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Twice Bitten

Page 8

by Lauren Dane

  She tried to laugh but got lungs full of his scent, and she writhed beneath him, bringing the sharpness of his gaze back to her.

  Was it him? The combo of him and her? Was it her magick and his? Whatever it was, she’d never experienced it before either. Maybe it was because she’d never had sex with another Other, and it was always like this. But given his response she didn’t think it was that either.

  “I’m not doing it on purpose. It would seem my magick really likes your wolf. Or something like that. Don’t let this go to your head, but it’s never been like this with anyone else.”

  His smile though, wow. Her nipples ached when he gave her that look.

  “How can that not go to my head?” He shimmied down her body a little, licking over her nipples until heat rolled through her, leaving her nearly boneless.

  She supposed he had a point. But she couldn’t think about it right then with the edge of his teeth against her nipple.

  “You’re really good at that.” She didn’t even recognize her own voice as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her. It had to be the stress and grief of the last days. Or something. Whatever.

  “You’re overthinking. I can tell.” He kissed the swell beneath her nipple and then licked and kissed down her ribs and the hollow at her hipbone.

  She laughed, but it strangled into a moan as he breathed warm air over her pussy but didn’t stop, continuing to kiss his way over to the other hip.

  “I’m not! I can’t even speak much less think in any coherent way.”

  Her fingers slid into his hair, and she held on and tried not to order him to get those kisses and licks to the right.

  “I only want you to think about this.” He took a long, slow lick through her pussy and up to her clit that stole her breath.

  “No problem,” she managed to say, though her words were barely intelligible.

  He slid his tongue up into her, making her arch on a gasp.

  His fingers dug into the flesh of her ass, holding her up as if to serve himself of her body. All while he continued to devastate her pussy with his mouth.

  It wasn’t like she was small or delicate, but his strength, the ease with which he held her and did what he wanted with her body made her shiver with delight.

  He shifted a little, finding her clit with that tongue of his. Swirl and suck, swirl and suck until she couldn’t stop the “please” from escaping her lips as she tugged him closer by the hair still in her hands.

  Orgasm shot through her until she gasped, nearly drowning in it as it sucked her down over and over until he laid her down gently with a kiss to her thigh before settling in next to her, pulling her close.

  “I don’t think I was very good at this the last time we were together. But I think I may have earned another chance.”

  She couldn’t help it, she laughed. “Considering that most boys didn’t eat pussy at all? I don’t recall thinking you sucked at it. But certainly if you had, the job you just did would have erased all red marks on your record. Once my teeth stop tingling, we can get back to it. Hopefully by then I’ll have regained muscle control.”

  She had no idea what it meant to hear so much satisfied pleasure in her tone. His woman, satisfied. The shadow of her earlier distress had been pushed away for a time. He’d made it better. She’d allowed him to.

  Her taste lived in him. On his skin, on lips and tongue. Her climax had sent a rush of magick and scent through his system, and he wanted to roll around in it. Christ, it was heady stuff. He hadn’t been drunk in a very long time. Wolves weren’t really able to get drunk given the speed of their metabolisms, though a huge amount of alcohol or drugs could work for a brief period. That was usually something saved for emergencies though.

  “Hearing you say pussy makes me really hard.” He moved his weight, getting close enough to kiss her shoulder and then her mouth, which she’d turned to him.

  She wrapped her arms around him, getting closer, her body pressed to his as he kissed her lazily, taking his fill of her.

  Ha. He wanted to gorge. To claim her until she was boneless and totally his. But that wasn’t to be. Not for the time being. So he’d take his fill within limits.

  She broke from his mouth and kissed down his throat, her teeth grazing the tendons where shoulder met neck and sending a shiver through his system. His wolf clutched her tighter, urging her to bite harder.

  She licked over the tender skin, humming her satisfaction.

  “I promise not to leave a mark,” she murmured, moving to the hollow of his throat.

  “Feel free to mark me all you like.” His wolf would love it even more than he would.

  “You’re so hot I just want to take a bite.”

  He flipped her to her back, looming over her. She grinned up at him.

  “It makes me hot when you bite me.” He nipped her shoulder for emphasis. “It’s...” he paused to taste the words he’d never said before, “...a flattering, sexy thing for a Were to be marked by his partner. Love bites, bite marks, whatever. And that it’s you makes it even better. So if you want to take a bite, go ahead on because I’ve got no complaints.”

  “Oh.” Her grin slid into a nearly shy smile, and it tightened things low in his belly. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment. “I’d like to get back to work. I want to taste a lot more of you.”

  She did some fancy cop moves, and he was on his back again as she scrambled to all fours over his body.

  She laid a trail of kisses over his chest, nipping here and there.

  “Harder,” he whispered.

  Her pupils swallowed more color in her eyes. She liked that. The scent of her desire rose, underlining the point.

  She bit him again on his biceps and he pushed into her teeth. She gave him more pressure until his hips jutted forward without him thinking about it.

  Her gaze locked with his as she licked over the place she’d just bitten.

  “Goddamn,” he snarled. “Don’t want to wait. Want to be in you.”

  “Did you used to be this impatient?” She ignored his orders and kissed her way to the other nipple and then scooted down his body to his cock. Her gaze locked on his, she angled him and swirled her tongue around the head.

  He strangled a reply and then cleared his throat to repeat himself. “Was I, a teenage boy, impatient about sex?” He then laughed. “I’m just grateful I wasn’t so bad at it that you laughed in my face tonight.”

  She did something with her fingers just behind his balls, and his laugh died on what was probably a beg. And he was okay with that.

  He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight of her mouth taking the length of his cock in and pulling back, leaving it dark and slick.

  He let it go on nearly too long, nearly too close to losing it and blowing down that pretty throat. But he hadn’t lied, he wanted to fuck her so with a gasp and a draw on all his control, he took her shoulders and pushed her back.

  “So good. Too good.” He rolled over and grabbed a condom. He hadn’t used one since college, but it wasn’t like it was complicated. A quick tear of the top and it was on.

  She had a smile on her mouth and he had to kiss it a bit. Which was good as he was able to wrest his need back a little. The last thing he wanted was to come five seconds after he got inside her.

  In fact...

  “You on top, gorgeous. Or I’ll find it a lot harder to go slow.”

  She straddled his waist, her hair a tumble around her face and shoulders, her skin dusted with her magick like glitter.

  But when she slid down his cock with her cunt, squeezing, so hot that he had to bite back a curse, he had to suck in a breath before clenching his jaw. So good it dug into his gut, sending a burst of pleasure so intense through him that he broke out in a sweat.

groan made it even better. And that was before she gripped his sides, her nails digging in as she began to move. Not up and down, but back and forth, rubbing herself against him as she kept him deep.

  He wasn’t the only one who’d learned a few things since those earlier, less-finessed days when they’d been together before. On one hand, he was clearly the beneficiary of that. She’d grown into a confident woman, and they had plenty of good times in bed ahead of them. That was a positive.

  On the other, it meant she’d been with people who’d taught her this. Wolves were incredibly possessive of their mates. The thought of another man’s hands on her made him want to yank the condom off and fill her full of his seed, marking her in as many ways as he could.

  His wolf didn’t care that the times had changed. That a modern man worth having wouldn’t ever do such a thing. That part of his existence was all about urges and passion, deep, sweeping emotion, and it didn’t care that humans didn’t act that way.

  And in the years since he’d been a wolf, the man had never had to struggle to control those urges the way he did right then, her pussy rippling around his cock as she rode him.

  Her eyes had gone blurry and he arched to get her attention. She moaned and swallowed hard, her gaze sharpening and landing on his face.

  “Hey there. You with me?”

  She nodded, licking her lips.

  “Good. You feel so amazing.”

  One corner of her mouth rose.

  Her head tipped back, exposing the line of her body, gleaming with magick and sweat, the scent of all that mingling into a perfumed vise around him as he took her in. The points of her nipples on breasts that swayed slightly as she moved. The swell of her hips beneath his hands. The play of her muscles there, against his palms. He caught peeks of his cock as she undulated.

  It was impossible that he could feel so much at once without simply exploding from it.


  She moved to look into his face again.

  “I’m here. You’re inside me. Take what you need.”

  She had no idea what that statement did to him.

  He rolled, staying buried in her pussy. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on as he sped up his thrusts. Deeper. Harder.

  She arched into him, her nails in his back, urging him on, rolling her hips to meet him each time he slid back into her cunt.

  She made a noise in the back of her throat each time he got all the way in. He kissed her, hard, swallowing that sound.

  “Make yourself come,” he whispered into her mouth.

  She sucked at his tongue and then let go of his shoulder with one hand.

  Being with him felt so daring.

  She’d never, ever made herself come in front of another person. Even when she was having sex with them.

  He made her bold. Sexy. Like no matter what she said or wanted, he’d give to her without judging. Or even better, like it that way.

  With him so deep inside, the moment she stroked her clit with her middle finger she was already halfway there. It was sooo good as he fucked into her body in such a raw way.

  “Yes. God, you’re hot.” He brushed his mouth over her jaw and down her neck. “Tight. Wet. I’m close. Don’t let me go first.”

  She sped her fingers, firmed her touch. His groan told her he felt the way she clamped down around his cock.

  So full.

  He angled, still thrusting, and sucked the skin on the side of her breast. Hard enough to make it nearly hurt. Hard enough and long enough to leave a mark.

  That excited her more than she’d ever imagined such a thing could. And the edge she’d been walking dropped away and she plunged into climax with a snarl that matched his as he licked against her skin.

  Thrusting several more times before he stopped, buried deep with a long groan of her name.

  He nuzzled the spot he’d given her a hickey for a moment. “I’ll be right back.”

  Which is when she realized he’d used a condom. Dimly she remembered that Weres didn’t transmit or catch STDs and that they had some sort of super smell that could tell when the female was fertile.

  She shrugged to herself as she relaxed back into the bed. Maybe she’d dodged a bullet and her cycle was off. No matter. The sex was just the thing she needed to burn off some of the anxiety that had drowned her for the last days.

  He strolled back in looking delicious and wearing nothing but a smile. “Stay over?”

  “I don’t know. All my things are at the hotel.”

  “I have an extra toothbrush. I’ll take you back first thing. You’re tired and I’m tired and it’s safe here. We can watch a movie if you like. Chill out. Everyone has your cell anyway. If something comes up, they’ll call you.”

  She wanted to. More than she should have, and it sort of alarmed her how not alarmed she was.

  It had been a long time since she’d slept with anyone. It appealed to her on several levels. She would be safe, yes. But not alone.

  He climbed into bed and pulled her into his arms. “I can see the battle you’re waging with yourself on your face. It’s not weakness to want comfort. To let me help you. If it helps, it makes me feel better to comfort you. So there’s that.”

  “You’re irresistible, you know that?”

  “Good. Because you are too. So? You’ll stay? I have T-shirts you can wear. In the morning, I mean, because you should most definitely sleep naked. You don’t need any panties though.”

  “Pushing it now,” she said without any real heat.

  He laughed and she snuggled closer, breathing him in.

  Chapter Seven

  She woke up with a start at the sound of hushed voices. It took a few moments, and a few breaths, to remember she was at Josh’s place. The bedding smelled like him. Like them.

  Smiling, she stretched and rolled from bed. He’d taken her twice more before she’d pretty much passed out, totally exhausted and relaxed.

  But also a little sore. She needed a shower to help that, but for the moment she pulled herself together. She had her clothes from the day before, and he’d helpfully left a new toothbrush on the counter in his bathroom.

  Before she got back into her bra, she looked at the love bites he’d left on the side of her breast. She brushed her fingers over them, a phantom tingle warming her even as her nipples hardened at the memory of the pull of his mouth, the scrape of his teeth. Who knew she’d find such a thing hot?

  She washed her face and brushed her teeth before rooting through her purse to find a ponytail holder and enough makeup to do a passable job.

  And okay, so she did peek a little. She had to find the brush after all, so she looked in a few drawers and his medicine cabinet. There were no girly anythings in the room. No hair gizmos. When she did locate his brush, it was one of those wooden man brushes. No tampons. Nothing to indicate a woman was a regular guest here.

  She had no right, frankly no business even thinking about such a thing. But it pleased her nonetheless. Something had clicked between them and there wasn’t any unringing that bell. She liked him. Liked the grown-up Josh.

  A lot.

  More than she should. She took forever to decide on what to order for dessert but there she stood in Josh’s bathroom, and even though everything else in her life was upside down and speeding toward horror, she was sure of one thing and that was Josh.

  She rolled her eyes at her reflection and went out to see who Josh was talking to.

  A pert blonde stood in the living room with her hand on Josh’s arm, and Michelle’s jaw hurt from clenching it so hard. “Did I interrupt something?” She totally failed at sounding perky.

  The woman’s gaze slid to Josh, who’d turned, smiling at the sight of her.

  He held out a hand, and she took it without thin
king, letting him draw her closer. “I wanted to let you sleep as long as possible. Come meet Tracy Warden. She’s one of my Alphas.”

  The stunning blonde turned a smile her way, moving away from Josh and holding her hand out to shake. “Josh has told us about you. It’s nice to meet you.”

  So this Alpha had two mates. Probably no time to bone Josh. Which was stupid anyway, it wasn’t like she owned him or anything.

  Michelle shook Tracy’s hand and smiled back. It was impossible not to really, Tracy Warden had the sort of manner you’d need to be a dick not to respond to in kind.

  “I’m Michelle. I want to thank you for the help your pack has given me in this investigation. It would have taken me a lot longer, maybe it would have been impossible altogether for me to have gotten this far without it.”

  Which was totally true.

  “Of course. We have to stick together. Especially now. These mages are a danger to us all. I was down the street at our offices, and I admit I wanted to stop by to check in and meet you in person. I spoke to my sister, she’s the Enforcer for Cascadia, they’ve had some missing wolves. We’ve had I guess. I’m still Cascadia in my heart, even though I run my own pack now.” She shrugged, concern on her face.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Owen has been a big help. They think there’s something else at play. Something bigger.”

  A shiver roiled through her. “Worse than these mages working with turned witches?” That was hard to imagine, and truth be told, she sort of dreaded the thought of what could be worse than that.

  “They’re working on it. Whatever it is. But we’ve put out an order that all our wolves travel in twos or more. Safer to stick together.”

  If it scared things that turned into giant wolves who were fast and vicious, what the hell chance did witches stand?

  Michelle blew out a breath. “I need to check in at work and then with Pam. She’s been a big help, by the way. Josh, I know you have work to do with your pack, I’m fine on my own.”


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