In Embers (The Ember Series Book 3)

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In Embers (The Ember Series Book 3) Page 2

by Madison Daniel

  I just stared at him helplessly.

  “Ya know, did you dream of...her...again?”

  I said nothing. Silenced by my numbed heart. Petrified by the sweet angel who had haunted my dreams since she’d been away. Since that awful day that I lost control. Lost her. Lost everything important to me. My Uncle Frank. My new daughter. My fire. By the look on my face he could tell which of the two nightmares it was tonight.

  Even still, I lied. “My uncle...again.”

  It had only been a few weeks since my uncle had passed away of a rare form of lung cancer. A death sentence I never had the chance to heal with my powers. My mysterious healing touch was completely gone now, and so was my fire-starting ability. I was a superhero who wasn’t so super anymore.

  “He was a good man,” he said, knowing I was lying to him. He played along, politely. “I miss him too.”

  Officer Fitzgerald was a good guy, a straight arrow, even if he could be a bit of a grump during graveyard shift, but I still didn’t need to hear from him how loved my Uncle Frank was. It just made me hate myself more. It made me slip deeper into this hole I was in. After all, just like every other person in my life that I had loved and was my fault. His death was because of me...because of my curse.

  “I told you the story how he helped me with a flat tire my rookie year on the force, didn’t I?” he continued, oblivious to the giant frown hanging from my face.

  “Yes,” I sulked.

  “In the pouring rain, he came to my rescue...”

  “I know,” I snapped. “You’ve mentioned it before.” I didn’t want to hear anymore. I couldn’t bear to hear anymore. Finally, he realized the pain I was in.

  “Sorry, Valentine.” Officer Fitzgerald removed a a folded newspaper from his back pocket and slid it to me through the cell’s bars.

  “What’s that?” I barely asked.

  “Looks like your court date has made the news. Front page.”

  “Perfect,” I said, feeling sick to my stomach. “What’s it say?”

  “That they’re blaming you for the event in downtown Hana. That you were the cause of the explosions that killed over a dozen people...”

  “People? Don’t you mean mercenaries? Kidnappers. Killers. Scumbags,” I growled.

  “Max, they were still human beings...even if you were only defending yourself and your friends,” he stated as fact.

  “My friends,” I whispered.

  “They still haven’t found Samantha yet,” he cringed, not wanting to upset me more than I already was.


  Samantha Summers, the mother of my baby girl, Madison Lee. Sam’s golden blonde hair and forever green eyes easily qualified her for the island girl next door. My possible soulmate had been kidnapped shortly after the catastrophe in Hana. She had saved me from a painful death at the hands of a vengeful man who wanted to steal my unique powers. Now, she was gone, and so was my fiery touch. I hadn’t seen our daughter since that day either. Samantha sent her away with the last person I ever thought possible...Asia.

  “And Asia?” I asked, already knowing the answer. He nodded no, looking away from my angry eyes.

  Asia Michaels, the stunning and powerful girl who could control Mother Nature with the slightest nudge of her emotions. Tall, dark, and impossibly beautiful, she was my elemental opposite and haunted me completely. Sam, Asia, and I were caught in a love triangle that had become out of control. A romance that seemed to be tearing us all apart, like some silly melodrama you’d read in a YA book. Sam and Asia hated each other. Needless to say, I couldn’t believe it when Sam had asked Asia to hide little Madi away until it was safe again. After the destruction I had caused to the public I wasn’t sure how soon that would be. The thought of not seeing my daughter was unbearable, but I knew Asia would never hurt her. She would protect Madi with her life. Madi shared the same mystical connection I did with Asia. As if they were bonded on some magical level. No one’s seen either one of them since they disappeared.

  “Where are you, Asia?”

  Outside the correctional walls, thunder rattled the island. It sounded menacing, yet comforting. With a chill along my skin, I leaned back on my mattress and pretended I was back home in my bed. I spent the rest of the night waiting for the smell of rain to tuck me in.


  ~ Here Comes The Rain Again: Eurythmics ~

  Thursday dusk - 5:43 p.m. - December 30th


  “Geez…the things you do for love…”

  The decadent city ofDubai reflected its vulgar wealth from over my shoulder. Lightning slid along the building rainclouds above me, signaling my mood. I was nervous, yet excited. I had been searching for Samantha for ten days now. Ten long and frustrating days. Her kidnappers had more money than me, which is almost impossible since I was filthy rich. And that gave them a slight advantage over me. When money is no object you can basically disappear anywhere. You can become a ghost.

  Standing on this baron hillside looking down on the giant warehouse factory that wasn’t supposed to exist, I inhaled a long breath. Over one hundred miles from the nearest town this hidden building was basically a fortress. Security was everywhere and it made me anxious.

  Feeling the gentle vibration of my cell phone from my back pocket, I reached down and answered the incoming call. “Yeah.”

  “Asia, it’s me, Vivian,” the worried voice announced from the tiny speaker of my phone. I rolled my eyes. I had been in contact with her for over a month now and she always introduced herself when we talked over the phone. As if I would ever forget the name of Max’s mother.

  “I know,” I huffed, and positioned myself in the moving shadow cast down from the clouds. The sun fell away, shading the landscape in a gray haze. The phone line filled with fuzz as the electrical charge in the restless clouds intensified.

  “Have you found her?” Vivian asked.


  “Thank God…” she sighed.

  God? Ha, SHE had nothing to do with this. I let a small smile curl upon my lips.

  Vivian continued with her worry. “Are you sure you can handle this by yourself?”

  “Yes,” I said, point-blank. The thunder agreed. Vivian finally realized it wasn’t the best time to talk.

  “Okay, Asia. Call me when you have her.”

  Taking a deep breath in, “I will.”

  Slightly annoyed by my distant demeanor, Vivian politely said goodbye. Just before she hung up though, I asked her one simple question. “How is he? How’s Max?”

  After a few seconds of silence, she finally answered me, “Lost.”

  “Don’t worry, Vivian, I’ll be back soon.” I quickly hung up the phone and slid it back in my pocket. My chest tightened with worry. My Max. The image of him behind bars infuriated me. I needed to get back home to Maui. He needed me. I needed him. Thunder rolled over my head again as the first drops of rain drilled into the desert sand. I pulled my dark hair into a snug ponytail and whispered.

  “You better still be alive, Sam.”


  Sneaking in wasn’t an option. This facility was too high-tech. It had to be blanketed with every kind of security measure. If they didn’t already know I was coming, they would as soon as I powered up. Sure, I could call up a massive hurricane and rip this building to shreds, but that was too risky. Sam could be hurt by my assault. Not an option. She may be the thorn in my relationship side with Max, but she trusted me with their daughter, Madison. I had to repay that. I had to save her. Though it enraged me, Sam really was a good person. I could see why Max had such strong feelings for her.

  Reliving the moments before Sam’s kidnapping was extremely painful. Seeing her gun down the evil bastard that tried to kill our beloved Max, was tattooed in my memory. As she stood over a lifeless Max, and very dead body of his attacker, she was swiftly led away by Maui’s finest. Under arrest for the murder of one of the richest men in the world, Mr. Hitoshi Ryoyo. He was obsessed w
ith Max and the idea of harnessing his fire-starting abilities for the almighty dollar. Thankfully, Sam stopped him.

  Unfortunately, no one ever saw Sam again, after that. They found the abandoned police car she was taken away in, but that was all. Someone had pretended to be part of the Maui police department. They knew that Sam would be the best leverage to acquire Max in the future. That same someone was the head of Wahlberg Inc., Avery Wahlberg. A real horses ass. Now, staring up at the spinning lens of the facilities main security camera, I let out a small smile and a wink.

  “Avery…” I said, in a thick whisper toward the camera. He would be shocked to see me. For many reasons. First, this facility, this building didn't exist…at least not on paper. It was supposed to be a secret. It was an illegal structure, catering to many illegal things; weapons, drugs, and God knows what else. Second, he wouldn’t expect me to come on this rescue mission alone. Third, he and I had a bit of a bumpy past.

  I killed his little brother.

  Without any warning I found myself surrounded by thirty men decked out in full riot gear and giant guns. They were understandably agitated and screamed at me in another language. With a quick glance around I began to giggle.

  “You boys want to play?” I teased. They all tightened in their stances and locked their laser-sighted weapons on me. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  I stomped my right foot down, driving my boot into the ground. A blast of electrified energy exploded in all directions, sending the guards spinning in the air. Each one tried to react, but it was no use. I had spent way too long mastering my exceptional elemental gifts. They didn’t have a chance against me. With a clap of my hands lightning rained down over them, knocking them unconscious instantly.

  “All played out, huh?” I asked. From directly in front of me the giant wall pulled open, revealing a brightly lit corridor. More guards ran up with their automatic weapons ready to fire. Quickly, I put my hands in the air.

  “Freeze!” one soldier demanded. With a shift of my hips, and a smirk along my lips, I gave up.

  “No prob, handsome,” I purred. He lunged forward, jamming the barrel of his gun into the space inches from my face. I smiled bigger. “Take it easy. I come in peace.”

  “Shut up!” he spit.

  Slowly, I nodded to my victims everywhere. “They come in pieces.”

  He looked around at all the motionless bodies scattered outside the facility, some of them still smoking from the lightning bursts, and angrily grunted my way.

  “You’re as dangerous as we’ve been told,” he squinted.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Probably.”

  He hollered, “Don’t move!”

  My face fell deadly and I whispered, “Where’s Avery?”


  ~ Beautiful Disaster: 311 ~

  “Asia Michaels,” his voice greeted me.

  “Avery Wahlberg,” I said, with a mouth full of anger. Just seeing him reminded me of much lonelier days. He looked so much like his younger brother, Devon. They both shared similar physiques, frosty blond hair, and devious gray eyes. Avery’s brother, Devon, had changed my life forever when he almost killed Max in a fit of jealousy over Samantha. In a blinding rage I took my revenge on Devon, killing him with a giant arc of lightning. The rest of the world never knew what really happened to him, most people believed he was on the run after shooting Max through the chest. Avery on the other hand, never believed that. He knew his little brother was never coming home, and he knew I had something to do with it.

  “Well, this is a bit of a surprise, Ms. Michaels. I figured you had your hands full getting your talented boyfriend free from his prison cell,” Avery tried to joke. I was in no mood. He was right though, my lawyers were the best money could buy, and they were doing everything they could to get Max free. Though, he was completely wrong about one thing…Max didn’t belong to me anymore. He belonged to Sam.

  “Where is she?” I asked, in a huff, trying to ignore my racing thoughts of Max and his warm embrace.

  “Who?” Avery smiled, wryly.

  “Stop screwing around, Avery! Where’s Sam?” I spit out, and the lights darkened as my surrounding storms rolled heavy outside. He winced at my emotional response. His two security guards paced at my sides with growing uneasiness. He nodded to them to calm their fears. Both guards stepped backward toward the only door in the room. Avery placed his hands in his pockets and continued.

  “Ahh, you mean Samantha Summers. The young woman who disappeared a few weeks ago. The proud mother of a beautiful baby girl that your boyfriend just so happened to father.”

  His words stung me to my core. Thunder rumbled louder and I wanted to punch him in the throat.

  “Yes,” I grumbled.

  “That little girl is special,” he said, softly. I just stood still. “And by special, I mean, she has a gift, doesn’t she.” Again, I just held his gaze. He laughed, heartily, “Like father, like daughter!”

  “I’m special too…” I seethed, trying to get his attention on my abilities and not Madison’s special gifts. She was so much like her father, Max. With only her touch she could heal any wound. A young and innocent healer. The world would never leave her alone. Someone would always want to take advantage of her. The thought shouldn’t have bothered me so much, but like her hotheaded father, Madison had grown on me. Samantha had trusted me with Madi’s well-being just before she disappeared, and I think I already had the strongest feelings for her.

  Avery leaned into me, making sure I heard his next statement. “I know.”

  Ignoring him, I murmured, “I want Sam. This will be your only warning,” I said, as fact. Electricity began swimming through my clothes, dancing upon the tiny hairs along my body. His eyes pulled together, excitedly.

  “I have a proposition for you, Ms. Michaels…”


  “How about a trade,” he smiled. I stood silent and determined. He shuffled his stance and reached over to the nearest desk. “I let Samantha go home, and you stay in her place.” With a quick flip of a switch a large HD screen attached to the wall flashed with a new image. It was Samantha.

  “Sam,” I whispered, staring intensely at the screen. Sam was alive and well. She looked stressed and possibly a little dehydrated.

  “I assure you that she is doing just fine. She isn’t sleeping very well, but she is quite the conversationalist,” Avery laughed to himself. I didn’t find his smugness funny in the least.

  “A trade…” I drifted off. Thoughts of Max and little Madison flooded my mind. This was my chance to save Sam. This was my chance to do the right thing.

  “Yes. You, for her. What do you say?”

  Letting the thunder speak for me, I nodded yes. Avery’s grin grew wildly. He quickly swiped the controls at his desk and the television monitor went black. His henchmen walked up to me, preparing for a fight. They nervously began to secure my hands as rain pounded at the wall of the facility. Avery shook his head, and waved the guards off.

  “Leave her be. Ms. Michaels is now officially a guest of ours.” His cold eyes watched mine. “She will not be any trouble.”

  I stepped forward. “Let Sam go. Now.”

  With a soft laugh he led me out of the room and down a long steel corridor. At the end of it was the first of three checkpoints that held Sam hostage. Each checkpoint with more security. Minutes later I found myself outside a room made of super thick glass. Inside was Samantha, scared and tired. She sat atop her bed with her hair hanging in front of her face.

  Without even looking up, she said, “Is Madison safe?”

  “Of course,” I said, surprised we could hear each other through the glass prison. There must be some kind of audio system.

  “Thank you, Asia,” Sam said, finally looking up at me. Her eyes were highlighted by dark circles. “I knew I made the right decision.”

  “I’m getting you out of here, Sam. You’ll be with Madi soon,” I said, calmly.

  “And Max?” she as
ked, standing up.

  I just watched her hard. Avery motioned for the invisible cell door to be opened. Without a sound the glass wall in front of us opened up quickly.

  “Samantha, you are free to go,” Avery said. Sam looked as if she might spit on him.

  “What’s going on? What are you doing, Asia?” she snapped.

  “Saving you.” I smiled, and the storm outside growled.

  Quickly interrupting us, Avery reached for Sam, “Come on. This is your only opportunity.”

  Sam stuttered forward, stopping just before me. With a small hug she whispered in my ear. “You can’t trust him. This is a trap.”

  I handed her my cell phone with a new picture of Madison across the screen, taken just hours before. “Go. Now. When you make it out front, call the first number listed and don’t look back. Understand?”

  She stepped past me with a nod and got in the face of Avery. Sam angrily said, “You’re just letting me go? After all the fuss of kidnapping me, you’re giving me up…”

  He smiled, “I got what I needed from you.”

  “And what’s that?” Sam snapped.

  Avery pointed toward me. “Her.”

  “What?” Sam asked, shocked.

  “Samantha, this was never about you. This was never about some silly revenge plot like you see in those ridiculous soap operas.” Avery waved his hand and the glass panel slid back down in place, locking me within its walls. I pressed my hands against the cold glass, concentrating on Sam. Avery continued with his finger pointed my way. “This was about her.”

  “I don’t understand,” Sam said.

  “Well, it’s obvious Max didn’t care enough to come for you. Even locked up in prison, I’d find a way out to get to the woman I love,” he spoke, lethally. “That’s the only reason I took you in the first place, Sam, to get to him. That means I don’t need you. You’re dead weight.” He leaned down placing his cruel eyes just before Sam’s. “Maybe he’ll come for Asia. Maybe she’s the one he really loves.”


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