Capturing Cree (Kings Reapers MC Book 2)

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Capturing Cree (Kings Reapers MC Book 2) Page 12

by Nicola Jane

  “I have a job on,” he whispers. “But I can’t leave without us making up properly.”

  “Mmm, make-up sex.” I smile into the pillow.

  “I want to fuck you slow and show you how much I love you, but it’s been over a week and I’m not a gentleman when I’m feeling so impatient,” he growls.

  I bury my face deeper into the pillow as his fingers work over my folds. “We can have slow sex later. Right now, I need you to fuck me your way,” I whisper. His hand moves away from where it was causing delicious sparks and slaps hard against my ass. I hiss in response.

  “Those words are music to my ears,” he growls.

  Cree grabs a pillow and lifts my hips, stuffing it underneath my pelvis. He takes my hands and pulls them behind my back. “Keep them there,” he orders. He lays between my legs so that his face is level with my raised ass. I’m about to question his position because nobody wants their man staring at their most vulnerable parts like that, but then I feel his tongue swipe up along my opening. My hands move from my back and grip the sheets. Cree slaps my ass hard and pulls my hands back into place. This time, he holds my hands there and begins a slow torturous assault on my pussy with his tongue.

  My climax hits me hard and I cry out. It’s been over a week and my body has craved this release. I’m still feeling the aftershocks when Cree slams into me hard. My body shifts higher up the bed. He takes my hands and holds them above my head. He buries his face into the crook of my neck as he slams into me over and over. The slickness of his body makes him slide against my back and the friction only adds to the pleasure building inside of me again.

  I shudder my way through a second orgasm before Cree pulls himself from me and I feel his release across my back. It’s unlike him not to use a condom, but before I can question him, he’s off the bed and wiping my skin clean with a towel. “I’m going to get Emily. She’s meeting me near the sex club,” he says. I turn onto my back. “She called me.”

  “That’s great. So, she isn’t being kept there against her will?”

  “She’s not keen to leave, but I told her I’d explain everything if she met me.”

  I nod. At least Callum isn’t keeping her there. “And Riggs thinks it’s safe to meet her?”

  “Yeah. They don’t want me. Maybe they don’t want you anymore now that they think they have Emily.” He places a kiss on my lips. “I love you.” He smiles. “Get some sleep.”

  I smile up at him. “I love you too,” I admit.


  Emily is sitting on the wall outside the townhouse. There’s nobody else around, but I have my gun tucked into my waistband just in case. I hand her a cigarette. It’s usually the first thing she asks for whenever she sees me. “You wanna move away from here?” I ask, lighting it for her.

  Emily blows out a puff of smoke and shakes her head. She’s wearing clothes that make her look older than her years and her makeup is done expertly. “Does Callum know you’re out here talking to me?”

  She doesn’t answer. Instead, she pats the wall beside her. I lean against it and light my own cigarette. “I like it here,” she says.

  “Emily, this isn’t the sort of place you should be.” I sigh. “It’s not what you think.” She smiles and I see something different in her eyes. “What’s going on?” I ask. “Talk to me.”

  “I’m not who you think I am, Cree,” she mutters. I feel a sharp prick in my leg and look down to where Emily holds a needle. She winces. “Sorry.”

  The last thing I think as my body relaxes and my eyes grow heavy is that she doesn’t look sorry at all.

  My head hurts. That’s the first thing I think when I try to open my eyes. I squint, but my vision is fuzzy. My head feels too heavy to hold up and there’s a pain in my neck where it lolls to the side. “Here he is,” says a loud voice. I wince as the sound penetrates my confused brain. “Wakey wakey,” comes the voice again. Cold water hits my face and runs down my body. It’s then I realise I’m completely naked.

  My vision clears slightly and I make out a figure standing a few metres away from me. It’s a man. “You went down hard, but then you’re a big guy, so I had to double the dose to make sure it did the job.” Callum comes into my line of sight and I realise the figure I first spotted is a man guarding the door. I shift slightly. My hands are tied behind the chair and each of my ankles are tied to the legs. “You’d need to be a magician to get out of those ties.”

  “What the fuck am I doing here?” I croak.

  “You’re playing the game. It’s exciting, isn’t it?” He rubs his hands together.

  “Why the hell am I naked?” I growl.

  “You can blame my wife for that one. She’s missed you.” He smirks. “I have to go. I’m expecting a message from my girl any second.” He moves to the door. “That’s Eva, by the way,” he adds. “My girl, Eva.”

  “The Kings know I’m here. They’ll come for me,” I growl.

  Callum laughs. “Nobody knows about this place. You’re quite safe.” He leaves, and the guard steps outside the room and locks the door. It’s a small room with no windows. The door is metal with a glass panel at eye level. To my left, there’s a darkened window. It reminds me of the sort of room you’d get taken into to be questioned by the cops. I’m no longer at the townhouse, which alarms me. It means no one knows where the hell I am.


  I wake and stretch out. My body feels relaxed despite the dull aches where Cree got rough last night, but nothing can wipe the smile from my face today.

  I head down for breakfast after my shower and I tell my mum how me and Cree have sorted things out. She’s delighted. She’s been rooting for Cree from the start.

  Riggs comes in. “Any word from Cree?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “He isn’t back, as far as I know. I haven’t checked my cell yet.” I’d left it in my room. “I can check it now.”

  “No rush. I just expected him to check in by now. I know what he’s like for getting distracted. Bet the ass went straight to the gym.”

  I sit for a few minutes but then anxiety gets the better of me and I go back upstairs to retrieve my cell phone. Cree left at one this morning. It’s now eight, and he should have been back or at least checked in by now.

  I open up my cell. There’s a message from Callum but nothing from Cree. I sigh and open up the message. The caption at the top reads ‘Reunited’. I frown, waiting for a picture to download. I drop my cell as the image of Cree and Michelle opens. He’s passed out and tied to a chair fully naked, and she’s straddling him, thankfully fully clothed. My hands shake when I pick up the cell again to get a better look. Cree’s head is resting to one side and his skin is pale.

  I burst into Riggs’ office. He looks annoyed for a moment, but he must sense my urgency and takes my cell as I thrust it at him. He stands, his face full of rage. “Shit!” he yells. He stomps from the room and yells for Chains. “Get all the brothers together now! Cree’s in trouble!”

  I pace back and forth outside the room the Kings use for church. Frankie hands me a cup of coffee, but I can’t drink a thing. “Riggs will sort this,” she says. “I promise.”

  “What’s taking them so long? Let’s just go and get him back. The Kings have guns, right? Callum works in a bank and Michelle owns a modelling agency. We’re hardly going up against Bonnie and Clyde.”

  “Patience,” says Frankie gently. “They’ll have a plan.”


  I’ve been here for hours. I’m cold . . . so cold. The water they threw over me left me chilled to the bone and I can’t stop the damn tremors. I can’t feel my hands and my head pounds a dull thud on repeat. Whatever drug they gave me is taking its time to get the fuck out of my system.

  The door opens and Michelle saunters in. She smiles. “You’re awake,” she says.

  “No shit,” I utter.

  “I thought you might need a drink and some tablets for your head.” I think about telling her to shove her tablets up her ass, but my he
ad really does hurt. She presses a small plastic cup to my lips and tips in some tablets following it with a beaker of water. I swallow and she smiles again. “Good boy. I’ll be back soon for your treat.”

  “Unless my treat is getting me the fuck outta here, then don’t bother,” I growl.

  It’s another ten minutes before she returns, but this time, she’s shed her clothes and is wearing a red lace bodice. Her red heels click on the granite flooring. “What the fuck is this bullshit?” I growl, pulling hard on my restraints.

  “I spent months with you taking control and now it’s my turn.” I frown in confusion because she surely can’t mean that she’s going to . . . “Oh, don’t pretend you don’t want me to fuck your brains out, Cree. We both know we had something special.”

  “Christ, you’re being serious right now,” I mutter, shaking my head. “I can’t stand you! What makes you think I want you anywhere near me?”

  She steps between my legs and runs her nail along my shoulder. “Don’t make me gag you,” she warns. She runs her hand along my arm and I flinch as she moves it across my chest. “I waited so long to touch you,” she whispers. Her hand eventually grips my cock. It begins to get hard despite me trying everything to deflate the fucker. “Don’t fight it. I gave you enough Viagra to keep you up for hours.”

  I use my head to try and shove her away from me. It’s useless, and she slaps me hard across the face. “We have a fucking audience, now play nice,” she hisses in my ear. I glance at the glass screen and have no doubt her dirty fuck husband is behind there getting off on this bullshit.


  My cell buzzes and I snatch it from the table. I’ve spent the last hour curled up under a blanket on the couch with Anna, Mum, and Frankie offering words of reassurance. It’s a video, and I glance at Anna. “What is it?” she asks, leaning closer.

  My finger shakes as I press play. It’s Michelle sitting astride Cree, fucking him. A sob escapes my lips, and Anna takes the cell from me and runs into church to show the guys. Mum wraps me in her arms. “She was touching him,” I sob. “He hates being touched.” It seems such a silly thing to focus on given the nature of the video, but I know out of everything, that will hurt him the most. I pray the same thing isn’t happening to Emily.

  The brothers file out of church and head outside. Riggs stops by the couch and gives me a sad smile. “We’re heading out to the house to see if that’s where they’re holding him. I’ll call when we have him.” I nod, grateful that something is finally happening because sitting around waiting seemed pointless. “If you hear anything else, call me.”


  I stare at the small hole on the ground in front of me. It’s all I can focus on right now to stop me from vomiting my insides all over the floor. A television was brought in after Michelle left and porn is playing on the screen. The sounds of women’s cries fill the room. It’s been playing for at least two hours now and I’m ready to pull my own ears off just so I don’t have to hear the sound of another orgasm. Riggs will laugh when I tell him about this because surely every man’s dream is to watch porn for hours on end. I glance over at the dark glass window. Every so often, I hear a door click closed and I think someone is in that room watching.

  Eva enters my mind and I shut it down straight away. I can’t think about her now. I can’t afford to break when they’re watching me, so I channel my inner soldier. The training was intense, but it was for situations like this, hostage situations. I pull at my hands again. I’m still so cold, and I’m hoping the swelling caused by the tightness of the pull cords will shrink my hands enough to get them free. I can’t feel them, and maybe that will be a blessing. If I pull hard enough, they may just rip free. I can repair the damage when I get out of here.


  I jump up when the Kings return less than an hour later. Riggs shakes his head sadly at me and goes straight to his office, slamming the door. “What does that mean?” I yell after him.

  Chains comes towards me. “He wasn’t there. The house is empty. No sign of anyone or anything ever being there.”

  “But I was there just last week. It was full of furniture and people. There was a butler,” I say.

  “Well, they’re all gone now. I guess they realised too many people knew about the place. We’re not giving up hope, Eva. We have people out there looking.”

  “Callum will tell me. Let me arrange to meet him and . . . ” I begin, but Riggs marches from his office and storms towards me with an angry expression.

  “No!” he yells. “Don’t you dare do anything to put yourself or my VP in danger!”

  “Riggs, she has a point,” says Anna softly, and his anger is swiftly turned on her.

  “Because you know how to deal with these situations, right?” he says sarcastically. “I mean, last time things ended up so well for you.”

  Anna bites her lower lip, I guess to stop from yelling back at him. Instead, she takes a deep breath and stares right at him. “I know you’re upset right now, so I’m gonna let that go, but don’t ever fucking talk to me like that again!” Then she storms out of the room, slamming the door on her way out.

  Riggs stares at the closed door. “We can do it your way,” I try again. “You tell me exactly what to text, everything just the way you want. It might be our only way to get him back.”

  Riggs nods to Chains, then heads to his office. “Come on,” says Chains, taking me by the hand and leading me towards the office. It means he’s considering my suggestion, which is good because I was fully prepared to walk outta here and go it alone.

  “We know Callum wants me. He’s got no use for Cree. Once he gets me, he’ll let Cree go,” I say.

  “We’re not doing a fuckin’ swap, Eva. Cree would kill me himself. But maybe we could lure Callum out of hiding.”

  “We have to help Emily too. If they’re doing that to Cree, can you imagine what they’re doing to Emily?” I say.

  “What do you know about her?” asks Chains.

  I shrug. “Just that she comes to the youth centre. She lives with her father. Her mum’s not around. You can call Marcus and he’ll tell you more. He knows stuff from social workers that I’m not included in.”

  Riggs nods. “I’ll put a call in. The police haven’t got her listed as missing. I find it odd. I might pay her dad a visit.”

  “Hand me your cell,” says Chains. He types away and then shows it to Riggs, who nods. He then shows it to me.

  Me: I’m ready to talk now.

  A few minutes later, a reply comes.

  Callum: About time. I have another treat for you.

  And then a video comes through. Chains presses play and lays the cell on the desk so we can all look down at it. Cree is still tied to a chair, but this time, Michelle is sucking his cock. I look away. If I ever see that bitch again, I’ll rip her damn hair out.

  “Text him back and ask where and when,” orders Riggs. “Let’s get this sorted out.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Let’s go over the plan one more time,” says Riggs, and I roll my eyes. We’ve been over the plan several times. “We hang back. You stay in view the whole time no matter what. Get as much information as you can.” I nod my head.

  Riggs’ cell rings and he presses it to his ear. We’re almost at the meeting spot Callum chose. “Are you kidding me?” growls Riggs. “So, she’s fucked in the head?” He disconnects the call and glares at Chains. “That was Marcus. He did some digging, and apparently, Emily isn’t a vulnerable child. She’s an adult. Her dad isn’t her dad at all—they’re together. She’s been lying. Now, why would she lie?”

  I gasp. “No way!” I screech. “I saw her dad. He’s like twenty years older than her!”

  “How long has she been coming to the centre?” asks Chains.

  “Six months. Maybe less.” I shrug.

  “She’s part of it,” says Riggs, and Chains nods in agreement.

  “Cree was helping her. Her and her dad,” I say. T
he sickness in my stomach threatens to expel itself all over the back seat of Chains’ nice car. “Do you think that’s why she came to the centre? Because of me?” I ask weakly. Riggs nods again and I clasp my hands together.

  If Callum is set on me, then there’s no way he’ll give Cree up until he gets what he wants. The realisation of just how serious this situation is finally hits me hard.

  The car stops by some abandoned sheds. At some point, people used to grow vegetables here, but that was years ago, and now the land is dried up and untidy. The sheds are dilapidated and unsafe. I have to walk to the other end of the field to meet Callum, but some of the Kings came on their bikes fully armed, and as I get out of the car, I see the guys walking their bikes onto the cracked soil so Callum doesn’t hear them.

  “Remember the plan,” says Riggs, and I nod nervously.

  It’s getting dark and it’s hard to walk on the uneven ground. I spot a figure waiting patiently. I get a few metres away and stop. I can’t see his face properly, but I sense it’s him. “What do you want from me, Callum?” I ask.

  “Oh baby, you know what I want. I almost had you and all along you were teasing me.”

  “I wasn’t. I wanted to know what the club was about, but when you told me, I decided it wasn’t for me. I wasn’t teasing you. I just changed my mind.”

  “If you want to see Cree alive, you’ll need to come with me.”

  “I can’t do that,” I say. He holds out his cell and I squint to see the screen. It’s Cree. He yells out, and I move closer in a panic to see the screen. Cree’s chest is bleeding and Michelle smiles at the camera as she digs her nails into his skin and scrapes them along his flesh. He hisses and his jaw goes rigid.


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