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Blood Dragon

Page 5

by Charlene Hartnady

  Bay frowned. “If he did that the males would lose respect for me.”

  “Exactly! He’d have to demote you.”

  “Does that mean Flood’s coming back?”

  Tide shook his head. “No, he’ll appoint someone new. Possibly put Beck in your position.” The male shook his head. “He doesn’t want to. It’ll make him look bad. Like appointing you was a poor decision.” Tide echoed what Torrent had said, which made him believe they’d discussed it. Of course they had. Tide was Torrent’s second in command.

  “I can do this,” Bay said, more to himself than to Tide.

  “I know you can.” The male raised his brows. “It’s not the easiest task, keeping two hundred headstrong males in line. Making them, not only do as you say, when you say it, but getting the most out of them at the same time. Getting them to go the extra mile for you…for our kingdom. I know you can do it though and you were managing adequately before. You were making good headway. That all stopped. I’d even say you’ve gone backwards. Pull it together.” Tide gripped the side of his arm and squeezed. “I’m here if you need to talk…any time.”

  Bay nodded. “I appreciate it.”

  “This mission is a big deal. I’m sure Blaze will be involved.”

  Bay nodded. “I’ve got this!” He needed to sort his mind out. To stay focused. Sleep would be good, but he’d cope. Maybe it was time to go to a healer for help. They could mix him an herbal tea or something. “I do!” he added, trying to convince himself.

  Chapter 7

  Ten days later…

  Ceri looked across the table at the little boy. “Not hungry?” she asked, brows raised.

  Sam shook his head. “I don’t like broccoli,” he announced, looking completely put out. Like his five-year-old world had just come to an end.

  “You don’t?”

  He shook his head. “It tastes like poo.”

  Ceri had to laugh. How could she not? “What do you like to eat then?”

  “Human blood.” His eyes lit up.

  She laughed even harder. “You do, do you?”

  He nodded. “We sometimes get visiting humans. I bite them every chance I get.”

  Ceri felt her mouth drop open. “You don’t!”

  Sam nodded profusely. “Yes, I do.”

  “I’m sure your dads don’t allow it.” She looked at him skeptically, leaning her knife and fork on the sides of the plate.

  Sam made a face. “No,” he huffed. “I’m not allowed. I get into big trouble…” Then his eyes brightened. “But I do it anyway.”

  “You little rascal.” She leaned forward and gave his cheek a light pinch.

  Sam giggled. “Why do you do that? Every time I see you, you pinch my cheeks, Ceri.”

  “You have the cutest cheeks.” She pinched them again. “So chubby and cute, just like the rest of you.”

  “Mummy is chubby.” Sam shoved a big piece of chicken into his mouth and began to chew.

  “She’s not chubby, she’s pregnant and there’s a huge difference. Soon, you’re going to have a brother. How exciting is that?”

  He shrugged. “He won’t be able to play with me.”

  “Not just yet, but soon enough.”

  Sam nodded. “I guess.” He shoved another forkful of chicken into his mouth. “He’s going to cry and poop a lot,” he said, around his food.

  Ceri laughed. “Definitely, but—”

  There was a knock at her door. Two sharp raps and then the door opened before she could say anything. She knew exactly who was there. “Hi Brant,” Ceri said, as he walked in.

  Brant smiled. As always, her cousin was dressed to the nines. A three-piece suit, which fit him like a glove. A crisp, white shirt. A perfectly knotted tie. His shoes were shiny. His hair looked like it had been cut and styled that morning. “Ceri.” He nodded in greeting, his expression morphed into one of utter joy as soon as he laid eyes on his son. “Hi, buddy.”

  “Daddy!” Sam yelled, his mouth still full. The little boy jumped off his chair and raced over to Brant, launching himself into his father’s arms.

  “Did you enjoy your playdate at your Ceri’s house?”

  Sam nodded. “We played cars and trains,” he announced.

  “That sounds like fun!” Brant was smiling. The only other time Ceri saw the male this happy and carefree was when he was with his mate. Unless of course he and Zane were fighting, which happened from time to time. Being in a three-way mating sounded complicated if you asked her. Especially when the two males were both dominant. Both kings and used to being in charge. Certainly not for the faint of heart.

  “It was fun!” Sam yelled.

  “Are you ready to head home, bud?” Brant asked, putting Sammy down.

  “Let him finish his lunch first. He still has a ton of broccoli to eat.” She winked at Sam, whose face fell. The little guy started shaking his head, about to protest. “I’m only teasing,” she quickly added with a laugh. “You don’t have to eat the broccoli.”

  “You’re evil.” Brant cracked a smile. “Giving a child broccoli.” He widened his eyes.

  “I made the kind of lunch I would normally make for myself. I didn’t give it much thought.”

  “Clearly.” Brant raised his brows. “And talking about lunches, you need something a little more substantial than chicken, a spoonful of rice and broccoli. I can scent you haven’t drank from anyone in a couple of days. You could definitely do with some liquid sustenance as well, or there is no point even eating solids.”

  “Chicken is healthy,” she countered. “I’m seeing Drago later today,” she continued. Shit! Now Brant was commenting on her weight loss as well. Had it got so bad that those around her were starting to pick up on it?

  “You look like you could use some meat on your bones.” He gave her the once over and she had her answer. “You’re working too hard. Have no more trainees come forward?”

  The chair scraped as Sam sat back down to his lunch.

  She shook her head and locked eyes with her cousin and king of the vampires. “No-one wants to be a healer anymore. There are far more fascinating lines of work now that females are able to apply for any position they want. I’m still hoping to find a male willing to take on the role.”

  “You’re still on about that?” Brant asked, one side of his mouth quirked up.

  “I want to see males in traditionally female roles. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “There is still a stigma attached. Males are afraid of being seen as pussies.” He gave a one-shouldered shrug.

  “Shhhhh.” She put a finger in front of her mouth. “Language.” She looked in Sam’s direction.

  “Please,” Brant scoffed. “Have you heard how much Zane swears? Sammy knows he’s not allowed to say those words until he’s much older.”

  Ceri rolled her eyes. “You are a ruthless leader and yet your son has you wrapped around his finger.”

  “Shhh!!!” Brant’s eyes widened. “Don’t let him hear you say that.”

  “What?” She was smiling broadly. “Just in case he doesn’t already know? I assure you he knows, no doubt about it.”

  Brant sighed. “You’re right.”

  “How is Tanya doing? Did she have a good rest?”

  Brant nodded. “Thank you for taking Sam for the afternoon, especially since this is your only day off. My mate really needed the break.”

  “Are you sure she’s only eleven months along in this pregnancy? Between you and me, she looks like she should have had this baby already. I’m not sure how she’s going to last one more month.”

  Brant widened his eyes. “Yeah, don’t let her hear you say that. We had only just started trying for another child and she became pregnant. I have potent seed. So,” he shook his head, “she’s not further along.”

  “That’s going to be one big boy then.”

  “He’ll take after his father.” Brant puffed out his chest.

  “Or Zane ‒ he could be the biological father this time aro
und,” she blurted, immediately kicking herself for opening her trap.

  Brant’s features tightened and his eyes darkened. “It doesn’t matter who the biological father is.”

  “Of course not!” Shit! She’d ventured into touchy territory. There was no way to tell who the father was ‒ biological father ‒ they were both undoubtedly doting fathers to Sam. Even though Brant was the biological father, seeing as he was the spitting image of the male. Only once this child was born would they know for sure and even then, it might be impossible to tell just by looking at the baby.

  “We’re hosting a meeting between the species next week,” Brant added out of nowhere.

  “Oh.” She tried to sound nonchalant, but her heart sped up just a touch. Why was he telling her this?

  “Zane and I will be kept very busy during the three-day talks. I know you’re busy too, but I’d appreciate it if you could keep an eye on Tanya. She won’t ask for help, even if she desperately needs it.”

  “Sure, no problem. I would be happy to help out. I love Sammy.”

  “It’s just that ‒ as you know ‒ we’re very picky about who looks after him. He is heir to the throne.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I understand. I’ll keep my eye on Tanya and help out with Sam.”

  Brant pushed out a breath. “Thank you.” He nodded once.

  “So, are all the species going to be there?” She had to know.

  “Yes.” Brant nodded. He stood up and looked over at Sam who was playing with his toy car rather than finishing his lunch.

  “Even the elves?” She couldn’t jump straight to the dragons or it might look suspicious.

  “Yes, Keto will be attending. A couple of the alphas as well. We’re allowing four delegates per species.”

  She smiled and nodded. “I’m sure the dragons won’t be there.” She laughed like it was a ludicrous idea.

  “Actually, they are the ones who called for the meeting in the first place.”

  “Oh! Why is that?”

  “It seems they are being harassed by dragon hunters. The dragons believe the rest of the species will also be targeted. That it’s only a matter of time. Since we are still being harassed by factions that wish us harm, Zane and I thought it pertinent. Also, if we can help the dragons, maybe they will come to our aid in the future. You never know what might happen. We plan on keeping our enemies close.”

  “The dragons aren’t our enemies though,” she retorted.

  “They’re certainly not our friends.” Brant’s jaw tightened. “Let’s see where they stand. We’ll know soon enough.”

  “Surely you plan on using this to become allies…possibly even getting onto friendly terms with them?”

  Brant choked out a laugh. “I highly doubt it, but you never know.”

  At least they were open to the possibility. Dragons were coming. Here. Four of them. There was just no way one of them could be Bay. No way! Her mouth watered just thinking about the male. Maybe she would crave dragon blood no matter who the male was. It was a sobering thought. She needed to stay far away. One thing was for sure, she didn’t trust herself. Just thinking about dragon blood made her fangs descend. It wasn’t getting any better. If anything, her need for their blood was getting worse. Her hunger growing by the day.

  Chapter 8

  Five days later…


  Why the hell was he being summoned? Things had been going better. His sleep had improved some since getting an herb draught from the healers. His mind still wandered to the vampire often, but he’d been able to clear his head, to remain more focused, at least during work hours. Alone, at home, was another story entirely but when it had counted, he had been attentive. There had been no more major screw-ups. At least, none that he knew of.

  Bay continued to walk towards Torrent’s office. His mind raced, going through each scenario. What could it be?

  He sucked in a deep breath as he arrived at the large double doors that lead to his king’s chamber. He knocked, waiting until he was called upon to enter.

  Bay walked in, stopping in his tracks when he saw who was in attendance. “Good morning,” he choked out when he finally found his faculties.

  “Morning.” Torrent nodded once.

  “I’m not sure if you have met Blaze yet.” Torrent motioned to the male in question. King of all four dragon species.

  Bay inclined his head. “I have never officially met you, my sire, no.” He shook his head. “It is good to do so now, an honor.”

  Blaze held out his hand and Bay clasped it at the wrist. “Let’s make it official then since we will be traveling together.”

  Bay’s eyes widened and he nodded once. He had no idea what Blaze was talking about, only that it must be that mission Torrent had referred to the other day. “I am glad I can be of service,” he stated simply, meaning it.

  “This is Inferno, my younger brother, Prince of Fire. He will be accompanying us.”

  “You are going in Tide’s place.” Torrent didn’t look happy about that fact. “We leave on Monday. The Water dragons were lucky enough to have been selected to accompany Blaze and Inferno on this mission.”

  “I am most honored,” he addressed Torrent, turning to Blaze as he finished the sentence.

  “We leave on Monday, giving us the weekend to prepare,” Blaze stated.

  “You will need to pack for three days,” Torrent all but growled, still frowning heavily. “We are meeting with representatives of the other species to discuss the slayers. We feel that all the species are in danger.”

  His heart beat faster and his mouth suddenly felt dry. “All of the species?”

  “That’s what I said.” Torrent narrowed his eyes.

  “Yes, sire.” Bay inclined his head. “Where are we meeting?” It was like he already knew the answer. Knew without a doubt where they were headed before anyone could say anything. His heart pounded in his chest anyway.

  “To Sweetwater,” Blaze said. “We are meeting on vampire territory. It is the most central. They have the most suitable accommodations as well.”



  He was going to vampire territory. To her. To the female with the green eyes. Holy fucking shit!

  “Bay!” Torrent snapped. “Are you listening?”

  He swallowed thickly. “Yes, apologies!”

  “Is there a problem?” Torrent asked. “Do you have something against vampires? If so, I can take Beck in your place.”

  “No!” he practically yelled. “No problem. I will be packed and ready. I look forward to attending the meeting. I’m sure the other species will be a big help in eradicating the hunters.”

  “A help,” Blaze scoffed. “More like a hindrance. We don’t need help from any of the others. We thought they needed to be informed. If they wish to aid us, then that is their decision and their right, but we don’t need them. We are perfectly capable of dealing with this ourselves.”

  “Of course, my lord.” He was screwing this up at every turn. He needed to keep his mouth shut and his ears open. Needed to stay focused!

  “You have all the details,” Blaze spoke to Torrent, who nodded. “We’ll see you Monday first light?”

  Torrent nodded again. “Good.” Blaze gestured for Inferno to follow him. “Then we’ll head out.”

  Once they were gone, Torrent turned to him. “Don’t make me regret taking you on this mission. It is an honor that we were selected to accompany the Fire dragons. The other two tribes were not impressed, I can say that much.” The male finally hinted at a smile. It didn’t last. “Don’t fuck this up. Stay close, keep your mouth shut and do as you are told.”

  Bay nodded. “Yes, sire. Understood.” He bristled with excitement. He shouldn’t, but he did. He had already made up his mind, he was going to find the female and find out everything he needed to know. On his off time, of course. There was no way this would interfere with the mission. He’d make sure of that. No-one even needed to know about any of it.
  Chapter 9

  Three days later…

  No way. There was no way he was there. Ceri stood in one of the break rooms on the east side of the castle. It gave her the perfect view of the conference center. Her kings had built the facilities when they had started The Program. A plan geared up to pair the top vampire males with human females, in the hopes they would mate and have young. So far, The Program had been a great success.

  She forced herself to concentrate because the delegates attending the meeting between the species were going to file out at any minute.

  She shouldn’t be there. This was stupid and silly and made no sense. Out of all the dragon shifters out there, only four were on vampire soil at the moment. There was just no way he was one of the four, and if he was, she couldn’t do anything about it. She needed to stay far away. It didn’t matter, because he wasn’t there, which would make staying away easy. She just needed to see that with her own eyes, so that she could stop wondering.

  Ceri glanced at her watch, the second hand counted down to one o’clock. As the hand hit twelve, the door opened. Ceri shook her head. Brant was running the event, so it stood to reason that the whole thing would run this smoothly.

  Brant’s PA came out, standing next to the open door, she held a clipboard in her hand. Three males filed out shortly after. They wore jeans and button-down shirts. They were followed by Zane who wore his standard leathers. Then two really large males appeared. They were wearing cotton pants. Their chests were golden. Her heart beat faster.

  Dragon shifters. If the accounts had been correct, this was the standard attire of a dragon shifter. A tall dark-haired male followed closely behind. That made three. One more to—


  Come on!

  She squealed and clasped a hand over her mouth. It was him. It was Bay. Of all the males, it was him. What a bizarre twist of fate. She noticed how he looked around, his eyes flashing to the castle, where they stayed for a few moments. It almost felt like he was looking directly at her. Her eyes felt wide. Her skin prickled. Then he looked away and moved off. Several other males had walked out, they followed behind Bay. Heading towards the restaurant where they would serve lunch.


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