A Surprising Fact About Love: Small Town Romance (Silver Ridge Series Book 4)

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A Surprising Fact About Love: Small Town Romance (Silver Ridge Series Book 4) Page 13

by Karice Bolton

  Chapter Fifteen

  By the time they’d arrived at the hospital, Austin had gotten a message that Autumn was about to start pushing, and all that news did was make Ashley want another piece of pizza, which she was happily polishing off when they turned into the parking lot.

  They found the right floor, and the waiting room was full of people whom Ashley quickly realized all belonged to Austin. She spotted his niece, Abigail, right away, who was standing by someone who looked an awful lot like Austin. In fact, there were two men who shared a strong resemblance, and she guessed the fourth was in with his wife as she was giving birth.

  “Oh, Ashley, right?” Abigail nearly squealed, and Ashley’s cheeks warmed as she nodded and gave her a quick hug. “So, this might actually be serious?”

  Ashley glanced at Austin, who was proudly beaming, and she wondered what she’d gotten herself into.

  “This is the woman I told you about, Dad.” She turned to the man, who looked an awful lot like Austin, and he grinned.

  “I’m Kyle North. The better-looking brother,” he joked and stuck out his hand to Ashley just as a brunette bounded forward.

  “I don’t know about that,” she teased, rubbing his shoulder as she turned her attention to Ashley. “I’m Brooke North, Kyle’s wife. Abigail told us all about you.”

  “She did, did she?” Austin glanced at his niece who only smiled wider. “Even with the pay raise?”

  “You didn’t include keeping your girlfriend a secret.” His niece chuckled and nearly hopped away toward two women who were pacing the hallway. Ashley noticed that both women had sparkling blue eyes, and if she had to place a bet, she would guess that she was staring at Austin’s mother and grandmother.

  “Hey, I’m Sam North, and this is Dina.”

  Ashley turned her attention to the other man whom she’d suspected as being another brother to Austin and was right. “Joel has told us so much about you.”

  “Joel?” Austin asked in surprise, his brows furrowed.

  “Yeah. He said you came there one night after meeting Ashley and were all torn up about things.” He laughed and glanced at Ashley. “Something about your not being your usual suave self.”

  Ashley couldn’t help but laugh as Austin rolled his eyes. “No wonder I’m still single. My family has it in for me. I go to one brother who goes to another brother…”

  Dina’s eyes stayed on Ashley’s, and she put her finger in the air. “Wait a second. Do you work for the Finns?”

  Ashley nodded. “I do. I’m their nanny.”

  “Okay. I thought I recognized you.” She smiled and shook her head. “It’s a small world. You probably don’t remember, but you came to Autumn’s Bed & Breakfast, The Blackbery Patch. Anyway, you’d come by to purchase blackberry pies because the bakery was out in Silver Ridge. I’d been visiting Autumn, and after you left, we both commented about how perfect you would have been for . . .” She pointed at Austin. “This guy.”

  “I don’t buy it for a second,” Austin said, laughing.

  “It’s true, Bro.” Sam chuckled. “I actually remember her coming home and telling me all about the Finns’ nanny.”

  Ashley slapped her forehead. “Oh, my gosh. Yes. I remember. That was about a year ago? It was one of the few times I’d been to Silver Ridge, and Sylia’s in-laws were coming. She was panicking because they’d expected “her” blackberry pie that she’d always made them, except she’d never made it. She always went to Silver Ridge to buy it, and when she’d sent me, they were out, and the super-kind lady phoned the B&B for me.”

  “What a small world,” Dina mused, glancing between Sam and Austin. “What a small world. Was that kind woman the gal pacing the halls over there?”

  Ashley glanced in the women’s direction and waited until the older lady turned around.

  “Yep. That was her.”

  “So bizarre.” Dina smiled. “You two could have been dating this entire time, but at least you found each other now.”

  “Except that she’s leaving in three weeks.” Austin frowned. “The Finns don’t need a nanny any longer, and she found a place across the country.”

  “With a lovely family,” Ashley added just as the two women in the hall stopped pacing and started their way over.

  What had been a slight nervousness turned into a frenzy of fright. His mother’s eyes settled on Ashley, and she smiled as they made their way over. Ashley wished that made her less nervous, but it didn’t do that at all.

  “Hey, Mom.” Austin gave his mother a hug and then turned to his grandmother for the same.

  “I know you.” His grandmother pointed her finger at Ashley. “Sylia needed blackberry pies, and we were all out, but I found you some at my granddaughter-in-law’s B&B from that morning.”

  “That’s right.”

  Austin’s grandma laughed and shook her head. “That Sylia is a real hoot. Passing off my pies to her in-laws. I swear she’s going to get caught one day.”

  Ashley immediately felt at ease the moment the two women stood in front of her. There was an ease running through the group that was so like the many families she’d nannied for over the years.

  “I just love Sylia and Peter.” His grandma smiled, staring at her grandson.

  “They are wonderful people.” Ashley nodded. “I feel very lucky to have worked for them for so many years.”

  “You worked with Peter and Sylia?” Austin’s mom asked.

  Ashley smiled proudly and nodded. “I was their nanny for almost seven years, but I’m actually headed to Virginia next.”

  “Oh, Virginia,” Austin’s mother nearly cooed as she watched her son. “That’s quite a jaunt from Silver Ridge.”

  “Indeed.” Ashley laughed, and Austin smiled.

  “Ashley and I have just started dating,” Austin began, and Ashley froze.

  “Is that so?” His grandma pretended to act as if she didn’t know, which made Ashley stifle a laugh.

  Apparently, there really were no secrets in this family, and she really liked it.

  “Well, don’t you worry about a thing.” His mom looked at her son. “I know plenty of long-distance relationships that have worked . . . until they didn’t.”

  “Thanks for that, Mom.” He laughed.

  “No, I mean because one or the other of them always figured out a way to move and make it work.”

  Ashley laughed and glanced at Austin, who looked like he’d expected nothing less from his mother.

  “I don’t know that we’re—”

  “IT’S A GIRL!” A man hollered down the hallway to a crowd of gasps in the waiting room as Ashley’s pulse quickened. She’d never felt so included in such a monumental occasion, and the Norths all made her feel like she belonged.

  She thought back to her own upbringing and realized there wasn’t one time when she actually felt like she was wanted or meant to be there. And no, she didn’t sit and think about it often or even let herself mope about her upbringing, but every now and again, she realized how much she would have liked parents who cared.

  She scanned the room as she watched everyone rushing down the halls, overtaking the nurses as they fit through the narrow doorway, leaving Austin and Ashley in the waiting room.

  “Funny. We all knew it was going to be a girl.” Austin smiled. “Guess once they come out, it’s really real.”

  “Guess so.” Ashley chuckled.

  “Was that a bit much?” he asked.

  Ashley smiled and shook her head. “I liked it.”

  “Really?” He smiled as if he held some secret.

  “Family, when it’s working, is nice. It’s . . . warm.”

  Austin linked his fingers through hers and squeezed her hand. “You know what I think?”

  “What’s that?”

  “I think you’re the warmest, kindest person I’ve ever met.”

  Ashley laughed.

  “I’m serious. You look after other people’s kids. That in itself says a lot.”

shley laughed harder. “I suppose it could.”

  Without warning, he pulled her closer when there was no sign of family around.

  “Ashley Malone, you’re going to be a hard one to forget.” His eyes connected with hers and a flutter filled her abdomen as he pulled her closer. “That is what you want me to do, right? To forget you?”

  She stared at Austin, unsure of what to say because the one thing she didn’t want to do was screw up his family. His family was right. It was perfection. It produced good things, and the only time she’d had one, it was toxic. That was all she knew.

  Ashley let out a wistful sigh. “I want to believe I’m capable. I really do, but I’m thirty-seven. If I were any good at relationships, don’t you think I would have had at least a couple of tries, failed or otherwise?”

  Austin’s grin only widened, and he let out a low growl before bringing his lips to hers. The moment she felt her mouth pressed against his, her doubts and fears fell away with every stroke of his tongue. She rested her hands on his chest and pulled away slowly, opening her eyes to see him watching her.

  He brushed a stray bit of hair from her cheek before he kissed the top of her head and began to answer her question.

  “I think it’s fairly simple.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “You just hadn’t met the right person yet. You were busy with your career, and you’ve done amazing things for the family over the years, and maybe now you know it’s time for you.”

  “Maybe.” She rested her head against his chest and dared to imagine for a moment that he was right. “Either way, I’m having a lot of fun with you.”

  Austin took a step back and studied her. “I’m having a lot of fun with you too.”

  “We’d better go catch up with everyone, or they’ll wonder what happened to us.” She grinned, letting him hold her hand as they started down the corridor.

  By the time they’d made it to the room, Joel was standing by his wife’s bed, and all of the Norths were lined up along the far wall, quiet as church mice, as everyone watched the little girl in awe, resting on her mom’s chest.

  The Norths had far exceeded the number of people allowed in the room, but Ashley was pretty sure they were forgiven considering how quiet they were being. Joel spotted Ashley and Austin, and his smile widened as he pointed at his little girl in his wife’s arms.

  He motioned for Austin to come over, and he started, his hand still linked with hers, but she shook her head.

  “I don’t want to intrude,” she whispered, but he yanked for her to come anyway.

  “You must be Ashley Malone,” Joel said softly, glancing at his wife. “I’m Austin’s sane brother, and this is my wife, Autumn.”

  “We heard all about you late one night,” Autumn said quietly as she turned her attention to her daughter, who was sleeping on her chest. “Austin woke us up out of bed to tell us all about some mysterious woman in a turtleneck he’d met.”

  Ashley kept in her laughter, but her body shuddered in response.

  “The pure fact that you were wearing something sensible at a dating event got my attention.” Autumn smiled at Ashley.

  “Again, I can always count on my family to keep me grounded.” Austin shot his brother a warning stare. “Well, she’s leaving for Virginia soon.”

  “For a job,” Ashley added, noting how odd it was that she felt she needed to suddenly make excuses for accepting a great job.

  “Well, I’m sure Austin will rack up a lot of frequent flier miles,” Autumn teased as the nurses came in to help with nursing.

  “We shall see.” Ashley smiled and squeezed Austin’s hand. It was time for the room to clear out so mama and baby could try feeding again.

  Everyone’s shoulders sagged as they exited the room, but they didn’t have plans to go far as they all found their places back in the waiting room.

  “Pretty incredible, isn’t it?” Austin asked, taking a seat near the elevator.

  “Truly a miracle.” Ashley nodded. “A real gift. She’s such a lucky little girl to be born into a family with so much love.”

  Austin’s expression turned solemn, and he nodded, reaching out for her hand. “She really is, and that is how it should be.”

  “I know.” Ashley nodded. “And the logical part of me knows that’s how it is for most, but I just don’t want to repeat history. My history.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  When Austin North was a twenty-five-year-old ex-hockey player, he thought he had life all figured out. He’d realized it was more fun to be with many women rather than just one. he learned he liked money more than dreams, and he also understood that he’d never be a father.

  Not because he didn’t want kids. He liked kids, and prior to the train wreck of a relationship he’d been in, he’d always imagined himself growing up and having several. No, he decided he wasn’t going to be a father unless he could be there every day raising his children, and since he had no plans to ever settle down, he would be without children.

  It was this glorious whiskey-induced vow by a twenty-five-year-old winner that dictated the next nearly twenty years of his life.

  And now Austin North was kicking himself. Decades had gone by with never an ounce of sense trying to push those ridiculous life plans out of the way.

  Sure, he had a lot of business success. And sure, he had a great family.

  But he was born into it. He was lucky to have been born into it.

  He hadn’t created a successful family. He had only participated in one.

  Because of his brilliance at twenty-five.

  Austin groaned as he looked into the mirror, noticing a couple of strands of grey near each temple.

  Wouldn’t it figure that he realized he was a fool by falling for a woman who doesn’t want him?

  Or maybe she wants him but won’t let herself have him?

  Austin laughed and stared at himself in the mirror. Would he be able to convince Ashley that he was worth staying for?

  Was he?

  By all accounts, he was a catch.

  Never married.

  Good looking.



  And he’d managed to fall for someone who didn’t care.

  But that was precisely the problem.

  Austin knew she did. He could feel the way her body quivered next to his. He heard her breath catch when he kissed her. He noticed the heat in her eyes when she spoke to him.

  He knew there was chemistry.

  A real chance for something big.

  Which was why he had to stick to his plan.

  This dance wasn’t about sleeping together. He knew that would be good.

  And boy, did he ever want to, but it was like hockey. He had to keep his head in the game and keep the puck moving. He couldn’t lose sight of his goal. It was too important.

  “Which is precisely why you need to pull some jeans on and get the hell out of the house,” he told himself in the mirror. “You can’t let her forget you.”

  He said a few more chants to himself, picked up his wallet, and headed out his door to pick her up for another date.

  The one thing that had begun to happen endlessly over the last week was the constant state of dreaming he found himself in. He imagined Ashley and him hiking up Silver Ridge’s trails covered in vibrant wildflowers in the spring. He pictured them canoeing around the family’s lake home in the summer, and he could almost smell the fresh-cut Christmas tree he’d find with her during the holidays.

  All imagined, all-consuming fantasies about a woman he hadn’t even slept with yet. It was like a ticking time bomb. Every day that went by was a day closer to possibly never seeing her again.

  To possibly never having his dreams come true.

  The very dreams that were keeping him up at night.

  As he drove down the long, windy highway to Cherry Hill, he tried to tell himself that he was just getting worked up over nothing.

  Maybe Ashley was right. He only wanted her b
ecause he knew subconsciously that she was impossible to have.

  But that was the problem.

  She wasn’t impossible.

  She was in his reach.


  But Austin knew to get her emotionally was going to be a lot more difficult to pull off in the next two and a half weeks they had left.

  With the music blaring, he cruised into Cherry Hill.

  Sylia said that Ashley was at the garden store, so that was where Austin planned on meeting her. They’d already had a date planned tonight, but he couldn’t wait. Time was not on his side, and if he was going to pull off everything without a hitch, he needed all the hours he could steal.

  He quickly pulled into a parking spot, turned down the music, and climbed out of his car. The automatic doors opened and shut with a clack, turning heads in his direction. He scanned quickly to see if one of them was Ashley, but he didn’t spot her.

  He drew a quick breath and made his way to the seed section. Since it was the dead of winter, he highly doubted there’d be any flowers or vegetables to look at, but seeds he could understand. As he scanned the aisles, he heard a giggle behind him, and his world stood still.

  Hearing Ashley’s voice made every cell in his body heat, and all he wanted to do was take her in his arms and kiss her, but he needed to slow it down, even though it already felt painfully slow.

  He was used to meeting a woman, talking a little, and then sleeping with her. Not that he was proud of it, and it didn’t happen all that often, but when it did, that was the progression.

  “I’m beginning to think that Sylia and Peter aren’t exactly to be trusted.”

  Austin laughed and spun around to see Ashley holding several packets of seeds and a small bag of organic fertilizer. He quickly took the bag of fertilizer from her and grinned.

  “I was sworn to secrecy.” Austin chuckled, his eyes falling along the sexy curves of her body.

  Today Ashley was dressed in a pair of wool slacks and a very soft looking sweater that, indeed, was a turtleneck, sort of.

  “I feel like your turtleneck is mocking me, but you look gorgeous, as always.” He pecked her cheek, but he could tell she’d hoped for something else, which made him congratulate himself on the little victory.


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