Summer Catch (Four Seasons of Romance Book 1)

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Summer Catch (Four Seasons of Romance Book 1) Page 8

by Elle Viviani

  Except for Summer.

  I sigh and lean back, knowing that I’m staying right where I am for the next few hours or until Summer grows old with me. Based on our relationship, that should be in about ten minutes. At least, I think. Summer’s full of surprises, as I’m quickly finding out. She’s gone from a total disaster to a novice fisherman in under two weeks. She could really hold her own out on the water. I remember Captain’s predication that Summer would be invaluable as a first mate. She was…kinda. Well, she wasn’t making my life harder.

  Two pint glasses plunk down in front of me. Summer grabs the empty seat across from me, pushes back her hair, and smiles at me. “Phew!” she says, sliding her brimming dark porter across the table. “This place is packed.”

  “I guess everyone’s in weekend mode already.” I grab my glass. A Scottish ale, exactly what I drink when I’m in the mood for beer.

  “And vacation,” Summer adds, looking around at the only two demographics in the room: preppy city people and seasoned locals. “I’d forgotten how popular Portland is in the summer.”

  “That’s why summer’s such a big haul.”

  “Are we back on schedule, by the way?”

  I nod. “We’re getting there.”

  “Is it okay that we’re taking off this weekend, then?” she asks, taking a sip.

  “Don’t worry about it. One weekend isn’t going to sink us.”

  Summer chokes on her porter. I reach over and slap her on the back as she starts coughing. “You okay?”

  She nods and points a finger at me. “A pun!”

  “A what?”

  “You just made a pun!”

  I stare at her for a moment before it hits me. “Oh, man,” I groan. “Sorry.”

  “No, I love it!” My breath catches as she gives me that dazzling smile of hers. “You’re lightening up.”

  “I doubt that,” I mutter, trying to regain my footing. Don’t get too close. She’s just a distraction. “So what are you doing with your weekend off?”

  Summer’s face lights up. “My roommate’s coming to visit. Maddison Winter.”

  Now it’s my turn to choke. “Maddison what?”

  “What?” she says, giving me a look. I can tell she knows what’s coming.

  “Summer? Winter?”

  She scowls at me. “Right. Like we haven’t heard that one.”

  “Sorry, it’s just comical.”

  She rolls her eyes. “What about you? Any plans?”

  I hesitate, unsure of how much to say. Should I tell her about my own friend coming up to visit? Or about my birthday? We seem to be getting along (for once) and she is sharing personal stuff about herself. The polite thing to do would be to share a little bit about my plans.

  I take a sip of beer to fill the silence. Too bad I’m not a “polite guy.” I’m the captain of a fleet with a lot on his shoulders, and I’m not here to get buddy-buddy with my first mate, the granddaughter of my boss.

  I shrug. “Nothing.” I ignore the crestfallen look on Summer’s face. “I have some things I’ve been putting off that I’ll get around to.”

  “Like what?” she asks, perking up a little.

  “Nothing special. Cleaning, fixing up my boat, seeing my dad—” I stop, realizing I’ve said too much.

  Sure enough, Summer jumps on that slip-up like a fish on a line. “Your dad? Does he live far away?”

  I shake my head. “He’s in town.”

  “Cool. So what does he do?”

  Nope. I’m not doing this. I pick up my glass and down the rest of my beer in one giant gulp. “Want another?” I ask, pushing away from the table. “On me this time.”

  Summer glances at her half-full beer and frowns. “Sure.”

  I move off toward the bar without another word. As I fight my way toward the counter, I scold myself for what I’m sure is an overreaction. Summer couldn’t know that I have a less than great relationship with my dad, that although I pass his house every day, I barely see the man, or that I’m even planning on seeing him on my birthday. She’s just trying to be friendly, and I did what I always do: push people away.

  I stumble forward and press up against the bar. By some miracle of God, the bartender happens to be standing right there. “Another Scottish and porter, please.” I grab a ten out of my wallet and lay it on the counter. The bartender returns in record time and hands me the pints.

  “Thanks.” I turn around and push back through the wall of people now vying for my empty spot at the bar. I break free eventually, the beers still intact and filled to the brim, and scan around for our table. I spot Summer’s bright blonde hair, start forward, and then stop. A scowl tugs at my lips as I realize she’s not alone.

  A tall, slim guy with dark brown hair and brown eyes is leaning over my chair, hands planted on the table, as he chats up my first mate. Normally I wouldn’t care, but I know the scumbag she’s talking to. Or should I say, I know his reputation. He’s known for slipping certain items into pretty girls’ cups while they’re too busy staring into his eyes and for taking things too far when he gets them alone. The last girl he did that to pressed charges. Too bad his parents are well connected, or maybe this douche would be locked up in a cell somewhere instead of leaning in on unsuspecting tourists.

  My breath catches in my throat as I wait for Summer to tell him to get lost, but when she throws her head back and laughs, I lose hope. Looks like the asshole has turned on the charm.

  “Hey,” I say, coming to a stop in front of our table. I glance at our new “friend” and then back at Summer. “You okay?”

  Summer nods, her eyes dancing with laughter. “I was just chatting with… Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t know your name.”

  “Mike,” the creep says, leaning in close. “But you can call me Mikey.”

  Summer frowns at his tone. “Oh. Um, okay.”

  Good. At least she’s not blind to creeps.

  I place the beers on the table and step around it. “Mike? I think it’s time you moved on.”

  Mike throws me an annoyed glance before turning back to Summer. “But I was just getting to know this pretty little thing here.”

  Summer scrunches up her nose. “My name’s Summer.”

  “Summer…” Mike repeats coyly. “Hot and steamy, like you.”

  I try not to barf. “Okay. Move it, dude.”

  Mike turns to me, his “game face” going dark as he meets my eyes. “Don’t tell me what to do, Rendell.”

  “I’m not telling you anything. I’m suggesting you leave my first mate alone, that’s all.”

  “First mate?” He turns and gives Summer a once-over, his eyes lingering a little too long on her breasts for my liking. “Yeah, right.”

  My blood begins to boil as Summer’s face turns bright red. “Show some respect. She’s Boothe’s granddaughter.”

  “That so? Well, if you’re looking for some fun this summer, Summer, then give me a call.”

  “No, thank you,” Summer says confidently.

  “Come on, baby.” Mike reaches out his hand and grazes her cheek with his fingertips. Summer shuts her eyes and flinches away.

  I shove a chair out of my way and step forward. “Move. Now. I won’t ask again.” My tone conveys exactly what will happen if I have to repeat myself.

  Mike’s eyes go wide. “Keep it cool, keep it cool…” He moves off at a glacial pace, but not before giving Summer one more greedy look. Summer curls her lip like she’s got a bad taste in her mouth. I relax only after Mike’s back at the bar, chatting up another poor female that happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  Summer lets out her breath in one long sigh. “God, that guy was so slimy. He came out of nowhere and started talking to me. I thought he was harmless at first, but—”

  I twist and face her. “He’s not harmless, so I suggest you stay away from him.”

  She stares at me. “Excuse me?”

  “Mike McKarney’s got a reputation a mile long. Don’t talk to him a

  “Wait a minute. You can’t tell me what to do, Koa.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “I’m only looking out for you.”

  “And I appreciate that,” she says slowly, “but you still can’t order me around like that.”

  “I’m your captain.”

  “Not on dry land,” she bites back. “You can boss me around all you want on the boat, but not here.”

  “You really want to talk to that creep?”

  She scowls. “No! But I’m a grown woman and I’ll do what I want.”

  We glare at each other from across the table. The idea that we were finally getting friendly goes overboard. Summer and I are back to our old, bickering, aggravating relationship. Probably for the best. Getting too friendly with your business partners never ended well.

  “Suit yourself,” I snap, scraping the stool across the gritty floor and throwing myself onto its uncomfortable padded seat. I shove her beer toward her and grab my own, a few drops of the liquid sloshing over the side and onto the table in front of me. A moody silence settles over us, the only two people in a noisy, packed bar not having a good time. The silence drags on as we sip our beers, each avoiding the other’s angry eyes.

  Whatever. I don’t need this. Summer’s right, anyway, she’s a big girl and can handle herself just fine.

  “I’m tired,” I say, taking one last gulp of my beer and setting it on the sticky tabletop. I keep my eyes on my beer as I shove back and get to my feet. I feel her eyes on me but I don’t look up. “Have a good weekend.”

  She snorts and leans back in her chair, clutching her beer to her chest with white knuckles. “Right. Sure.”

  I fight the urge to look at her and fail, my eyes finding her face as guilt surges within me. There’s anger and frustration in her flushed cheeks and hard eyes, but hurt too. I don’t linger on the hurt. I can’t.

  I let out a long breath and shrug. “Alright. See you,” I mutter, turning on my heel and heading for the door. A few moments later, the breath explodes from my lungs as I trade the stuffy bar for the open sky. My feet choose a direction and start walking, no destination in mind as long as it’s away from this damn bar and Summer’s hurt eyes.

  Why do I care so much? What’s she to me? It’s not like she’s mine…

  I grind to a halt. Why isn’t that idea making me more uncomfortable? Why does the thought of Summer being more to me than an irritating co-worker not have me running for the hills?

  I look out over the water. Am I interested in Summer?

  I give myself a hard shake. God, no. I’m just overwhelmed and tired and been in the sun too long. I’m not falling for Summer Rae. I’m not because I don’t have time for distractions. Summer is a distraction. Her bright brown eyes are a distraction. Her musical laugh and dry sense of humor are a distraction. And her fiery attitude and snarky comments and stubbornness are definitely a distraction.

  I turn around and head for my truck. I don’t need this irksome girl interfering with what’s important. I need to fish, work on my sailboat, and get the hell out of Portland.




  I stagger as Maddison throws herself into my arms. “Hey, you made it.”

  Maddison releases me from her Kung Fu grip and steps back. “Oh my God, look at you. You look great.”

  I shrug. “I’m hanging in there.”

  “No, really! You’re super tan and sun-kissed.”

  “You should see me in a bathing suit. I’m rocking a pretty sexy farmer’s tan.”

  “And these arms…” She stops and sucks in her breath. “Damn, girl! Do you actually have arm muscles now?”

  “They’re called biceps, and you bet. They’ve really come in handy this summer, too. I could barely throw a line when I started and now I can do it in my sleep.”

  Maddison shakes her head in wonder. “So Portland’s been good to you.”

  “I guess it has. Except for the tiny little fact that I never thought I’d be on a giant boat fishing for lobsters.”

  “I bet,” Maddison says solemnly. “Now tell me more about this Koa guy.”

  I sigh and scoop her bag off the platform. “Didn’t take you very long.”

  “What? Is it a crime to be interested in my best friend’s love life?”

  “Let’s get one thing straight—he’s not your friend’s love life, he’s your friend’s boss.”

  Maddie waves her hand. “Semantics. So, will I get to meet him?”

  “Nope!” I’m suddenly even more grateful that I have the weekend off. “He’s got top secret things to do, and I’m hanging out with you all weekend.”

  “Top secret?”

  I step around a two-year-old on the brink of a meltdown and head for the main entrance. “It was the strangest thing. He wouldn’t give any details about his plans when we went out for drinks.”

  Maddison gasps, stops in her tracks, and stares at me. “Drinks? What happened?”

  “Nothing,” I say, tugging her forward. “Nothing at all. Oh, I guess Koa scared off this sleaze ball that hit on me.”

  “How romantic,” Maddison says wistfully.

  I roll my eyes. “It wasn’t at—” I pause as I catch sight of a familiar face.

  It couldn’t be…

  “What’s up?” Maddison asks as I slow to a stop. She follows my stunned gaze into the crowd. “See someone?”

  I nod mutely.


  “My boss,” I say, pointing to the tall, broad frame of none other than Captain Koa Rendell. He sticks out like a sore thumb in this touristy crowd. “What the hell is he doing here?”

  Maddison twists her head as she tries to follow my finger. “Where? Which one?”

  “Which one?” I turn to her. “The guy that looks like he belongs on a boat, not on a J.Crew cover.

  “Oh my God…” Maddison’s voice fades as her eyes land on Koa. She raises her eyebrows and gives a low whistle. “Why don’t you introduce me?”

  “Don’t get any ideas.”

  But I’m too late.

  “KOA!” Maddison’s voice echoes throughout the bustling station. I pull her back as she erupts into giggles.

  “Why did you do that?” I hiss.

  “I want to talk to him!”

  “Did it cross your mind that I don’t want to talk to him?”

  “Hey, Summer.”

  The gravelly, low voice hits me straight in the gut. I force myself to turn around and look up, getting an eyeful of the exasperating face of my boss. I remind myself to kill Maddie once we’re alone.

  “Sorry about that,” I say, glaring at my friend. “It wasn’t me.”

  “It was me!” Maddison steps forward and holds out her hand. “I’m Maddison, Summer’s roomie. But please, call me Maddie.”

  Koa takes her hand and gives her a small smile. “Koa, Summer’s boss.”

  I cringe at the reminder.

  “Nice to meet you,” Maddison says brightly.

  Koa’s eyes flick between her and my face. “Nice to meet you, too.”

  Alright. Time to break up the happy introduction. “What are you doing here?” I demand.

  Koa’s face pales a little. “Picking up my friend. He’s staying the weekend.”


  “My friend, he’s—”

  “Oh, I heard you. Why didn’t you say something last night?”

  Koa drags his hand over his hair. “Yeah…maybe I should’ve.”

  “Sure, because you know, I mentioned that my friend was coming up.”

  Maddison lays a hand on my arm. “I’m sure it was last minute, Summer.”

  I stare at Koa. “Was it?”

  He turns even paler. “Actually he called me last week.”

  “Of course he did.” I turn to my friend. “I’m ready if you are.”

  “Uh, okay…”

  I grab her bag and sling it over my shoulder, not giving my withholding boss another glance. I ge
t three steps away when I notice Maddison’s not following. “Maddie?”

  She throws me an apologetic look and turns to Koa. “What are you doing later? I’d love to hear more about what you and Summer are—OOF!”

  I grab my soon-to-be ex best friend’s arm and drag her away. “Let’s go.”

  “Nice to meet you!” she yells over her shoulder before we’re engulfed by the crowd. I don’t let her go until we’re almost to the doors.

  “Are you crazy?”

  Maddison pushes her hair out of her eyes and shrugs. “Sometimes.”

  “No, I mean what were you thinking back there? Were you about to invite the guy that’s driving me INSANE to dinner?”



  “Because I think you two could be something!”

  “You’re joking.”

  “I’m most definitely not,” she bites back. “You need to lighten up, go out on a limb, be risky.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “That’s a little hypocritical coming from you.”

  I regret the words as soon as they’re out of my mouth.

  “I’m sorry,” I cry as Maddison turns bright red. “I wasn’t thinking. That was a terrible thing to say. I didn’t mean it!”

  “No, you’re right,” she says in a small voice. “I haven’t put myself out there in years.” She meets my eyes. “Which is why I’m not going to let you make the same mistake.”

  I pull her into my arms. “I won’t, don’t worry. Just not with Koa, please. The man has nothing to offer me except a stomach ulcer.”

  Maddison steps back and laughs. “If you say so. But I still think if you gave him another chance…”

  “Nope. I tried that last night. I extended an olive branch, and what did Koa do? He left me at the bar with some high-minded opinions and a lot of awkwardness.”

  Maddison cringes. “Yikes.”

  “Yup, which is why I’m not wasting a moment of this weekend on someone as moody as Koa Rendell.” I link arms with her and lead us out the doors toward the parking lot. “Now, let me tell you every titillating detail there is to know about lobster fishing…”


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