in Hollywood; it was something I would never consider, no matter how many offers lined up involving exotic travel with low-vibe companions.

  Besides, what a cruddy manifestation that would be! Traveling with someone gross and no fun just because they could pay? Ugh!

  My triangle would not have been happy with that manifestation option at all!

  Shortly after this travel revelation and my doing my usual formula (which I just shared with you), my girlfriend Andrea came in to where I was working and offered to get me on the new Survivor show.

  She had just returned from filming the show herself, and had been in some far-away land doing bizarre things, and in the end even won money.

  I couldn't wait! This was my wish coming through! Did she actually say she could get me on the next episode? Wow! Yippee!!!!

  I jumped up and down. I told everybody.

  Joy! Joy! Oh my gosh! My wish is coming through!

sp; I just wished to travel, and now I was going to be able to go someplace unique and fabulous! I even made a video about it, gushing about my excitement. Not to mention, once again, this was all manifesting for no cost to me, which I just think is so cool!

  Once again, it proves that we don't have to rely on money; that the divine universe flows in and makes it happen, somehow, in a way we might have never imagined.

  The next day, I wandered over to Facebook to go through my tons of friend requests that I hadn't even looked at. Yeah, I'm not so good at keeping up with the computer stuff. Anyway, at the top of all these friend requests, was somebody I actually knew. It was an old junior high school classmate of mine, Dave. (Actually, he had been my first crush at 7 years old, but I never told him). It was just before Christmas and I was going home to Buffalo.

  Coincidentally, Dave had a business trip that canceled, and he was going to be home in Buffalo for the holidays as well. Both of our families and all of our high school friends still lived in Buffalo, so I was really excited to see everybody.

  Dave called me up and we got together while we were both back home and we had a fabulous time.

  Although neither one of us were looking for or ready for a relationship, somehow we just ended up - not being able to stay away from each other!

  It doesn't sound so bad unless you don't live in the same city.

  Still, we thought we could manage the distance thing because Dave is a pilot, and flying is what he does.

  He flys big planes around the world (The Boeing 777) for a major American company.

  California was just over yonder, to him! The only problem was that he was flying around the world so much, it was hard for us to get free time together to meet up.

  It ended up, that the best way for us to see each other was for me to go with him when he worked. Thus, I began to fly with Dave on his trips so we could be together, and then, hello, guess what? I also got to travel to London, Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong!

  Aside from the international travel, I have also visited every large city in America this year.

  I fly with him for free, the company puts him up at 5-star hotels for free, and when I'm extra lucky, I get bumped up to first class (and I've been extra lucky lately :-))

  Because we are a couple now, and the darling put me on his account, I can actually log in and book myself a flight anywhere around the world, anytime I want, for free...

  So this is how my wish to travel the world came through in an awesomely beautiful and totally unexpected way!

  How could I ever have begun to guess that two of my greatest dreams, to find love and to travel the world, would both show up together?!

  I am so grateful and happy.

  Now the world is the limit for us, and now also for you!

  Remember, if I can do it you can do it.

  Happy manifesting, my friends.

  I love you!


  Final thoughts~

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  If you feel particularly strong about contributions this book made to your manifesting success, I'd be eternally grateful if you posted a review on Amazon.

  Please visit me at my website

  where I have the rest of my books, and other tools, that can help you manifest. This includes, for a limited time only, the opportunity to have me work with you as your private coach.

  Contact me directly at for info on upcoming events, new books, or coaching. :)

  If you would like to learn more about the basic science of frequencies, please get my book on Amazon -

  Ultimate Power - The Universal Power of Love

  If you are interested in a pocket-size version of the 5-step process, I also have an e-book abridged version called

  Manifest in 5 Easy Steps

  If you're interested in manifesting your perfect divine body and shape, please check out my diet book that released me from my own weight issues.

  The California Diet

  Please also follow me on YouTube as:

  MorningMayan where I have several free videos on how to manifest and how to understand frequencies.

  For complete info go to

  Please come over and join me socially on Facebook and Twitter as MorningMayan.


  The Secret Never Told you

  by Linda West

  copyright 2014 Linda West

  All rights reserved

  No part of this publication may be produced by any means with a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.




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