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devon-the-betas-double-trouble Page 5

by Jana Leigh

  Across the room, looking out the window was a perfectly sculpted backside. He had long blonde hair braided down his back. He stood the same height as Devon, which was a surprise, but when the man turned, and he could see the gorgeous features on the man’s face. Devon had dabbled in bi-sexuality, but he had never felt the instant pull to someone like he did for this man.

  Strong cheek bones, deep blue eyes, and full lips made this man almost irresistible. Devon almost laughed when the man sniffed the air around them and then frowned. He was probably trying to figure out what the hell was happening.

  “I am Devon.” He said and stepped forward with his hand out stretched.

  “Uh, Sidney, Sid for short, I am sorry. I am a little confused.” The other man said in a deep voice. Devon closed his eyes briefly and savored the way it rolled over him. Good God this man was sex on a stick.

  “Yeah, I am sure you are. Let me guess. You smelled your mate and her scent led you here, and then you just smelled me, and I smelled like your mate too.” Devon said smiling.

  “That about sums it up.” Sid nodded and unconsciously moved a little closer.

  “This is going to take awhile to explain. Unfortunately, you have stumbled into a huge mess I have going on. Right now, our mate is upstairs, and she is resting.” Devon started and reached out to pull the man to the chairs that were in the corner.

  “Why? What’s wrong with her?” Sid growled.

  Devon explained the whole situation to the man who was going to be their mate. He did not pull any punches and told him the worst of it. Sid interrupted a few times asking questions and swearing at the way his mate had been treated in the last few hours.

  “So let me sum it up. Our mate is one of the Chosen One's? She just found out about having a twin brother who grew up as her best friend, her real parents are assholes, and the man who raised her lied to her for her whole life?” Sid said and looked at Devon with an astonished look on his face. “This is FUCKIN’ worse than a soap opera!”

  “Yeah, well you should have been there. It was like watching a train wreck and not being able to look away at the most gruesome parts.” Devon said and ran his hand over his face. He was just tired of all the drama.

  Sid explained that he had been passing through, heading surprisingly enough, to the Denver Pack. His family was asked by his Alpha, to transfer to Denver and help the Denver Pack with their expansion. His family was known for their construction company. They had helped many Packs build homes and offices. Sid had been happy to help, and they had stopped briefly at this Pack to speak to the Alpha about his future needs, when he discovered his mate’s scent.

  Devon smiled and said. “The Brody Brothers?”

  “Yep, that’s us. My brothers are across the street at the bar. They are gonna love this fucked up situation.” Sid said and growled. He was the youngest of the brothers and he knew they were going to give him shit. He and his brothers had left their Pack in order to help the Denver Pack; he never thought he would actually be staying. Not that it was a problem, but he had some loose ends to tie up back at his old Pack. Shaking his shoulders, he figured they would get to that later.

  It sounded like Casey had too much to deal with right now, and Devon certainly did not need any more on his plate.

  “So what about you, what is your story?” Sid asked.

  “Well, I hate to tell you that you have hit the jackpot of fucked up situations. I am also one of the Chosen. I am the Beta of the Denver Pack, and will soon be the Beta of the Council Pack. I am not sure why fate put us together.” Devon said looking at the man to try to gauge what he was feeling. He hoped he could accept everything that was going on because he was sex on a stick and he was ready to start licking.

  “I don’t really care as long as you are my mates; I will take care of both you. Besides, while you are off doing all the Council stuff, I can still help my brothers.” Sid shrugged and smiled at Devon.

  Devon looked at the man while he spoke and leaned closer. Sid smiled a little larger and said,

  “So, I am assuming this is not freaking you out, even a little?” Devon laughed. “What, did you mean my attraction to you?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what I mean. I will be honest here. I have never had a relationship with a man before, but I have to tell you right now I am hard-pressed to remember why. You are just so damn sexy.” Sid said.

  Devon chuckled and said, “So are you. I have a little experience with other men, but I have to tell you none of them turned me on the way you do.” Sid growled and leaned closer and said. “And they never will again.” Then he kissed Devon.

  Kissed may have been a slight understatement, he thought as the other man claimed his lips. He did not hesitate to push his tongue through his lips and demand a response. Devon eagerly responded and they drank each other’s taste in. It felt like coming home, Devon thought.

  Sid groaned and pulled Devon closer. Both men were of the same build, and it made it a little awkward at first, both trying to show dominance. Neither of them giving an inch, they dueled with their tongues, and then began pushing at each other’s clothes.

  “Wait.” Devon said pulling back. “We have to talk about Casey. She needs to be there when we claim each other, and right now, she is comatose in the room. We need to get her to wake up.”

  Sid smiled and said, “Later.” Devon laughed and nodded. This was going to be really fun.

  Devon worried for so long about his size and strength, but the fates had graced him with two perfect mates. He knew that he could relax around them, not worry about hurting them.

  “Let's go see to our girl.” Devon said and led Sid back upstairs to where he left Mike guarding Casey.

  Along the way, they ran into the Alphas who had already met and approved of Sid. It was amazing to have the feeling of completion. He could not wait until they returned to Denver, and his mates were where they belonged. Finally reaching his room, he paused and kissed Sid briefly before opening the door.

  Mike stood at attention, looked back and forth from the huge men, and grinned. “So, there you go.”

  Devon laughed and introduced Sid to him and asked about Casey.

  “A few minutes ago she talked a little, I thought she was awake and so I went to check on her, but she was sleeping. She is crying again.” Mike said and patted Devon’s shoulder and then went to the door. “Let me know if you need anything.” Devon nodded absently and made his way to the bedroom. Sid followed and he heard him suck in his breath when he saw their mate on the bed. She had curled up into a ball again and was rocking herself a little. Her eyes remained closed and he could feel the pain radiating off her.

  Obviously, so could Sid because he felt the man stiffen and walk to the opposite side of the bed.

  Together they sat on the bed and then lay next to her, trying to surround her with their warmth.

  She was so cold. Devon got up and pulled the blankets back over her, so she would at least warm up a little. In the few hours he had been gone she had become an icicle. Cursing at himself for not thinking of his mate, he stretched back out against her.

  Both of them murmuring into her ears trying to get her to calm down made little difference, Casey was still in the same dark place, they needed to find a way to get her back. She continued to withdraw from them a little at a time, shifting and moving so she had no contact with either man. Sid swore under his breath and pulled, until she was against him firmly, and then he nodded to Devon to move closer so Casey had nowhere to go.

  Continuing to talk softly to her, Sid introduced himself, and explained who he was, so she would not be scared. Devon thought they were finally getting through to her when she sat up and looked around. Casey jumped from the bed and turned to look at the men who had been comforting her.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” Casey said in her adorable southern accent. Devon loved it when she spoke. So did Sid obviously, because Devon saw the man’s cock stand up and take notice.

  “I said, my na
me is Sidney or Sid, and I am your other mate.” He said calmly.

  “Other mate? Like more than one?” She said frowning at first Devon and then Sid.

  “Yes, that is what I said.” Sid said slowly.

  “The hell you say. I cannot have two mates. I will barely be able to handle one, let alone two.” Casey said.

  “Well, I am sorry to have to tell you that you do.” Devon said standing up. She was so tiny, he thought and then smiled, and cute.

  “Baby, let’s talk a little.” Sid said and then stood up too.

  “Freakin’ A, you two are like huge bookends.” She grumbled and allowed them to lead her into the other room.

  “Hungry?” Devon said and looked over his shoulder. Both of them nodded and Casey looked around.

  “So, I assume I freaked out a little, and someone brought me up here?” Casey said walking to the window and looked out.

  “Let me order some food, and then I will answer all of your questions.” Devon said and pulled the menu out. “Anyone absolutely hate any food?” Sid shook his head and Casey said, “I don’t care what you order, but I want some chocolate in there somewhere. I have had a shitty day, and I want a little comfort.” Devon laughed and nodded. “Of course.”

  Sid settled her on the couch in the middle and then waited for Devon to finish ordering and then come take his place on the other side of their mate.

  “So what can I do?” Sid said and leaned into her.

  Casey looked at him with a startled expression on her face. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I want to put a smile back on your face and make this the best day, not the shittiest. You found your mates and we found ours. It is a day for celebration, not tears.” Sid said and smiled at her.

  “Well then, for starters you can turn back the hands of time and make my parents want me. Then you can make sure that they never lied to me. Oh, and if it is not too much trouble you could explain to me why no one ever explained to me why I was going to have two mates and not just one.” Casey said and looked around at the two men.

  Devon chuckled at the way their mate got right to the point. “Well, we did not know either until I noticed a note made by the Seer. The Chosen are special wolves and as such, they need to have special mates. I, of course am also on the Council, and so it would only make sense we would have to have a mate who was not on the Council. We needed a balance between us.” Sid nodded and then said, “I would love to be the thing that holds us together.” Then winked at Devon, and laughed when their girl turned pink and looked away. “I think I will make a great Mr. Mom.”

  “Listen, my life was just blown apart a few hours ago, and now I have to deal with two mates?

  Forgive me if I am a little leery here.” She said and stood up. “Where is my so called family?” Devon put his head down, and told her they were all in the hotel waiting to talk to her. He also explained that they were being told they had to be patient, and wait until the morning because she needed a little time. Casey nodded and tears once again formed in her eyes.

  “You know, I am not always this weepy. I swear. And, I only have those attacks every once in awhile, it is like my brain needs time to reboot.” She cried and Sid stood and took her in his arms and tried to calm her. Devon stepped up and put his arms around both of them.

  “Baby, don’t cry, this is tearing me up knowing I can’t fix it.” Devon said.

  “I could kill them all.” Sid said softly, teasing her.

  Casey chuckled and then said. “Thanks, I just need to figure this whole thing out.”

  “Casey, I will never say that what your parents did was right. I think we can only move on from here. Reggie is going to be a part of this no matter what; he is part of the Council and one of the Chosen. If you do not want to see your parents though, I will move heaven and earth to make sure you do not. I will not have you hurt anymore.” Devon said and pulled her to him.

  Sid nodded and then said. “I think we should leave the rest until morning and leave tonight for us.”

  Casey looked at the two men standing in front of her and swallowed. Shit, they were huge and handsome and all hers. Now what the hell was she going to do with them?

  “Uh, okay, that means what exactly?” She said nervously.

  “Just what you are thinking? We are going to have a little dinner, and talk to each other, getting to know one another. After that, we are going to bury ourselves in that tight little cunt of yours, and we will claim you. Once that is done, we will start all over until the sun is peaking over the horizon, and maybe then we will let you get a little nap in.” Sid growled and leaned down and kissed her on the other side of her neck. He ran his tongue over the place he was going to bite, nipped it a little, and then smiled when he felt her shudder.

  “Yeah, well okay, um there is something I have to discuss with you before we get any further.” Casey said and bowed her head and flushed a little. How the hell was she supposed to tell these men she had never had sex before? It would probably send them running for the hills.

  “Just say it, little one.” Devon said and leaned down and kissed the other side of her neck and ran this tongue over where he was going to bite her.

  Casey groaned and stepped back. “Hang on, you two, give me a minute.” Sid and Devon stood side by side and watched as Casey paced the room and seemingly argued with herself. Devon laughed as he saw her lips move; he knew what she was going to say. She had announced her virgin state last night, loudly during one of her rants at the time. He had been surprised because of the sexual nature of wolves, but then he had been excited to think that he would be only one to touch her. Well, now he and Sid, but he was more than happy to share that with him. Devin frowned then, and wondered if he had told Sid about what Casey had said last night. If not the man was in for a real treat. They would be her first everything. It was an awesome and heady feeling.

  “Okay, so the deal is that I have not really done this before.” She said and turned a deeper shade of red. If she were not so serious, he would have laughed.

  “Of course you haven’t,” Sid said. “If you had mated before, we would be very unhappy wolves.” He teased not getting what she was saying. Devon suppressed a smile and let the situation play itself out in front of him.

  “No dumb ass, I meant I have never done this before.” She said motioning between them like that was going to explain everything.

  “I have never had a ménage either, so that should put you at ease. I think the best way to deal with it is to let it all come naturally.” Devon said grinning widely, purposely not helping her explain to Sid what she was trying to say.

  Casey groaned in frustration and then put her hands over her face. “Damn it! I have never had sex before!” She yelled.

  Sid looked stunned and looked at him for acknowledgment. He nodded and grinned to his newfound mate, who closed his eyes and moaned. “Baby, seriously?”

  “Please don’t make me say it again.” She groaned into her hands and Sid looked at Devon and smiled. She had no idea how sexy they thought it was that they were the only ones who she was ever going to have. While they were sexual creatures, neither of them had ever been given this type of gift. It made them both feel humble.

  “That’s not what I was saying. Seriously, baby girl, I want you so bad I can hardly stand it.” Sid whispered to her.

  When that actually penetrated her brain, she snapped her head up and looked at both men.


  “Casey, we are honored to be your mates and the only ones who will ever touch this luscious body. I swear I am telling you the truth.” Devon said hoping to stave off her embarrassment.

  Chapter 4

  Casey was saved from further embarrassment by a knock at the door. She breathed a sigh of relief, to know the food was here, and she would be given a reprieve from actually looking at the men.

  Holy shit, they were handsome and built, everything she had ever dreamed her mate would be, but two of them! What the hell was she
going to do with both of them? Hell, she barely could take care of her father let alone two men. She grimaced when she thought about her father, or should she say the man who she thought was her father. He had never let her explore her independence. At least now, she knew why he had kept such a close eye on her. Why he refused to allow her to live in the dorms in college, insisting that she had a room at his house, and she needed to use it. Why, when one of her girlfriends asked her to get an apartment together he pitched such a fit about safety and money. Until she relented and agreed, she should remain at home until she found her mate. Most wolves struck out on their own when they were in their early twenties. Reggie and she had never wanted to rock the boat and had remained at home, saving money for the future. Now it all seemed a little stupid and annoying to think he was played like that.

  Reggie never seemed to mind, but then of course he was bi-sexual and leaned a little more toward the gay side. He had been worried about getting his ass kicked when they went out, so she kinda understood why he stayed at home. The last few months they had talked about building a small house next to their parents and living there together. They had figured that it would make everyone happy. Now she could not wait to get the hell away from here, and the reminder that her life was a sham.

  “Dinner is served.” Devon said and Casey looked up surprised, she had spaced out like that when there were so many better things for her to concentrate on.

  “Yum” she said and looked at the meal that was presented in front of her. She laughed as she looked at all the food and then looked up at her mate’s face. “What, did you order the whole menu?”

  “Of course, I had no clue what either of you liked, and I wanted to cover my bases.” Devon said grinning at the pair.


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