Valbore (Tasks of the Nakairi Book 1)

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Valbore (Tasks of the Nakairi Book 1) Page 15

by K. E. Young

  Kaio sighed in exasperation. "I tired of the games." He paused before continuing. "She frustrates me. She's better than they are but acts as if she's less than the dirt under their feet. I understand now, but I'm uncertain how to fix it. She's always appealed. Too much. What am I going to do?"

  Dragos snorted. "You will make her your mate and then be patient until she's ready."

  "Mate?" Kaio looked as if Dragos had smacked him with a fish, equal parts shocked and confused.

  Dragos grinned at his reaction. "It solves several problems. The issues surrounding her staying in your rooms, your father's demands, and the Therysi court will be less willing to chance your wrath to punish her for her magic. You are a blood member of the Imperial clan. As your mate, she'll have the aegis of the entire Drakken Empire, not just us. It will give you the right to care for her the way she needs to heal from this incident and all the years of her previous life. We already know she trusts you at least a little or she would not have told you her story and no one else cares about her as much as you do.

  "Besides, when the Emperor hears about her and what happened he'll want her brought to Drakken and you know what he'll do then. He's under pressure. He'll do his best to convince her becoming his Empress is the perfect solution and she'll capitulate. You know she will. I don't believe that particular fate would be beneficial for any of those involved; not you, not her, not Urash, and not the Empire. Sara is all wrong for Urash. On the surface, it would be an ideal solution and the people would welcome it but you and I know it would be a disaster in the making. The isolationists would win and the Empire would pass to another clan.

  "Then there is the small matter of the Goddess's Task. The Goddess brought her here for a reason. There is a gate on Drakken. If the Goddess wanted Sara on Drakken, She would have sent her there. She didn't."

  Dragos leaned back again swinging his foot. "It would be better for everyone if she becomes your mate. You want what's best for her." A feral grin spread across his face. "Besides, it would twist your father's tail and I think we both agree he needs it.

  Kaio chuckled and thought about Dragos' words. After a time, he nodded. "It seems I must rewrite the letters to my mother and father." He sighed. "They'll come here you know."

  Dragos had been deliberately avoiding that thought in his mind. Zenra's visits were always a joy, but the war between Ren and Kaio could get loud and unpleasant. With the lords always searching for chinks in the dragonlords' armor, this was one war that would have to be forcibly squashed for a time. Or at least kept firmly behind closed doors with a spell in place to muffle their shouting. "For your wedding, the Emperor himself would come even if she weren't an earth mage — or ask you to move the wedding to Drakken. Your father will be unpleasant and there will be questions in the Imperial court, but we'll handle it. You have my support."

  Dragos sighed heavily. "There will be a lot of Drakkeni here soon. There will be complaints Drakken is trying to take over Therys."

  Kaio huffed a laugh. "And there aren't any now?"

  He had to admit Kaio was right. They had been receiving that particular complaint right from the beginning. "True. Go rewrite your letters. Write one to my brother while you're at it. I'll let Durra know he needs to prepare for a wedding. In a week? Will Sara's healing have progressed enough?"

  "I think so. Father won't be pleased she has neither family nor clan. He's always been a stuffed ushayru. Goddess! How will I explain this to her?"

  Dragos' hand shot out and smacked Kaio in the back of the head. "You forget, she's my ward and a member of my household, such as it is, which makes her part of my family and clan by extension — or so it can be argued. At least that's the argument I will use. As for the other, you might start by telling her you're doing it because you care about her. Women like to know that sort of thing."

  Kaio glared at him. "You're as helpful as a box of rocks."

  Dragos couldn't help but laugh at his friend's ire as he stood and walked out.

  7: Choices

  Kaio: 31st of Hunting, 3837

  Kaio swore to himself as he made his way to his quarters. He had to get the letters ready to go and he wasn't sure how he would tell his father he was getting married. Especially after the last yelling match a few days ago.

  Master Bedin was attending Sara when he returned to his rooms. Once he finished with her, the healer briefed him on her progress. "She's doing well. The infection is almost resolved and the swelling is down. Her bruising and many of the lesser hurts will fade in a few days. The deeper hurts will take longer and will leave a little scarring, but perhaps not as bad as we thought at first. She does need to eat more often though. Assisted healing takes a lot of energy and she has none to spare. Wake her to eat if you have to. Four or five meals a day at least. Right now, she is starving. She's using more energy healing than she's taking in and that must change."

  It told Kaio more than anything else how strained Sara's circumstances had been while they were absent. She shouldn't have been that depleted even after three days without food. "I will see it done. Will she heal enough to be up and about soon?"

  "Yes. Tomorrow most likely. She'll feel the drive to move around soon. Don't let her overdo it, but encourage a little light exercise, a bath or a walk around the apartment perhaps. By morning her deeper wounds should be healed enough she can bathe."

  "Thank you," Kaio said gratefully. Bedin bowed and left.

  Kaio turned to Sara. She was looking better; less pale, less tired, but still too gaunt for his comfort. "Dragos has ruled. Fanul and Dagresh will die. Publicly. We presented the evidence to the court a little bit ago. It shocked even the worst of them to all appearances. There was no objection to the ruling. They won't hurt you or anyone else ever again. Dagresh isn't in custody yet, but Sano is on the case and he's an excellent investigator.

  "Now, I'm told you need to eat more. Are you hungry? Shall I send for something?"

  She smiled shyly. "The maid is getting me dinner now. Master Bedin seems pleased with how I'm healing up. You'll have your quarters to yourself soon."

  Kaio winced. He never wanted her to leave. He could admit it now. "I wanted to talk to you about that…"

  Sara: 31st of Hunting, 3837

  Lord Shalatu's wince was confusing and a chill of dread washed over me at his words.

  He sat on the edge of the bed next to me and took my hand. "I would prefer to give you more time and do this properly, but time isn't something I have." He paused and my confusion grew.

  He smiled and stroked my hand. "I'm sorry, I don't quite know how to go about this. You always appealed to me, but they wouldn't have allowed me to court you and your timidity made me angry — so I tried to keep you away. The fact you are an earth mage changes everything though. With that much power at your command, they would have to agree you were… qualified."

  He took a deep breath. "I don't have to keep away from you anymore and I don't want to. Sara, I want to protect you and care for you. I need to." He was breathless as he finished.

  "Lord Shalatu? I don't understand."

  He looked down in embarrassment. "I don't want you to leave. In a week, we will be married… I mean, if you're willing." He glanced up to gauge my reaction, but I was still trying to process what he had just said. It wasn't what I was expecting. "I won't harm you, Sara. You have my word of honor. You needn't worry I would force you… I care too much to do that to you."

  He cared about me? A small hope bloomed in me. "Married?" I had never expected to marry. I never thought I'd meet anyone I could trust enough.

  My mind whirled, skating over all of our interactions, his care of me after Dragos left, his rambling apology and promise to make it up to me, and his honor oath to keep anyone from ever abusing me again. Even before Fanul, he had never threatened me and he had apologized for the rough landing. When he had grabbed my arm and it hurt, he had moved his grip rather than continue to hurt me despite his anger. When I collapsed, he had brought me to his apartment rath
er than my own because it was safer.

  He had sworn on his honor he wouldn't hurt me and he wouldn't force me. It was yet another of those serious oaths they would die before breaking. I didn't trust men, but he wasn't just a man was he? He was also a dragon, and I could trust dragons. He was too good for me, but I liked him. I was certain he would keep me safe.

  I was safe!

  Suddenly, he pulled me into his arms again. He was frantic, trying to figure out why I was crying. "I knew I would mess this up. It was too soon, but there was no more time. I won't hurt you. I promised I wouldn't. Please don't cry! What's wrong? You hate me, don't you? Please don't hate me."

  "I don't hate you." His distraught attempts at comforting me hurt but I felt no urge to pull away. "I realized I'm safe. Lord Shalatu, I haven't felt safe since my father died thirteen years ago, but you make me feel that way."

  He cuddled me closer, a relieved laugh rumbling in his chest. "Oh, Sara… You will always be safe with me. So will you marry me?"

  I sniffled and nodded. It felt good to know he would protect me. Maybe I got that fresh start after all. The one he had promised.

  He chuckled and stroked my hair. "There are a few things you should know. First, the reason my father would have objected to you if you hadn't been a mage." He took a deep breath as if to fortify himself. "I am a member of the Imperial clan. The Emperor is my cousin. My father was actually the older brother of the last Emperor but was disqualified from becoming Emperor for reasons I won't get into right now. Because I am my cousin's heir, I am required to marry a woman whose magic equals or exceeds my own.

  "I know it sounds arbitrary, but there is a good reason for it. It takes strong magic to manifest a dragon. The stronger the magic a person bears, the larger and more capable the dragon that can manifest. It's thought weak magic starves the channel between the human side and the dragon side while it's growing in our youth. If the dragon has less magic to feed its growth, it ends up smaller, plainer, slower, and weaker. Strong magic allows it to reach its full capability.

  "Over the centuries and millennia, the noble families have strengthened their magic, and thus their dragons, until their progeny are consistently high level. The dragons of the imperial clan are the largest, fastest, strongest, and most powerful of all. My father would accept no one who would compromise that. However, as a strong earth mage, you are more powerful than even the Emperor."

  The idea I might have stronger magic than his Emperor was shocking. I honestly didn't know how my ability stacked up against anyone else's. Instead, I had focused on doing the best I could with what I had.

  It occurred to me he sounded happy. He was using the same tones he used when talking to his friends. It made me smile, although I lost it moments later when he got to his second point.

  "Second, your new position will require you to learn all the etiquette and protocols of Drakken royalty, the perils of becoming a princess. I will ask my mother for help, clothes, and such. As an earth mage, you have high status in your own right and your dress and manner should reflect that."

  He caught himself as I tensed up in anxiety. "Of course, being high status means you have more leeway to be as you wish."

  I thought about the substance of his words for a minute, fighting with my anxiety. I was coming to realize I sometimes misinterpreted what Lord Shalatu said and it made me wonder if he ever misinterpreted what I said. "You can't bend the rules unless you know what they are first."

  I hadn't realized how tense Lord Shalatu was himself until I felt him relax. "Exactly. You needn't worry, Sara. I'll be there to help. I'll always be there." At his words, my anxiety loosened its grip.

  The sensation was unfamiliar, but being held by Lord Shalatu seemed to feed something in my soul. Memories of sitting on my dad's lap before he got sick flitted through my mind. I was feeling calmer and safer than I had in a long time.

  "What did you mean when you said you didn't have time?" It had bothered me and I had heard nothing to explain it yet.

  "First thing tomorrow morning, Arhis will head to Drakken with the news of what's happened. The news an earth mage was tortured and is in danger merely for being female could prompt the Emperor into acting. He would insist we take you to Drakken for safety. Once you were there, Urash would have done his best to convince you to marry him."

  I jerked my head back to see if he was joking. The Emperor hadn't even met me. Why would he want to marry me? Lord Shalatu's expression wasn't happy and he wasn't joking.

  "My cousin is… dispassionate. Urash is a determined, ruthless, and eloquent man despite his youth. The politics in Drakken put a great deal of pressure on him now. He would have hurt you without meaning to simply because he needs to secure the imperial bloodline. He would not have been good for you and I promised no one would hurt you again. So — I was out of time. I needed you safe before Arhis left with the news and —" His arms tightened briefly, "I couldn't bear the thought of someone else taking you away from me."

  He was silent for a long moment, his breath warming the top of my head where his cheek rested. "Letters to the Emperor, my father, and mother will go with Arhis in the morning. Now, you need to eat your dinner. Your stomach is growling at me. I could be wrong, but I believe it's getting ready to attack." He sounded amused.

  I tipped my head back to check and sure enough, he was smiling warmly down at me. He had never used that expression before and it flustered me. "Um. Dinner?"

  "The maid brought it in while you were crying. She left it on the table." He disentangled himself, made sure I was comfortable and turned to get the tray. "After you eat I want you to get more sleep. In the morning, we'll get you a proper bath and then the seamstress a little later on to get your measurements and specifics for the wedding gown. I had your things collected from your old room and stored here for safety so you needn't worry about them." He set the tray in my lap. "Will that be acceptable?"

  I nodded, bemused. "Wedding dresses from my old world were always white. Is there anything similar here or in Drakken?"

  He tipped his head as if he hadn't considered it before. "For the mate of a dragonlord, ribbons in the colors of her mate's dragon trim the gown, so gold, bronze, and purple ribbons will be on your gown. Other than that, you may wear anything you wish." His expression was serious, but there was still a lightness to it and his eyes sparkled.

  I remembered the old pictures of my parents' wedding. When she married my father, my mom had looked so beautiful in the pictures, so happy. I smiled a little in hopeful anticipation. "White. It should look like my mother's wedding dress." I wanted that kind of happiness.

  "Then it shall. Eat. The healer was adamant you must eat more. Magic assisted healing takes a lot of energy and he didn't think you had any to spare. You look gaunt from your experience."

  I grimaced as my stomach growled louder than ever and tucked into my meal.

  I paused as something occurred to me. "What should I call you? Somehow, I think if I keep calling you 'Lord Shalatu', people will wonder."

  He smiled softly. "Kaio." I liked it.

  I smiled again and went back to eating, happier than I had been in far too long. It wouldn't last. The good times never did, but I would have something to remember during the dark times.

  Kaio: 31st / 32nd of Hunting, 3837

  She was smiling! That was unexpected. He had feared she would reject him and he couldn't have forced her into it even to keep her out of Urash's hands.

  Kaio thought about what he would say to his father as she ate. It wasn't as straightforward as he would have liked. His father wanted a political alliance and kept choosing candidates Kaio's dragon rejected. Kaio was able to sabotage most of these attempts, but it didn't stop Ren from trying. On those occasions the situation got far enough for a formal meeting, Ren inevitably insisted that Kaio marry the woman anyway. If Kaio blocked him permanently from his ambitions, Ren could become even more hostile.

  Even among those who knew him, Ren could be remarkably unemp
athetic and it might not even occur to him Sara had limits. He wouldn't understand Sara was fragile enough Urash would destroy her. She was strong to have survived what she did, but everyone has limits and she was too close to the end of her strength.

  When Sara finished, he set the tray aside, helped her to the bathroom, then tucked her in and stayed with her until she slept. He carried the tray out to the main room. The maid was sitting chatting with a marine. As Kaio came out, she smiled and collected the tray. "Does she need anything, my lord?"

  "She's asleep now, probably for the night. She'll need a bath in the morning and a seamstress to consult with her on a wedding gown." Kaio couldn't help but smile, almost giddy in his relief and joy. "She said yes!"

  The maid beamed. "Oh that's wonderful, my lord! I'll take the tray back to the kitchen now and let Durra know to have a seamstress come tomorrow."

  "Thank you. I'll be in my office for a few hours."

  "Will you still need the cot, my lord?"

  "Yes, until the wedding at least."

  "Yes, my lord."

  She hurried out with the tray and Kaio continued to his office.

  He tackled the easy one first. The note to his mother was much simpler since she wouldn't care that Sara's power would have been a match for the Emperor. She would be glad he had found someone with whom he wanted to share his life. The hardest part was in deciding how much of Sara's history to tell her. He wanted her help and she would need to know at least some of the story.

  The letter to the Emperor was less fraught than the one to his father but still required careful phrasing. He stressed to Urash that he had cared for Sara long before they discovered she was an earth mage. Also emphasized were Sara's trials in her own world and her need for care and gentle handling. He hoped Urash wouldn't be his usual critical brusque self if he visited. Sara wouldn't handle it well.


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