Capturing Cree (Kings Reapers MC Book 2)

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Capturing Cree (Kings Reapers MC Book 2) Page 9

by Nicola Jane

  My heart is beating out of my chest. Everything inside me wants to run after her, but I can’t. I pull out my cell and send her a text message.

  Me: I’ll come by later and explain everything.

  I stuff my cell back in my pocket.

  “I need to pee,” says Michelle. I nod and lead the way through the crowd to the female toilets. Her witchy friends follow, which means they’ll be in there for ages. After five minutes, my cell buzzes with a reply from Eva.

  Eva: Don’t bother. I’m not going home tonight.

  Me: I don’t like games, Eva. Be home when I come by.

  Eva: You’ll be busy apparently.

  I grit my teeth and frown at her cryptic reply, then the bathroom door opens and Eva breezes past me. I glance at the door to make sure Michelle isn’t following her.

  “What does that mean?” I ask.

  “I heard you’re bit on the side telling her friends how her personal security will be servicing her later!”

  I groan. “I won’t be. I just said that to shut her up. She’ll be too drunk,” I explain.

  “It’s fine, Cree. We didn’t make any promises. We aren’t exclusive,” she says.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I hiss. The bathroom door opens and Michelle’s friend steps out. I stand straighter and turn away from Eva. She storms off and I ball my fists.

  “She’s so fucking incompetent,” Michelle says to one of the girls. “And Callum despises her. He said he witnessed her throwing herself at any man with a little money. Sad really.” When Michelle catches me staring at her, she smiles. “We just saw my assistant in the bathroom. Callum had another run-in with her on Saturday. He thinks I need to fire her.”

  I follow them back to the VIP area and pull out my cell.

  Me: You saw Callum yesterday???

  I wait a few minutes and she doesn’t reply.

  Me: I want to see you later.

  Eva: You told me you had an all-nighter, remember? Don’t call me, I’ll call you and all that bollocks.

  I grit my jaw again.

  Chapter Ten


  I curl up on the bed in my mum’s spare bedroom. She didn’t bother to ask me why I was letting myself into her house at two in the morning even though I live a few doors down from her. She never pries—she always waits for me to tell her.

  Cree: I’m on my way.

  I stare at the text message from Cree.

  Me: I told you. I’m not home.

  He tries to call me, but I ignore it. I hear the sound of his motorcycle a few minutes later. I peek out the window and watch as Cree stomps up towards my front door. When he gets no answer, he pulls a key out of his pocket and unlocks the door, letting himself in. He texts me again.

  Cree: If you’re not home in five minutes I’ll come looking.

  Me: You won’t find me.

  I smirk to myself.

  Cree: I’ll start at your mum’s!

  I curse under my breath. Mum won’t lie for me if he turns up here. She always thinks it’s best to talk things through.

  I get home exactly five minutes later. He’s sitting in the kitchen nursing a glass of water. He pushes it my way and I roll my eyes. Not this bullshit again. I drink a few gulps and slam it down, giving him a sarcastic smile.

  “I’m here,” he says. “Not with her. I’m with you.”

  “I told you, it’s fine. You don’t owe me an explanation,” I say.

  “If you start spouting that bullshit about us not being exclusive again, I might just put you over my knee,” he growls.

  “You’re free to see who you like,” I snap.

  “Well, you aren’t, so don’t get no fuckin’ ideas.”

  “I heard what she said to her stuck-up friends,” I hiss. “She was boasting about the sex you have in public places. She told them how you fuck all night. Have you shared your bed with her? You told me that hadn’t happened before.” I’m getting hysterical and I take a breath to calm myself.

  “No, I haven’t ever stayed the night with her. Only you,” he insists.

  “Why did you lie to me earlier? Why didn’t you tell me it was Michelle? I asked you and you lied.”

  He hangs his head. “I didn’t lie. I just didn’t answer you. I don’t know why I did that. I guess I knew you wouldn’t be too happy. I have to do security for them. It’s club stuff,” he says.

  “But you don’t have to lie about it. And you don’t have to make promises to her about sex.” I pout, and he takes my hand and pulls me towards him.

  “We’re exclusive,” he says firmly. “In case it wasn’t clear earlier.”

  “Are you going to tell Michelle that you’re seeing someone?” I ask.

  He hesitates and I pull my hand away. “I have to get them to trust me. I won’t have sex with her. I promise that,” he says.

  “Why do they need to trust you?”

  “I can’t talk about club business, Eva. I’d tell you if I could, but for now, I have to work with them. I told you some, remember?” he asks and I nod. “The mayor wants us to look into that club Callum wanted you to go to.”

  “What if I agree to go with him?” I suggest. “I could tell you about it.”

  “No way,” he mutters, pulling me to him again and peppering kisses along my jaw.

  “Cree, it makes sense. I’ll go, see what’s going on in there, and tell you. Then you can tell the mayor and you can stop flirting with Mrs. Money Bags.”

  Cree stands, his large frame flanking me. He lifts me onto the breakfast counter and tugs at the straps of my dress. His eyes are full of lust and I know I’ve lost him now. He won’t talk about anything when he’s like this. He flicks his tongue over my exposed nipple and runs his large hands up my bare thighs. “I don’t wanna talk about that anymore,” he mutters.

  “You can’t keep getting distracted with sex,” I point out, but he’s already hooking his fingers into my panties and pulling them down my legs.

  On Monday evening, I head to the centre for my volunteering session. Emily tells me that Cree went to see her and her dad last week and I realise just how little I know about him. I send him a text to see if he’s had a good day, but when I step out from the centre, he’s waiting for me with takeout.

  We go back to my place and he sets out the silver containers while I take a shower. We tuck into the Chinese food pretty much in silence. I’m so exhausted, I can’t think straight. Cree insists on wrapping himself around me on the couch while we watch television. It’s sweet and so normal. I never thought I’d be here like this with Cree, but it feels right.

  “Emily told me you went to see her last week,” I say through a yawn.

  “I had dinner there, yeah,” he says, stroking a hand up and down my arm.

  “She’s lucky you helped her. You said you were following a guy. Why?” I ask.

  “I hear shit about these kinda people. I try to clear the streets of them.”

  “Like a one man band of justice?” I ask with a smile.

  “Something like that. I see too much mixing with the kinds of people I do. I hate that shit. Women getting hurt, kids being taken—It’s not right, and Eva, you wouldn’t believe some of the shit that goes on.”

  “I can help you. If you think Callum’s kinky club is full of bad people, let me be your eyes and ears.”

  “I told you, no. I’m not risking you. I’ll make my security services indispensable and get in that way. How was Michelle towards you?”

  “A bitch.” I sigh. “When are you seeing her next?” Cree’s hand begins to wander. He’s distracting me again, so I tap his hand away. “Cree,” I say. My tone is pleading, even though I try to hide it. He sighs and his hand drops to his side.

  “Tomorrow night. I’m taking her to dinner.”

  I push myself to sit up and turn to look at him. “Dinner!” I almost screech.

  “It’s not a big deal. She says it’s a meeting about her security needs. When Callum doesn’t need me, she’s asked for my

  “Your services,” I huff.

  “Trust me,” he mutters, running his hands through his hair in frustration. “You have to trust me.”

  “I do,” I mumble, fiddling with my fingers. “It’s her I don’t trust.”

  “It’s business,” he says. “Now, get naked.”

  I chew on my lip and stare down at the text message I’m about to send. It’s Tuesday, the day Cree is meeting Michelle for dinner, and I hate the idea. I have to do something. Cree asked me not to get involved, but if I can end his contact with Callum and Michelle sooner, then I have to do this. I don’t trust her not to get her claws back into him. Besides, if it’s nothing, then I won’t tell him anything about it. He’ll never need to know. I push ‘send’ and hold my cell to my chest. My heart is thudding. It pings less than a minute later and I cautiously open the message. It’s an address with the time I need to be there and a password.

  My hands shake as I bring up the address on my phone. It’s a house in central London—it must be the townhouse that Cree mentioned. I spend the rest of the day feeling sick with nerves. What the fuck have I let myself in for?

  I press my cell to my ear. I called Leia for advice because I can’t trust Anna not to tell Riggs my plan. Leia, on the other hand, loves an adventure and will die before she spills other people’s secrets. She’s spent the last five minutes laughing at me. “Leia, I rang for help, not for you to laugh at me. I don’t know what the fuck to wear.”

  “And you thought I’d know? A nineteen-year-old virgin ’who’s only ever seen a man’s body in a porn movie.”

  “Eww, you watch porn?” I screw my face up. I’m not a prude, I just don’t bother with it.

  “Doesn’t everyone?” she asks.

  “I don’t think so, but then you’re the only nineteen-year-old virgin I know.”

  “If I were you, I’d go casual. You’re not planning on doing anything, so no one will take any notice of you.”

  I settle on a knee-length dress with ankle boots. It’s not exactly casual, but it’s not smart or sexy either.

  The cab stops outside the three-story townhouse. I stare up at it for a few seconds. The door opens before I get a chance to knock, and a woman dressed in a smart pinstriped dress smiles at me. “Are you coming in?” she asks. I step forwards, nodding my head. “Password?” she asks.

  “Captured,” I say, and she smiles again, opening the door wider. I’m led into a lounge that’s decorated expensively, oozing class. The woman hands me a clipboard with a form attached.

  “Please fill this out and your master will be here shortly.”

  “Master?” I ask, screwing up my face.

  “Every girl here has a master,” she says, frowning at me. I stare down at the form and she leaves the room. It’s a consent form and a non-disclosure agreement. I’m having doubts. I thought I’d come here for a quick look around, check it out, and go home. Now, I’m signing consent forms and it doesn’t actually outline what I’m consenting to, just that my master will lead me to pleasure. I screw my nose up and shudder. Who signs this shit?

  “I knew you’d change your mind,” comes Callum’s voice and I momentarily close my eyes before pasting on a smile and looking towards the door where he stands. “Is that because you know your boyfriend is fucking my wife?” I stare wide-eyed, not sure how to answer. “I know you’re fucking Elijah Cree,” he adds. “And I know my wife is fucking him also.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumble, not sounding at all convincing.

  “I’m not stupid, Eva, so don’t treat me like I am. Why have you suddenly changed your mind?”

  “I don’t know that I have,” I say, laying the clipboard on the table. “I was curious. I wanted to see what you were offering.”

  He laughs. “What did you think I would be offering at a sex club? I can’t show you around unless you sign the paperwork,” he says, nodding towards the table.

  “Tell me what this place is. What would I have to do?”

  Callum moves closer. “It’s better if I show you what I want to do to you.”

  “No,” I say firmly, taking to my feet. “I want to see this place before I sign anything. I don’t even know you, and you want me to sign some bullshit paperwork to say you can control me!”

  He stares at me, contemplating his next move. “Fine. A quick walk around some of the rooms here.” He takes me by the hand, and it makes my skin crawl, but I let him lead me from the lounge.


  I let Michelle get the bill. It goes against everything in me, but fuck it, she brought me here under false pretences. She’s spent the entire meal talking about me and her. I can’t make it any clearer—there is no us. As we leave, she hooks her arm in mine and I lead her to the waiting car. “Back to my place?” she suggests.

  “I have somewhere to be,” I mutter.

  We get into the car and her cell buzzes. She reads the text and then laughs. “Who would have thought it, that little bitch has turned up at the club.” I look at her and wait for her to explain. “My personal assistant,” she scoffs. “She’s gone to Callum’s club.”

  My blood runs cold. “Why?” I ask, trying hard to contain my anger.

  “For sex, I should imagine. I told you she fancied my husband, right? And of course, he would fancy her—he likes a submissive little whore in his bed.” She stuffs her cell back into her bag. “Thank god I have spies everywhere. I need to fire her.”

  I don’t speak for the rest of the journey. I’m so angry, I don’t trust myself. I get Michelle home safely and then head to Eva’s. She’s still not home when I arrive and so I send her a text asking where she is. If she doesn’t reply, I’m gonna tear that house apart until I find her. I put the call in to my inside guy. “I need everything you have now. I’m outta time.”

  “Okay, man. Let me step out and I’ll tell you what I got.”

  I feel sick to my stomach. My hands shake and I feel suffocated. What the fuck was Eva thinking? Her text comes through the second I disconnect my call.

  Eva: I’m on my way home, just been to see an old college friend.

  The fact she’s lying to me does nothing to calm me down.

  Almost half an hour later, she comes in. She’s shocked to see me sitting on her couch, tapping my fingers impatiently on my knee. “I didn’t expect you here tonight. If you’d said you were waiting here for me, I would have rushed back,” she says, smiling at me awkwardly. “How was dinner?”

  “What friend?” I ask tightly and she eyes me cautiously.

  “You’re not one of those guys who doesn’t like me to see friends, are you?” she asks, adding a nervous laugh. “Because that’s a deal breaker for me.” I continue to stare at her, a pleading look in my eyes, I just need her to be honest. “She was at college with me. I don’t see her often, so I wouldn’t have talked about her to you,” she continues.

  “Right,” I mutter. I stand and pull on my jacket. “I can forgive a lot of shit, Eva, but not fuckin’ lies.”

  “What’s going on?” she asks, confusion on her face. “What did I do?”

  I rub my thumb over her cheek. The thought of never seeing her beautiful face again breaks me. I smile at her sadly and place a gentle kiss on her forehead. “A woman who can look me in the eye like that and lie isn’t the kind of woman I want in my life.” I head for the door.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” she yells. “You’re breaking up with me?”

  “You’re lying to me, Eva. I told you not to get fuckin’ involved. I told you to let me deal with Callum, but you can’t listen to simple damn instructions, and then you go to his sex club,” I yell back. “His fuckin’ sex club, Eva! And I ask you and you have the balls to lie to me like that.”

  She chews on her lip and I see her trying to think up ways to get outta this. “I wanted to help.”

  “I told you to stay out of it!” I shout and she flinches. “This is club business. You think he’s gonna
leave you alone now? Fuck!” I yell, rubbing my face in frustration. “I’m so mad right now, I can’t even look at you. I gotta get outta here.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “Please, let’s talk. Don’t leave like this.”

  I shake my head and pull the door open. “Don’t call me, I’ll call you, and all that bollocks,” I mutter, throwing a line she once used on me back at her. I slam the door closed and force myself to walk away.

  I bang on Riggs’ bedroom door and wait for a response. He’ll likely kick my ass for interrupting the good time he’s giving Anna, but this is urgent. “Fuck off,” he yells.

  “It’s urgent. About Callum.”

  There’s some whispering on the other side of the door, and a minute later, Riggs pulls the door open, looking dishevelled and fastening his belt. “This better be fucking good, VP.”

  We go to his office and he pours us each a drink. I shake my head because I need to keep clear. “I got a call. Some intel on Callum and his little house of horrors.”

  “Go on,” he pushes.

  “It caters to men who have a certain taste.” Riggs glares at me impatiently. “Let me finish.” I sigh. “All the members are men. No married couples or kinky couples looking for fun. Men are invited and they pay a yearly subscription. We’re talking hundreds of thousands, sometimes more if they require dark shit.”

  “Like kids?” asks Riggs.

  I shake my head. “No. No one under the legal age of consent,” I explain.

  “Right, well, that’s what we were worried about. I’ll call the mayor and confirm it’s not that sort of shit,” he says, standing.

  I put my hand up to halt him. “But the women there aren’t willing. They don’t sign up willingly.”


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