Benevolent Master (Doms of Napa Valley Book 3)

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Benevolent Master (Doms of Napa Valley Book 3) Page 1

by Dakota Trace

  Benevolent Master

  Doms of Napa Valley #3


  Dakota Trace

  Trace Imaginations

  Benevolent Master © 2016 by Dakota Trace

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be access by minors.

  Trace Imaginations

  P.O. Box 195

  Marion, IA 52302

  Cover design © 2016 Dakota Trace

  First Edition November 2016

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  About the Author

  The Doms of Napa Valley


  A special thanks to those friends who have encouraged me as I struggled to work my way this story – during a time when I doubted my own believe in love. While it may still be a bit battered, it’s alive and breathing. I hope you enjoy Kaleb and Alyce’s love story. They reminded my it’s important to take a chance again – even if there’s a possibility of being hurt.


  “Excuse me? You want me to do what?” Alyce O’Connell tightened her fingers around her notebook. On the other side of the immaculate desk, Professor Gylberte toyed with a red pen. The heavy writing tool spun slowly between the woman’s elegant fingers. Not pausing at all, as if her request hadn’t just blown her student completely out of the water.

  “Look, Alyce, your thesis is great - on paper. But it’s lacking the…shall we say…chutzpah?”

  “I don’t understand.” Alyce forced herself to take deep slow breathes. She could handle this. Even if it was the last thing she’d expected when she’s arrived at her advisor’s office. She’d hoped her professor and mentor would be signing off on the rough draft of her thesis paper. It would be giving her the green light to go to the next stage. Instead, the regal older woman had demolished any hope she’d had with a few carefully crafted words.

  “You’ve got the beginnings in here.” Professor Gylberte tossed the folder containing Alyce’s thesis on the desk in front of her. “Facts, secondhand knowledge from interviews taken nearly fifteen years ago. All solid research.”

  “Of course…”

  Professor Gylberte cut her off. “However, it’s lacking any firsthand knowledge. You tout the sun-dried facts of the power exchange between those in the lifestyle, but nowhere in your thesis do you have any direct, personal knowledge.”

  Alyce stiffened. “I shouldn’t have to have personal experience in the BDSM scene to understand the dynamics of their relationships. Just a thorough knowledge base to help those in my care.” She met her advisor’s gaze head on. “It is no different than me helping a man with erectile dysfunction.”

  Reba cocked her head. “Of course not, but how are you to mentor, let alone understand, a submissive who has been abused by the very Dom she gave her complete trust in? How do you help her pick up the pieces when you don’t understand the need to submit?”

  Every word struck like an arrow to Alyce’s soul. She pressed her lips together and refused to let memories of Obed flood her. Letting her ex-husband intrude now would be beyond foolish. “Just because I’ve never been involved in the lifestyle, doesn’t mean I don’t know what it feels like to be betrayed by the one who swore to love and cherish you. BDSM or marriage, to have that trust violated…” Remembered bitterness and pain coursed through her before she forced them away. She took a deep breath. “It hurts like a bitch. Makes a person want to retreat. To never risk that kind of pain again.”

  The professor nodded. “Like you are? It’s been nearly five years. The way he treated you was a great disservice, but it’s time to move on.”

  Alyce stiffened. Now wasn’t the time for Reba to pull the concerned family friend card. They were talking about her paper, not her abysmal choice in men or lack of love life. “My personal life has nothing to do with this thesis, Professor, other than being a means to an end. Matthews and Abrahams have promised me a position in their practice as soon as I become a certified psychologist. It is a way to provide for my daughter. Anissa is…”

  “Autistic.” Her adviser put down the pen. “I know, and while your motives are understandable, I can’t sign off on your thesis the way it is.”

  Alyce dug her nails into the palms of her hands. “And you think my going to a sex club will solve things?” Her heart began to pound. All she needed was Obed to a catch a whiff of her visiting a BDSM club. He’d have her back in court so fast her head would spin.

  “Relax, I’m not suggesting you become a full member at any club, or even submit to or dominate someone.” The professor reached for a notepad on her desk.

  “Then what are you saying?” Alyce barely managed to push the words past the lump in her throat.

  “That you need to experience the atmosphere. To see with your own two eyes what happens when a Dom and sub come together.” The other woman’s eyes briefly warmed. “The connection between a well-matched Dom and their submissive is almost palpable and like nothing you’ll ever have experienced.”

  Alyce stared at her adviser. Could the woman be speaking from personal experience? Before she could open her mouth to ask, Professor Gylberte jotted down something on the tablet in front of her. Tearing it off, she wrapped it around one of her business cards.

  “I’ve written down the name of a club where I know the owner. Don’t worry, Dr. Ethan Tremaine is very discreet. Your ex won’t hear of your visit from him. Just give him my card, he’ll understand.”

  Alyce took the slip of paper and the card with trembling fingers. “And you think he’s a good place for me to start?”

  Reba nodded. “Not only is he into the lifestyle, Ethan has a thriving therapy practice in Napa Valley. While the club is very exclusive and closed to non-members, if you go this Friday you’ll be able to get in.”

  “I will?” Her response came out as a croak, even as her nipples hardened behind her padded bra. She winced, since according to her very repressed, traditional ex, orgasms were only for men and loose women.

  But tell that to her disobedient body.

nbsp; “Yes. The first Friday of every month, he holds an event called Subbie Night. One night a month he allows non-members to come into New Beginnings.”

  “Okay. I’ll do it.” She slipped the paper into her binder, before standing. She moved toward the door, when Professor Gylberte’s voice stopped her.


  She looked over her shoulder at the still seated woman. “Yes.”

  “Don’t look at this as a punishment. Your basic thesis is quite good. But I think it could be truly outstanding with a little bit more personalization.”

  “Of course.” Alyce murmured softly, even as every part of her was protesting the idea of being manipulated. She was a forty-two-year-old divorced mother of an autistic child. She should be at home, not out visiting sex clubs. She turned the knob, refusing to beg the woman for some other way.

  “Cheer up, Alyce. You might just learn there is more to life than your beautiful daughter. Sex can be fun - orgasmic even.”

  Alyce bit her lip to keep from laughing bitterly as she left Dr. Gylberte’s office. Didn’t the woman realize Alyce Louise O’Connell had never been allowed to have something as base –as forbidden as sexual pleasure?


  Subbies Night at New Beginnings

  “I thought you told me this place was loaded with kinky men, Alyce.” Her sister, Samantha, complained loud enough several heads in the line in front of them turned their way.

  Alyce groaned and wished the floor would open up and swallow her. She should’ve never let loud-mouthed Sam tag along with her. But she’d seemed so depressed when I dropped Anissa off at Mom’s. It’s not her fault George is working late again. Sometimes she swore her soft heart was gonna be the death of her. Especially at times like these, when her sister’s need for attention outweighed her common sense. Keeping her voice low, she glared at her older sibling. “I said no such thing. I told you I was doing this for school.” Not to get laid.

  Next to her, Sam crossed her arms over her chest, ignoring the pleading look Alyce had given her. “Everything you do is for school or Anissa. I should’ve realized this was going to be another one of your dull, lifeless outings. I should’ve stayed at home tonight. Even George’s lame ass attempts at sex would be better than fighting over a few men here.”

  Flushing when the small ante-room went silent around them, she placed her hand on Sam’s arm. “Sam…settle down. Please, you’re embarrassing me.”

  Sam jerked away from her touch. “Don’t you ‘Sam’ me. I need to get laid in the worst way. You said this was a sure thing.”

  The hell I did.

  “No, I didn’t. I merely told you where I was going. You invited yourself along, and I said absolutely nothing about sex or anything remotely resembling it.”

  How had Sam gotten that out of “I’m going to a club to work on my thesis?” She opened her mouth to explain once more, when a couple - a huge behemoth of a man and a slender brunette with purple streaks in her hair, appeared next to them. The man spoke first.

  “Excuse me, but I couldn't help overhearing you. Samantha, is it?”

  Alyce wanted to groan when Sam turned on the phony charm. She cringed every time she heard that cloyingly sweet, fatuous tone. It always accompanied her sister’s drunken, feeble, and usually unsuccessful attempt at flirtation.

  “Actually it is, but you can call me Sam if you'd like, handsome.” She ran her fingertips up the front of man’s shirt, ignoring his partner’s indignant hiss.

  Of course to Sam, it meant nothing if the man had arrived with a date or even his wife. If she saw a male she wanted, she went after him - despite the fact she was married. Relief flooded Alyce when the man caught Sam’s fingers. He pushed them away with a stern look. “I don't know what you were told, miss, but this isn't a pick up bar. Unless of course, you're a Domme. In that case, you need to present your voucher to Kaleb before he'll let you in.”

  Panic pushed Alyce’s former relief away. Voucher? All she had was the slip of paper Ms. Gylberte had given her.

  “What voucher are you talking about, Sexy?” Sam stalked closer to the man, lifting her hand towards him once more. The man’s expression betrayed nothing, but the way he immediately shifted out of her reach was telling.

  Unbelievable. Even when the man clearly isn’t interested, she continues to pursue him.

  A low growl escaped Sam’s prey. “The one which says he's vetted you as a Domme suited to guide Newbies.”

  Alyce wanted to groan when Sam again gave the man her practiced but equally phony pout. “What if I don't have one? Can I convince you to smuggle me in?” She tilted her head in a babyish way. “I'll even pretend to be your devoted slave. I can do things to your body that’ll rock your world.”

  Of course, her response set off the man’s partner. “Master?”


  Several curses flowed through her mind as she stepped up to grab Sam. The damned woman was going to get them thrown out, simply because she was horny.

  Sam’s prey gave his submissive a fond look. “Yes, cara mia?”

  “Can I have permission to kick her ass?”

  Alyce groaned, noting the way the woman held herself. It reminded her of the way her Sensei held himself. If she wasn’t mistaken the woman had some sort of martial arts background. Which meant Sam was going to get her ass handed to her, literally. And even as much as she wanted to thump her own sister, she really didn’t want Sam hurt – at least not badly. She moved between the women, but stumbled when Sam pushed her out of the way in an effort to get to the violet-haired woman.

  “Excuse me.” Sam glared at her nemesis. “I know…you didn't just say you wanted to kick my ass.”

  The submissive smirked. “Actually I did. I don't know what you thought this place was, but it’s not a hook-up joint. This is a safe place for those interested in the lifestyle to explore their desires. Not a place where you go looking for dick. If that's what you're in search of, then I suggest you try a bar downtown.”

  Sam gave her an ‘I can’t believe you’re doing this too little ole me’ look and ignored everyone else surrounding the four of them. “You're kicking me out?”

  “No, I'm kicking you out.” A slender man of mixed heritage, black with perhaps some Asian ancestry, appeared behind them. His long dreadlocks spilling over his shoulders only accented his spotless dark gray Japanese gee. “As the owner of New Beginnings, I have the right to refuse service to anyone.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. Was this Ethan Tremaine, or his partner Davis Clayton? Her online research of New Beginnings had only turned up picturesque shots of the interior of the club, and none of the elusive owners.

  Sam’s indignant screech brought her back to the present and her current predicament. With his arms folded across his chest, the pissed off owner didn’t seem impressed by Sam’s outburst.

  “What Stephanie says is correct. I run a lifestyle club. Not a meat market. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

  Sam clenched her jaw. “You can't kick me out. I paid my cover charge.”

  “Then I shall return your money.” He nodded toward another man who joined them. “Kaleb?”

  Alyce’s mouth dried out as she caught first glimpse of Kaleb. With his closely cropped dark blond hair, and the dark leathers accenting his lightly muscled but slender build, he was the epitome of what she’d one time wanted in a lover. Before Obed had soured me on sex. She bit her lip, and shoved the painful memory of ex-husband back into its box. She wasn’t here to relive painful memories; she was here to finish her thesis.

  “These ladies will be leaving us, so if you could see their cover charges are returned, I would be grateful.”

  “Of course, Master Ethan.” Kaleb’s expression remained blank as he gestured for the man who’d taken their money at the front door. The man detached himself from the line to join them. When Kaleb turned to speak to the man, Alyce couldn’t help but stare at the tight fit of leather cupping his ass. The man looked damned fine
in them.

  Sam’s rising curses drowned out what ever Kaleb had said to the other man. Irritated, Alyce did something she rarely did. She grabbed Sam’s arm, then gave it a rough shake. “Stop it! I should have never let you come with me. It's not enough you have gotten us kicked out of yet another club, but now I'm not going to be able get my research. I ought to kick your butt myself for being such an evil witch.”

  “Just try it, little sister.” Sam jerked her arm away, before swinging wildly at her.

  From the corner of her eye, Alyce saw Stephanie step forward as if to protect her, but Ethan was faster, stepping between her and Sam. He caught Sam’s fist with ease. The scowl on his face was frightening. If she’d been his submissive, she’d have been cowering at his feet begging his forgiveness.

  “Enough! I'm not about to let you get into a physical altercation at my club, young lady.”

  Sam shrieked. “Don't touch me, asshole! Who needs this lousy club, anyway? It's not even remotely close to town. Not only is it too far to drive to get fucked, who'd want to in a musty old barn?”

  “Not you, obviously.” Ethan escorted Sam toward the exit.

  Alyce wished she could turn back time, as she followed. She should’ve kept her mouth shut about where she was going. Now, she’d lost her opportunity to finish her thesis. All because Sam’s pissed at George for working late again. It just wasn’t fair. Alyce was the good girl. She did what was expected of her. Why couldn’t she have just gotten the information she needed?

  “Here's your money.” The husky timber of Kaleb’s voice washed over her, as he stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm. “While it’s a shame, I do believe it’d be best if you'd leave for now.”

  Alyce nodded, as she took the money from him with trembling fingers. “Perhaps. Thank you, Master Kaleb.” Alyce tried to hide her nervousness about being so close to a real life Dom as she tucked a piece of ginger hair behind her ear, then lowered her eyes to the left. Her need to be respectful rode her hard, as she fell back on the most basic fundamentals of the lifestyle. “I'm truly sorry about my sister’s behavior tonight. She's been going through a rough time with her husband. However, that’s no excuse to act the way she did.”


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