Desire & Denial (Southern Boys Book 3)

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Desire & Denial (Southern Boys Book 3) Page 16

by K. C. Wells

  You gonna keep me tied to your apron strings all my life, Momma?

  Kendis knew what the problem was. She’d lost one chick, and she was trying desperately to keep the other in the nest. Hating himself for doing it, Kendis opened the door just a touch, straining to hear the conversation.

  “I’m just so damn weary of it all. When’s it gonna get better?”

  His heart sank. He’d never heard his momma sound so dejected. It didn’t sound like she was talking about him, however.

  “Yeah, I keep tellin’ myself that too, but nothin’ changes.”

  Yeah. Whatever she was talking about, it wasn’t Kendis, he was sure of that. Not that it made what he was hearing any easier to take. The weariness in her voice…

  “Now you know I can’t promise that, baby. I’ll try, the good Lord knows I will, but there comes a time when you have to say enough is enough …. Yeah, and thank him for that, will ya? … Oh, baby, I know. I’ll be thinking about you too. And I’ll call you first thing.”

  Kendis couldn’t listen anymore. He closed the door, his heart heavy. He knew Marcus was spending the holidays in Louisiana with Uncle Elroy. That had to be hard on Momma, not having both her babies with her.

  There was only one thing for it. He’d have to pull out all the stops and make sure she had a good time this Christmas. He’d help with the cooking, he’d clean, hell, he’d do whatever it took to put a smile on her face.

  Kendis had wanted to spend some time Christmas Day with Chaz, but he figured that wouldn’t help the situation. Chaz will understand. Besides, he and Jon were going to spend the day with Del and Taylor, so Kendis knew Chaz would be in good company.

  He wrapped the towel around his hips and left the bathroom, after making sure it was tidy. He didn’t want to do anything to put his momma out. Not now.

  Chaz opened the front door. “Hey. I thought you were gonna text me when you were ready for me to come pick you up.” He peered closer at Kendis. “Are you okay?” Kendis’s smile looked like it had been pasted on.

  Kendis stepped into the house. “I’m fine.”

  Chaz stilled. “Have I known you long enough to say ‘pants on fire’?” To his surprise, Kendis moved closer, his arms going around Chaz’s waist, his cheek pressed against Chaz’s. “Hey,” Chaz said softly. “What is it?” He took Kendis in his arms, holding him, letting him just be.

  “Just stuff I’m dealin’ with at home.” Kendis pulled back to look him in the eye. “An’ being here with you is all I need right now.”

  The sincerity in his voice tightened Chaz’s throat. “Well, you got me,” he managed to get out. “Jon’s in the shower, ’cause he got himself all dirty working on the Harley. So come on into my room for a sec.” He took Kendis by the hand and led him to his bedroom door.

  Kendis chuckled. “That’s kinda sweet.” Once inside the room, he sighed. “Now kiss me?”

  As if Chaz could ignore an invitation like that.

  “Gladly.” He leaned against the closed door and pulled Kendis to him, their lips meeting in a slow, tender kiss that sent calm flooding through him. Chaz held Kendis’s face gently, taking his time. There was no heat in the kiss, and that was just right.

  When they parted, Chaz smiled. “That better?”

  Kendis’s smile reached his eyes this time. “You have no idea. Now, suppose you tell me what you’ve got in mind for tonight?”

  Chaz released him. “Well, there’s a movie… popcorn… Coke…”

  Kendis gave him a playful smack on the arm. “Yeah. That much you told me already. What I wanna know is… what have you really got planned?”

  “You’re gonna follow my lead, that’s all.” Chaz grinned. “And don’t be shy, okay?”

  Kendis stared at him. “Okay, now you’re worrying me.”

  Chaz glanced at his clothes. “I think you’d fit into a pair of my sweats. They might be a little tight in places, but that works.”

  “What’s wrong with my jeans?”

  “Nothing, honest. It’s just that… for my purposes, I want to give you room to maneuver… kinda. Like this.” He jiggled his hips, and inside his loose sweats, his dick did a little dance.

  Kendis coughed. “Wow. There’s no missing that, is there?”

  “That’s sort of the plan.” He reached down, popped the button on Kendis’s jeans, then slowly lowered the zipper. “You wearin’ briefs?”

  “Yes.” Kendis’s breathing got a little faster.

  “Take ’em off.”

  Kendis smirked. “Might be a little difficult if I’m still wearing my jeans.”

  Chaz grabbed his butt and squeezed. “Smartass.”

  Kendis was still laughing as he undressed. He removed his jeans and briefs, and as he bent over to step into the sweats, Chaz gave an appreciative whistle.

  “Lord, that is one mighty fine ass.” Before Kendis could respond, Chaz caressed his ass cheek and then squeezed it gently. He slid a finger through Kendis’s crack, brushing over his hole, and Kendis shuddered. Chaz kissed his neck, then whispered, “Just lookin’ at you gets me hard as a doorknob.”

  Kendis’s breathing hitched as Chaz slid his bare cock over his ass. He reached back to touch it, shivering. “I… I thought you had a plan? This part of it?”

  Chaz chuckled. “God, what you do to me.” Lord, he was a temptation. “Put on those sweats before I change my mind.” He’d never felt so… powerful. Because it is a power. To be able to make a man tremble, to quicken his breathing, to make someone need you like air…

  Chaz reached into the nightstand drawer, removed a condom and a packet of lube, and stowed them in the pocket of his sweats. Kendis arched his eyebrows. “What exactly are you hoping will happen?”

  Chaz chuckled. “Relax. It’s not what you think. It’s just a little push. You remember I asked you a question yesterday? ‘What if Jon has the hots for us?’ Well, by the end of tonight, we should know the answer to that one.”

  And he’s not gonna be left in any doubt as to how we feel about him.

  Jon flopped down onto the couch. “Hey, why’s the popcorn takin’ so long? It’s movie time.” He still had no idea what they were watching. Given their ages, Jon would have laid even money on something like the Avengers. That was fine by him. Besides, this night was for them. They can sit ‘n’ canoodle to their hearts’ content.

  Jon was going to keep his eyes locked onto the TV screen.

  Chaz came out of the kitchen, carrying a large plastic bowl filled to the brim with popcorn. “It’s sweet. Hope that’s okay.” The beverages were already on the coffee table in front of them.

  Jon mumbled something about it being just fine, but his mind wasn’t anywhere near the popcorn. No, what grabbed his attention was Chaz’s dick swinging inside his sweats. It wasn’t like Jon could miss it. Chaz was already hard, and by the look of things, he had a long cock.

  Holy fuck. This was one movie night when Jon was really gonna have to focus.

  Instead of heading for the larger couch, Chaz stopped in front of Jon. “Squidge up.”

  Chaz’s dick was right there at eye level. Then his words registered. What the hell?

  Chaz squeezed himself into the space between Jon’s right side and the arm of the couch, and Jon shifted across a little to give him room. “So… wanna tell me what we’re watching?”

  “Kendis has the DVD. He’ll be right on in.” Chaz handed Jon the bowl. “You’re in charge of the popcorn. Don’t eat it all.” He chuckled.

  Kendis walked into the living room, and—

  Jesus H Christ. What have these boys got against wearing underwear? Kendis was wearing what looked like a pair of Chaz’s sweats, and they were a little on the small side. What drew Jon’s eye instantly was the long, thick cock beneath the stretched fabric. So tight, Jon could make out the head of Kendis’s cut dick.

  Quickly he averted his gaze, staring fixedly at the TV. “Hey. You gonna put the disk in?”

  “Sure.” Kendis went to the DVD player
, and bent over to open the drawer.

  Lord, kill me now. That ass looked goddamn luscious, even in a pair of sweats. Then he checked himself. Especially in a pair of sweats, the fabric stretched taut across those firm cheeks, tight enough that he could make out Kendis’s crack…

  Then Kendis straightened, and Jon almost choked on a piece of popcorn at the sight of the meaty shaft that looked like it was trying to escape his sweats. “Tonight’s movie is… Magic Mike,” Kendis announced.

  Jon frowned. “Isn’t that the one about male strippers? From a few years back?”

  Kendis nodded. “Have you seen it?”

  No, Jon hadn’t seen it. Furthermore, Jon had no desire to see it, especially not with his present company and in their present state of dress. He gave a mental snort. More like fuckin’ undress.

  Kendis walked over to the couch and Jon held up the bowl. “Wanna take a handful?”

  Kendis smiled. “If I want some, I’ll just lean over and grab it.” He peered at the little space remaining on Jon’s left. “There’s room for me, I think.”

  He has got to be kidding. “Don’t you wanna sit next to Chaz?” Jon set the bowl on the table.

  Kendis grinned. “I like sitting next to the arm of the couch.” Then Holy Mary, Mother of God, he squeezed into the space, his thigh snug against Jon’s. The pair of them bracketed him like a pair of firm warm bookends, with Jon wedged in the middle.

  “I’ll go sit on the other couch.” Jon tried to get up, but two pairs of hands grabbed his thighs and held him there.

  “You’re fine where you are.” Chaz reached forward, picked up the remote and aimed it at the TV. He leaned back, his shoulder tight against Jon’s. “Movie time.” On the other side, Kendis relaxed against Jon’s arm.

  Jon gave an internal sigh. This was gonna be hell.

  As the movie progressed, however, Jon had to concede it wasn’t as bad as he’d anticipated. At least, it felt that way, until they got to one of the dance sequences.

  “Whoa,” Chaz said softly. “Channing Tatum is really fuckin’ hot.”

  “I know, right?” Kendis nodded enthusiastically.

  Chaz grinned. “I like him.”

  Kendis stared pointedly at Chaz’s crotch, his eyes gleaming. “I can tell.”

  Jon followed his gaze and almost spit out his Coke at the sight of Chaz’s cock at half mast, jerking beneath his sweats, the head looking like it was trying to poke through the fabric.

  “Yeah? Well, you can talk. I see that boner, don’t think I don’t,” Chaz retorted.

  Kendis chuckled. “Do you blame me? And you know what I wanna do with it.”

  Fuck, even Jon knew that. He was having a really hard time keeping his eyes off of Kendis’s erection. And speaking of hard…

  Jon grabbed the bowl of popcorn and put it in his lap.

  On the screen, the guys were doing a number. Dressed in combat pants. Matthew McConaughey was sounding off like a drill instructor.

  “Lord, he can fuckin’ drill me anytime,” Chaz murmured, giving his dick a squeeze.

  Jon focused on the TV, where the men ripped off their white T-Shirts, revealing firm, toned abs. He gulped as they brought their fists to their crotches and pretended to shoot a gun from there.

  “Oh yeah, shoot, baby, shoot,” Chaz yelled.

  Now Jon was in hell.

  The men dropped to the floor, doing press-ups, and Kendis hooted. “He can drop on me an’ give me twenty anytime he wants.” When the guys started humping the floor, their hips moving in a parody of fucking, Jon was getting awfully close to breaking point. His dick was pushing against the bowl, his gaze was torn between the screen, and the two men on either side of him who didn’t appear to mind him watching as they stroked their dicks through their sweats.

  They are driving me out of my mind.

  There was only one thing to do.

  Jon put the bowl on the coffee table and grabbed a cushion from behind him. “You know what? I think I’ll turn in. Gonna read for a bit. You two watch the end of the movie.” And without waiting for their responses, he lurched up off the couch and fled the room, clutching the cushion in front of his very obvious bulge.

  Kendis expelled a long breath, and Chaz laughed. “Wow. You really got into the swing of that.” He hit the mute button on the remote.

  Kendis glanced toward the door where Jon had departed so quickly. “Now what?”

  Chaz’s evil grin sent a rush of desire surging through him. “Now? We’re gonna turn up the heat.” He reached into his pocket and removed the condom and lube. Chaz’s eyes glittered. “Did the movie get you all worked up?”

  Kendis snorted. “Are you kidding me?” He slid his hand into his sweats and tugged on his rock-hard dick.

  “Good. Remember the other night when we had to be real quiet?” That grin was still there.

  “Well, yeah.”

  Chaz shifted across the couch, until he was almost in Kendis’s lap. “Tonight is different. Tonight we’re gonna make as much noise as we want.”

  Kendis gaped. “But… he’ll hear us.” Then it dawned. “You want him to hear us.”

  Chaz nodded, and Kendis moaned when Chaz reached into his sweats and curled his hand around Kendis’s cock. “You seriously think after this, he’s not gonna be listening? I want him to hear every moan, every sigh, every word we say.” His eyes gleamed. “And we’re gonna be sayin’ a lot.” He paused. “Starting right now.” Chaz gave Kendis’s cock a slow tug. “What do you want?”

  Lord, his heart was beating fast.

  Chaz leaned in, his lips brushing against Kendis’s ear. “Forget about Jon,” he whispered. “Tell me what you really want.”

  Kendis swallowed. “I wanna fuck you,” he whispered back.

  Chaz grinned and mouthed louder.

  Dear Lord. Kendis took a deep breath. “I wanna fuck you.” His words rang out in the quiet room.

  Chaz’s breathing quickened. “Then fuck me.” He pulled off his sweater, and shoved his sweats down over his hips, kicking them off impatiently. He knelt up on the couch. “Maybe this is the point where I should mention…I bought a dildo online. Last week.” He grinned. “I’ve been practicing.”

  Kendis laughed. “The real thing is gonna be so much better, I can promise you that.” He had no idea where this sudden rush of confidence was coming from, but he liked it.

  Then Chaz was undressing him, and heat surged through him. His cock sprang up, and Chaz’s eyes sparkled. He got on all fours on the couch, his mouth inches from the head of Kendis’s dick. “Close your eyes.” Chaz instructed. Kendis complied, his heartbeat racing. “Now imagine it’s Jon’s mouth on your cock,” Chaz said, before taking him into that wonderful heat.

  Kendis almost came on the spot, torn between how really wrong that was—and how it was also hot as fuck.

  “Now imagine it’s Jon’s mouth on your cock.”

  Jon froze, his legs spread wide, his feet on the mattress. Oh my fucking God. He had one hand on his dick, the other on his balls, and one ear to the open door. Kendis saying he wanted to fuck Chaz had sent ice spreading out over his skin, but hearing his own name, and in such circumstances?

  This is wrong. I shouldn’t be listening. This is so fucking wrong.

  But he couldn’t stop himself.

  “You want that, don’t you?”

  Jon held his breath, waiting to hear Kendis’s response.

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I wanna slide my dick deep into his mouth and fuck him with it. Wanna watch his lips stretch around my fat cock.”

  Holy fucking hell. Jon squeezed lube into his palm and slicked up his shaft. When Kendis let out a loud moan, Jon closed his eyes, imagining what Chaz was doing to him. Lord, he wanted to see them, but there was no fucking way he was gonna do that.

  “Go on, make believe I’m him. Do it,” Chaz demanded, and Jon had to stifle his own moans. “You know you want to, right? You’ve wanted t
his for a while.”

  “Fuck, I have.”

  Jon moved his hand faster, reaching lower with the other, seeking the tight hole hidden in that furry crack. He rubbed over it with his fingertip, imagining it was Chaz’s finger, Chaz who was exploring him.

  What if… it was Kendis’s tongue?

  Jon tightened his grip on his dick, striving to stave off his climax. Don’t. Don’t think about that.

  “Oh, Jon. Take my fucking cock.” The raw lust in Kendis’s voice told Jon no way was he faking this. He lay there and listened as Kendis moaned, and fuck, Jon wanted to moan right along with him.

  “Can’t wait any longer.” Chaz sounded breathless. “C’mon, gimme that dick where I need it—in my tight virgin hole.”

  Lord help him, Jon wanted to be Kendis right then, to feel that tight body squeezing his shaft as he slowly pushed into Chaz, until he could go no farther. Jon moved his hand faster, his breathing erratic as he caught every whimper and gasp as Kendis obviously did as he was told.

  “Ohhh…. Fuck… you’re… oh, so big… oh God…”

  Chaz’s broken sentences only served to push Jon closer to the edge. The guys’ moans and cries intensified in volume, and Jon knew none of them was going to last much longer.

  “Close,” Kendis groaned.

  “Fucking come. Wanna feel it.”

  Kendis cried out, and Jon shot hard, his come arcing as it pulsed from him, decorating the comforter where it landed. He grunted, his face tingling, his cheeks burning, his body shaking, torn between two emotions that seized him and would not let go—shame and desire.

  He grabbed his towel from where he’d left it earlier, and wiped away all traces of his orgasm. As silently as he could, Jon got off the bed, crept over to the door, and quietly closed it. He didn’t want them passing by and seeing an open door. That was just wrong.

  And what the fuck do you call what you just did?

  Jon pulled the comforter from the bed and dropped it to the floor. He’d do the laundry the following day. He didn’t want Chaz finding it. Jon switched off his bedside lamp, plunging the room into darkness. He’d clean up when he was certain they were asleep.


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