What a Witch

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What a Witch Page 7

by Colleen S. Myers

  He snorted. “We don’t have castles, but we do have walled cities.”

  “Yep, and you can bring down most of those walls by focusing on the cross beams. Bring down one section and the rest will fold.” Take that.

  He nodded sagely. “I see.” His lofty tone made me laugh.

  It made me feel good to talk about this. I’d always had to hide what I was but no longer.

  “Remember when I went upstairs in my house?”

  “Yes. You got your family picture.”

  “I also have the plans with me to make three arrays of generators so covens can function independently. Detailed plans of all the coven’s strengths and weaknesses. Wards. All the knowledge my family has passed down. Most of it on electronics but I can make a mill. I can restore communication, set up an infrastructure and government. I know how to create from cook everything from scratch, although poorly.”

  “Those crackers were pretty good.”

  Ha. “Thank you.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Um, my role in my parent’s vision is the planner. Alex is the diplomat and trader, and Josie is the muscle. We’ve had these roles beaten into us since we were born.”

  “If this is true then why haven’t you done anything? Why didn’t you tell us and start restructuring?”

  My chest tightened and my eyes went to this spot on his chest. “Remember when you asked me why I would want to help humans? Well, I ask you, why would I want to help mages when my family always felt separate from them and shunned for the visions my grandparents had? They were so feared; my family was drive out of Europe and sent here in exile. Why would I help mages?”

  His eyebrows drew together. “Then what are you doing here now?”

  “I don’t have a choice anymore. To be honest, I never really did, but once the vampires attacked, I knew it for certain. I have consciously been trying not to use my powers, and that just makes them stronger. I have connections to every coven because my family travelled to most U.S. covens right after Josie was born. There is a marker for my family in most known covens. Within a few months I could reestablish communication based on that knowledge and restore power to a small extent and reenact some of the old laws which I keep copies of in my family bible. Alex has already restarted trade routes and supplies. He has been amassing them for this day.”

  He squeezed my shoulder. “What day is that?”

  “The day I decide to fight. To get behind my father’s teachings. I never really did. I thought he was full of shit like everyone else, but I still loved him.” And I still hated him when he left us.

  “Holy crap.” He sat back staring at the ceiling. “This is a lot to take in.”

  I nodded. “What about you?”

  “I am a cipher.” Meaning no one in his family had powers similar to his. His developed a new brand and type of magic within his family.

  “What is the power?”

  “An extreme form of spirit, as far as I can tell. I can’t move thing per say, so I’m not really telekinetic more I focus power in a spot and I can manipulate it. Twist it, break it, crush it. Exploring my powers was hard.”

  “But you grew up in a regular coven.”

  He laughed. “Not really, my father was sure that I wasn’t a true cipher. That my mother cheated on him and that is why I developed such unique powers. He shunned the town and interaction as he felt like that is what took his wife away. My uncles didn’t even know I survived my birth until they forced their way into the house to check on my dad a few years later. He apparently didn’t really take care of me. They took me in but I was wild. Up until the Madness.

  “The Madness took my uncles, the only two people who ever cared about me. Some of my cousins survived and my coven scraped by, but it was apparent that it would not be for long. I had to step up or leave. I chose to step up.”

  I put my hand over his on his chest. “Of course, you did.”

  He laced his fingers with mine and kissed my knuckles. “You say that but you didn’t know me then.”

  “My mother always said the true nature of a person can’t be measured until after they have been tested. It is easy to mouth the answers fed to you. It is harder living the answers.”

  “I think I would have liked your mother.”

  “She was great.”

  And now the words were done and we both went silent. My fingers curled into his unsure what to say.


  He squeezed my fingers and leaned into kiss me.

  Each time it got better. His mouth less uncertain. His taste more memorable.

  Goose bumps broke out across my skin, and I leaned into him. He pulled me sideways and slipped one of his legs between mine; our legs intertwined.

  His right hand came up and cradled my face as we kissed, memorizing each other’s mouths. The taste. The breath of it. He smelled like nature, sweaty and raw. I loved that, and he had a mint taste to his mouth. Thank god, he brushed his teeth. Isn’t that a silly thing to think about as you slipped into another’s arms?

  I pulled back and gazed into his eyes. His pupils were dilated so his eyes appeared nearly black and filled with heat. My skin tightened and I slammed my mouth back into placed over his. He swallowed my moan and rolled so he loomed over me.

  “Are we doing this?”

  I hesitated, torn. “I have never done this before.”

  He pulled back, putting a hand on my cheek. “Do you want this?”

  Our eyes met and crossed. Brown met green. “Yes, I want this.”

  “I don’t know if I can be gentle.”

  Wait. “Um, so it will hurt?”

  “Hopefully not. I can control myself.” But his eyes looked pained. “I just don’t want to control myself.”

  My cheeks heated at his meaning.

  “How long has it been for you?”

  “Already asking about other conquests?” he teased, voice light. His hands rested on my waist and kneaded it gently, his fingers slipping my shirt up higher and higher until he could slip a finger or two under the fabric and graze the bottom of my breast.

  Holy crap that felt good. My breast grew tight and I drew in a breath.

  He smiled. “Months ago, cherie, and shared lightly for relief and comfort in a dark night. This is not that.”

  My throat tightened. “What is this?”

  His fingertip slid across to cup my breast, and he leaned forward and took my mouth. “This is much more than that. This is everything.”

  My hair shivered and I could feel heat stirring. My nipples tightened into little buds under his teasing stroke. I had to feel more. I sat up sideways and slid off my shirt and bra. He reciprocated and shrugged off his shirt, his arm coming around to pull me close, skin to skin. Breast to chest. He had just enough hair for the roughness to tease my nipples more until they felt heavier and lighter than they’d ever been, and then Baz started kissing me again.

  His lips were soft. So soft and tasted of that mint I liked. His tongue, firm yet delicate, coaxing—even urging—me to open my mouth more and consume him.

  I twined my hands in his hair and brought his face closer. He panted lightly and the sound filled me with power. I loved that I affected him like he did me. I should. He was mine. I pushed him back on the bed, some inner tigress pushing forth and making me straddle him.

  His eyebrows rose but he followed my direction, lying back on the bed with his hands behind his head. I put my hand on his shoulder and started to unbuckle his pants.

  He bucked and covered the tine. “No, not so quick, cherie. You’re not ready. Let me play a bit.”

  He pushed me back onto my back and tugged off my pants. The sudden chill after the heat caused goosebumps, and then I got even more when I felt his breath down there.

  “Oh god, Baz.”

  His laugher rumbled against my thigh as he buried his face in between my legs. “I am not god, just Baz. But glad you think so.”

  I huffed out a laugh then felt the first stroke of his ton
gue and couldn’t speak at all. Warm and wet and rough and smooth and stimulating. My hips followed his mouth; only his hands on the thighs kept me pinned.

  “No, no, cherie, let me taste. I need to make sure you are ready before anything else so I don’t hurt you.”

  He huffed out a breath on purpose to tease me and then his tongue resumed its motions. Up down, his fingers, his mouth, his thumb pushing inside me just slightly enough to pull a groan out of me.

  Constant motion. I could see they affected him as well, my moans. I wasn’t used to being passive.

  I pulled back and drew his gaze upward. “I want to taste you too.”

  His eyes dilated. “As much as I would love that cherie, for the first time, I think we need to take it slower so I last and can guarantee a finish for you, as they say. He grinned and I saw the dampness on his chin.

  “I really don’t think my finish is in question anymore.”

  “Oh really.”

  He started crawling up my body, kissing whatever he found along the way. Until he reached me.

  We were face to face and it was so intense, I had to close my eyes.

  Baz whispered. “No, cherie. Eyes open for this part.”

  His body slipped over mine and I swear it felt like we fit like puzzle pieces. My face fit right into the spot underneath his check. My breast against his chest, his member between my legs.

  His mouth covered mine and his tongue pierced my mouth as he slow angled me up and slid inch by inch into my willing body.

  I closed my eyes and bit his neck. It hurt at first, full and tight, but then he started to move and it was delightful, all sensation and light. I couldn’t’ get enough. My body ached. Baz moaned and moved over me until both our bodies fell apart and realigned. I’d never felt this way before, and my power only grew from our connection.


  By midday, we got close to Louisville and my cares slipped away.

  Somewhere there were Alex and family. We really needed to talk. I blushed and looked at Baz. About a lot of things. Good things and bad.

  Baz huffed and leaned against a nearby tree. I drifted to a stop next to him. He dropped his backpack at his feet and pulled out two water bottles. One he tossed to me, the other he twisted and swallowed. I watched his throat work and made myself look away.

  “That is the port?” he asked.

  “Yeah. From what I understand, it is neutral. They keep a huge presence on the docks for safety. The town is under the protection of the nearest walled city. The vampires use the waterways as well; there are various groups like my brothers.”

  “So, it is safe?”

  I shrugged. “I’ve never visited it myself. My brother said it was ‘organized’.”

  “Is that good?”

  “He thought so.”

  “Is he down there?”

  “He should be. I hope he is there.”

  “If he is, do you think he will help us?>”

  “Of course, he will. My family sticks together.”

  He took another swallow. “Do you think he will approve of me, cherie?”


  I choked on my own water. “Um, I am sure he will.” My cheeks heated and I took a sip of water to cover my flush.

  He smiled.

  I don’t think my water trick fooled him at all.

  The first step into town freaked me out. It was too open. I felt more exposed now than I had riding on a motorcycle on the highway. I was used to the towns being deserted, but there were obvious attempts to tame the forest back and clear paths on the concrete. My coven tended to be more circumspect and didn’t leave trails of where they’d been.

  Baz squeezed my fingers. “Where to now?”

  Um. “I don’t know.”

  He blinked. “What do you mean>”

  “I never actually came to Louisville with Alex. I know the routes he takes on the water, but my job was to stay at home and prepare. I organized crews, supplies, contacts, and routes.”

  “So, we walk around until we find him? That doesn’t sound safe.” He threw up his hands. The guy did like to talk with his hands.

  Before I could say anything, I saw a familiar slouched figure, glasses askew, moving toward us. He hurried, almost at a jog, his hands clenched at his side.

  “Ellie,” he called out when he reached ear shot. His words rushed. “Out of the street, now.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I’d known Rebs my entire life. He wouldn’t be worried for nothing.

  We followed him into the nearest building. Ironically a 7-Eleven. The store appeared deserted but the aisle was clean. A whole row of slushy machines in the corner made my lips twitch. No more Big Gulps.

  Rebs guided us into the back room and checked behind us before locking the door. “What are you doing here, girl?” he pushed his glasses back up his nose and tapped his fingers against his thighs, his pale countenance betraying the fact that he rarely saw the outdoors. “Alex is already gone looking for you, and you stroll into town all la di da. Right up the main street.”

  My stomach fell and I exchanged a glance with Baz. “What do you mean Alex is gone? We didn’t see anyone on the river.”

  “He flew.”

  Ha. I would’ve loved to see that. “My brother hates flying.”

  “He sensed you were in trouble, Josie and you. He took off immediately with some friends to come find you.”

  “So, he’s heading for Cincinnati.”

  Rebs nodded. “Yes, you just missed him by less than a day.”

  Baz perked up, his eyes sharpening. “We should have stayed in Cincy.”

  Rebs seemed to notice Baz for the first time. “Who the hell are you?”

  I put a hand on Reb’s chest to keep him from stepping up on Baz. “Remington Emerton Barton meet Bastion Faradeaux. Rebs, meet Baz. He is part of the Cincinnati coven. They are looking to establish trade.”

  “But...” Reb’s words trailed off. “Do you want to establish trade?”

  “Yes.” I cleared my throat and turned to Baz. “I normally take care of all the documentation and organization. I told you this, right?”

  “You did.” He paused and his eyebrows creased. “So, we didn’t need to come here?”

  “No, we did. I needed to find Alex. He needed to know about the attacks and where we were located. Otherwise, he would have come back to nothing. Plus, now we can get what you need and start the plans. Alex is the politician. I am the general, and Josie is the muscle, or she will be.”

  My words trailed off. Rebs pulled me into his side so my head rested on his shoulder. “This talk needs to take place somewhere else. Not here.”

  Baz said nothing. His face closed to me. He wouldn’t meet my eyes.

  My stomach clenched. “Where is the crew?”

  “We were getting ready to set sail for home. You’re just in time.”

  “Baz…” I gestured to him.

  He’d gone silent and watched me intently as we talked.

  I cleared my throat. “He needs supplies.”

  Rebs waved a hand in the air like he just didn’t care. “We have supplies. The fight will be in Cincinnati tomorrow. We need to hurry.”

  “Can we even get there by boat in that short a time?”

  Rebs grinned. “If we hurry and travel non-stop, we can. Come now.”

  Baz put a hand on my shoulder. “Things will work out.”

  Rebs pushed his glasses up his face. “Come on girly, we need to head home.”

  “I promised Baz that I would help him get supplies and contacts.”

  “Screw that, it’s family,” Baz said.

  My heart damn near melted at his words. “Okay.”

  Just like before, the trip back seemed a lot faster than the trip there. We arrived back to Cincy in under a day; the crew worked nonstop.


  We approached the dock slowly. I stood at the gunwale, looking out. The place appeared different than prior; the glamour that we painstakingly placed was obvio
usly broken. Smoke rose from the dock, or I guess it wasn’t really a dock anymore, just shards of drifting, burnt wood. Nothing remained. Worse than before.

  Baz’s hand gripped my shoulder. “Do you see anyone?”

  Smoke rose so thick from the area, I couldn’t see anything. I shook my head.

  Rebs vaulted down next to me. “We can’t dock, nothing to hook up to. We can drop anchor and go in by individual ships. The only way.”

  This was a trap. But it was the only way.

  “I am going on the first boat,” I announced.

  “Like hell.” Baz growled.

  Rebs and I both ignored him and shared a look. He knew why I wanted to go first.

  “Fine,” Rebs said.

  Baz sputtered and I put a hand on his chest. “I have to.”

  He frowned, then covered my hand with his. “Then I’m going with you.”

  “Of course.”

  He leaned his forehead against mine and stole a quick kiss. Rebs smacked him on the shoulder, looking less than pleased. “Do you two mind?”

  I grinned and bumped my hip against Baz’s. “You ready?”

  We clambered into the boat through a side port. They had given Baz one of the guns, but honestly, his power was more useful and deadlier than any bullet. And I didn’t need weapons, only the touch of the ground.

  I could feel eyes on us as we set out for shore. A bush moved near the house. Another down closer to shore. There was no croaking of toads I normally associated with the night time here. A sure sign this was a set up. Rebs hadn’t come. He was more the man-the-ship type of guy, computer genius.

  Two other crew bristling with weapons did join us. Hopefully, they would help and not hinder us in the battle ahead.

  As we got closer, the sun set and made the shore even more murky. Once we were close enough, a vampire bobbed up from the water and capsized our boat.


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