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Punishment Page 19

by ML Guida

  Saber materialized, but he wasn’t alone. Jessy stood next to him. Instead of looking like a strung out junkie, Jessy had clean, thick, brown hair, rosy cheeks, and pink lips. Usually, her clothes hung on her since she never ate, but now, her figure filled out her red tee shirt and blue jeans.

  Hatred flashed in her blue eyes. “Blade, so nice to see you again.”

  Blade stepped in front of Abigail. He wished there was another way to ease her agony. Damn stupid rigid rules. “Jessy,” he said.

  “So,” Jessy crossed her arms over her chest. “From what Saber tells me, in order for you to gain your angelic powers back, I have to be convinced that you have repented. All of us victims do.”

  Blade flinched from the slow drawl in her words. How was he going to convince this woman he had changed? Abigail’s life depended on him making this right.

  “Jessy,” Abigail stepped around Blade. Her face was flushed as if she had a fever.

  Blade grabbed her arm. “Red.”

  “No, I’m all right.”

  He scowled. Who was she kidding?

  “She’s not all right. And it’s all your fault.” Jessy’s angry voice tore Blade away from Abigail.

  “I killed an innocent young girl,” she said. “Nancy Allen had done nothing wrong. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. All so you could have your little revenge.”

  Lowering his head, Blade got on his knees. “Yes, you’re right.”

  If she wanted to hit him, he’d let her. He deserved her scorn, her hatred, her revenge.

  “And now my sister,” she said.

  Blade jerked his head up.

  “Faithful as ever is now mated to the demon who is responsible for my death,” Jessy said, her voice filled with hurt. Tears crept into her eyes, and her lower lip trembled.

  Abigail shrunk. “Jessy, you don’t understand.”

  “Yes, I do, dear sister.” She walked passed Abigail and slapped Blade across the face.

  Pain smashed against Blade’s cheek, but he didn’t flinch.

  “Jessy,” Abigail said, her voice shaky. She covered her mouth.

  Blade watched Abigail closely. Was she going to get sick from the poison or did she actually think he would hurt her sister? He turned the other cheek. Jessy took the bait and slapped him again and again. He endured the anguish. He deserved this—pain, humiliation.

  When Jessy raised her hand to hit him again, Abigail grabbed her sister’s wrist. “No.”

  “Protecting him, dear sister?”

  Abigail maneuvered her body in front of Blade. “Yes, I am.”

  “I believe you are,” Jessy said, her voice low and soft.

  Blade raised his head, not sure about the change in Jessy’s tone, but all he could see was Abigail’s sweet ass. He slowly rose to his feet.

  The two sisters were nose to nose. He thought about pushing them apart, afraid they’d tear each other apart. Abigail wasn’t at full strength, infected with hell’s poison. The smallest punch could escalate the poison.

  “Why are you sweating?” Jessy studied her sister. “You don’t look well. Did he do something to you?”

  “No, he tried to protect me,” Abigail said. “Balthazar, a demon, scratched me. The poison—” Her face constricted as if she were in pain.

  Jessy shoved Blade. “This has to be your fault.”

  Raphael cleared his throat and shook his head. Blade wanted to ignore his warning, but this was a test, a test he couldn’t fail.

  “Jessy,” Abigail said. “Blade went to hell for Brayden.”

  “I know,” Jessy said. “His selflessness is the talk of heaven.” She gave him an icy stare that would freeze the Caribbean. “Why did you brand my sister?”

  He clasped Jessy’s arm. “Because she’s my mate.”

  Abigail jerked away from him and his heart broke in half.

  “Don’t play coy with me,” Jessy said. “I asked you a question.”

  Blade licked his lips, hesitant about what to say. He hadn’t said those words out loud.

  “I’m sorry.” Jessy punched him in the arm. “I didn’t hear you.”

  Abigail grabbed her raised arm. “Jessy, I mean it. Beating the crap out of him isn’t going to solve anything.”

  Jessy jerked her arm free. “Maybe not for you, but it does for me.” Tears finally streamed down Jessy’s cheeks. “I’ve had to face Nancy and atone for my sin.”

  Blade reached over and lifted Jessy’s chin. “You have nothing to atone for Jessy. The fault was mine. The sin was mine. And mine alone.”

  “But I killed her,” Jessy argued.

  “You were not yourself. You were human, powerless against the drug Xanadu.”

  Blade knelt before Jessy. “I will take your sin upon myself. Place your hand on my heart.”

  “Blade, what are you doing?” Abigail asked. Her voice was filled with fear, her face pale.

  He wanted her to know how much he loved her. He braced his shoulders. “Paying for my sins and saving your life.”

  Blade met Jessy’s wary stare. In her eyes, he could see the heaviness of the sin she carried, even in heaven. She needed to give it up and release her anger. “Find peace, Jessy.”

  Jessy glanced at Saber, who nodded. Hesitation sunk in her blue eyes.

  Raphael stood frozen, watching, judging. It didn’t matter whether Raphael believed Blade or not. Jessy was in pain, pain because of him.

  Saber motioned with his hand. “Touch his heart.”

  Jessy laid her trembling hand on his chest. Sharp pain stabbed his heart and rushed through his veins. He hissed, arching his head back and bit back a cry.

  “Jessy, no,” Abigail cried. “Let me go.”

  Blade had no idea who was restraining her, but he was glad. He needed to heal Jessy. Tremors shook him. Her pain and terror carved into his soul, filling him with regret, fear, sadness.

  Jessy panted and dropped onto her hands and knees. “What happened?”

  Blade placed his hand on her back. “Go, you’re free.”

  She struggled to move, and he helped her sit back on her knees. She clasped his hand and squeezed. “Thank you. You don’t know how long I’ve battled this.”

  Blade caught his breath. “Actually, I do.”

  He needed this as much as she did. The anger lessened inside him, and tingles raced over his skin. Her forgiveness sparked his angelic powers.

  “Thank you,” she half sobbed. “Thank you.”

  Abigail put her arms around Jessy’s shaking body. “Jessy, are you all right?”

  Jessy turned around and hugged Abigail. “I am now. What about you?”

  “The minute you touched Blade, the pain wasn’t as bad.”

  “But it’s not gone?”

  “No, but don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

  A lump formed in Blade’s throat. He was surprised that tears welled in his eyes. How long had it been since these two hugged each other in a sisterly bond? He couldn’t help but think of Scythe. How could he have severed their bond? Now all he had was regret.

  Abigail looked at Blade. Her eyes filled with wonder and tears. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s what I have to do, Red.” Blade clenched his fists, trying to gain his composure. “I must take on their sins.”

  She released Jessy. “You can do this?”

  “Yes, he can,” Jessy said. “But it may kill him.”

  The blood drained from Abigail’s sweet face. “Why?”

  “Because if he isn’t truly asking for forgiveness,” Raphael said. “The Almighty will strike him down.”

  Abigail grabbed Blade’s arm, digging her fingers into his flesh. “You can’t do this.”

  The doubt in her glassy eyes killed him. She didn’t think he had it in him to atone for his sins. But she was wrong. He was remorseful. “If I don’t, the poison will consume you. I promise you I’ll survive.”

  “So, confident, are we?” Raphael asked. “Remember you still must face Heather.” />
  Abigail’s clasp lessened. “Heather? You mean Scythe’s mate?”

  “She can read auras and will know if I'm lying.” He nodded his head toward Raphael. “If she believes I’m telling the truth, my powers will be restored.”

  “And if it isn’t?” she asked.

  Her jeopardy hung thick in the air. He couldn’t bring himself to think of her being tortured in hell.

  He gripped her slender shoulders. His gut churned at her ashen face. “I’ll never let that happen, Abigail. You wanted to know why I mated with you, because I love you.” At last, he said those words. Those three little words that he’d kept buried, hiding them like a coward.

  As her eyes widened, her mouth parted as if she couldn’t believe what he’d said.

  He pressed his palms against her clammy cheeks, wanting her to believe him, desperate to hear her utter those words back. “I’d die for you.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Abigail couldn’t believe what Blade had said, the words still not registering in her fumbled brain. “You love me?”

  Despite the red hand prints on his cheeks, Blade laughed. “Of course. Angels can’t mate without love.”

  Blade bent his head down. She wrapped her arms around his neck and parted her lips, wanting to kiss him, but fierce pains cut into her stomach, as if a knife stabbed her repeatedly. She dug her nails into his shoulders to keep from falling to the ground and withering in anguish. “Blade—”

  He pressed his forehead onto hers. “It’s the poison, Abigail. It’s resisting the goodness beginning to build within me, wanting to keep you under its spell.”

  As he slid his palms down her arms, sending tingles through her, the torment lessened. But it wasn’t gone. It was tolerable, but she wasn’t a fool. It could easily flare up.

  “I promise you,” Blade said. “I’ll stop Balthazar.”

  She nodded, hoping he was right. Her skin felt as if it was on fire. And she was hot, so damn hot as if she was trapped in a broken sauna.

  “It’s time to go, Jessy.” Saber stepped out of the corner he’d been hiding in, watching like a good soldier.

  Abigail couldn’t read his expression. Did he believe Blade had changed?

  Blade stepped away from Abigail. Jessy ran to her and wrapped her arms around Abigail. “I’m healed, sis. I really am.”

  Abigail hugged her, but she didn’t want her here when Balthazar returned. He’d use her against them. “I wish you didn’t have to leave. We have so much to discuss.”

  Jessy released her. “Life was hard for us, Abigail. For both of us.” She stepped away. “I never found peace on Earth. I was always angry and refused to cope with my pain, just masked it with drugs.” She sighed and tilted her head toward Blade. “That’s how a demon got to me.”

  Abigail bristled, not wanting to believe Blade’s dark side. “He’s not a demon.”

  “Now.” Jessy flashed a small smile. “But he was. If I had released my anger and found ways to cope, he would have never been able to reach me. My own anger left a doorway for him to enter.”

  “And now?” Abigail whispered. Her voice waned. She hated that she sounded so weak.

  “In Heaven, I don’t possess any anger. For the first time, my guilt is gone. Thanks to him.” She stared at Blade, relief and gratitude showing in her eyes. “Abigail, will you be okay? You don’t look well. Can’t anyone here heal you?”

  Abigail gestured. “I’ll be fine. Go, Jessy. Please go.”

  Jessy hesitated as if she was afraid to leave Abigail.

  Raphael’s silver eyes glowed and a bright white outlined his form. “You need to go.” He gestured toward Saber.

  Wind blew around Jessy. She blinked as if under a spell. She turned to Saber. “I’m ready to go back.”

  Abigail wished she didn’t have to go. She hated feeling the same loss, to be alone. She missed her so much. “Jessy. I—” Her voice cracked.

  Jessy put her arm through Saber’s. “Abigail.”

  Abigail felt tears trickling down her cheeks. “I’ll never see you again.”

  “Not on Earth.” Jessy winked at Blade. “Who knows? Have faith in your mate.”

  Saber put his hand over Jessy’s and they slowly faded away. Abigail wiped away her tears, dreading the sweat drenching her hand. She was feverish and worried she would pass out. But at least Jessy was healed. Once again, there was so much she wanted to say to her and time ran out again. “Will I see her again?”

  Raphael’s power had diminished and once again, he looked like the young college student. “If Blade is successful,” he said. “And only if he is successful. He will be able to take you to Heaven as often as you like. But once a human goes to hell, there is no crossing over.”

  Abigail lowered her gaze. “Of course.”

  Everything depended on Blade’s being contrite. She honestly didn’t know if he had it in him. She wished with all her being that he did.

  The temperature dropped. Abigail shivered, running her hands over her feverish arms. This time, Scythe stood with a young man. The man was tall and lanky. His tousled, brown hair hung in his eyes, and his intense, brown eyes focused on Blade. “You!”

  He stormed over to Blade and punched him in the jaw. Blood seeped down Blade’s mouth. He staggered but did not retaliate.

  “You stole my life,” the man yelled. “My life was getting better. I was going to school. I had met a girl.” And with every word, he slammed his fist into Blade’s jaw again, rivers of crimson dripped down his mouth and onto his chest. “You took it away from me.” He raised his fist again.

  “No!” Abigail wedged her body between the young man, and Blade who had sunk to his knees. “Quit hitting him. He’s had enough.”

  The man glared. “Why? He’s a demon. Because of him, I killed a good man. That man, Professor Keeler, had a family. A four-year-old son.” He pointed his thumb at his chest. “Who still has nightmares about me!” His voice cracked like lightning.

  Blade grabbed the back of Abigail’s jeans. “Red, stop.” She stumbled into him.

  “I deserve this.”

  “Damn right you do,” the man said as his chest heaved up and down. He exhaled an angry stream of air through his flaring nostrils.

  Raphael shook his head. “Mark, you’ll never cross into Heaven if you don’t release this anger and hatred. Heaven forbids hatred.”

  Mark gritted his teeth. “How the hell am I supposed to release it? I stabbed a man with a pencil. It was barbaric.”

  Ignoring the throbbing pain in her stomach and the fever slowly consuming her, Abigail helped Blade climb to his feet.

  “Do you want to get rid of your pain?” Blade asked. He spit blood onto the hardwood floor.

  Abigail hugged him close. They were both wounded. She didn’t know how much more she could fight the poison pumping through her nor how much she could take watching Blade get stomped on by his victims. This was forgiveness?

  “Shut up!” Mark slapped him across the face.

  Blade stumbled into her. She pressed her heels into the floor to keep both of them from falling. “Leave him alone,” she said her voice a harsh whisper.

  She could feel her limbs getting weaker. Blade better hurry or she’d pass out and wake up in hell.

  Scythe narrowed his eyes at Mark. “I’d suggest that you stop hitting my brother.”

  Mark grumbled under his breath, shoving his hands in the back of his jeans. “Why the hell am I here?”

  “For me to take your pain and anger,” Blade said. “Put your hand on my chest and you’ll heal.”

  Mark frowned, looking at Blade as if he was afraid horns would pop out of his head. “How do I know this isn’t a trick?”

  “Do you want to stay in Purgatory or do you want to cross into Heaven?” Raphael asked. He sniffed and waved his hand in his face. “Your soul reeks with anger and hatred. No wonder a demon was able to enter your life.”

  “I know,” Mark grumbled. “But I was getting better.” His forl
orn voice touched Abigail.

  “Touch me, Mark.” Blade beat on his chest. “Cross over.”

  Abigail had never heard him beg before, his eyes pleaded, and his voice lingered with sorrow.

  Mark nodded. He smashed his fist into Blade’s chest. Blade staggered. Abigail wanted to slap the smirk off Mark’s curled lips.

  Blade held onto Mark’s wrist. Mark pulled, but Blade tightened his grip. Mark tilted his head back and shook. Blade’s face paled and he groaned. Blood dripped down his nose.

  Abigail felt the fever and pain lessen. She took a step toward Blade, but Raphael grabbed her arm. “No, you can’t stop him.”

  “Why does he have a bloody nose? Jessy said this could kill him. What if he is dying?” She twisted her arm. “Raphael, please release me.”

  His grip tightened. “No.”

  Mark stopped trembling, but Blade closed his eyes and went into violent convulsions.

  “Raphael. Let. Go. Of. Me!” Abigail beat on Raphael’s arm, not caring if he turned her to stone.

  “This is Blade’s penance. Penance is never easy. Blade has much to atone for.”

  Mark pushed away from Blade. He landed on all fours, his brown hair tousled around him. “Oh, my God,” he panted in disbelief. “My anger…it’s gone.”

  Blade cried out, tumbling onto his back. Raphael released Abigail. She rushed to Blade and cradled his head in her lap. He was so pale, his face was drawn tight. Sweat and blood stained his face. She used the tip of her long sweater to wipe the mess off his face. How much more could he take?

  “Blade?” She pushed his hair off his hot cheek. “Blade, can you hear me?”

  “I can hear you.” When his eyes fluttered open, he groaned. “There’s got to be a better way of doing this.”

  “I wish there was too,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. She leaned over to kiss his puffy lips. As she tasted his blood, her heart twisted at the pain he must be enduring, enduring for her, to save her soul.

  He kissed her back, his kiss weak, not like the commanding ones he had given her before. She stopped kissing him, put her arm around his shoulder, and pulled him to a sitting position.


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